Under His Command (Six-Alarm Sexy)

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Under His Command (Six-Alarm Sexy) Page 12

by Kristine Cayne

She didn’t have to stay in that embarrassing position if she didn’t want to. Jamie would never know if she had obeyed him the entire time or not. But if she didn’t, if she pretended to obey, wasn’t that defeating the whole purpose? He was trusting her; she needed to trust him. She claimed she wanted him to be in charge; now was the time to prove it.

  Kneeling, she returned to the position he’d left her in and gripped the edges of the table. If there was a chance this experience could save their marriage, she’d take whatever he had to give.

  As though he’d heard her thoughts, the vibrations restarted, strong and escalating. He could control the intensity and pattern too? The vibrations slowed and sped up, over and over, growing in strength and shortening in duration.

  Her hips began to pump, driven by the punishing assault. Never before had she thought she could derive such sensual pleasure from her butt. Would it feel as good to have Jamie take her this way? He wanted to. He’d made that clear in their talk about must-haves. A pang of fear made her belly clench. Jamie was a lot bigger than the little toy inside her.

  The vibrations began pulsing on and off, rippling up her spine. She shivered and goose bumps broke out all over her body in a wave. Her hips jerked and she bumped against the table over and over again, the coolness of the wood making her heated clitoris throb. Oh, my! She could sense the slickness between her thighs, could smell her arousal, overpowering the scent of the candles Jamie had lit. Unbelievably, she was on the verge of coming.

  As she prepared to let herself go, to plunge into the abyss of sensation, Jamie’s admonishment echoed in her mind: Self-pleasuring is not permitted. Unless I order it. She stilled. He hadn’t ordered her to come, but he was the one controlling the vibrations. If she orgasmed this way, would she be disobeying him? She hadn’t touched herself, technically. But she hadn’t exactly followed his “Don’t move” order either.

  The vibrations stopped and she sank against the table to regroup. She knew they’d start up again. Jamie wasn’t finished having fun with her. A minute later, they returned, a mild tingling. Behind the blindfold, she screwed her eyes shut and concentrated on staying as still as possible, on absorbing the exquisite torturous shocks. Her entire world narrowed down to one area, one sense. Everything magnified, heightened.

  Her eyes almost rolled back in her head as the vibrations sped up, turning the lower half of her body into the Devil’s playground, Jamie’s playground. She had to resist the mounting pressure, the spiraling need. Sheep. That was it. She’d count sheep.

  One sheep. Two sheep.

  She imagined them jumping over a low white picket fence.

  Three sheep. Four sheep.

  “Ahhh!” she groaned over the music as the vibrations reached a crescendo. She was on the tipping point when the vibrator turned off. Shaken and exhausted from her efforts, she sprawled onto the table. If Jamie tried to put her through another round, she’d lose the battle against her impending climax for sure.

  Out of nowhere, hands clasped her hips. The maintenance man! Her heart raced and a scream tore from her throat.

  “Shh… It’s me,” he murmured next to her ear.

  “Oh, thank God,” she said, pressing her forehead against the cool wood as adrenaline flowed out of her. She was safe. With Jamie. And now that she knew some random resort employee wasn’t holding her naked butt, the thrill of having Jamie’s hands on her again renewed her waning energy.

  “Had fun?” he asked.

  The beer on his breath and the amusement in his voice set the tone for her response. “Not nearly enough,” she said. He’d brought her to the brink, then stopped. Had that been his goal? What had he called it? Orgasm denial. Bastard. Then again, he hadn’t come either.

  “Are you ready for more… fun?”

  Pride be damned. She needed him. Licking her lips, she laid everything on the line. “I’m ready for you, Jamie. So very ready.” It seemed like forever since she’d been in his arms, felt that incredible rasp of hard flesh.

  “Soon, Mrs. Caldwell.” He stepped back and trailed his hand across her sensitized bottom. The heat of his fingers seared her. She sucked in a breath and prayed he wouldn’t make her wait too much longer.

  Five sheep. Six sheep.

  Hearing the rustling of Jamie’s bag of toys, her nerves rioted. What other surprise had he planned for her?

  Suddenly, he was behind her, removing the blindfold. He took her hands and drew her up so she sat on her heels. Then placing small sweet kisses on her skin, he massaged the prickles out of her arms. When he arrived at her shoulders, he continued nibbling his way up her neck, her ears, her chin before finally—finally!—landing on her lips. He nipped the bottom one, then sealed their mouths together in a heated kiss. She hooked her still tingling arms around his neck and reveled in his desire for her. Too soon, he released her lips and stared into her eyes, his own burning pools of blue. With a muttered curse, he swung her into his arms and carried her across the room to the bed.

  He set her down on her back. “Keep your knees up,” he said, hopping down to the living area. He snagged the bag of toys off the couch and moments later crawled onto the bed. Her brain raced, trying to keep up with him. Before she knew it, he was kissing her again, his tongue plundering her mouth, consuming her. He was like a starving man, and she rejoiced. This was the Jamie she’d wanted.

  “I’m going to restrain you.” His low, throaty voice and his chest rising and falling with his rapid breaths made her tremble, evidence of his barely contained desire. She wasn’t certain how she’d like being tied up, but the spark of excitement in his eyes told her she’d enjoy his reaction to it. He waited while she debated with herself. When she nodded, his hands snaked behind her back and her bra was undone and removed before she could do more than gape. He plunged his hand into his magician’s bag of tricks and withdrew two long silk scarves. Did he have a bunny in there too? She pressed her lips together to trap the giggle that threatened to escape. A mood killer for sure.

  His brow furrowed in concentration, Jamie tied a slipknot around her wrist, then tied the other end to the bedpost. Once he’d done the same to her other arm, he sat back and stared at her. Red marked his cheekbones and his eyes darkened like a stormy sky. She wanted to laugh at his strained expression. Her rescue team lieutenant might need a rescue of his own tonight.

  As though on fire, he leapt off the bed, startling her. He made quick work of removing his shirt and pants, dropping them to the floor, but he kept his tight black boxers on. She didn’t know whether to pout or take a picture. Even at thirty-three, with his broad shoulders and rippling abs, her husband could easily grace the cover of any firefighter calendar.

  She tried to beckon him to her, but stopped when the bindings at her wrists dug into her skin. “Ow!” she said, wincing.

  “Stay still.” Frowning, he ran a finger around the edge of the scarf, as though testing its tightness. “We wouldn’t want this to leave a mark.”

  Although his tone was mild, the heat flickering in his gaze belied his words. Her stomach clenched with panic. Did she really believe that he wouldn’t hurt her?

  As she continued to watch him in silence, he leaned over her and touched his lips to hers. “Trust me,” he whispered, turning her inside out, upside-down. This was exactly what she’d asked for—begged for, in fact—wasn’t it?

  When she tilted her head in assent, he smiled and began tracing a path of kisses along her neck. He grazed her collarbone with his teeth and nipped at her shoulder. Shivers raced up and down her body. She struggled to keep as still and as quiet as possible, but she lost that battle when he turned his head and brushed her upper chest and breasts with his soft hair. He knew what that did to her. She moaned loudly and arched her back, writhing beneath him, wanting to clasp his head and rub his hair over her aching nipples again and again. But she couldn’t. Her helplessness was excruciating and exquisite.

  Jamie lay an arm across her hips, pinning her to the mattress, before latching on to her rig
ht breast. His tongue lashed the taut peak and his teeth raked the puckered areola. When he sucked her nipple deep inside his hot mouth, an arrow of pure bliss shot to her core. As though sensing it, he reached between her legs and slid his fingers into her folds. “You’re so wet for me,” he whispered.

  His voice, rough and pleased, left her throbbing and needy. Before she could form a response, his lips closed over her breast, the suction so intense she screamed. At the same time, he plunged two fingers inside her, making slow circles against her ready walls. He twisted his fingers, pressing down toward the bed... toward the vibrator. How could she have forgotten it was there?

  “How do you feel?” he murmured.

  “Full. Oh my God. So full… Sir.”

  “Good girl.” Pulling his fingers out, he whipped off his boxers and knelt between her legs, moving so fast she didn’t even have a chance to complain. He gripped her thighs and lifted her up so the backs of her legs rested on his lap. The movement stretched her arms and pushed her breasts forward in a silent offering.

  His arms supporting her back, he entered her with one powerful thrust. He froze when she cried out, his gaze shooting to her face. The worry in his eyes melted her heart. She tilted her hips so he’d sink in even more deeply. Understanding her unspoken message, he pumped into her, slowly at first, then with increasing speed.

  Her lower belly was a mass of twirling, whirling mini tornadoes, each spinning higher and higher with every push of his hips. She could barely breathe with the enormity of what she was feeling. So full, so aroused, so ecstatic—so in love. By showing her how to submit, Jamie had given her this.

  The click, barely audible over Jamie’s rock music, was followed by an intense buzzing in her butt. The vibrator. Her gaze flew to his face and her breath locked in her chest. Eyes dark, jaw clenched, he gripped her hips and pistoned into her. Her belly contracted at the raw lust in his features, the smoldering passion in his eyes.

  Assailed by Jamie on all fronts, she detonated. The orgasm rocked through her, scorching everything in its path. Jamie slipped the plug out and she screamed, her body bowing, as the movement catapulted her into another wave of erotic spasms.

  Fingers digging into her thighs, Jamie slammed into her, shouting her name as he joined her in ecstasy.

  A few moments later, still breathing heavily, he reached past her and yanked on the slip knots, releasing her wrists from the restraints. Collapsing onto the bed beside her, he dragged her into his arms and rolled onto his back.

  Sated, drained of her previous turmoil, she lay sprawled across his chest. Beneath her ear, his heart beat a dance club rhythm. He speared his fingers into her hair and brought her head up. Meeting her halfway, he captured her mouth in a slow, languorous kiss. His tongue lazily stroked her lips. Without moving, he ended the kiss and stared into her eyes. “Thank you for giving me back this part of myself. I love you, Rickie.”

  She smiled, her heart full. She had her husband back. Both of them free at last from the veil of deception they’d wrapped their marriage in. Second only to the birth of their daughter, this day had been the best of her life. Jamie had given her more joy, more peace, more fulfillment than she’d ever thought possible. She tightened her arms around him, knowing the night would end. But praying that the feelings never would.

  Chapter 7

  Hours after the most cathartic sex of his life, Jamie awoke to the insistent beeping of his watch. He threw out his hand and grabbed it off the nightstand. Three AM. That gave him just enough time to shower and pack up their gear before heading out.

  Rickie sighed in her sleep and plastered herself against his side. He grinned and ran his fingers over her smooth shoulder, remembering last night. His cock rose to full mast as he pictured her tied to the bed posts, knees splayed wide. He’d wanted to eat her so bad, but once he’d slipped his fingers into her hot pussy and she’d started grinding on his hand, every thought of control had fled. He’d had to be inside her then, had to take her hard and fast. The way they’d both needed.

  Exhausted from all the sexual activity, Rickie had been asleep in minutes. He on the other hand, had lain awake reliving every precious moment. Time and again, he’d returned to her expression when he’d said he loved her. For the first time in years, he’d seen acceptance in her big brown eyes. They’d won a battle today, in the war to save their marriage. With her smile, she’d shown her belief in him. And with her submission, she’d proven her trust. But she hadn’t yet surrendered… She would though. They were communicating better and finally starting to enjoy each other. And it was all thanks to Rickie, to her willingness to explore, to step away from her rules. To face her fears.

  A born organizer and negotiator, she’d always brought her arguments to the table, but because he’d thought it would make her happy, he’d always let her win. In that respect, he’d failed her, failed their family. Not anymore. Now they were both at the table. Both talking and sharing. Both willing to compromise. They’d only begun to scratch the surface of their problems, but building this trust between them was the key to solving them all.

  Yes, eventually he’d have her surrender. But not today. Today he had other plans. Speaking of which, he needed to move his butt or it would be too late. Quietly, he slipped away from Rickie’s warmth and into the frigid shower.

  When he returned to the room, a towel knotted at his waist, Rickie was still asleep. He turned on the bedside lamp and took in the sight of her. One he hadn’t seen in a long time. She seemed so innocent stretched out flat on her stomach with her face buried in the pillow. He eased the sheet back, baring her perfect ass. Seeing it, his palm itched. Should he? The round globes looked so succulent, so bitable. He resisted. Barely. Maybe just once… What the hell. Life was too short to keep second-guessing himself. Standing next to the bed, he landed one resounding smack on the cheek he’d spared yesterday.

  With a speed he hadn’t known her capable of, she twisted away from him, stopping on all fours to glare at him. Damn. She was so fucking hot with her sex-rumpled hair and piercing eyes. Good thing he didn’t want a true sub. She looked more like a Domme than anything else right now. A really pissed-off Domme. When he grinned, she frowned and lowered her eyes to the bulge beneath his towel. “Again?”

  She sounded so disgruntled, he threw his head back and burst into laughter. Pulling the sheet to her chest, she sat back and watched him, her eyes wary, her mouth pouting. “What’s so funny?” she asked after a while.

  He sobered and sat beside her, smoothing a wayward strand of her blonde hair. “Nothing. I’m just really happy.”

  Her pout turned into a smile and she hooked her arm around his nape. “Me too.”

  The moment too perfect to pass up, he pulled her against his chest and kissed her. Their tongues met in a gentle dance. No rush, no pressure. Just an unhurried exchange of emotion and affection.

  Not wanting the kiss to turn into more, he released her lips and rested his forehead against hers, his hands cradling her face. “Now, get dressed. We’ve got a big day ahead.”

  She glanced at the radio-alarm on the nightstand and her brow furrowed in confusion. “It’s the middle of the night.”

  He chuckled and pushed her toward the bathroom. “You’ll enjoy this. Go.”

  When she was out of his reach, she turned back to him, her hands on her waist, glorious in her nakedness. “What exactly is this?”

  “We’re going to see the sunrise.”

  Her eyes grew round as clamshells. “You’re not thinking of hiking up the Haiku Hidden Stairs are you? Because you know how I feel about that.”

  Jamie shook his head. Rickie kept herself in shape, but she was more a walk along the beach girl than a mountain hike girl. “I promised no extreme sports, and I’m a man of my word.”

  After a moment, she opened the dresser and got out a pair of short pants and a t-shirt. She yawned and threw a longing glance at the bed. Shit. The last thing he wanted to do today was force her to do anything. “If you’d r
ather go back to sleep, we can see the sunrise another day.” When he could spank that cute butt into following his orders. “I just thought it would be fun.”

  She crossed over to him and smiled. “I can sleep some other time.”

  He kissed the bridge of her nose. “The place we’re going is an hour away, so you can rest some more in the car. We’ll have breakfast there.”

  After a quick peck on his mouth, she sauntered into the bathroom, swaying her hips in a most inviting manner. Did the woman have no idea what she did to him, all naked and pink like that?

  When the shower turned on, he flopped onto his back on the bed and grinned. He was going to throw Rickie for another loop today. As much fun as yesterday had been, he wanted to show her—prove to her—that he was still Jamie, only better. He had no desire to control her outside their bedroom activities. And even then, not every sexual encounter had to be a scene. Spontaneity turned him on just as much as it did any other red-blooded man.

  Most of all, he wanted her to know how much he valued her thoughts and opinions. He’d missed talking to her, whether it was shooting the shit after a difficult shift, or late-night philosophical discussions. Strong and independent, she was so much more to him than a sub: she was his wife, his partner. The love of his life.

  Unlike many Doms, he was a sucker for romance. And this new twist in their relationship wouldn’t keep him from sharing romantic moments with her. Starting with the world’s most beautiful sunrise.

  An hour and a half later, Jamie turned off Kalanianaole Highway into the almost empty parking lot of Makapu’u Lookout. He shut off the engine and in the glow of the interior light, Rickie’s sleep-heavy lids lifted and she smiled drowsily.

  “Good morning,” he said, brushing his lips against hers.

  “Are we there?”

  “Yep.” He checked his watch. They had enough time to hike up to the lighthouse before the sun rose. “Let’s go.” After securing the roof and doors of the Mustang, he shouldered the backpack full of water and supplies, then switched on his flashlight and took Rickie’s hand. “Ready?”


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