His Intern: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

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His Intern: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance Page 22

by Lillie Love

  “Nina - what are you doing? We had a brief fling years ago - that was it, nothing more.” I sighed as I watched a lone tear fall down her cheek.

  “But Julien, don’t you see, we’re perfect together. We belong together.”

  Before I could open my mouth to respond, she was on me in a flash, pulling her skirt up and straddling me, pushing her lips against mine, forcing her tongue into my mouth.


  My week was going really well and as it drew to a close, the butterflies began to build up in my stomach at the anticipation of an evening out with Julien.

  I was up early on Wednesday morning and on impulse, decided to call my best friend, Kate, back home in London. We had only spoken a few times, as with our new nursing roles and shift work, it was hard to find a time where we were both free. I missed her terribly.

  The phone kept ringing and I was almost going to hang up in disappointment when I heard her sleepy voice.


  “Kate? It’s me, Ellie!” I couldn’t contain the excitement in my voice.

  “Ells! Oh so good to hear from you. Hang on, let me sit up properly.”

  “Are you sure you can talk? You sound sleepy.”

  “Nah, it’s fine. Long shift. Time for me to get up anyway - I’m starving.” I heard her stretch on the other end, picturing her messy blonde hair and sleep-flushed face. “So, how’s it going over there?”

  I suddenly felt homesick. I missed my dad terribly, and hearing Kate’s voice suddenly made me feel emotional. I felt my eyes well up.

  “Ells? Are you okay, hun? Is everything okay over there?” I could hear the concern in her voice and I took a deep breath, gathering myself together.

  “No, I’m fine…just missing home. And you. So tell me, how’s the new job going?”

  “We all miss you too, Ells. It’s not the same without you.” She paused and I heard the catch in her voice. Then she cleared her throat. “Well, it’s hard going and as you remember, we’re stretched thin, nothing new as you know with the NHS, but I love working in paediatrics. The children are amazing. So positive and brave.” She spoke softly and my heart tugged. “It’s everything we dreamed it would be, Ells.”

  I sucked in a breath. I had longed to work with children as Kate was doing and I had been sure we’d be following the same path, until this job had come up. “I’m so happy to hear that. I hope I can do that one day too.”

  She sensed my melancholy and changed the subject.

  “So, tell me, how is life in la-la land?” She laughed as did I - we had a funny conversation last week when I told her about some of the ridiculous demands of the patients.

  “Well, thankfully nothing too crazy this week! But I have news….”

  “Oh? Do tell?”

  “I have a date with Julien.” I grinned, my excitement spilling over.

  She screeched on the other end, and I had to quickly pull the phone away from my ear.

  “Oh…my…God. You have a date with Julien Berthou?!! Of course, I can’t blame him - but this is HUGE! Tell me everything! I demand it!” I laughed at her surprise.

  “Well actually…I kind of asked him out.”

  “WHAT?!!” More screaming ensued and I once again held the phone away, wincing.

  “Er, do you think you could tone it down with the screaming? I’d appreciate having the ability to hear on my date.”

  “Sorry, Sorry. I can’t believe you asked him out, Ellie. You need to back up. Tell me everything from the start.”

  So I did. I told her about how he had pursued me from the start but I had rejected his advances.

  “Damn girl, you rejected him? Are you serious? Are you mad??!”

  “Kate, please. You and I both know he is a serial womaniser. I wasn’t looking to be just another notch on his bedpost.”

  “Wait, does he know about your very limited-“

  I cut her off. “No he doesn’t and he doesn’t need to know that either. Anyway, he seemed to back off but was still very kind and helpful from a distance. He even got me an amazing discount on my new flat.”

  “Nice. So what else? What changed your mind?”

  “Well…I’m young, right? And you only get to live once?”

  “Hallelujah. My girl has finally arrived.”

  “Ha, ha. Very funny. Anyway, he’s been really nice so I thought, why not, I’ll give it one date to see where it takes us - no promises.” I sighed. “You know what else, K?”

  “What, Ells?”

  “I’m so tired of always being…sensible. I kind of just want to go with the flow for once in my life.” I sighed, hoping I was making sense to my best friend who knew me better than anyone else.

  “Ellie? Know what I think? I think it’s a great idea. All work and no play…you know the rest. Just be careful okay? He’s a seasoned player and I’d hate to see you get hurt.”

  “I know, that’s why I made it clear that it’s just one date. Trust me, I have no intention of sleeping with him afterwards.”

  Thank God, she couldn’t see my face as I felt a rush of heat spread throughout my body, my heart rate accelerating at the thought. My dream flashed before my eyes.

  “Hmmm….okay, but seriously, if you’re feeling conflicted about it, just give him my number. I could be there in twelve hours.”

  We burst out laughing. After a little more chat, I reluctantly had to hang up to get ready for work.

  “Promise me, Ellie, that you will call on Saturday? I want all the details. It’s not every day that a billionaire gets to take my best friend out.” She sighed dreamily. “Maybe I can live vicariously through you.”

  “I’ll call on Saturday for sure. Bye, hun, love you.”

  “Love ya too, Ells. Take care of you.”

  “There we go Ellie, what do you think?” Kimberly spun my chair around to face the mirror. My jaw dropped open. I couldn’t believe the person staring back at me was my own reflection.

  “Wow, Kimberly, my God, you’re amazing!”

  One of the perks of working at B&F MediSpa was the fantastic spa and I had taken the liberty of booking in for a blow-dry and to have my make-up applied professionally, which they had insisted was complimentary. I couldn’t believe how sophisticated I looked. I actually felt like I belonged here.

  I got up from my chair, shaking out my hair, which shone in the light, the softly styled waves falling over my shoulder and down my back. My make-up was soft but she had done an amazing smoky eye which made my green eyes pop. I had never felt more beautiful in my life. I wanted to hug her.

  “You look amazing, Ellie. But then again, you really don’t need much - you’re blessed with natural good looks.”

  I blushed lightly at the compliment and thanking her once again, I left the spa and headed for the main building. I adjusted my fitted black dress, feeling slightly self-conscious as I walked along on my high-heeled sandals. It felt good to be able to dress up for a change and I smiled to myself when I felt a few admiring glances from a couple of people walking past.

  “Hey honey, who’s your surgeon? What did you go for? Botox or fillers?”

  I stopped short as I saw an older lady approach me, scrutinising my face.

  “Actually - nothing. Just had my make-up applied at the Spa?” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Really?” She looked at me in disbelief. “Well, enjoy it, honey. That elasticity won’t last long.” And then she walked off. Shocked, I stood there grinning. In London, nobody would dream of saying something like that! Shaking my head, I walked into the main building and made my way across to Julien’s office.

  On my way, I made a quick stop at Penny’s desk, hoping to catch her briefly as I knew she was working the night shift.

  She whistled as she saw me coming and I gave her a twirl.

  “Wow, look at you, Ellie! You look amazing!”

  “Really? Are you sure I look okay?” I pulled on my dress, suddenly feeling nervous. I pictured the amount of models and actresses Julien ha
d been with and suddenly wasn’t sure I measured up.

  “Stop what you’re thinking!” I flicked my eyes up to her face, noting her stern expression.

  “You look beautiful, Ellie. You’re glowing.”

  I smiled, releasing a breath at the same time.

  “Thank you, Penny. I hope you have a good evening here too.”

  She shooed me away with her hands. “Off you go. Enjoy yourself!” She winked as she picked up her clipboard. I gave her a small wave and continued on my way to Julien’s office.

  As I approached, I noticed his door was open and then distinctively heard the sound of Nina’s voice. My excitement dropped slightly. She was giving me a really hard time lately, but I was determined to ignore her cruel gossip. I really didn’t need to see her right now and face the prospect of another dig from her.

  I reached the door and was about to knock when I overheard their conversation.

  “But Julien, don’t you see, we’re perfect together. We belong together.”

  I gasped silently, shocked. My hand reached for the door and I pushed it open just in time to see Nina and Julien in a passionate embrace, her hands all over him.

  My mouth hung open as I watched them in front of me and my heart dropped to the ground. Crushed. I realised I was being totally played - they must have been having a good laugh behind my back.

  My hand pushing against the door must have made a sound and the next moment, I saw Julien catch my eye with a look of horror on his face. Sure, horror for being discovered. I vaguely saw him pushing Nina away, but I was out of there by that time, tears blurring my vision as I ran off down the hall to the nearest exit. Pushing open the door, my tears openly freed themselves, running down my face as I gasped for air. I was such an idiot. How could I possibly think that Julien Berthou was really interested in me?! Thankfully there was a waiting taxi outside the building and I made a blind run for it, stumbling along the way in my high heels. I needed to get away from here.

  From Julien.


  I walked into my office early on Monday morning in a foul mood, flinging my jacket across my sofa, my head still pounding from my excess drinking over the weekend. What a fucked up two days. Attempting to screw Tammy in my very inebriated state was a huge mistake; thank God I came to my senses and managed to shove her away at the last minute. Boy, hell hath no fury like a woman rejected - she gave me a mouthful when I asked her to leave. I made a mental note to delete that bitch from my contacts. I sat at my desk and ran my hand over my face impatiently, the scene from Friday night still fresh in my mind.

  I couldn’t believe the stunt Nina pulled. All I could picture was Ellie standing there - her face contorted with shock and pain. She had looked so beautiful in her sexy little number, her hourglass figure displayed to perfection. Before I had a chance to explain, once I managed extricate myself from Nina’s clutches, she was gone. I had chased her departing figure a couple of minutes later, but was too late as I saw the taxi speed off down the road. I managed to catch a glimpse of Ellie in the back seat, holding her head in her hands, clearly crying. Trying to call her proved futile. So I spent a shitty weekend in the company of other friends and women, trying to drown out this feeling of loss that I couldn’t seem to shake.

  My phone buzzed, alerting me out of my reverie. I grabbed the handset.

  “Yes?” I barked into the receiver.

  “Um, Julien? It’s Nina.” Fuck. She was the last person I wanted to speak with.

  “What do you want, Nina?” My voice was tight, trying to hold back my anger.

  “I just thought I’d let you know that Ellie has called in sick.” She paused waiting for my reaction. I didn’t want to give her any further ammunition.


  “Well, also to remind you that daddy will be in shortly, accompanied by Dr Pieter Van Wyk.”

  “Fine.” I hung up.

  Shit. I had forgotten that Van Wyk was due in today. Lawrence had been searching for his successor to his half of the practice for some time now and had recently recruited Pieter from South Africa, armed with a very impressive medical career. We had spoken via video conferencing but I had yet to meet him personally.

  I felt a stab of guilt as I thought about Ellie, hoping that she genuinely hadn’t come down with anything too serious. Even if so, I doubt she’d be willing to allow me to perform an exam. Either that, or I had truly fucked up and she no longer wanted anything to do with me. I suspected the latter. Picking up my cell, I sent her a quick text, wishing her well.

  Sighing, I contemplated getting through the day professionally, yet at the same time, I knew I had to figure out a way to pay her a visit later. My schedule was pretty clear for most of the day - I had to get through to her - if nothing else, she needed to hear the truth.

  It was still early and I felt restless so I placed a quick call to my personal trainer. I had a ton of stress and alcohol to beat out of my system before I met my new Partner.

  “Pieter, good to meet you.” I reached out my hand in a welcome gesture.

  “Julien. Likewise, I’m looking forward to learning the ropes around here.”

  I nodded in agreement as I took a seat opposite him in the boardroom. Sitting next to him was Lawrence Fowler, grinning from ear to ear, looking extremely pleased with himself.

  Both men exuded an air of superiority, which normally wouldn’t bother me but for some reason it irritated me today. I needed to focus, stay in the game and push Ellie to the back of my mind.

  “So, how was your trip, Lawrence?”

  He pushed back in his chair, after taking a long swig of water. “Everything went well and to plan, Julien. We’ve got a few new ideas for the practice that we’d like to discuss with you.”

  “Sure, I’m all ears.”

  Pieter sat forward eagerly. “We were considering that we could streamline a few procedures, Julien, maybe free you up a bit more to concentrate on your academic research?”

  I considered what they were saying. Research was definitely one of my passions and discovering the next new technique in an area of cosmetic surgery always got my blood and juices flowing.

  “I agree. I enjoy my patients, but with my reputation, I’m booked solid for six months in advance. It would definitely help to give me some time away to concentrate on research.”

  And so we began a discussion for the next couple of hours, talking shop and new ideas, paving the way forward for improvement. I was impressed with Van Wyk. He was very thorough and extremely professional. I had to congratulate Lawrence, he had found a great candidate to help lead this practice.

  Around lunchtime, Nina walked into the room, and I glanced at my phone, happy for the interruption. Ellie hadn’t texted back so I quickly sent off another message, checking once again if she was okay.

  “Gentleman, the car is outside.”

  I looked up to see her smiling at the three of us. She caught my eye and I scowled back at her until she quickly shifted her gaze. She cleared her throat.

  “Pieter, why don’t I introduce you to some of the nurses, if you have a moment?”

  He stood up, offering her a polite smile.

  “Yes, of course.” He turned to us. “Lawrence, Julien, I’ll meet you out front shortly.”

  I watched as Nina linked arms with him, flashing him one of her most seductive smiles. That woman was a piece of work.

  “So, Julien? How have you been?”

  I looked at Lawrence, who sat back in his chair, pressing his fingertips together.

  “I’m good, Lawrence. I see you have bought a fine replacement to take your place - I think we’ll work very well together.”

  He didn’t respond, just continued to watch me. After a brief silence, where I wondered what the hell he was thinking, he spoke softly.

  “Your father would have been very proud of you, Julien.”

  I inhaled sharply. “Thanks.” Shaking my head, I continued. “But, I’m not so sure. No matter what I did, I never meas
ured up, Lawrence.”

  “That’s where your wrong, son. He was very proud of you - but I know, God rest his soul, that he could be a stubborn, hard-ass, bastard at times. Just know that he was proud.”

  I nodded slowly. I had worked so hard to prove myself to him but he had never acknowledged my achievements or success. Except for when he was on his death bed - and that was to Lawrence. But it was too late for me - I was skiing and screwing a Scandinavian model in Colorado at the time of his unexpected heart attack.

  “Anyway, shall we?” Lawrence stood up to head to the car. “I’ve made sure to clear our schedules this afternoon. We have a long catch-up lunch to look forward to.”

  Great, that was all I needed. An extended getting-to-know-you lunch when all I really wanted was some time to figure out what the hell was going on with Ellie.

  “Sure, let’s go.” I gritted my teeth and followed him out.

  As I expected, lunch proved to be a long and drawn-out affair. Had it been another day, another time, another place or so the freaking saying goes, I’d be more than happy to talk business. My head just wasn’t present although I did a damn fine job of proving otherwise.

  Around three o’clock I felt my phone vibrate with yet another incoming message. I retrieved my phone from my pocket, expecting it to be one of the nurses, enquiring when I was due back. Surprised, it was a message from Ellie. Just two words:

  I’m fine.

  My immediate reaction was to call her right there and then but with my colleagues to consider, I had to drum up a plausible excuse for my departure. The need to leave, to hear her voice was intense; I wasn’t interested in a text message exchange.

  “Lawrence, Pieter.” I glanced at my phone. “I’m sorry to cut this short, but I need to take care of something urgently.” I pushed my chair back as I placed my napkin on the table.

  Two sets of confused eyes landed on me.

  “Is everything okay, Julien?” Lawrence looked at me with concern.

  “It’s fine, Lawrence. I apologise again, but I need to go now.”

  “Sure, Julien. No problem at all. Please, go ahead and take care of your urgent matter - we’ll speak more over the next few days.” Both men pushed their chairs back and stood politely as we exchanged brief handshakes. I smiled, grateful for the quick departure and hightailed it out of the restaurant onto the busy road.


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