Being the Bikers' Old Lady

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Being the Bikers' Old Lady Page 11

by Marla Monroe

  “Trust me, babe. It will be a tight fit, but you can take it. You control how fast you go. Just ease down at first. You’ll see.” Walker’s control was slipping. She could see the ache in his eyes now.

  Delta whimpered as she lifted and positioned her entrance above his thick dick. Walker held the shaft still while she slowly sank down, letting just the tip of the mushroom head slide through her pussy lips. The second her hot juices touched his equally hot cock, they both sighed in relief. It gave her the courage to take more of him inside of her and the sensation of his thick hard shaft entering her cunt almost made her lose control and let go of the control she was trying to maintain over her body.

  “Yeah. That’s it, baby. So fucking hot and wet. It’s like sticking my dick in a tight glove filled with warm molasses,” Walker groaned out.

  “Dude, do you have to talk about food in the same sentence as your cock? That’s just gross, man.” Butch made a choking sound.

  “Shut the fuck up. You’ll see what I’m talking about later. Right now, I’m enjoying every inch she takes inside of her. She’s massaging my dick like a fucking pro.” Walker’s hands moved to Delta’s hips.

  “Don’t. You said I could control it,” she hissed out at the first touch of his warm hands.

  “Not doing anything. Just holding on for dear life, baby girl. It feels so fucking good I’m afraid I’ll lose control.” Walker’s fingers sank into her hips, massaging them as she hissed out in a painful pleasure that threatened to consume her.

  “Oh, God, Walker. Just fuck me. I can’t stand it anymore. Fuck me!” she screamed as she released her control of her body and took the rest of his hard, muscled cock into her cunt.

  Delta lost all track of what was going on around her as Walker began rocking up into her with long hard thrusts of his hips. Each pass of his cockhead through her tender tissues, sent a wave of pleasure crashing into her over and over.

  It took her a few minutes to realize that Butch was playing with her ass behind her. She hadn’t even felt him when he’d thrust two lubed fingers deep in her back hole. It wasn’t until he began stretching her in earnest that she recognized what he was doing. The really strange part about it was that he wasn’t hurting her at all. She felt the odd pinch or pull, but nothing like it had been before.

  “How are you doing, darling? Am I hurting you? I felt you tighten around my fingers,” Butch said.

  “No,” she finally managed to get out. “Not hurting, just weird feeling.”

  “Good. Don’t fight me, Delta. Just relax and let me get you prepared. I’ve already stretched you to two fingers without a problem. Your ass was made for fucking, darling. You just needed someone to show you.” She could hear the longing in Butch’s voice. He wanted her, and she’d told him no, but he wasn’t pushing her.

  Walker’s thrusts pulled her back to how his fat dick was rasping across her pussy tissues so that her body was on fire. She wanted more, faster, but knew she couldn’t really take it like she wanted to. At least she couldn’t this first time.

  The pinch of Butch’s fingers in her ass drew her back to what he was doing behind her. She could feel lube slipping from her back hole as he thrust three fingers in and out of her. She knew it was three because it was more than the two she’d just gotten accustomed to. She couldn’t believe he had three of his fat fingers in her ass and it wasn’t killing her. He really was good.

  I am totally not thinking about letting him fuck me there. It’s too soon. Just because I can take three fingers doesn’t mean I’m ready. It’s not just about the damn cock reaming my ass. It’s a lot more personal than fucking my pussy.

  But before she knew it, Delta was begging him to fuck her ass. He’d stirred up a dark need, an ancient itch she’d never known she had before. Had all of this that she was finding out about herself always been there, and these two men were unleashing it, or was it something that her body just latched on to with meeting them?

  “Darling, you already told me you didn’t want to yet. You wanted to see how you did with playing first. I’m not going to take advantage of you like this.” Butch sounded like it was killing him to say those words. Maybe it was.

  “Fuck that! I need you both inside of me. It’s not enough. I need more, Butch. Please don’t say no.” Delta couldn’t believe this was her begging the man to take her ass.

  “Delta, I really think we should wait…”

  “No! I can’t wait. I’ve got to have this. Please, Butch,” she begged.

  “Man, she’s so wet I’m just sliding in and out of her. She’s serious. She wants you to do it,” Walker told the other man.

  Delta didn’t care what it took, she was dying inside. A giant balloon filled to bursting, needing that pin to prick it and release all the pressure. She needed Butch to be that prick that gave her the boost she needed to climax. As it was, the pressure was just building and building to the point that now she was almost afraid to come. She was sure she’d lose herself completely.

  “Delta, are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you,” Butch was saying.

  “I’m sure. Please, Butch.”

  “You stop me if you need to, darling. I won’t get mad. Just don’t let me hurt you,” Butch said as he removed his fingers.

  Several long seconds passed as Walker stopped his thrusting to allow Butch to enter her without taking the chance that his upward push would force Delta back into Butch too fast.

  The sound of a condom wrapper tearing open, then the snap of a top from the lube probably, she was thinking. Cold lube landed on the top of her ass before she felt Butch dragging his cock through it and down to her back hole. She tensed with the first touch of his covered cock at her ass.

  “Relax for me, Delta. When you feel me pressing against you, push back and bear down. We’ll go slow,” Butch told her.

  At the first press of his cock at her back opening, Delta concentrated on relaxing her body and pressing down. There wasn’t any pain at first, just a hot pressure there. Then as he began to push through the muscled ring, there was a brief bite of pain that turned into a burn then slowly faded away.

  “Are you okay, Delta? Tell me or I’m stopping,” Butch said, the strain in his voice very pronounced.

  “I’m okay. Don’t stop, Butch. Please, I’m really okay,” she said.

  God, was that her? I sound like a whiney three-year-old. I can’t believe I’m begging him to screw me in the ass. I have to be drugged or something.

  The thought of the drug being used on the woman at the bar had her panic for a second, but she reminded herself that they hadn’t given her anything, and she could still tell them no. She was still in charge. Well, sort of. Her body’s needs seemed to have wrested control from her at this point.

  Seemingly he took her at her word and continued to tunnel into her dark rosette until she felt his pelvis against her ass and thighs. How in the world had he gotten all of that inside of her ass? She felt full with both men pressed deep inside of her. The pressure continued to build as they slowly started moving in and out of her on opposite sides. When Walker pushed up into her cunt, Butch pulled back. They seesawed in and out of her in slow perfect rhythm.

  Delta groaned and shoved back when Butch pushed forward, then pressed down as Walker thrust up. She needed more and faster but didn’t have a voice to demand it. Instead, she tried to tell them with her body. She was suffocating, choking on them and the need to climax.

  “Ah, hell, Walker, she’s squeezing the life out of my dick. I’m never going to be the same after this. I’ve got to move. I can’t stand this pace. It’s killing me,” Butch said in a hoarse voice as if he’d been screaming for hours.

  “I’m right with you. If we don’t pick up the pace, I’m going to die of need. I can fucking feel it in my balls. It’s burning me up,” Walker agreed.

  The two men began pounding in and out of her just like she needed it, just like she’d tried to tell them. It felt so damn good that when her climax hit her, she wasn’t prepare
d. She lost her breath, and then she lost consciousness.

  Chapter Eight

  Butch’s balls ached as he’d just finished a marathon jerk-off session. He’d never been this wrung out after sex before. Then neither had he gotten to the point that he wanted his climax to stop before he passed out, either. Delta had completely wrung him dry. She was fucking amazing, and any thoughts he’d had of backing away and letting Walker have her on his own vanished the second she’d trusted him to take her ass.

  It wasn’t about the actual sex, though, that had been mind-blowing. It was that feeling of control and responsibility all rolled up into one when she’d trusted him with something she’d already had a bad experience with. She’d effectively given him a gift more precious than her virginity or her love. Trust was a difficult thing to give to another. It was a rare gift and freely given by her to him. Butch vowed to live up to that trust for as long as they could convince her to stay with them.

  Yeah, I told Walker that I wasn’t sure about this, but there’s no doubt in my mind that she’s the right one. Officially she’s already our old lady, but I want it to be permanent with her wanting it just as much.

  Butch kissed Delta’s back from the nape of her neck to as low down her spine as he could manage with them still connected like they were. She didn’t move or respond with so much as a sigh.

  “Delta, darling? You okay?” he asked.

  When she didn’t respond, Walker opened his eyes and pushed her up from where she’d collapsed against his shoulder after her climax.

  “Is she okay, man?” Butch asked.

  “I think she passed out. She’s breathing, but her eyes are closed, and she’s limp as a sleeping kitten. Get up, and let’s make her comfortable,” Walker said.

  Butch carefully pulled from her, managing to hold on to the condom so he didn’t spill it all over them. “Be right back,” he said.

  He disposed of the condom, then dampened two washcloths, one with warm water and the other with cold. When he returned to the bed, Walker had Delta lying on her back in the middle of the bed, but she still had her eyes closed.

  “She hasn’t come to yet?” he asked, worried that she’d been hurt and passed out from the pain.

  “Not yet,” Walker said in a carefully neutral voice. “Clean her up down there, and I’ll wipe down her face and neck. If she doesn’t come around by then, I’ll get Cassius. He’s got the medical background. He may be able to help.”

  It only took a few swipes of the wet cloths across her body, with one of them at one end and the other tending to her at the other end. Butch breathed out a sigh of relief when she stirred and swiped at them with her hands as they cleaned her up.

  “Hey there, baby girl. Talk to us. Are you okay? Did we hurt you?” Walker asked.

  Butch held his breath as they waited for her to answer them. Walker popped her lightly on the side of her thigh when she hummed at them but didn’t answer their questions.

  “What?” she demanded without opening her eyes.

  “Are you okay? Did we hurt you?” Walker tried again.

  “Fine. No problem. I’m sleepy. Leave me alone now,” she whined just before a snore slipped from her.

  Walker grinned at him. “Sounds like she’s okay to me. Let’s shower, then go check on the party plans while she sleeps. If I stay in bed with her, I’m going to get horny all over again. After being inside of her, feeling all that passion, it won’t take much more than a touch, and I’m going to be ready for another round.”

  “As much as I want to say, not me, I’m not so sure anymore. That shit’s addicting,” Butch admitted.

  Walker grinned. “You first, and then I’ll clean up while you dress.”

  Butch didn’t take long to clean up and dry off. He stepped out of the bathroom and nodded at Walker that it was all his. Then he dressed as quietly as possible. He didn’t want to disturb her. She needed the rest. He had no doubt she’d be working long hours for the next few weeks getting the bar up and going. They’d have to make sure she got plenty to eat and enough rest so she would be able to function.

  By the time he’d dressed and straightened up the room, Walker had emerged from the bathroom and started pulling on jeans. They’d agreed not to talk and disturb Delta until they were outside the suite. Butch had a lot he wanted to talk about, too. Mainly that he didn’t want to give her a chance to leave them.

  He might not have been comfortable with claiming her at first, but she’d somehow managed to get under his skin in no time at all. There was just something about Delta that made him want to be a part of her life. Seeing her handle herself like she had at the bar had made his balls burn with a need to be inside her like nothing he’d ever felt before. She wasn’t a weak person who waited for someone else to handle a problem. Instead, she figured out what needed to be done and took care of it herself.

  That would have to change some in the future because he didn’t want her to get hurt, and he wanted her to trust them enough to take care of things for her. He had no intentions of trying to change any part of her, especially that inner strength she carried around her like a shield. All he wanted was for her to be safe and happy. Somehow they would figure out a way to make it work for all three of them.

  As soon as Walker had closed the door to the room behind them, Butch opened his mouth to speak, but his friend managed to beat him to it.

  “She’s ours, Butch. Once this threat is over with, she’s not going anywhere if I can help it,” Walker said.

  “I agree.” Butch followed the other man down the hall to the kitchen where preparations were underway for the party.

  “I was beginning to wonder. You didn’t really want to be tied down with her at first.” Walker stopped just inside the common area doorway and looked over his shoulder. “There’s a lot more to her than just some chick we’re banging or keeping tabs on. You get that, right?”

  “Yeah. I wasn’t ready to settle down at first,” he began. “I didn’t want some whiney-ass piece of fluff making demands and fussing about every little thing we did. Didn’t have anything to do with curbing the pussy.”

  “I know. I get it, and letting someone else inside of your head and your heart is tricky business. You can’t be in a relationship like this without it happening,” Walker agreed.

  “Safer to keep it light and limited to one or two nights. Women want security and stability. Even the ones who know the lifestyle want that to some degree. I wasn’t ready for that,” Butch told him.

  “And you are now.” Walker made it a statement.

  “Yeah. I’m ready now. She’s not like that. She’s intelligent and cool under pressure. Delta isn’t one of those kind of women who expects to be waited on hand and foot.” Butch shrugged. “So you’re down with keeping her?” he asked.

  Walker strolled deeper into the large living area to where Rhodes and Vernon were carrying additional kegs of beer to the bar. Butch nearly growled when his friend didn’t answer him at first.

  His friend stopped to let Rhodes by, then hopped up on one of the stools before turning his back to the bar and leaning against it. A look of raw determination met Butch’s.

  “Hell, yeah! I’m all over it. She’s ours, Butch, and we aren’t letting her go. I expect there’s going to be some fireworks in store for us over this, but I’m up to the challenge. In fact, I’m counting on it. Fighting with her is going to be sexy as hell. Just think about all the make-up sex we have in store for us.” Walker chuckled and winked.

  “Man, you’ve got it all wrong,” Butch said, shaking his head.

  Walker frowned at him. “What do you mean?”

  “There’s going to be fireworks between the three of us from now on. She isn’t going to be easy to live with, brother. She’s bossy, independent, intelligent, and as stubborn as the day is long.”

  Walker grinned at him. “She is that. I’m looking forward to spanking that ass often. Love those chubby cheeks of hers.”

  Butch burst out laughing. “If
she hears you calling her ass chubby she’ll have your balls for paperweights, man. I’d be careful of what you say around her, Walker.”

  “Hey! I’m not stupid,” the other man scowled.

  “That’s debatable,” Vernon said as he walked by carrying a box of Jack Daniels behind the bar.

  “Bite me, bastard. We aren’t talking to you,” Walker barked back at the other man.

  “Got any suggestions on how to do that?” Butch asked. “Keep her with us?”

  His friend sighed. “Not really. I just know that when I’m near her, I don’t even want to think about her walking away one day. That’s a dangerous feeling for someone like us, Walker.”

  “I know. We’ll manage. We always do. Right now, the most important thing is to keep her safe and try not to piss her off so badly that she starts to sharpen knives around us.”

  “Fuck, Butch. Don’t put that image in my head. That’s just wrong, man.” Walker cupped himself before punching Butch in the arm.

  Butch didn’t even react to the punch, just shook his head and walked around to the other side of the bar to check on the progress. It looked like everything was stocked up except for the extra Diet Cokes that had been ordered. He sure as hell hoped that hadn’t gotten fucked up. It was Delta’s preferred beverage. It sure was odd that most of the old ladies there liked that crap. At least they weren’t having to keep a bunch of different soft drinks stocked.

  “Who’s manning the grill?” Walker asked Rhodes when the other man returned with two cases of Diet Coke.

  “Reece and Merrick. Cassius and Turk are making a run to the store for something.” Rhodes set his load on top of the bar.

  “Got ice yet?” Walker asked the other man.

  “Three coolers out back. Want to help me bring them in so we can ice down the beer?” Rhodes asked.

  Walker slid off the stool and followed the other man out through the garage’s office door leaving Butch standing there thinking about what it would take to get Delta to want to remain with them when the danger to her life was over. While they were comfortably set financially, they weren’t rich. He was sure that even though she didn’t appear to be uncomfortable living in the clubhouse, she probably wanted something a little nicer if she were going to live in it for the rest of her life.


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