His Intern: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

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His Intern: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance Page 19

by Lillie Love

  I took a deep, steadying breath whilst simultaneously giving myself a pep talk. Knowing that I was a good nurse, armed with the academic credentials to back this up, I reassured myself that I could get through this interview. With that thought, head held high, I walked to the entrance and into B&F MediSpa. The muted tones of the reception area were very relaxing and appealing as was the soft classical music playing from the strategically hidden speakers. The decor and furnishings screamed understated luxury and I smiled as I approached the desk.

  “Good morning, may I help you?” The friendly receptionist looked at me enquiringly. She was immaculately put together and I suddenly felt self -conscious with my minimal make up and basic trouser suit. Her outfit alone would have probably cost my one months rent back home. I forced down the feelings of insecurity.

  “Hello, I’m Eleanor Hartley. I have an appointment with Dr Berthou.”

  She quickly scanned her computer and then once again flashed me her immaculate smile.

  “Sure, Dr Berthou is expecting you but he’s just running a few minutes behind. I’ll call nurse Nina Fowler, who will be looking after you.”

  She picked up her phone and I stepped back, glancing around, whilst I waited.

  “Please take a seat, Nurse Fowler will be out shortly.” She replaced the handset and gestured with her hand to the white leather sofas in the waiting area. I barely sat down when she reappeared with a cold glass of water with ice and lemon.

  “Oh, thank you very much.” I smiled gratefully and took a sip.

  A few moments later, a door opened from my right and I saw a stunning looking lady approaching me. If I thought the girl on reception looked immaculate, well then clearly, a goddess was closing in. She was incredibly slim, definitely a size zero and somehow her trouser suit seemed to mould to her perfectly, unlike mine, which suddenly seemed cheap and perhaps ill-fitting. Her blonde hair was pinned up perfectly in a neat chignon and together with her expert make-up, she looked like she had stepped out of the pages of a magazine. I smiled as she stood in front of me, quickly replacing my water to the table.

  “Hi, Nina Fowler. You must be Eleanor.” She displayed a row of even, white teeth as she held out her hand.

  “Yes, hello, Nurse Fowler. Pleased to meet you. And, please, Ellie’s fine.”

  I watched as Nina eyed me from head to toe, wanting to cringe under the scrutiny but nonetheless, outwardly holding my own.

  “Fine, follow me, Ellie. Julien, I mean, Dr Berthou is running a little late - slight complication from this morning’s surgery but nothing to worry about.” She spun on her heels and walked towards to door from where she appeared. I quickly grabbed my bag and followed her, discreetly smoothing out my long dark hair along the way. It was slightly wavy and flowed down the middle of my back - this morning I was thinking I looked quite good but now, I just felt messy and unpolished. I had kept meaning to get it cut but it was just as easy to pull it back into a ponytail. Oh well, too late to worry about the state of my hair now.

  We passed a series of private rooms and then came upon a nursing station where a few other nurses sat tapping notes on the computer. They smiled as I walked past them, appearing quite friendly. Finally after a couple more bends and turns, we came to Nina’s office, which was opposite a patient’s room. I peered inside and noticed what looked like a middle-aged lady fast asleep, hooked up to the usual monitoring machines. I felt Nina’s eyes on me so I turned to her.

  “Breast augmentation.” She nodded to the sleeping patient. “She’s the one we had slight complications with so I’ve had her put outside my office so that I can keep an eye on her myself.” She glanced at her clock. “Julien will be here shortly - he was just writing up his notes.”

  “It’s fine, I’m happy to wait.” I smiled as I looked around her neat office. “So, I presume you are Dr Fowler’s daughter?”

  “Yes, that’s correct. Daddy isn’t in the country at present. So tell, me, why do you really want to work here?” She raised an eyebrow. “I mean of course, the perks of the job are great!” She smiled conspiratorially. “I’m sure you will be taking advantage of the staff discount for a little lipo!”

  I opened my mouth in shock and then quickly closed it again. She was clearly suggesting that I was fat! I couldn’t believe it and was too stumped to hit her back with a witty retort. I mean sure, I was definitely not stick-thin or as tall as her but I certainly wouldn’t call myself fat! Maybe a little petite and curvy, but not fat. At least, I didn’t think so. Before I had a chance to change the subject, she grabbed her bag, not bothering to wait for my answer.

  “Do you mind keeping an eye on the patient? I just need to quickly powder my nose!”

  “What? Oh, yes, sure, no problem.”

  “Great, I’ll be back in two minutes.”

  I watched as she rushed out of the room, leaving me in the wake of her floral perfume, which was slightly nauseating. I looked around her room, noting the photos of her posing with various celebrities. My eyes travelled across to the sleeping patient. Some movement caught my eye and I quickly dropped my bag and walked across the hall. The patient looked to be in distress and started tossing her head, whilst grabbing at her chest. Scanning the monitors I immediately saw her heart rate rapidly slowing down. Panic seized my body and I momentarily froze. My nursing brain must have kicked in and I immediately snapped out of my shock and ran back into the hallway frantically looking around her help. I screamed at the top of my lungs “HELP! CODE BLUE!”

  Rushing back into the room, I quickly ran over to her, noting her name on the whiteboard over her bed along with some notes.

  “Mrs Wilder. Please, stay with me.” Frantically scrambling at her gown, I began chest compressions, pressing down firmly in the centre of her chest, counting my repetitions as I was trained to do. I felt a film of sweat coat my forehead as I kept pumping, watching the monitor at the same time, praying for her heart rate to pick up. I was nearly at a hundred compressions when I saw the monitor jolt back into life and her heart rate started to pick up once again. Oh thank god, breathing a sigh of relief, I kept pumping when I heard a shuffle of people running into the room behind me.

  “What the hell is going on?” A deep male voice roared in my direction and suddenly the room was filled with nurses surrounding her bed. Mrs Wilder’s heart rate was returning back to normal, so I stopped the compressions and slowly backed away, my face burning with heat and adrenaline. I had never experienced this situation before and looking down at my hands, I saw them beginning to shake. Glancing up, I felt my green eyes clash with angry blue ones. Dr Berthou looked away and immediately began barking out orders to his team, his instructions fading into the background as I tried to get my own heart rate under control. Backing out of the room, I wiped my damp forehead and took a few deep and steadying breaths.

  Some time later, amidst a flurry of activity, the nurses stepped out, clipboards in hand. One of them stopped to place her hand on my shoulder.

  “Hi, I’m Penny. Well, done in there, sweetie. You saved her life.” She smiled at me as I felt my heart continue to pound. I was still feeling quite shaky. She must have noticed. “Are you okay, honey?” She looked at me kindly, understanding dawning on her features. “First time?”

  I simply nodded numbly. She squeezed my shoulder. “I promise it gets better. And, easier. There’s a sink over there you may want to use.” She gestured with her hands. “After, why don’t you sit down in Nina’s office and I’ll get you a sweet tea?” I thanked her quietly and made my legs move towards the sink. After I washed my hands, I made it back to Nina’s office and sank into the nearest chair, absentmindedly placing my bag out of the way.

  Mrs Wilder’s door flew open and Dr Berthou walked out, followed by a very distressed and sheepish-looking Nina. His eyes once again found mine, frowning slightly. If I hadn’t been so shaken up, I would have taken a moment to register just how handsome he looked or the fact that he looked even better in real life. I glanced down at my h
ands as I quickly straightened up.

  “Eleanor?” His deep voice commanded attention.

  “Yes, Dr Berthou?” Thankfully my voice sounded normal and I raised my eyes to meet his, ready to defend my actions. Instead, he surprised me.

  “Good work in there. I’m impressed.” He smiled slightly, which immediately transformed his face and I felt my breath catch. “You’re hired.” He tuned to Nina and I noticed his frown reappearing. “Nina, please draw up Miss Hartley’s paperwork.”

  Confused and shocked, I somehow managed to find my voice. “Er, Dr Berthou, thank you but I thought you wanted to interview me?” I once again felt the heat rise to my face as I felt his eyes burning into me but I couldn’t seem to tear my eyes away.

  “I’ve seen enough, Miss Hartley.” He stepped forward, pulling out a card from his tailored jacket. “Please, call me anytime tonight or tomorrow with your questions, but I want you on my team. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to get back to my patient.”

  I stood up, taking the card from his hands. My fingers accidentally brushed his and I involuntarily sucked in a breath. His fingers felt so strong and masculine compared to my small hands and I suddenly envisioned those hands caressing me. What the hell was I thinking? I subtly shook my head.

  “Thank you and of course, I understand.” My eyes held his, feeling like a deer caught in headlights. It was like he was almost looking through me. Suddenly, he broke the connection, curtly nodding as he strolled out of the room. I looked at Nina, who was now openly scowling at me.

  “Let me see you out.” She spun on her heel and once again, I had no choice but to quickly pick up my bag and trail along behind her. I almost bumped into the kind nurse who was holding a cup of tea but I silently shook my head, shrugging my shoulders and mouthing a thanks. She frowned at Nina’s back and simply nodded, shooting me an apologetic smile.

  A few moments later I was back in the reception area.

  “Okay, Eleanor, I have work to do, including drawing up your paperwork. It was good to meet you.” Nina briefly offered me a weak handshake, not bothering to disguise her apparent dislike of me.

  “Thank you, Nurse Fowler. It was nice to meet you too.”

  Without a backwards glance, she stomped off, leaving me slightly dazed at her brusque attitude and complete change in demeanour towards me.

  Later that afternoon, I woke up from my nap, still feeling the effects of my jet lag. I rolled over in bed to look at the bedside clock. I had slept for over four hours after my quick brunch in the hotel restaurant earlier.

  I stretched my aching muscles and, quickly working out the time at home in London, I grabbed my mobile phone to call my father. After a few rings, I heard his familiar voice.

  “Hi, dad. Sorry it’s so late!”

  “Ellie, sweetie, I’ve been waiting anxiously for your call. How are you darling?”

  “I’m okay, thanks. Sorry, I didn’t call earlier, I took a nap and have hugely overslept.”

  “That’s okay, darling. The jet lag is tough. Tell me, how did it go this morning?”

  So I told him. Everything from the moment I walked in to the ostentatious building to my attempt at saving a life. My voice was strained as I recalled the events. “It was so scary, dad. I mean, everyone must have arrived in just over a minute from when I shouted for help, but it felt so surreal, you know? I felt like I had slipped out of my body, not recognising myself as I gave her chest compressions.”

  My dad was quiet for a moment before he spoke, the pride in his voice coming through. “Ellie, you did an amazing job. I can see why Dr Berthou immediately offered you the position. I hope you said yes?”

  “Dad, I don’t know.” I sighed as I shuffled up the pillow. “It just that, I don’t know if this is the nursing life I envisaged, you know? I’d always thought I’d be helping poorly children, in real life situations, not helping out in cosmetic surgery. I mean, God, dad, you should see the women. I’m like a total fat frump compared to them.” I pictured Nina’s glorious figure.

  “Young lady, don’t you dare talk about yourself like that!” I could almost picture my dad’s cheeks turning red in indignation. “Why, you’re a spitting image of your mother - beautiful and petite!”

  I smiled. My dad was so protective of me. “It’s not just that, dad, what about you? How can I leave you?” My heart tugged at the thought and I found myself swallowing a lump in my throat.

  “Listen darling, I’ll miss you like mad too. But, it’s only a year for now and you know how fast time flies. I may even get out to visit you at Christmas. I wouldn’t want you to turn down this amazing opportunity for me, sweetheart.”

  “But dad - it’s cosmetic surgery! I’m not sure my heart’s in it…”

  I trailed off confused with the tough choices I was soon required to make.

  “Ellie, it’s a heck of a lot better pay than the NHS. You know that. You’ll always have a home here, but there is no harm taking this role for a year, putting your needs first. You can always change direction next year, with a bit of extra cash in your back pocket.”

  I listened to my dad, twirling a strand of hair as I considered his argument. In my heart, I knew he was right. I would be stupid to turn this opportunity down. I drew a shaky breath.

  “Okay dad, if you’re sure, I’ll do it. You’re right, after all, it would do wonders for my work experience.”

  We spoke for a little while longer and I made sure to remind him about the meals I had prepared and stored in the freezer. Sometimes, he got so carried away with his work of technical drawings that he simply forgot to eat and I worried about him. Soon after, we hung up, as I was conscious of the time in the UK.

  I climbed out of bed and retrieved Dr Berthou’s card from my bag. Twirling it around I admired the simplicity and elegance of it, which no doubt, probably cost a fortune to design. I ran my finger against the embossed print of his name and credentials and slowly walked over to the large window, looking at the skyscrapers lit up in the distance. I clutched my phone - it was now or never. I needed to call him before I had the chance to change my mind, yet again. I entered the last digit and allowed my thumb to hover over the send button momentarily. This was it. Squeezing my eyes shut, I hit the call button and held the phone to my ear. It rang twice.

  “Julian Berthou.” His deep voice sent a shiver down my spine.

  I took a deep breath; my eyes still closed, and sealed my fate. “Dr Berthou, it’s Eleanor Hartley. I hope this isn’t an inconvenient time?”

  “Eleanor, good to hear from you. Please, call me Julien.”

  “Sure - please call me, Ellie.”

  “Ellie, it is. I presume you are calling about my offer?” Okay, he’s straight down to business.

  “Yes, that’s right, Dr um, sorry, Julien.” It felt strange calling him by his first name and I was perplexed with myself for stumbling over my words. God, this man was already affecting me.

  “Ellie, like I said earlier, I was hugely impressed with your level-headedness and how well you coped in such a critical situation.”

  I smiled, a warm fuzzy feeling enveloping me. “How is Mrs Wilder doing?”

  “She’s totally fine now. She’s in good hands and will make a quick recovery.”

  I was relieved to hear this. “That’s fantastic news.”

  “So, will you be accepting the position? We would also like to offer you a further twenty percent pay increase over the original offer.”

  I quickly calculated the difference. “Julien, that’s not necessary - honestly, I did what anyone else would have done in that situation.”

  “I can see you’re very modest, Miss Hartley. But there’s no negotiation.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “I’ll take the liberty of presuming your acceptance. We’re also happy to assist you with having your items shipped over.” She heard a sudden beeping noise on the line and he went quiet briefly whilst he silenced the noise.

  “Apologies, just my pager.”

  “No pr
oblem at all.”

  “So, in terms of accommodation, we have an apartment downtown that we offer to our overseas doctors - unfortunately I can’t offer it to you permanently as it’s currently taken, but you’re welcome to stay there for at least a couple of weeks until Jonas is back from South Africa. Is starting Monday acceptable to you?”

  Wow, this was incredible. I didn’t expect this at all and the apartment would help me hugely if I were to commence work so rapidly. This was slowly turning out to be a no-brainer.

  I smiled through the call. “That would be fantastic, thank you….and yes, Monday is fine. I’ll be thrilled to join the team. Thank you very much for the opportunity.”

  “Great, I’ll get the paperwork and logistics organized at our end. You will hear from us tomorrow. Good night, Ellie.”

  “Goodnight, Dr Berthou.” I hung up, grinning.

  This was going to work out just fine.


  Nursing my Jack Daniel’s, I walked out onto the balcony in my bedroom, the burning liquid soothing my overactive brain. Glancing at my phone, I smirked at the conversation I’d just had with the English rose. Ellie. I rolled the sound of her name in my mouth as I took a sip, imagining her in my bed, screaming out my name in the throes of pleasure.

  Work was hectic, especially after the disaster we almost encountered thanks to Nina’s negligence. I scowled as I recalled the incident - she was under strict orders to keep a vigilant watch on the patient. Had it not been for Ellie’s fast thinking, I’d have probably lost my patient and be facing a lawsuit right now.

  I replayed the scene of running into the room, seeing Ellie administering CPR and temporarily confused as to who the hell she was or what she was doing with my patient. Flicking to the monitors I quickly realised she was saving Mrs Wilder’s life as my team jumped into action. Later, seeing her waiting in Nina’s office, obviously shaken up, she had looked so young and vulnerable until she quickly pulled herself together in my presence. I couldn’t help it. Like a speeding train screeching to a halt, I was mesmerised by her natural beauty. Her flawless skin was so perfect - something no laser technique or chemical peel could achieve. And, shit, those freaking curves on her had me immediately lusting like a rabid dog. I’m so used to seeing, fucking and briefly dating women with perfect size zero figures and accompanying model looks that it made a refreshing change to actually see someone naturally beautiful and… fresh. Untouched by a surgeon’s knife. Her long dark hair was tucked behind her ears and I admired the challenge in her sparkling green eyes, in preparation to see if I would call her out once again. Her creamy skin only revealed a hint of the seasonal tan, and when I touched her hand, the softness of her skin had me wanting to hold on for longer than necessary. Thankfully, I refrained. I inhaled sharply as I finished my drink, my pants getting uncomfortably tight, picturing her sweet face.


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