Being the Bikers' Old Lady

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Being the Bikers' Old Lady Page 5

by Marla Monroe

  Delta fell asleep thinking about the good times with her mom and Cassidy at birthday parties and the big biker meals the women put out on special occasions. Her life had been good. What would it be like now?

  At some point as she slept, her dreams turned a more sexy shade of color as Butch and Walker took over and gave new meaning to her fantasies. She’d never thought about being between two men before. In fact, she really hadn’t known that bikers would do that considering how possessive of their women they were.

  As they gave her the most amazing orgasms in her dreams, Delta prayed she would never wake up and lose the excitement and pleasure she was experiencing. Waking up would put her right back into real life where dreams got shattered and hopes were dashed right out of your hands. There in the amazing dreams she was having she didn’t have a care in the world or the need to be stronger than everyone else. She could just be herself and have faults like other people. Delta felt like a real woman for once.

  Chapter Four

  Butch met Reece’s eyes with unease. The bastard was up to something. He could always tell when Reece had something up his sleeve. The man thrived on excitement. Dom didn’t look the least bit worried. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say the pres had a part in whatever Reece was going to say.

  He nudged Walker’s boot with the toe of his own and leaned into him. “Something’s up.”

  Walker whispered back, “Yeah. Caught that look in Reece’s eyes. Don’t go ballistic whatever it is. He’s waiting for you to. You know how he likes getting you riled up, brother.”

  Butch just gave a slight nod as he and Walker along with most of the rest of the brothers stood waiting for their leaders to talk. The fact that they’d had an impromptu meeting while he and Walker had been settling Delta into their room said he wasn’t going to like it.

  “Settle down,” Reece said, lifting his hands to catch everyone’s attention in the back.

  “I’m sure everyone’s heard that we have a new woman in the club. She’s not one of our friendly ladies. She’s under our protection as a favor to Knuckles. I think some of you remember him. He helped us with some issues we ran into before we forged a pact, an agreement with The Dixie Devils. He was integral to obtaining the pact in the first place. So, we owed him. Even if we hadn’t, we would have offered the help had he just asked.” Dominic stepped back, and Reece took over.

  “Delta is the sister to Knuckles’s old lady. She’s got some nut job after her. He’s indicated that he isn’t afraid to kill her. She doesn’t think he’ll go out of his way to look for her, but until we have confirmation of that, she’s protected. Understood?” Reece asked, looking each of the men he could see in the eye.

  There were a few rumbles, but to Butch, it sounded more like disappointment that she wasn’t available than anything. He looked at a few of them himself but saw nothing that worried him. The few who might be a problem were in the back, and he couldn’t see them. If needed, he and Walker would make sure they understood and agreed to stay away from her.

  Reece continued. “Butch and Walker will be taking care of her. They’ve taken a liking to her already, and since she’s in danger, they don’t want to take chances where she’s concerned. They’ve claimed her as their old lady. Is that understood?”

  Butch felt his jaw drop. What? Walker turned surprised eyes in his direction. Though they had already agreed they liked her and wanted her between them, they hadn’t really discussed anything more than that. There hadn’t been much time to sit down and have a fucking heart-to-heart yet.

  “Reece. Maybe we should discuss this,” he started saying.

  “If you weren’t serious, Turk has already mentioned that he and Irish were interested in her. I guess I misunderstood what you were telling us—” Reece was interrupted when Walker spoke out loud and clear.

  “Hell no! She’s ours,” he snapped out, then lowered his voice a bit. “But considering what we already know about her, we should have talked to her about it before you announced it to everyone else.”

  Reece shrugged and spoke softly. “It’s our way of protection, or she will have to find another way. If we’re going to keep her safe, she has to have the status of an old lady or a sweet butt. I don’t think she would like being a sweet butt, Walker. What do you think?”

  Butch winced. What in the hell were they going to do when she found out? What did it mean for any future they might have decided they really did want with her? Walker acted as if he’d already made up his mind, but Walker had always been an all-in or out kind of guy. He gave 100 percent to anything he went about doing. That was one of the reasons the ladies loved him so much.

  Hell, they put up with me just to have him. Who am I kidding?

  “So, this means there’s going to be a celebration to not only welcome her into the club but to congratulate the three of them for becoming a family,” Dom said with a warm smile. “Guys, we’ll have her jacket fixed for you. You’ve got plenty to do to keep her safe.”

  “And I suppose letting her in on the fact that she’s your old lady might be a good idea before someone else talks to her,” Reece pointed out with a shit-eating-grin.

  “Just wait until River finds out what you two have done,” Butch told them with a sly smile. “I’m sure she isn’t going to be happy to hear how you tricked someone into being our old lady.”

  Dom and Reece both had the smarts to look worried. They might be the president and vice president of The Ghost Riders, but River was their old lady and was pregnant at that. She would tear them a new one, and Butch was going to make damn sure she heard it as soon as he could get on the phone.

  Unfortunately he and Walker got swallowed up by the club members offering their congratulations with enough laughter to make him hate the sound. Not only were they now pretty much married to a woman they barely knew, but they had to tell her about it, and they had to put up with essentially being the butt of a serious joke they had to go along with in order to keep Delta safe.

  “Fuck!” Butch snapped as soon as they’d managed to get away from the crowd.

  “This is screwed up. You know that, don’t you?” Walker snarled.

  “Hell, yes. I’m going to get Reece if it’s the last thing I do. Little sneaky bastard.” Butch dialed Raven’s number again but still got a busy signal.

  He had no doubt that one of Raven’s men had gotten in touch with her first and were keeping her on the phone until the other one made it home to keep Butch or Walker from talking to her. They couldn’t keep her sequestered from the club for long. Eventually he would get to talk to her. No matter what they might have told her, she’d be outraged when she found out that not only had he and Walker not known what they planned to do, but Delta was clueless as well.

  “We better talk to Delta before someone decides to make our lives even shittier than they already are right now,” Walker said with a long suffering sigh. “Hell, I had plans that would have worked to get her in our bed. Now she’ll resist even if she has to sleep sitting on a chair.”

  They walked through the kitchen, then down the hall on the right. He smiled. If they were a family, it meant they could take over one of the suites. If they had to live through this with all the jabs and stuff, they’d at least get more room. He would make sure Dom and Reece handled that right away. This time when he dialed, it was Dom’s number.

  “Keep trying River’s number while I talk to Dom,” Butch told his friend as they almost reached the door to their room.

  They stopped a few feet from it as they each listened to their phones ring. He could tell that Walker had gotten a busy signal, but Dom’s rang through. That meant that Reece was the one on the phone.

  “What?” Dom asked as his answer.

  “If you’re insisting we do this, we want one of the suites,” Butch demanded. “She’s already refusing to sleep with us. Now we’re going to have to tell her this? We want compensation and a way to give her more room to feel comfortable.”

  Dom’s chuckle o
n the other end of the phone made him madder. Before he could say anything else though, Dom spoke. “We’ve already got the ladies cleaning up the one we normally keep open for any visitors who come through. It’s the safest one anyway. It should be ready for you to move in another hour.”

  “Fine. Thanks.” Butch hated saying thanks when he was so pissed off, but Dom had obviously thought about the need for more room.

  “Still a busy signal on River’s phone. We might as well wait and catch her when they won’t be expecting it,” Walker said.

  “Hell, we might as well forget it altogether. They’re going to spin it to their way no matter what we say.” Butch stuck his cell back in the holder on his belt. “Might as well go in and tell her the great news.”

  They both stopped in the doorway at the sight of Delta curled on her side in the middle of their bed. He looked around the room and found the empty plastic bins stacked next to her closet. He and Walker looked at each other before silently stepping all the way inside the room. Walker closed the door with barely a sound.

  While Walker eased cautiously toward the bed, Butch turned to the closet he’d cleared for her and stepped inside. He flipped on the light and inhaled her scent. It hadn’t taken long for it to overwhelm the one he’d left of leather and gun oil. When he’d moved his hanging clothes, he’d moved all of his weapons as well. He found that he liked the different scent.

  The clothes she’d hung up were mostly dressy and expensive ones. He fingered the lace on the sleeve of one of them, then cursed beneath his breath as he snatched his hand back. He hoped to hell he hadn’t gotten something on it. When he looked, he didn’t see any sign of grease or dirt. Breathing a sigh of relief, he took another look at her shoes before walking out and closing the door.

  Walker stood at the foot of the bed just staring down at her. The look on his face was more relaxed than he’d ever seen on his friend. Despite being much more laid-back than Butch was, Walker had always had an underlying tenseness to him that he’d never seen him without, even in sleep, until now. He just stared at the man’s face, amazed at what he saw. It changed him.

  The other man looked over at him and smiled. “She’s really pretty, you know? I mean, besides her eyes, she has the cutest face. It’s round and sweet.”

  “Yeah. I like that she’s not a beanpole. A woman’s supposed to have curves and be soft,” he agreed.

  “I don’t want to wake her up to tell her what Dom and Reece have gone and done. I like watching her sleep with that sweet look on her face. Don’t you?” he asked.

  “Yeah. But we have to tell her before someone else does,” Butch reminded his friend.

  “Later. I want to lay next to her and inhale the way her hair smells. It’s got a mint scent to it I think.”

  “Guess it wouldn’t hurt anything. We can tell her after she wakes up. That should be soon enough,” Butch said.

  Together, they carefully crawled up on the bed until they were on either side of her, close enough to touch her skin or the silky tresses that spread out over her face. He watched as Walker reached out and carefully brushed the loose strands off her eyes and around her ear. She didn’t as much as stir.

  More than likely she hadn’t had a lot of rest since she’d left home days earlier. From what the guys who’d unloaded her car had said, she’d been sleeping in it as well. It was surprising that learning that had upset him so much. That was before he and Walker had even met her. They couldn’t have prevented it when they didn’t know her at all. What was it about the woman other than the way she looked that had his head all twisted up?

  Butch inhaled and realized that Walker was right. She must use something minty in her hair. It smelled amazing. He couldn’t stop himself from dipping his head close to the skin of her neck and breathing in.

  Heaven. Dear God. She smells like warm spring days and a cool breeze on hot summer nights.

  There was no way they could let anyone else get this close to her. They’d want her for their own. To be able to smell freedom and happiness like he did now would drive most of the club members to try to take her from them. She was a unique person, a woman who knew the biker life, but had lived outside it for several years. They wouldn’t have to explain nearly as many things to her as most newcomers like River and Raven and to some degree, Ginger.

  He closed his eyes and inhaled again. Another wave of contentment poured over him. He lifted his head a bit to see Walker on the other side of her. He met the other man’s eyes and saw a fierceness that would have worried Butch if he hadn’t felt that same thing deep in his heart. No one would touch her while they cared for her. He saw possessiveness in Walker’s eyes, but Butch wasn’t sure if he could go that far yet.

  I don’t know if I’m ready to make that change in my life. Taking on an old lady changes everything. Not only would I be celibate except with her, but anything I might decide to do that wasn’t strictly club business I would have to discuss with her as well as Walker.

  Butch wasn’t exactly sure how he felt. He needed time. There was no doubt he was sexually attracted to her, but was there more to it than that? He couldn’t deny how good it had felt to be near her when she’d been awake or how much her scent spoke to him. Only time would tell if there was more to her than what his body was attracted to. It was his heart and his head that needed to be on board. A lifetime was a long time to pledge to one person.

  Even as he snuggled as close to Delta as he could without risking she might wake up, Butch worried he might make a bad decision where she was concerned based on his attraction to her. The club came first, but once you took an old lady, the club put the women first. Where did he and Walker stand with Delta and the club now? It was something they needed to talk to Dom and Reece about and soon.

  They needed to know exactly where things stood in this pretend biker marriage Reece and Dom had roped them into before something happened to make them question their choices.

  Delta moaned and moved in her sleep. Butch froze. When she pushed her ass back until it lay temptingly against his already hard cock Butch had to bite back a curse so as not to wake the woman up. That’s all they needed was for her to wake up with them in bed with her.

  Fuck! She’s going to wake up soon and find us in here with her anyway. I’m screwed unless I can get up now without her waking up. Damn Walker for talking me into this.

  But Butch couldn’t really blame the other man. He’d already been thinking about climbing up there next to her when Walker suggested it. Now he was regretting it. They needed to have gotten on her good side before they told her what was going on. Just as he started to roll off the bed, Delta curved one leg backward to rest over one of his.

  Well, damn. Now what?

  He lay perfectly still in hopes she wouldn’t wake up. Then he remained still, thinking she might change positions again and would move her leg. Then he could sneak off the bed and convince Walker to do the same.

  It wasn’t long until the sounds of their breathing lulled him into a semi-wakeful state where he was relaxed but still aware of everything around him. It was how he sometimes slept when they were staking out something or someone. He felt comfortable there and thought he would know when she moved so he could get off the bed. But it was much too comfortable and the dangers were not all that serious. Butch fell completely asleep.

  * * * *

  Delta felt so warm and comfortable that she didn’t want to open her eyes. Unfortunately, she needed to pee, so she didn’t have much choice. The pillow she was wrapped around was the best body pillow she’d ever owned before. Where had she found this one?

  When she finally relented and opened one eye, Delta nearly screamed. She was wrapped around Walker with one leg over his hips and her front plastered to his back. The warm feeling from behind would pretty much have to be Butch.

  Oh, God! Is that his dick I feel pressed against my ass? It’s huge!

  If she hadn’t needed the bathroom so badly, Delta would have remained where she was and pret
ended to be asleep until they woke up and moved. At least they were all wearing clothes. How long had she slept? Was it nighttime? With Walker’s huge body in front of her, Delta couldn’t see over him enough to know what it looked like outside the window. Since she’d never worn a watch, depending on her cell for the time, she couldn’t check her watch either.

  Another painful urge reminded her she didn’t have a choice. She was going to have to move. Delta slowly pulled her leg off of Walker’s thigh, then tried to slither down the bed without waking them up. She had nearly made it to the bottom when one of them grunted and moved.

  “Now that’s just mean, sweetness,” Walker said in a husky voice.

  “What?” Butch’s sleepy voice was pussy-slicking sexy.

  “Delta’s scooting out of bed leaving us in it together. I almost rolled over and wrapped my arm around you, bro,” Walker said in an amused voice.

  “The hell, you say. Delta has a spanking coming her way, then,” Butch said without sounding the least bit amused.

  “Sorry. I’ve got to go to the bathroom. Then we need to talk about this. I’ll be right back.” She finished scooting off the bed and made a beeline for the door.

  Butch was already there waiting on her. His just-awakened look was amusing, and she had to bite back laughter at the way his short hair was slightly less perky on the side he’d been lying on.

  “Um, I really need to go.” She reached out for the doorknob, but he kept his hand on it.

  “I’m going with you, darling Delta.” He grinned now, sleep slipping away that fast.

  He opened the door before she could say anything and after looking out into the hall, escorted her to the bathroom at the end. “I’ll be right outside when you get finished.”

  “Is that really necessary?” she asked with a huff.


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