His Intern: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

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His Intern: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance Page 53

by Lillie Love

  She flicked her eyes to the right of the room and spotted her brother deep in conversation with Theo, Beth’s fiancé. The next second, obviously sharing some joke between them, they burst into laughter, clinking their glasses at the same time.

  “Ciao, everyone.” She smiled as she walked into the room.

  “Mia, ciao, sis.” Nico smiled warmly as he made his way over to her. He glanced at his watch. “I see you are cutting it fine as usual.” Teasing her, he kissed her on both cheeks. Theo followed closely behind, giving her a quick hug and after which, both the girls drew her into an embrace.

  “Oh Mia, so good to see you again.” Amber hugged her tightly, smiling at her friend.

  “Good to see you both as well.” Mia pulled away, looking apologetically at her friend. “Amber, I’m so sorry I couldn’t meet you for our weekly lunch. I’ve literally been swamped with work.”

  “No worries at all, I completely understand. Come and sit down with us.”

  Mia squeezed her hand, smiling at the glow radiating from Amber’s face. She looked so beautiful. Just over three months pregnant, her first trimester was thankfully over, as she had suffered terribly from morning sickness. She looked so much more healthy and relaxed now.

  Nico walked over and placed a glass of her favourite white wine in her hand. “Grazie, bro.” She smiled, taking a small sip as she sat on the sofa next to Beth, flashing her a warm smile. As usual, Beth looked stunning with her striking emerald eyes and long blonde hair, which tonight, was piled up on her head. She caught Theo watching Beth from her side vision and smiled, thinking what a stunning couple they made together. Theo, with his dark hair and blue eyes could equally rival the looks of any male Hollywood star and Beth, with her beautiful looks and sweet personality, was a perfect match for him. She was the Yin to his Yang.

  “So Beth, I can’t wait to show you some designs for your wedding dress that I’ve been sketching.”

  She let out a small whoop. “Oh that’s fantastic, Mia! Thank you so much, I know how busy you’ve been.” She turned to Amber with a wide grin. “I can’t wait to see them.”

  “Great, shall we have lunch on Tuesday? I want to bring some fabric samples along as well to see what you think?”

  “Tuesday would be great. Ambs, you free?”

  “Definitely. I can’t wait to see what you’ve got, Mia.”

  Just then, Nico walked past them. “Just one more to arrive and them we can eat.” He shot Amber a wink and then headed to the direction of the lift.

  “Oh, I didn’t realise we were expecting someone else. Do you know who else is coming?” Mia asked the girls as Theo walked over and sat on the opposite sofa.

  “Um, yeah, kind of…” Amber trailed off, a small smile playing on her lips. Confused, Mia looked to Beth who suddenly seemed very interested in her glass. Before she could question them any further, she heard the ping of the lift arriving. The music was just slightly too loud to hear the voices coming from the foyer, so shrugging her shoulders, she took a sip of her wine, savoring the crisp, dry liquid.

  Hearing the footsteps getting closer, Mia casually glanced up and saw Nico entering the room, laughing at something his guest was saying. It didn’t take long to reveal who was next to him. Her eyes locked on the tall figure behind Nico and her heart involuntarily started to thump.

  Standing there, with grey eyes boring into hers, was Gino.

  Mia took a big gulp of her wine as her eyes flicked to Amber, who returned her look with a sheepish smile. Great, she thought, they had set this up.

  She hadn’t spoken to Gino since he had briefly turned up at her Mother’s birthday party, which was three months ago. There was so much left to say between them and, at the time, he had mentioned that he wanted to speak with her. But she was so busy entertaining that evening and then later, when she tried to get in touch with him, she discovered that he was once again out of the country on another photography project.

  The men shook hands as Nico introduced Gino to Theo and Beth.

  “Theo, Beth — meet my partner in crime. This is Gino, we grew up together in Milan.” They warmly greeted each other, whilst Mia sat watching the display. Amber gave him a quick peck on the cheek as they had already met at the party.

  “So, Nico,” Gino said, gesturing to Amber. “I’m so happy for you guys. Congratulations, again. A bambino on the way — let’s just hope it takes after Amber, eh?” He slapped Nico on the back and everyone laughed.

  “Funny, Rossi.” Nico smiled as he put a protective arm around Amber. Mia watched as she saw the love shining in her brother’s eyes as he gently rubbed Amber’s tummy.

  Next, it was her turn and everyone turned to look expectantly. She slowly stood, then paused whilst she drank in his appearance. He looked classy as always, effortlessly stylish and more handsome than the last time she had seen him. He had slipped off his grey wool coat and was wearing a cashmere jumper with faded jeans, which hugged his strong, long legs.

  Around his neck, a lambswool scarf was gently resting and she watched as he slowly slid it off. His hair was cut shorter than the last time she saw him, the same buzz cut he’d worn so long ago. But it suited him. If anything, it accentuated his features more.

  She took a deep breath, as butterflies set off in her tummy, wondering why it wasn’t him in front of the camera lens. With his chiseled cheek bones, full lips, firm and muscled body, together with his tanned skin from his travels and work outdoors, he could have easily been mistaken for a male model.

  “Mia.” He spoke her name softly as the others moved away towards the dining room. He reached out his hand to her and Mia hesitantly placed her smaller hand in his large palm. “It’s been a while.”

  He pulled her closer, looking at her as if he were photographing her with his eyes. His gaze was seductive and she felt the noise around them drowning out with the thudding from her heart. No man had ever affected her as much as Gino Rossi. His nearness sent fire rushing through her body and she felt her face coloured at his intensive stare.

  “Gino.” She whispered his name, feeling breathless. “It’s good to see you again.” She stood up on her tiptoes and lent in to his cheeks, kissing him softly, and breathing in the familiar scent of his cologne. She inhaled sharply, and cleared her throat as she stepped back down, pretending not to be affected.

  They stood, staring, unable to tear their gazes away from each other.

  “Guys? Let’s eat!” Amber walked in, breaking their spell. Mia quickly stepped back and flashed Amber a quick smile.

  “Sure. Grazie, we’ll be right there.”

  She looked up at Gino, her eyes drawn to his full lips and couldn’t help but imagine them kissing her again. She had never forgotten the kiss they’d shared that fateful night two years ago.

  “Mia? Shall we?” He looked at her questioningly, raising an eyebrow, a small smile appearing on his face.

  “Oh. Yes… sure.” Turning on her heel, she quickly walked in the direction of the dining room, feeling her cheeks flame. She was sure he had guessed what she was thinking. There were too many unspoken words between them, but now was not the time to initiate that conversation.

  Dinner was a fun affair. The conversation was light hearted, involving a lot of teasing and fun as they all discussed their lives and work. She sat opposite Gino and, on several occasions, they caught each other’s eye as they laughed at the conversation around them. Each time she felt her heart stir and beat a little faster.

  “Have you finished your project? Are you back in London for a while?” Mia looked up as Theo asked Gino the question.

  “Yes. Thankfully, it’s over. The client’s brief was pretty tough this time, but we managed to get some wonderful shots for the campaign. Of course, the destination certainly helped.” He smiled as he took a quick sip of his Chianti.

  Mia glanced at him, always fascinated to hear more about his work as a freelance travel photographer. For as long as she could remember, Gino had always carried a camera with him
. He had worked long and hard over the years to build his name and portfolio and was now one of the most respected and in-demand travel photographers in the business.

  “Where did you travel to this time, Gino?” she asked, eagerly waiting for his reply.

  He smiled at her. “I’ve been a few times before, but I never tire of it. The location for the shoot was Bora Bora.”

  “Oh wow, how beautiful. “ She sighed, dreamily. “That’s on my bucket list.”

  He looked at her intently and spoke softly. “I see more beauty here.”

  The whole table grew silent for a moment as they observed the intensity underlying the conversation between the two. Picking up her glass, Mia took a sip of her wine as she flushed at the compliment.

  “So, Beth, Theo. How are wedding arrangements coming on?”

  Mia smiled gratefully at Amber for steering the conversation away from her and Gino.

  The remainder of the evening flew by. It was after midnight when everyone started to depart. She smiled at Amber who was desperately trying to keep her eyes open. Just then, her phone buzzed, alerting her that her taxi was waiting downstairs.

  Looking around for Nico, Mia walked towards the bedroom to locate him so that she could say goodnight. As she neared the spare room, she heard hushed voices coming from the other side of the door. Raising her hand to push it open, she froze in mid-air as she overheard the tail end of their conversation, which they were obviously trying to keep private.

  “So what’s really going on, Gino? It doesn’t make sense. What the fuck is this you’re telling me about getting married?”

  Chapter 2

  Mia gasped loudly. The men on the other side immediately stopped talking and spun in the direction of the door. Tears filled her eyes and she slowly backed away. Catching Gino’s eye, she saw the look of panic and torment as he ran towards her.

  “Mia! Please, stop!” He rushed out of the room, trying to catch up with her.

  Mia blindly ran towards the lift. Her heart was pounding, everything feeling like it was happening in slow motion and just wanted to get the hell out of there. She jabbed the button on the lift repeatedly as she furiously wiped her eyes.

  Sensing a commotion, Amber and Beth walked towards them.

  “Mia, please. I need to explain.” She heard his voice, soft behind her and she spun around, her eyes flashing.

  “There is nothing to talk about, Gino.” She tried to muster a smile for all the eyes that were watching her. “Please, I’m fine.”

  Amber approached Mia, wide-awake.

  “Mia, what’s going on? Are you okay, hun?” She looked at both of them, shocked at the outburst. Just then the lift signalled its arrival.

  “I’m fine. We’ll speak tomorrow. Please.” She lowered her lashes, unable to look at anyone, willing her eyes to dry up.

  Within moments, she was downstairs and out into the courtyard. She took a deep breath and stilled herself for a moment. He was getting married. Her Gino was getting married. Fresh tears spilled over and she covered her face in her hands, sobbing and sinking to her knees as physical pain ripped through her body.

  “Mia, please, baby, don’t cry like this.” She heard the torture in his voice behind her and she slowly stood up. Turning around to face him, she saw the look of pain etched in his eyes too.

  “You don’t get to call me, baby.” She shook her head, stepping backwards as he tried to reach out to her.

  “Please, you don’t understand. It’s not what you think.” His voice was thick with emotion as he stood there, his arm still outstretched.

  “Not what I think? For God’s sake Gino!” She raised her voice, uncaring if anyone else could hear her. “I’m sick of the mixed signals you constantly give me. You’re right, I no longer know what to think.” She turned around, walking to the gate. “So stay the hell away from me.”


  “NO Gino! I don’t want to hear it.”

  The gate opened and Mia, head held high, ran to the taxi.


  In the distance, she could hear the buzzer of her front door. After a restless night, she finally fell asleep in the early hours, her body spent and worn out from the amount of tears she had shed. She had no intention of answering the door to anyone and turned around, drawing the covers over her head and trying her best to ignore the incessant buzzing sound. Thankfully, after a few minutes, it stopped.

  She was just closing her eyes again when she heard her phone vibrating on its silent setting. Groaning, she reached over to her bedside table, hoping to turn it off. Pulling open her heavy eyelids, she looked at the time. It was just past eleven o’clock and she sighed, as she never slept in this late. Once again her phone started going off and this time she picked it up to look at the caller display.

  “Hi, Amber.” She spoke softly into the phone, her voice still heavy with sleep.

  “Mia. Open up. I’m downstairs.”

  “Amber, please. I just really want to be left alone.” She shut her eyes. Her head felt like someone had taken a bat to it.

  “No, Mia. Open up. I’m not going away. Besides, I’m freezing out here so hurry.”

  Mia sighed deeply. “Okay, fine. Give me a sec.”

  She dragged herself out of bed and pulled on her silk dressing gown, shuffling her way to the door. She buzzed Amber in, smoothing her hair as she waited.

  “Mia! Oh hun, what’s going on?” Amber came up the stairs and stopped as she looked at her, saddened to see her friend looking so disheveled.

  “Come in.” Mia walked into the flat with Amber following closely behind. “Please, can you give me a minute, I’ll just quickly freshen up.”

  Amber went into the kitchen and began filling the kettle. “Of course, take your time. I’ll make tea.”

  Mia gave her a small smile and walked into the bathroom. Glancing at her reflection, she was dismayed to see her pale face and blood shot eyes. Taking a deep breath, she splashed her face with cold water. Within minutes, she was back with Amber, who was just walking to the sofa with their steaming mugs of tea.

  Mia fell back onto the sofa, staring at the ceiling.

  “Mia?” Amber spoke softly. “You’re worrying me. What’s going on? Nico’s really concerned too.”

  Tears filled Mia’s eyes. “He’s getting married.”

  “What? Gino’s getting married?” Amber sat up, shocked.

  “Si. Seems that way from what I heard.”

  “What did you hear?”

  A few tears spilled over and Mia sat up, taking a tissue from the table to dab her eyes.

  “Last night, when I was leaving. I couldn’t find Nico so I walked towards the spare bedroom where I heard voices. I overheard Nico and Gino talking.” Her voice cracked. “Nico was asking Gino what was going on and why was he getting married.” A sob escaped her and she buried her face in her hands. Amber moved over and wrapped her in her arms.

  “I’m so dumb. All this time…I thought he loved me.”

  “It’s okay, Mia. We’ll get to the bottom of this. I don’t understand it either. I mean, the chemistry between you two was so obvious last night.” Amber shook her head, heartbroken to see her friend in so much pain. “It doesn’t make sense.”

  “It is what it is. I told you a few months ago.” She slowly pulled away from Amber, wiping her eyes. “I have to move on. Just like he has.”

  “Okay, but couldn’t you just talk to him? Find out why?”

  Mia looked at Amber, the pain evident in her green eyes. “What for? To find out that he has just really strung me along all this time? For me to admit to him that secretly I have been waiting for him for the past two years after he told me that he loved me? What’s the point?” She shook her head, defeated.

  They sat in silence for a few moments, whilst they sipped their tea.

  “Mia, do you mind if Beth comes over? I know she’s desperately waiting for my call to see if you’re okay?”

  Mia shrugged. “Sure of course, she can. Anywa
y, I need to show her some dress designs so we can do that today.”

  “I don’t think she’d be too bothered about that, hun.” Amber squeezed her hand. “We’re just worried about you and we want to be here.”

  Mia smiled at her friend. She was thankful to have met such lovely girls and, in the three months she had known them, they had formed a tight friendship together.


  A short while later, Beth arrived. She brought food and the girls sat at the table eating noodles whilst Mia merely picked at her plate.

  After lunch was cleared away, Beth gently spoke to Mia. “From what I’ve heard, it doesn’t make sense. I really think you should speak with Gino to find out what’s going on.”

  Mia sighed. She seemed to be doing a lot of that today. “Maybe. He did say he wanted to explain. Maybe I should hear him out… and then …and then, I can get closure and move on.”

  Beth’s eyes filled with tears. “Mia, can you tell us more about Gino? How long have you known him?”

  Mia sat back in her seat, reflecting on their past. “Well, I met him for the first time when I was about nine. Nico had brought home a lot of friends for a weekend at our villa in Lake Como. They were all loud and brash and I desperately wanted to join in the fun, but Nico kept telling me to go away.” She smiled. “I guess a nine year old tagging along would cramp their style, being the fourteen year old teenage boys that they were. Anyway, I remember the first time I saw Gino…he was coming out of the pool and I was hiding behind a bush, giggling whilst watching them play with the water guns. I had my swimming costume on, ready to go and join in, just in case Nico would let me.”

  She looked away thoughtfully as the memories flooded through vividly. Both Amber and Beth were silent, nodding and waiting for her to continue. “So somehow, Gino spotted me and I froze because I was scared he would tell my brother and then they’d all make fun of me or something. I was about to run away when he called out to me and told me to stop hiding.” She smiled. “He was so kind, he let me join in, gave me his water gun. Nico grudgingly allowed me to play, whilst also teasing Gino for playing with a nine year old. He looked after me all afternoon and I was so proud to be included in the gang.”


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