A Curvy Coldwater Christmas (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 5)

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A Curvy Coldwater Christmas (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 5) Page 2

by Jenn Roseton

  “Yes,” she murmured, surprised she could even speak. His arms were still around her, and she realized that during the kiss, her hands had grasped his waist more firmly.

  “Maybe we should practice some more tomorrow.” He seemed reluctant to let her go as he loosened his arms around her. “I can stop by the shop in the afternoon.”

  “Okay,” she said, trying to control her wobbly breathing.

  “I’ll make sure I bring the script.”


  The next day Kate couldn’t stop thinking about Flynn’s kiss. He’d gone home shortly after, repeating that he’d see her tomorrow. And now, it was just after two o’clock.

  She’d had to concentrate during the rush hour at lunch, but all too soon, she’d been free to let her mind drift back to the subject of Flynn Winters.

  Did Santa really kiss Mrs. Claus in the parade every year, or was Sarah responsible for adding that stage direction? Somehow, that seemed more like something Sarah’s cousin Libby would do. When she saw Sarah again, she would definitely ask her.

  And maybe she would even thank her.

  The bell tinkled and Flynn strode into the shop. Kate clutched the counter, telling herself to act natural.

  “Hi.” He smiled at her, pulling the script out of his jacket pocket.

  “Hi.” She couldn’t help feeling a little shy as she greeted him.

  “Is now a good time to run lines?” He looked around the small space, devoid of customers.

  “Perfect.” Just after lunch was usually a quiet time.

  He cleared his throat and repeated the line from last night, before handing the pages to Kate.

  With growing confidence she recited her own line, then gave the script back to him. He didn’t even look at the text as he delivered his line about giving her a gift, although she was sure there was a gleam in his eye when he said, “Ho, ho, ho.”

  There was a pause, and Flynn looked at her expectantly.

  “What?” She felt her face grow warm.

  “It’ll be easier to put my arms around you if you come out from behind the counter.” He grinned.

  Flustered, Kate left the safety of the wooden counter top and walked around to the other side. Her breath skipped when his heated gaze traveled over her face. He wrapped his arms around her and drew her close, before lowering his head and kissing her.

  This time, her arms stole around his neck as she melted into the kiss. He captured her lips, as if determined to learn everything about her. She pressed her body closer, suddenly wishing that he was kissing her because it would drive him absolutely crazy if he didn’t, not because the parade script told him to.

  Flynn dragged his lips from hers, his breathing heavier than before. “I think we should practice a lot.”


  The day of the parade dawned. The snow had held off and weak sunshine struggled through the clouds. She’d seen Flynn nearly every day since that first kiss. He’d often come into the bakery, buy a loaf of sourdough, and suggest they practice the scene again.

  And again.

  Kate sighed. Cassie and Luke had invited her to Christmas dinner, which she was looking forward to. But only one thing marred her first Wyoming Christmas.

  She doubted Flynn would kiss her after today.

  Although they’d gotten to know each other over the last week, there was no reason for Flynn to stop in the shop again, unless he wanted to buy another loaf of bread. And after today, there was no excuse at all for them to kiss - ever again.

  She struggled into the Mrs. Claus outfit Sarah had given her. She was going to miss Flynn’s afternoon bakery visits. And his kisses.

  Studying her reflection in the mirror, she made a face. The red velvet dress trimmed with white faux fur reached her ankles, and was too loose around her waist. Grabbing the padding Sarah had also provided, Kate unfastened the big black buttons starting at her neck and going all the way down to her knees, and added the cushioning to her not exactly flat stomach.

  Now the buttons strained to meet around her middle. She grimaced, and plopped on the red velvet cap. Mrs. Claus femme fatale she was not.

  Ten minutes later, after walking a couple of blocks to the center of town, she arrived at the marshaling area for the floats. After Flynn saw her in this costume, there was no way he would ever want to kiss her after today. Her shoulders sagged for a second, before she straightened them. Today wasn’t about her; it was about giving the local kids some Christmas joy.

  “I’m glad you’re here, Kate.” Sarah snagged her attention and made a tick in her notebook. “Your float is the one over there that looks like Santa’s sleigh. Flynn’s already here.”

  Taking a deep breath, Kate walked over to the gaily-decorated sleigh. Silver tinsel festooned the sides, while what looked suspiciously like a love seat occupied most of the interior. A big white sack inscribed with the word GIFTS tempted her. She peeked inside, presents wrapped in Christmas paper greeting her eyes. Picking one up, she shook it, but it felt and sounded empty.

  “They’re just fake ones in case a kid is tempted to look inside the sack. They’d be pretty disappointed if it was stuffed with newspaper.”

  Kate straightened at the sound of Flynn’s voice. “Hi,” she said, brushing back a stray lock of hair that had escaped from her red velvet cap.

  “All ready for the parade?” He grinned, still looking handsome despite wearing a traditional Santa costume. The stuffing inside the costume and the white beard couldn’t detract from his rugged good looks.

  “I think so,” she replied, trying to quell the shiver suddenly racing down her spine.

  “Good.” He held out his hand. “We might as well be comfortable while we wait for it to start.”

  He helped her up into the float, sitting beside her on the cushioned seat. His thigh touched hers, and even through the velvet fabric of her costume, his body heat made her pulse quicken.

  “Maybe we should rehearse one last time.” His eyes glinted with devilment.

  “No!” Although she couldn’t remember her single line right now, she knew she’d be lost if Flynn kissed her before the parade even started. Besides, what if somebody saw them? Kissing in her empty bakery was one thing, but kissing in front of the whole town … why had she said yes to playing Mrs. Claus?

  Because you didn’t know you’d be acting opposite the guy you’ve got the hots for.

  She was never going to take part in a parade ever again.

  “Hi, guys.” Libby Morgan bounced up to the float, her blonde curls framing her face, her curvy figure cute in black pants and a sky blue swing car coat. “Been busy practicing?”

  “All week,” Flynn confirmed, a smile etching his features.

  Libby looked as if she was trying not to laugh. “Good. Kids look forward to the parade all year long. You want to get it right.”

  “We sure do,” Flynn answered with a wink.

  Kate felt heat warm her cheeks. “Are you helping Sarah with everything?” she asked her friend.

  “Yep,” the blonde replied. “And Jake’s around here too, keeping the traffic situation under control.” Jake, the sheriff of Coldwater Springs, was Libby’s husband. “Have fun, you two.” She waggled her hand and sauntered off, leaving the two of them alone.

  Before Kate could think of anything to say, the driver jumped into the cab of the float and started the engine.

  “Looks like this is it,” Flynn remarked, putting a steadying arm around her as the float jerked into motion.

  “Yes, it does.” She couldn’t think of anything else to say. She reveled in the feel of his arm around her shoulder, and gently leaned back against him.

  “When we stop in the middle of Main Street, we’ll stand up and say our lines,” Flynn murmured in her ear.

  “Okay.” Kate hoped he couldn’t hear the pounding of her heart as the float crawled along the road. She’d never been interested in public speaking, and although she only had one line to say she still couldn’t remember what it was. Why
hadn’t she written it on her hand?

  And then there was the upcoming kiss. She just hoped her face wouldn’t turn as red as her costume when they locked lips.

  After a few minutes of waving to the kids lining each side of the street, it was time to say their lines. The float stopped and she stood, Flynn extending a hand to her.

  In a loud, booming voice, Flynn spoke. “Mrs. Claus, it’s time for me to jump in the sled and deliver all the good boys’ and girls’ presents.”

  Looking up into his face, her line suddenly came to her. “Take care, Mr. Claus. Christmas dinner will be waiting for you when you come home.” Relief whooshed through her as she delivered the words loud and clear.

  “I also have a gift for you, Mrs. Claus. Ho, ho, ho.”

  Kate felt herself melt at the look in Flynn’s eyes. Surely that glint of desire couldn’t be play-acting? He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. She held her breath as his mouth descended. Although they’d been practicing all week, this would be their last kiss.

  His mouth snared hers, his lips caressing her own. She relaxed into the kiss, wanting to savor every microsecond. His lips were firm and warm, delving, exploring. Distantly she could hear people cheering, and it took her a moment to realize the applause was for them.

  With what seemed like reluctance, Flynn finally released her lips, keeping an arm around her as he waved to the crowd. Dazedly she followed suit, still in a fog from that amazing kiss.

  The last one ever.


  The parade was over. Back in the marshaling area, Flynn helped her down from the sleigh. She grasped his hand, certain that this would be the last time she would feel the warmth of his calloused palm against her own, softer skin.

  “Well, that was fun,” he said, his eyes gleaming.

  “Yes.” She memorized his face, seeing past the addition of the long white beard to the planes of his cheeks and jaw line.

  “Can I give you a ride home?”

  She hesitated. Why not? She’d probably never see him again after today except as a regular customer at the bakery. What was wrong with enjoying his company for a few more minutes?

  “Sure.” She smiled tentatively, hoping he couldn’t tell how much the kiss on the float had affected her.

  They started walking back to his car, parked on a side street. Just as they were about to turn the corner, a black quarter horse galloped down the street, its hooves thundering against the pavement.

  “Look out!” Flynn propelled her towards the relative safety of her bakery, then with a muttered oath, swept her into his arms.

  Kate squeaked, automatically clutching his shoulders. The creature snorted and rolled its eyes as it barreled past them, obviously spooked by something.

  Flynn breathed easily as he held her. This close to him, she could smell the faint, warm scent of his aftershave. Her heart melted once she realized the danger had passed. He didn’t seem to have any problem carrying her.

  “Are you okay?” His brown eyes darkened in concern.

  “I’m fine,” she murmured, wishing they could stay like this forever.

  “Good.” A smile rumpled the corner of his mouth.

  Sarah bustled up to them. “Are you guys okay? Emma and Cade have gone after Shadow. A little boy blew his trumpet right next to the horse’s ear and he bolted.”

  “Will Shadow be okay?” Although Kate had been scared by the close shave, she felt sorry for the poor horse.

  Sarah smiled. “I’m sure he’ll be fine. He boards at Emma and Cade’s ranch and Cade trained him a while ago.”

  Just then, the clip-clop of hooves greeted Kate’s ears and she saw Emma and Cade leading the now docile horse back to the marshaling area.

  Kate breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of the unharmed creature.

  “I’ll see you both at Cassie and Luke’s the day after tomorrow.” Sarah stifled a grin. A tall, good-looking man rounded the corner. “Chase has come looking for me.” She waved goodbye as she hurried to meet her husband.

  Kate watched Chase sweep his wife into a long kiss, then realized exactly where she was. In front of her bakery, in Flynn’s strong arms.

  Sara’s words echoed in her mind.

  “You’re invited--” She and Flynn both spoke at once. He nodded for her to speak first.

  “Cassie invited me a few weeks ago. She said they were all getting together on Christmas Day and she wouldn’t take no for an answer.” This close to him, she could see his dimple flash in his cheek as he grinned.

  “Same here. Except Luke did the inviting.”

  He gazed down at her, and she hazily wondered if he was going to kiss her again. But there’s no need.

  Giggling kids ran past them, and Flynn’s arms tightened around her for a split-second, before he gently set her down.

  “I’ll guess I’ll see you at Cassie and Luke’s.” His gaze snared hers.


  Kate parked next to Flynn’s SUV, in front of Cassie and Luke’s farmhouse. Only a light dusting of snow decorated the ground, for which she was grateful. She’d been a little worried that the weather would be too bad to drive the twenty minutes out of town to arrive at the ranch, but so far the weather had been mild for December.

  “Merry Christmas!” Cassie opened the front door before Kate even had time to find the doorbell hidden in the middle of a large green and red wreath.

  Kate hugged her auburn-haired friend, the goodies she’d made for the festive meal dangling from her arm in a Santa decorated bag.

  “Flynn’s here,” Cassie said breathlessly, ushering Kate into the hall.

  Kate nodded. “I parked next to his car.” Her pulse skittered at the thought of seeing her parade husband again.

  “Hi, Kate.” Libby appeared, beaming. Flynn was right behind her.

  “Hi.” She smiled at both of them, hoping nobody could hear the sudden pounding of her heart.

  “What have you got there?” Libby dived for Kate’s bag.

  “Orange-cranberry bread and a loaf of sourdough,” she replied, hoping she wasn’t blushing. She’d had to make the sourdough, knowing it was Flynn’s favorite.

  Libby’s eyes twinkled as she suddenly looked up. A sprig of mistletoe hung down from the light fixture. “You guys have to kiss.” She pulled Cassie out of the way, leaving Kate and Flynn standing next to each other. “Don’t they, Cassie?”

  Cassie hesitated, looking from Kate to Flynn. “We shouldn’t interfere, Libby,” she said in a low voice.

  “It is Christmas.” Flynn eyed the red berry-tipped green sprig. “And that’s definitely mistletoe.”

  Before Kate knew exactly what was happening, he’d slipped his arms around her waist. “Merry Christmas,” he murmured, before capturing her mouth.

  Without conscious thought she pressed herself against him, her lips parting in surrender. She lost all track of time, captivated by his kiss.

  When they finally broke apart, she blinked, disoriented. Libby and Cassie had disappeared.

  “Come on.” Flynn clasped her hand and led her into the living room.

  “Merry Christmas!” Sarah and Chase, Libby and Jake, Cassie and Luke, and Emma and Cade all looked up from their conversation. Libby looked like she was trying not to giggle, her eyes flickering toward Kate and Flynn’s entwined hands.

  Libby’s husband Jake whispered something in her ear and she nodded, her expression sobering as she snuggled into his arms.

  A large, fresh pine tree decorated with colored baubles and twinkling lights took up one corner of the room.

  “Come and sit down.” Cassie patted the empty space on the large sofa next to her and her husband, Luke.

  Flynn sat next to Kate, his thigh brushing hers. A warm flush stole through her at the contact.

  “How’s Shadow?” Cassie asked Emma.

  “He’s fine.” Emma smiled, nestled next to Cade. “Once we got him home, and I brushed him and gave him a special treat, he was back to his old self.”

  Cade chuckled. “You mean you whispered sweet nothings in his ear.” He paused for effect. “Lucky horse.”

  “Oh, you.” Emma nudged him in the ribs, shaking her head in wry amusement.

  “Did everyone enjoy watching the parade, Sarah?” Libby asked innocently, stealing a glance at Kate and Flynn.

  Her cousin smiled. “Yes, I think they did. A couple of people came up to me saying they thought the scene between Santa and Mrs. Claus was romantic, and wondered why they didn‘t kiss last Christmas. In fact, if Mr. and Mrs. James aren’t able to play their parts next year, would you and Flynn consider being Mr. and Mrs. Claus again, Kate?”

  Kate felt her cheeks heat at the thought that practically the whole town had watched her and Flynn kiss. While she was still thinking of an answer, Flynn jumped in.

  “No problem, as long as Kate plays my stage wife.” He eased an arm around Kate’s shoulder.

  Everyone looked expectantly at Kate. Nothing like being put on the spot, she thought ruefully. “I guess so.” She hoped her voice didn’t sound squeaky. There was nothing she’d like more than for Flynn to kiss her again, even if she had to wait a whole year for him to do so. He only kissed you today because of the mistletoe.

  “Are you going to have time to organize it next year, sweetheart?” Chase asked his wife, his hand gently stroking her rounded belly.

  Sarah smiled up at him and then at her friends. “I’m sure I’ll get some assistance if I need it.”

  “I’ll help,” Libby volunteered, stifling a giggle. “Maybe we should make Santa kiss Mrs. Claus twice next year.”

  “Sounds good.” Flynn grinned, his arm around Kate drawing her closer to him.

  “I think one kiss should do,” Sarah lightly reproved her cousin. “Especially since this was the first time that Mr. and Mrs. Claus kissed.”

  Kate’s eyes widened. What?

  “I had to write it in,” Libby protested. She winked at Kate and Flynn. “You two are perfect for each other.”

  “Libby,” Jake growled softly.

  Libby twisted to face her husband. “I know they’re meant for each other. They just needed a little push, that’s all.”

  “We can hear you,” Flynn pointed out.

  “Sorry.” Libby apologized, but from the gleam in her eye she didn’t look very sorry at all.


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