by Lillie Love
”I agree, from what I saw, she’s gonna go places. She’s working in oncology, right? With kids? Must be tough seeing that every day.”
“Yeah, she’s been in tears twice this week over a couple of kids. I hope she’ll be able to separate herself soon.”
Pieter was thoughtful for a moment as we sipped our beers in silence.
“So, are you being good to her, Julien? Are you being good for her?”
I placed my bottle down, frowning at his direct question.
“I don’t know, man. She says I am, but I’m not sure. I’m trying, you know?”
“You’re alright, Julien,” he smirked, “don’t be so hard on yourself.”
I ran a hand through my hair. “I don’t know - her work and what she wants is so different to our line of work. It’s almost like I feel I’m not good enough for her.”
Shit. I’d never confided with a friend before on an emotional level - all that feelings talk was not for me. But I astonished myself by revelling in the notion that it actually felt good.
“Maybe you should talk to her. It’s clear that it’s bothering you. Sure, our speciality is different, but we’re also doing our best to help patients too.”
I agreed. I’d have to make certain, outside of the afterglow, that we were both on the same page. I’d talk to her soon.
I lit the final candle, scrutinising my table display. My maid, Elena, had earlier prepared our meal and all that was left was to set the table, which I’d told her I wanted to do myself. Fuck, I was turning into some hopeless romantic sap! I grinned at the thought of the transformation I was experiencing, sprinkling a few rose petals onto the crisp white tablecloth. The wine was nicely chilling and a quick glance at my watch told me that Ellie would be home any minute.
I had just grabbed the tablet to select some music, when the doorbell rang. Not expecting anyone and Ellie had her own key, I wondered who would be visiting at seven this evening. A few strides later, I pulled open my door.
“Hi, Julien.”
I sucked in a breath, frowning. “Addison. What are you doing here?”
“Please, Julien, can we talk? It’s really important.” She looked at me closely, her eyes silently pleading.
Sighing, I pulled open my door, gesturing with my arm. “Fine, come in. You have two minutes.”
She moved past me, and I caught a whiff of her perfume. In the old days, the scent used to turn me on - now, it did nothing for me. She tucked her hands into the pockets of her fitted coat, her high heels clicking on my tiled floor as she made her way inside. No doubt, she was extremely attractive and objectively I could see why guys would want a piece of her ass, but not for me. She was far too skinny and typical LA - all tits and bleached teeth.
“What can I do for you, Addison?” My voice was tight, conscious that Ellie would be here any minute.
She raised her nose to the air, sniffing. “Mmmmmm…something smells good.”
I stood there with my arms crossed.
“Okay, well, I just kind of wanted your opinion.” She batted her eyelashes and started undoing her coat buttons.
“What are you doing, Addison?” I watched, as the last button was released and she pulled it open, shrugging it off her shoulders and dropping it to the floor. Clearly she had forgotten her clothes, standing there in just her bra and thong. Placing her hands on her breasts, she squeezed them together, slowly licking her lips as she eyed my reaction.
“I just had some work done to my breasts…I wonder what you think?”
What I thought? I thought they looked okay from here, but I had zero intention of performing a full exam. Besides, these days I was into au natural - permanently.
“Addison, what the hell are you doing? Put your clothes back on!”
She ignored my request and instead stepped closer to me. “Come on Julien…I want you. I’m pretty sure it’s mutual…” She raised an eyebrow, her hand reaching out to grab my crotch.
At that very moment, the door swung open and Ellie stood there, her eyes widening in horror at the scene before her. Fuck.
Addison dropped her hand and shot Ellie a look, her mouth curving into a sly smile.
“Julien?” Ellie’s voice was cool and distant as she regained her composure.
“Ellie, it’s not what you think. Addison here was just leaving.” My voice was hard as I pinned Addison with a look of hatred.
Slowly, Addison turned around and provocatively bending over with her ass on full display, she slowly picked up her coat, taking her time to put it back on. Ellie’s face was unreadable as she watched, wordlessly.
“Ellie? That your name?” Addison walked over to the door, throwing me a wink over her shoulder. “Sweetie, you seriously don’t think Julien would settle for someone like you, do you? I mean, I hate to break it to you, but if you walked in a few minutes later, you could have caught some serious action between us.” She smirked at Ellie, cocking her head to the side as she looked her up and down. “I can see why he likes you…hmmmm…..maybe I’d even let you join in.”
Ellie’s eyes narrowed. “I very much doubt that, Addison. Now get the fuck out of our house!”
Addison raised an eyebrow as I moved to stand protectively by Ellie.
“Bye, Julien…for now.” She raised her hand in a mock salute and slammed the door behind her.
Ellie visibly paled and dropped her bag, blinking rapidly. Oh shit.
“Baby, she just turned up. I swear, she took me by surprise.”
Ellie nodded slightly and pushed past me. I followed her through the house, into the kitchen and watched whilst she poured herself a glass of water. A few moments later, she finally looked at me, her eyes flashing.
“It’s always going to be like this, isn’t it, Julien? I’m never going to be good enough for you!”
“Whoa. Wait just a moment, Ellie. What are you talking about?” Shocked, I approached her but stopped in my tracks when she backed away, noticing her eyes filling with tears.
“It’s true, Julien! Look at us playing house together, living in this bubble! Look at your exes - how can I ever compare to them? I’m just plain! Look at me!”
Her voice had risen, as she paced the kitchen. I’d never seen Ellie this worked up before.
“I think you need to calm down, Ellie.” I spoke softly, hoping she would take it down a notch or two.
“Calm down?! Julien, we’re from completely different worlds! I can’t pretend to be someone I’m not. I can’t have your flashy world and exes continually thrown in my face. It’s not me!” Her face crumpled and she began to sob. I immediately closed the gap, wrapping my arms around her, soothing her. Slightly shocked by her outburst, I hadn’t realised how clearly overwhelmed she was feeling with everything. I thought things were great between us.
“I’m sorry you’re feeling this way, Ellie. But please don’t be insecure, baby. I choose you, the way you are. I don’t give a fuck about my exes. I’ve told you before, they’re my past. You need to believe me, baby.”
She sniffed against my chest as she struggled to get her breathing under control.
“It’s not just your exes, Julien. Our careers …everything…we’re so different.”
I pulled away from her slowly. “I know we’re on different paths, Ellie. I don’t care where you came from. I just want to support you as you continue to do your good work in the world. I want us, Ellie.”
Unexpectedly, she shoved me away. “I don’t know, Julien. I don’t know how I can share my stress - my world - with you. I mean look, your work is literally superficial! Does it actually mean anything?” Her eyes widened with shock at her words, and she flung her hand to cover her mouth.
She thought I was superficial? That my work didn’t matter? What the fuck?! This time I was the one to back away, shaking my head, pissed at her words.
“Julien! Please! I - “
“Save it, Ellie. I’ve heard enough.”
I grabbed my jacket and strode out of the kitchen.
r /> “Wait! Julien, please! I don’t know why I said that. Wait! Where are you going?!”
“Out. I need some air.”
I pulled open the front door and a few moments later, revved up the engine to the 911. I needed a beer.
Oh God, I felt so bad. Why did I have to be so irrational two nights ago? Our first fight, and since then, things were very strained between us. Julien was at the clinic all hours catching up with rescheduled operations so I didn’t have the chance to fully apologise to him. Tonight after work, though, I’d make things right. I’d checked in with Penny and I knew that he was due to be finishing on time this evening so I had gone and bought ingredients for a home cooked supper. Thankfully, I had a few hours owed to me so I planned on finishing up slightly earlier myself. I smiled as I thought of my new corset and lace thong, together with the suspenders and stockings that I’d bought yesterday. They cost my half my monthly salary but I felt amazing when I tried them on, so it was completely worth the splurge. I hoped Julien would appreciate them too…and a nice romantic evening together. We needed to clear the air. I still couldn’t believe the selfish words that had slipped off my tongue. Who was I, a recent graduate, telling a world-respected surgeon that his work didn’t mean anything on a deeper level? Cringing at my outburst, I could only hope he would forgive me.
It was still early morning and I decided to quickly check in with my dad before I started work for the day. Making myself comfortable on the sofa, I dialled his number.
“Hi dad!” I smiled as I heard his voice.
“Ellie! Hello love, aren’t you supposed to be at work?”
I laughed at his direct tone. “I’ve got a few minutes to spare, thought I’d say hello. What are you up to, daddy?”
“Oh you know, this and that, darling. Work is keeping me busy…can’t seem to leave my studio these days.”
“Are you looking after yourself? Please tell me you’re eating again after your last bout of illness.”
“I’m fine, sweetheart. And yes, I’m eating. Now, tell me how are things with you? Settling into your new job okay?”
I smiled, thinking of my wonderful kids at the hospital. “Work is great, dad. It’s tough, things can go crazy at a drop of hat, but I’m really enjoying the challenge.”
“That’s my girl. I can hear it in your voice - you seem a lot more content. And how is Julien treating you?”
“Julien…he’s been amazing, dad.” I felt a warm glow of happiness as I pictured his face.
“You sound very happy, Ellie.”
I sighed. “I am, dad. I love him.”
He was silent. “Dad, are you still there?”
“I’m here, Ellie. You’re old man is just a little emotional hearing you say that - I wish your mother was here to have this conversation with you.” He suddenly seemed choked up and I felt myself tearing up as well. I’d have loved for my mother to have met Julien.
“It’s okay, daddy. You’re doing a great job hearing me out…”
“But? Am I right in thinking there’s a but in there?”
I twirled a strand of hair around my finger as I reflected on his question. He was so astute, knew me so well.
“Yeah, there’s a small but, dad. I guess I’m just worried about how different our lives are - how different my background is to his. Even now, with our current work - we’re in separate worlds. I don’t know if there is a real future for us.”
“Does he love you too?”
I nodded, aware that he couldn’t see me. “Yes, daddy. He says he does.”
“Well, Ellie, all I can say that if you both love each other, then you have to support each other, too. Life can throw us a lot of curveballs, but if your foundation together is strong, then nothing will shake you. You need to decide if this is what you want - I’m proud of you regardless. Besides, you’re still so young, Ellie. You have all the time in the world to learn, both in your career and relationships.”
“Thank you, daddy. How did I get so lucky to have such a wise old man in my life?”
“Hey! Easy on the old, there!”
I laughed along with him. “Okay dad, gotta go. Love you!”
“Love you too, darling.”
I hung up and released a big breath. I’d been so stressed lately, but I was hoping that maybe things would smooth out as I got more used to the job and environment. It was still taking me some time getting accustomed to being with Julien too, but I knew I had to stop worrying about all the consequences. I’d wait and see - no use panicking about things that hadn’t yet happened.
Later that evening, applying some pink gloss to my lips, I shook out my hair and stood back from the mirror, scrutinising my body. A quick glance at the clock told me he’d be home any second so I quickly slipped on my black patent heels and made my way downstairs. I’d already prepped the den with some candles. Next, grabbing the tablet, I selected some soft and soulful music. The mood was perfect. Just as I thought, I heard the front door open and shut a few moments later.
“Ellie, are you here?”
“Yes, I’m in the den!” I heard his footsteps approaching and the next minute he was standing in front of me, carrying a huge bunch of roses.
I smiled at him seductively and the roses slipped out of his hand.
“Hello, darling. Welcome home.”
“Ellie…” His voice was a groan, thick with desire whilst keeping his intense blue eyes on mine.
My heart hammered in my chest, as I slowly walked towards him. “I’m sorry, Julien. I’m so sorry.” I reached up to kiss him and his arms immediately encircled me, kissing me passionately. I pulled away, noting the surprise in his eyes.
“Take off your trousers.”
“What?” He seemed confused at my command.
“Off. Take them off.”
Without a sound, he undid his belt buckle and pushed his pants down his hips. I immediately noticed the growing bulge. Smiling, I pulled down his boxers, lifting his cock free from the material, letting it rest against his belly. Still holding me close, he adjusted himself, freeing his balls so that all of him was exposed. Everything about him was so intensely male and perfect, it was hard not to react.
My body pulsed with electric heat as feelings of desire and lust coursed through me.
Slipping down to my knees, he watched me expectantly as I lifted his heavy cock away from where it rested against his tight abdominal muscles and flicked my tongue out to taste the tip of him. Releasing a small groan of satisfaction, he tightened his grip against the back of my neck, urging me closer.
Curling my fist around the base of him, I worked my tongue up and down his length, finding my rhythm and sliding my hand up and down - I’d never be able to fit all of him in my mouth, so using my hands, too, was a necessity.
A softly murmured curse urged me on as my free hand reached beneath to gently cup and massage his balls. A warm drop of fluid escaped him and I swiped my tongue against the tip, capturing the bead of salty fluid and swallowing it down.
Keeping my suction going, I eased open my jaw to take in as much of him that I could fit into my mouth. Using both hands, I firmly stroked and slid up his generous length.
“Oh, fuck,” Julien growled. “That’s amazing, baby. Just like that.” His deep voiced rumbled in his chest and warmth and moisture flooded my panties as I committed myself to fully sucking, licking and stroking to the best of my ability.
His hand tightened in my hair, causing my scalp to tingle and then abruptly he pulled away, taking his cock in his hand and stroking it in short, uneven strokes. My core clenched at the sight of him.
“I’m gonna come…” he moaned.
I pulled his hands away, and took his cock, placing it back on my tongue, and then continued to suck.
“Oh shit, baby,” he growled, “that feels so fucking good.” His eyes were dark with lust as he watched my mouth working up and down his length. “Your mouth looks so pretty on my cock.”
Seconds later,
he groaned deeply as warm drops of semen spurted onto my tongue, his hips jerking wildly in release. I swallowed and sat back on my heels, smiling proudly at him. It felt amazing to watch such a powerful man come apart for me like that. My man. He pulled me up a few moments later to my full height.
“Dayum, Ellie. Thank you. That was incredible.”
I groaned in pleasure as the warm spray hit my body, waking up my body and soothing my muscles. Afterwards, I stepped out into the steam-filled bathroom and wrapped myself up in huge fluffy towel. Combing through my hair, I walked back into the bedroom, just in time to see Julien stripping off from his workout. Drawn to his rock hard abs, my eyes lowered further down and I involuntarily licked my lips remembering the feel of his cock in my mouth last night.
“Hey, baby, my eyes are up here.”
I snapped my eyes up into his smirking face and quickly felt the heat spread across my face, caught out staring at him.
Before I could respond, my mobile phone began ringing and I padded across the thick carpet to the beside table.
“Oh gosh, hope everything is okay on the ward.” I muttered to myself. However, I didn’t recognise the number as the display suggested an international call. I tapped the answer button.
“Hello, am I speaking with Eleanor Hartley?”
“Yes, speaking?” The formal tone of the caller had my heart starting to pound. And I sank down onto the edge of the bed. Julien must have noticed my worried expression and was immediately beside me, a questioning look in his eyes. I shrugged my shoulders.
“Miss Hartley, this is Sister Walker calling from St. Thomas’ Hospital in London.”
“How can I help you, Sister?”
“I’m really sorry to inform you, Eleanor, but your father, James Hartley, has suffered a heart attack. He is alive but is currently in surgery.”
Heart attack. Heart attack. Heart attack. Daddy. My world stopped around me as I felt the phone slipping away from my hand.