Fair Game

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Fair Game Page 12

by Amy Andrews

  It was turning her on.

  She tipped her chin at his trackpants, currently sporting a very big bulge in front.

  ‘Your turn.’

  Why should he have all the fun?

  Levi reached for the waistband then stopped. ‘Please tell me you have condoms in here?’

  Darcy nodded. She had an implant but protection wasn’t just about pregnancy. ‘A whole box of Christmas ones, remember? Bedside drawer.’

  He chuckled. ‘Oh yes. I remember.’ He took three strides to the drawer she’d indicated and yanked it open. His recoil reminded her Vlad was also in the drawer. ‘Jesus.’ He stared at it for a moment. ‘You need to warn people about that thing.’

  The haste with which he shut the drawer bordered on comical but she couldn’t care less about a big fake dick right now, only the real live one attached to the guy standing in front of her. And the Eat Me condom he’d just tossed onto the bed.

  Not taking his eyes off her face, Levi hooked his thumbs inside his waistband and, in one movement, pushed down both his track and his underpants, kicking them off his feet. His cock sprung free, thick and proud, the domed head flushed and ready, the skin stretched so taut around his girth it was almost shiny.

  Darcy’s breath hitched, her mouth watered. ‘Come here,’ she whispered and held out her hand to him.

  Levi’s knee landed on the bed beside hers as he took her hand. Her heart beat a crazy tempo as their fingers intertwined and he slowly lowered himself, pushing their joined hands above her head, as his torso got closer and closer to hers. The heat from Levi’s body raised the fine hairs on her stomach and her nipples swelled then tightened.

  Darcy shivered as his erection brushed her belly, full and heavy, a pulsing, sexy promise. Pausing only to quickly don the condom, he closed the distance between their hips and she opened her legs, welcoming him as he settled himself between her thighs, the head of his cock gliding over the taut bundle of nerves hidden amongst all her slick heat.

  It was like a bolt of lightning to the base of her spine.

  With their two hands still entwined on the mattress above their heads, his chest was the last to touchdown and Darcy moaned and shut her eyes as her nipples contracted to tight buds at the stimulus. He shifted his hips, adjusting himself slightly and she sucked in a breath as his dick taunted the engorged flesh one more time.

  His forehead came to rest on hers, his breath a warm, husky caress on her cheek. ‘I’m not too heavy, am I?’

  Darcy shook her head, her breathing as uneven as his. ‘You’re just right.’

  He kissed her then, slowly. Lightly. Teasing. But his biceps were trembling and his body was rigid and Darcy could sense the banked passion he was holding back.

  Fuck that.

  She wanted it. She wanted the bank to break and drown her in the deluge. She wanted to be swept downstream and spun around and around and turned inside out by the turbulence until she didn’t know which way was up and she couldn’t breathe or think or fight, just drown in the moment.

  With him.

  In frustration, she slid her hand into all that glorious hair at his nape and twisted, hard. He groaned against her mouth and she slid her tongue inside, tasting him, daring him to taste her back, daring him to let loose, nipping his lip—goading him to nip back.

  He broke then, the tension in his body escaping in a rush as he gave into a growl rising in his throat that sounded utterly primal. He kissed her, hard and deep, blistering her mouth with heat before heading south to attack her neck and ravage her collarbones and taunt her breasts, scraping his teeth across her nipples and sucking them to diamond-hard points.

  Darcy’s blood thrummed. It washed through her thighs and her buttocks and her breasts and grew thick in her lungs and throat. She bucked against him as he plundered her nipples, grinding the juncture of her thighs along the hard length of his erection, needing more than his mouth.

  ‘Levi, please.’

  She didn’t care how much it sounded like she was begging. She needed him inside her. Yesterday.

  But he didn’t comply. Didn’t give her what she craved, one hand clamping down on one hip, the other clamping down on the opposite, pinning her to the mattress to stop her frantic rubbing as he bent to lash her nipples some more. To taunt them with his teeth then soothe them with his tongue. Forcing her to pant and cry out and clutch at his shoulders and arch her back at the same time.

  ‘Levi.’ She gasped for breath as he switched sides.

  Bloody hell. She didn’t think she could survive any more without coming her brains out. She could already feel the stir in her loins, the tension and heat coiling deep inside her belly. And, when she came, she wanted it to be with him hard and deep inside her.

  With a strength born from footy and ballet, she palmed his shoulders and pushed, twisting her body at the same time he fell backwards. Her heart thundered in her chest as she followed him up and over until she was straddling him, the thick girth of his cock parting the lips of her sex.

  ‘Christ, Darcy.’ His gaze roamed over her, from the messy fall of her hair to the thrust of her breasts and the clamp of her thighs. ‘You’re magnificent.’

  She felt magnificent. And was about to feel even more so.

  Reaching between them she palmed his cock, still hard and sheathed, the thin, stretched latex glistening with her juices. It was gratifying to hear the hitch in his breath and feel the bite of his fingers at her hips as she lifted over him and slid him into place at her entrance.

  He felt good there, big and thick, like he’d fill her and then some. For a moment or two she taunted him like he’d done her, rotating her hips a little, swirling the head of his cock through the slick folds until she couldn’t wait any longer and sank herself onto him.

  Darcy moaned all the way down. So did Levi, his hands clutching her hips as she spread and stretched, their gazes locked. She took him inside her all the way, until he bottomed out and she could feel him so high and tight inside her it was almost impossible to breathe.

  He closed his eyes then on a very satisfied, ‘Fuuuuck!’

  Darcy couldn’t have put it better herself. Levi was inside her. Levi. Wonderful, wonderful Levi.

  Hot, sexy, amazing Levi.

  His eyes opened and she shivered from the intensity she saw there, her nipples beading, tight and painful. ‘If I died right here, right now, it would still be the most perfect moment of my life.’

  Goosebumps stippled Darcy’s skin. If that wasn’t the most perfect thing to say right now, she didn’t know what was.

  Darcy smiled and leaned forward a little to brace her hands on the balls of his shoulders. His gaze followed the sway of her breasts. ‘No one’s dying today, Levi.’

  She moved then, just a slight undulation of her belly but enough to elicit a groan from deep inside his chest and an answering twinge in the nerves that circled the base of her spine.

  The good kind of twinge.

  The kind that told Darcy she was in for a hell of an orgasm. She might not have had one in a while, but a woman never forgot what that felt like.

  She moved again, rocking now, revelling in the hard jut of him inside her and the tight, velvet grip she had around him and the intense connection as their eyes locked. His hands lifted, cupped her breasts, squeezed, his thumbs rubbing back and forth over her stiff nipples. She panted and arched her back but didn’t break eye contact, not even when he did it repeatedly, not even when it hurt so damn good.

  A hot dart of arousal ran directly from the sensitive tips of her nipples to the throb between her legs, an erotic pathway where every flick of his thumb was like a zap to her clitoris. Darcy gasped and bucked with each one, lifting a little higher off him each time, moaning as he rocked up to meet her, snapping his hips with each thrust for maximum effect.

  The friction built, her heart rate climbed, the tension in her belly coiled tighter and tighter. Their breathing got louder, their faces flushed, sweat built on Levi’s brow and between Darc
y’s breasts.

  Their gazes never left each other’s. They just grew hotter and darker and wilder. Not even when Levi lifted his head and shoulders from the bed—in a way that only a guy who was insane at yoga was able to—sucking her nipple into his mouth and flicking his tongue over the already ravaged tip.

  It was the perfect stimulus, a single needle-point of pain, opening the gates to a flood of pleasure.

  Darcy gasped and her eyes bulged, her fingers digging into his shoulders, as it swamped her pelvis and shot up her spine and she thought, okay, this sex is better than footy, before she thought nothing at all, just arched her back, gripping him tight inside her, riding him as her body shimmered with sensations, dissolving to liquid and glistening with star dust.

  He joined her within moments, crying out as he climaxed, bucking them higher and higher.

  Soaring with her through the cosmos.

  Chapter 10

  ‘I’m sorry. I usually have a lot more control than that.’

  The low rumble intruded into the bubble, tickling Darcy’s ear through the wall of Levi’s chest. She wasn’t yet capable of lifting her head up to answer his concerns. She’d collapsed on him what felt like about two hours ago but what she figured, in reality, was more like two minutes.

  They were both only just starting to get their breath back. His heartbeat was still a loud thud beneath her cheek. Scattered bits of her brain were still floating around in the ether somewhere outside the bubble.

  It was probably why she was having problems trying to compute his apology. For... coming?

  She forced herself to focus for a second or two, locate the reasons for his sorry. She supposed that a lot of women might expect a man with mad yoga skills to be able to stave an orgasm off for hours to keep them both on the edge, in a state of constant arousal. All that tantric shit.

  Thank you, Sting. Not.

  But Darcy had never been into delayed gratification. Unless she counted the two years she’d waited between orgasms. With another human being. And she hadn’t been into that either. It’d been circumstance and it had sucked.

  The fact that Levi—who still felt pretty damn hard inside her—had climaxed quickly didn’t make her think less of him. Quite the opposite. It made her feel incredibly powerful. She had made the guy with incredible yoga stamina and control lose it.

  Her. Darcy Clarke. She’d made him so crazy with lust and need and want that he hadn’t been able to go all tantric on her and stave off the pleasure. He’d followed her into the abyss and drowned with her and she felt like freaking Wonder Woman.

  Of course, his lengthy abstinence probably had a bit to do with it too, but she was still taking it as a win.

  Darcy tried to prise eyes, still heavy-lidded with pleasure, open to address his concern but they refused to cooperate. It was no use, she’d already used up her tiny supply of brainpower thinking about stamina, there was no more left to coordinate things as complicated as eye opening and voice control.

  He’d fucked her useless. She smiled at the thought.

  His hands were hot and heavy on her lower back and sweat slicked their skin wherever they touched. Vaguely, she knew when she sat up her torso was going to be glistening with it. She could already feel it building up.

  A hand slid into hair, fingers sifting through the layers. ‘Are you... freaking out?’

  Freaking out? She shook her head, her cheek and hair rubbing against his chest in some half-arsed denial. Her neck was still too weak to support a full-on headshake and she was too damn chilled to be freaked about anything.

  ‘No.’ Finally she found her voice. It sounded like she drank a flagon of moonshine a day but it was there.

  Was he freaking out? That should be more concerning but again, there were too many happy hormones floating around her body at the moment to give the thought any gravity.

  ‘That’s... good.’

  He didn’t sound all that certain. Like maybe he wasn’t sure she understood the question. But his hands playing with her hair were causing wave after wave of delicious shivers from her nape to her arse and she found her care factor drifting far out of reach. Her nipples hardened, which he could no doubt feel digging into his chest.

  She sighed. See... totally chilled. Hell, not even the game was freaking her out.

  Her eyes flew open. Shit. The game.

  She jerked her head off his chest. ‘What’s the time?’ If they had been here for two hours she was going to miss her flight. And he really should call the Guinness Book of Records about his ability to maintain an erection.

  He bent his elbow and checked his wristwatch. ‘It’s just after ten.’

  She breathed out a wobbly sigh of relief, dropping her forehead to his chest for a moment as the sudden spike in her pulse settled.

  ‘You okay?’

  She nodded. She was. But the glorious sexual lethargy had lifted and the real world had intruded. Carefully, she shifted, rolling onto her back, moaning quietly as he slid from her body, feeling his answering groan deep inside her womb.

  He stirred then. ‘Let me just get rid of the condom.’

  Darcy watched him swing his legs out of bed then effortlessly push himself up and head out her door, presumably for the bathroom. His back was long and lean, his buttocks perfectly proportioned.

  Levi. She’d slept with Levi. Well... not slept. What a stupid term to use really. What they’d done was the polar opposite of sleep. They’d been about as awake as it was possible for two people to be.

  Okay. Yeah... Maybe she was freaking out a little bit, now.

  But not about being with Levi. Like that. Sure, that needed time, and thought too, but for now she knew it was a good thing. Something she was going to want to pursue.

  The freaking out thing was about her lying in bed with him with a stupid grin on her face wondering what kind of a recovery time a super-duper yoga guy needed when she should have her head in the game.

  Her first one back from injury.

  The one she’d strived so hard to get back into and hadn’t been able to stop obsessing about. Until about half an hour ago when her hormones had taken the driver’s seat.

  Damn hormones.

  She couldn’t recall a time since the draft ceremony when she’d ever gone even half an hour without thinking about footy. She should be strategising and focusing now. Mentally brushing up on last-minute plays, researching the weather and ground conditions for tomorrow in Sydney and going over the opposition form one more time.

  Hell, she should be packing for her flight.

  She rolled out of bed at the thought, reaching for her pyjamas and quickly pulling them on, ignoring the slight tingle of her nipples as the cotton fell against them and the corresponding clench deep inside her most recently used muscles. She really had to pack, even if it was an overnight bag with a couple of changes of clothes.

  Levi re-entered the room as she was grabbing her bag from under the bed. Still gloriously naked, he took her breath away, so clearly comfortable in his own skin and hell, why not? He was a sight to behold.

  His halted just inside the doorway, his gaze running over her as thoroughly as hers had run over him. ‘I appear to be overdressed.’

  He took three strides to where his clothes had been discarded and scooped them up. Being a mature, responsible adult who was supposed to be focusing on the biggest game of her life, Darcy should have agreed and urged him to dress. Maybe turned her back so he could have some privacy.

  It’d certainly be better for her sanity.

  But she found herself unable to drag her eyes off him. In fact, she was pretty certain Wendy would have accused her of eye-fucking Levi right now. ‘I’m okay for you to lounge around in your birthday suit while I do this.’

  She smiled and he chuckled. ‘Don’t tempt me, DC.’ He stepped into his trackpants sans underwear and pulled them up, concealing his glorious specimen of manhood from her sight.

  She sighed at the loss. It really was a stupendous-looking penis.<
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  ‘So.’ He sat on the end of her bed and watched her for a few moments as she opened drawers and pulled out clothes. ‘You are freaking out?’

  Darcy threw a couple of changes of underwear in the overnight bag. She contemplated denying it but her and Levi had always been straight with each other, why change it up now? ‘A little.’

  ‘That’s perfectly fine, Darcy.’

  He sounded so calm and reasonable. ‘Are you?’


  He shook his head with absolute certainty which only increased her degree of freaked out and had her rushing to clarify her statement.

  ‘Not because we...’ She gestured to the bed, too hung up now on the phrasing of slept together to say it but shying away from the alternatives. Making love was too... well, too much. And sex seemed too functional for something that had been all about the pleasure. ‘I just... It’s the distraction of it, I guess.’

  Levi chuckled and Darcy blinked. She hadn’t been sure how he’d react to her putting her sport before their fledging relationship—Tony had hated playing second fiddle to anything—but she didn’t expect him to chuckle.

  ‘I do believe I mentioned that prior to you taking your shirt off and seducing me into changing my mind.’

  Heat suffused Darcy’s cheeks and she glanced at the bra she had in her hands. She had been determined. ‘Sorry... I just couldn’t...’ Darcy had needed Levi in the worse way. ‘I needed to...’

  ‘Knock the edge off?’

  Darcy laughed. ‘Crude but accurate.’

  ‘And now you’re feeling a little less...’

  ‘On edge.’

  He smiled. ‘I was going to go with horny.’

  Darcy full-on blushed this time. She had been horny and totally used his body to slake her thirst. But she’d been horny for him. For Levi. If it had just been a physical thing, she’d have used Vlad a long time ago.

  ‘It’s okay. You don’t have to explain. I understand. Now you’re feeling less on edge—’ The small smile touching his lips made her want to kiss it right off. ‘You realise you’ve got five weeks of the season left and the Banshees can still win and they deserve your undivided attention. And that a new relationship between you and me would be distracting and could interfere with your commitment to the team.’


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