Siren in Waiting

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Siren in Waiting Page 23

by Lexi Blake

  She gave up trying to get her tongue around him and sucked. She felt her cheeks hollow out as she suckled the dick in her mouth.

  “Oh, god, girl, you’re killing me. Relax. Let me fuck your mouth.” Both of Trev’s hands tangled in her hair. He held her hard and fucked deeply into her mouth. Bo never let up on the slow slide of his tongue. Between the hard, relentless cock in her mouth and the languid tongue in her pussy, she was pretty sure she was going to die if something didn’t let up soon. All the while, Bo played with the plug in her ass, the jangled sensation reminding her that they claimed every inch of her body.

  Then Trev groaned, the sound coming from deep in his chest, and warmth covered her tongue. His cock jerked, giving up in long jets of fluid. She swallowed down Trev’s essence. Again, it was so different than she’d imagined, so much more intimate and wonderful. She had a part of Trev inside her. She had a piece of him filling her. She wasn’t afraid of his punishment tomorrow. She was looking forward to tasting Bo, to learning the difference between them.

  Trev’s thrusts slowed, and he popped out of her mouth. She kept sucking as he softened, not wanting to give up her treat. She licked him one last time before letting him go.

  “That was amazing, darlin’. I couldn’t have asked for more.” Trev’s breath sawed in and out of his chest. There was a fine sheen of sweat covering that gorgeously cut torso, each rippling muscle a testament to his athletic grace. “Bo, she’s yours. Take her. Fuck her.”

  She was on her back in a heartbeat. Bo flipped her over and covered her body with his big one.

  “You taste like honey, baby. You taste better than anything I’ve ever known.” His blond hair was cut close to his head, giving him a stark look without his ever-present Stetson. He looked different than her happy-go-lucky friend. He pushed her legs apart with his own, making a place for himself. His cock pressed against her pussy, sliding in her juices. She could still see her arousal on his lips and chin. He didn’t bother to clean up.

  Sex was sweaty and dirty and so, so good.

  “Bo, don’t you slip inside her without a rubber.” Trev stood at the foot of the bed, watching. He tossed Bo a foil packet.

  She couldn’t miss the fact that Trev’s cock, flaccid and docile mere moments before, was already straining again. It rose from his perfectly trimmed nest of pubic hair, pointing toward her as though she were a magnet.

  Bo cursed over her. He sat back on his heels and took the proffered condom. He ripped through the package while she finally took in his cock. God, he was practically Trev’s twin. Trev might be a bit longer, but Bo’s cock was so thick. She doubted she would be able to close her hand around it. Bo fisted his cock before slipping the condom over it and settling himself back between her legs.

  He leaned over and covered her, their bodies touching. Chest to chest. Legs tangling. Feet mingling. His cock twitched against her pussy, moistening itself. He brushed his nipples to hers.

  And then he leaned down and kissed her nose.

  “I love you. You’ve been half my soul for so long I didn’t even recognize it until you were gone. Forgive me.” His words were a benediction across her skin, making her whole body sing with the recognition of her soul’s mate. One of them anyway. Somehow, she’d gotten two. Somehow, she’d been blessed enough to have found two men to complete her.

  “You’re forgiven. I love you, too, Bo. Forgive me for hiding from it. You should know I won’t let you take it back. You’re mine now. I won’t let you go. I’ll fight for you. And you should tell Clarissa that I don’t share my man. Either of them.”

  “I made a monster.” Trev laughed over them, his cock in hand. “You should watch it, Bo.”

  But Bo was still serious. “Not another woman, Beth. I swear it.”

  Bo leaned over and kissed her long and hard. She could taste herself on his tongue and lips. His tongue tangled around hers as he thrust his cock up and inside her. He groaned into her mouth, but held himself still, allowing her to adjust to his girth.

  She felt deliciously pinned by him. His weight held her down, pressing her into the bed.

  “Fuck, I can feel the plug. She’s so fucking tight.” Bo came up for air and looked to Trev, as though trying to bring him into the experience.

  “Imagine how it’s going to feel when that’s me in her ass.” Trev’s voice was pure seduction. “We’ll fill her up. She’s going to be packed with cock. We’ll have to be damn careful because no matter what your sexual orientation, the feel of another cock sliding against yours is intensely stimulating. We’ll make her scream before we fill her up.”

  “Damn, Trev, are you trying to make me go off?” He looked down at her. He flexed inside her, his face contorting with pleasure. “You feel so good, baby. Is this all right?”

  No. It wasn’t all right. He was moving far too slowly. It was pure torture. “More. I need more.”

  She pressed her hips up, and he slid in another inch or so. His pelvis ground down against her clit, sending shock waves through her nerves. “Please, Bo.”

  Bo eased himself up onto his hands. He thrust forward. “God, just a little more, Beth. Take me all the way to my balls.”

  Trev knelt down, his face close to hers. “Relax, you can take him.” Trev kissed her earlobe. “You were made for your men.”

  She wrapped her legs around Bo’s waist, hooking her ankles together, watching his face as he slid deeper into her body. He stretched her. He pushed inside like he was trying to fuse them together. She felt so close to him.

  “You two look beautiful together.” Trev’s voice whispered in her ear.

  Bo found a steady rhythm, his pelvis grinding down on hers. His cock slid in and out. She fought to keep him in. Every long, hard drag of his dick brought her closer to that glorious edge, and then she fell over it. The orgasm covered her body in pleasure. She barely recognized the cries that filled the room as her own.

  Bo stiffened above her. His mouth opened, and he called her name while he came, not the one she’d been branded with as a child, but the name her parents had given her, the name she seemed to be reclaiming. He pumped into her over and over again, pleasure evident on his face and in his voice. He finally slumped down, his head nestling in her breasts.

  “I love you, Beth.”

  And Beth Hobbes knew in that moment that she wouldn’t think of herself as Mouse again. No little mouse ever claimed such men. No mouse could handle them. No mouse could keep them. But Bethany Hobbes would.

  “I love you, too. I love you both.” She put a hand out toward Trev. She knew it was a risk to tell Trev, but she was done being scared. She wouldn’t hide her love. It filled her with confidence and warmth. Her love for these two men was proving transformative. If he didn’t want it, then that was on Trev. She wouldn’t take back a second of the time she’d spent with him.

  Trev took her hand and put it to his heart. She could feel it beat under her fingers. “Thank you. I’ll try to be worthy of it. You can’t know what it means.”

  He didn’t say it back, but her big bad Dom had some hang-ups of his own. Trev had been hurt, too. She could understand his reluctance to throw himself in. She wouldn’t let it hold her back.

  “Then make love to me.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want you sore.” But she could see the longing on his face. His body was stiff with arousal. He didn’t want to walk away.

  Bo looked up, his forehead wrinkled in dismay. He nuzzled her breast with great affection. “Does that mean I have to move?”

  He said it with a pout, but he rolled off her. He got to his knees and hauled her up.

  “What are you doing?” She’d expected Trev to roll on top of her.

  “I’m sharing.” Bo pulled her back in his arms, his chest to her back. “I’m sharing with my friend.”

  Trev had another condom in his hand. His eyes seemed to water for a moment before he shook it off. He ran his hand through her pussy. “Look at that. It’s all pouty and red.”

Bo’s hands found her breasts. He played with her nipples. “I think we should keep it that way. I think one of us should be on top of her all the time.”

  Trev moved to cover her. The sweat from his body mixed with Beth’s and Bo’s. She loved the fact that she was covered in them both. His cock found her pussy, and he pushed in. “Always. This sweet pussy needs a cock inside it all the time.”

  Beth wasn’t sure about always, but it felt good now. Trev stretched her all over again. She was sore, but it seemed like just another sensation to be had. Trev pressed in relentlessly until she could feel his balls hit her ass. She was so aware of the plug filling her.

  She leaned back as Trev started to thrust. Bo’s arms were around her, his voice whispering to her. She was sexy. She was a goddess. He was never going to let her go.

  Beth gave up and let her men take her over completely.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Trev came awake to the sound of a large truck rumbling into the driveway. He stiffened at the sound. It was Sunday. Who came out on a Sunday morning at what appeared to be the butt crack of dawn?

  Beth turned in her sleep. Her hips were barely covered by the sheet. She looked gorgeous in repose, her mouth open slightly, hair caressing her cheek.

  And Bo was nowhere to be found. Trev eased out of bed and looked out the window, careful not to let in too much light.

  He and Bo had been rough on her the night before, taking her twice each. She’d fallen into an exhausted sleep hours before. She would need her rest for what he had planned later in the day. There was still punishment to be meted out. It was even more important now that Bo was involved. Though he’d shared equally with Bo the night before, he wanted the younger man to understand that he wouldn’t allow either of them to be in danger.

  He peeked out the window, praying the town of Deer Run hadn’t decided to come at him as one big mob. He had a sudden image of the townsfolk with torches and pitchforks. He knew there were men out there who would move on rather than bring two people into their exile, but from what he could tell, this damn town hadn’t given Beth or Bo anything good.

  He was better for them. It was enough for him. He’d learned long ago that what other people thought didn’t matter. Love mattered.

  He’d thought the word again. Fuck, he was in so deep. He was pulling Beth and Bo around him like a security blanket, trying to cobble together a family. He couldn’t stay here. He’d promised to buy into the Glen Ranch in Colorado. He couldn’t go back on that. He didn’t even want to. His life couldn’t be here. He needed to do something with the money he had coming to him. He had to build a future with it, and he couldn’t do that here.

  But did he want a future that didn’t include Beth? Did he want to cut Bo loose again?

  The truck pulled to a stop in the circular drive. Trev could see Leo had been as good as his word. Both his and Bo’s trucks were parked beside that ball of terror Beth drove. That car had to go. His knees ached at the thought of being inside it again.

  Carlson Home Everything Store was emblazoned on the side of the truck. Bo bounced off the porch. There was a light happiness in his step that had been missing before. He couldn’t hear what Bo was saying, but he was speaking to the driver animatedly.

  Another vehicle pulled up. This was one Trev didn’t want to see. He quickly donned his jeans and threw a T-shirt over his head.

  He made it to the front porch in time to watch his brother-in-law pull up in the Escalade that looked ridiculously out of place in a small town. Bryce opened the door and slid out. His face was puffy, his nose taped from the fight of the previous night.

  “You son of a bitch. You caused this. This is all your fault. If you think for a second I’m going to sit back and take this, you’re wrong, Trev.” Bryce stalked toward him.

  Bo hopped down from the back of the truck where he’d been helping the driver unload what looked like building materials. There were long boxes of flooring, cans of paint, and a multitude of tools in the back of the truck.

  “What’s going on?” Bo asked, looking between the two men.

  “I’m not sure. Bryce, I didn’t lay a hand on you.” Trev had been damn careful to not touch his sister’s husband. The last thing she needed was for Bryce to get angry.

  “No, you didn’t. Your fucking friend did, though. You know, that asshole who keeps sniffing around my wife? He says he slipped. Well, my lawyers are about to slip and sue the fuck out of him.” Bryce touched his nose as if to make sure it was still there. “I’m not talking about the fight. I’m talking about you turning down Marty. You can’t turn him down. You need to get the fuck out of this town. You’re ruining your sister’s life.”

  His stomach did a turn. He’d wrecked Shelley’s life before. She’d married this asshole because he hadn’t been around to stop it. If he’d been half the big brother she deserved, he would have been there to meet Bryce at the door and scared his ass off. He would have run a background check and known the man down to his last parking ticket.

  Actually, that still wasn’t a bad idea. Liam was still in town the last he’d heard. What could it hurt to have him run a check? As far as he knew no one had checked Bryce’s background.

  “He’s not going to LA.” Bo’s chest had puffed out as if he were ready for his third throwdown in as many days. Trev was going to have to work on Bo’s lamentable habit of beating the shit out of people.

  “No, I’m not,” Trev assured him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

  Bryce’s mouth dropped open. “Tell me you’re not fucking him, too. Mouse Hobbes is bad enough. You can’t have gone queer on me, too. You shouldn’t be around that little shit anyway. Do you know what his brother’s into?”

  Trev’s fist tightened. He could practically feel Bo’s face go up in flames.

  “His brother is one of the reasons this county still has a population attached to it. If the O’Malley Ranch picked up its business and left town, you wouldn’t have a damn person to sell a house to. And if you call Beth by that name again, I won’t hold back. I love my sister, but Beth belongs to me. I won’t allow anyone to insult her. And I’m the only one who gets to call Bo a little shit.”

  Bo actually laughed. “Nah, Aidan does it all the time. Hey, do you think that Marty guy is going to sue me? Everybody else is getting sued. It’s only fair.”

  Yep, Bo was going to keep him on his toes. “Let’s hope not, buddy. Why don’t you finish up with whatever you were doing? Is this Beth’s order? I thought she lost the loan.”

  Bo’s face lit up. “I stole her notepad. She had all the things she was going to order on it. I figured I could loan her the money.”

  Yes, he could see Bo doing that. He needed a keeper. “Do you have any left? After what you’re loaning me and Beth?”

  “A couple hundred thousand.”

  He said it like it didn’t matter. How had Trev managed to find the only two people in the world who didn’t give a shit about money or fame? Luck. Cosmic good luck. “She’s going to appreciate this.”

  Bo’s hand went to his back. “And I ordered a California king-size bed this morning. I wound up on the floor. I think that bed up there is at least fifty years old.”

  And he bet it had seen more action in a twenty-four-hour period than all the days before it combined. “Yeah, I’ll be grateful for that.”

  Bo disappeared into the truck again.

  “You’re going to ruin all of their lives, you know. People are already talking.” Bryce, bitterness etched on his features, watched Bo and the driver haul out a huge box.

  “Let ’em talk.” They’d talked before Trev came back to town. They would talk after. He wasn’t going to let gossip ruin his happiness.

  “And everyone knows about what happened yesterday. You pissed off a bunch of people in this town. You’re the most hated man in the county. Do you think that kid will be the last one to come after you? How many people do you have to hurt before you realize you aren’t wanted here?”

  He felt his
face fall. Would someone really come after Beth again? It seemed incomprehensible that someone wanted to hurt him physically over a couple of articles. He’d gotten the cold shoulder from people, but no one had tried violence. He could handle his car getting trashed. He had insurance, and people would stop when they realized he wasn’t going anywhere.

  Why would someone break in? It didn’t make a lick of sense now that he thought about it.

  Bryce kept talking. “And you should take those two with you. Yeah. That would be for the best. Why can’t you go back to Dallas and take your playmates along for the ride? Your new girlfriend isn’t going to keep her clients for long once they find out she’s sleeping with two men. No one is going to want a pervert accountant.”

  He shrugged. From what he could tell, Beth didn’t really like her job. She preferred to work for Lexi, though that wasn’t full time yet. In the meantime, he had the feeling moneybags wouldn’t mind taking care of her. Once Trev came into his cash, he would work to take care of them all.

  Was he really thinking that far ahead? He had to stop that. He didn’t know what was going to happen past tomorrow, much less a year from now. He had to keep his head in the now or he could drown. And the now unfortunately involved his brother-in-law.

  “You don’t care at all, do you?” Bryce’s forehead was ruffled in consternation.

  And Bryce cared too much. “I’m not going anywhere. And if my sister wanted me gone, she would have been here herself. So that begs the question, why the hell do you want me out of town so badly?”

  “I told you.” Bryce backed up toward the door of his SUV. “You’re bad for business. I don’t want to be painted with the same brush as you. You have this town in an uproar.”


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