by Lillie Love
“Max said he spoke with you about securing a section for her in your VIP area, but he forgot to give her name for your list,” I said. “He sent me to tell you.”
The woman grinned up at me, and for the second time I was scrutinized from head to toe, but this one had a more sensual intent behind it.
“I’m glad he did,” she said. She flipped her blonde hair back while keeping her eyes on me and pressed on an earpiece that was hidden under her hair. “Let them through, Harris,” she said. “Tell them drinks are on the house for their inconvenience.”
My eyes went back to the VIP entrance screen, and I watched as she relayed the instructions to her bouncer. From the looks of it, I was seconds away from my sister taking her anger to level Mach-5. Thankfully, the bouncer let Julie and her friend in. I couldn’t take my eyes off the woman she was with, and I forgot all about the club owner in the room, until she cleared her throat.
“So you’re the Marine?” Tanya asked.
“Yes, ma’am,” I said, standing at rest with my hands behind my back.
“Don’t be so formal. Call me Tanya.” She stood and came around the desk to sit on it, which made her skirt hike up some. “Your name is Harvey, right?”
“Scott,” I said. I knew what was coming, and I wasn’t the least bit interested in what she had to offer.
“Is there anything else I can do for you, Scott?” she asked licking her lips.
I put on the flirtatious smile I used to get women to eat out of my hands and jump into my bed, but this time the object of my desire wasn’t in front of me. She was on the other side of the club.
“I’ll take access to your VIP service, since you’re offering,” I said.
“Sure,” she said. “How sweet of you to check on your sister. I’ll let Harris know to expect you. It’s the least I can do for Max’s brother and a man who serves our country.”
If it was any other time, I would have declined and left, but I was curious about the woman I saw with Julie. I needed to see her up close, craved it even.
“You certain that’s all you need?” she asked.
“It is. Thank you.” I turned to leave.
“Wait,” she said. She pulled out a small, red card from her cleavage. “This is my private number. If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to call it.” She tucked it in my front pants pocket.
I didn’t say anything before leaving. Calling her was the last thing I was going to do. I had other plans that required my attention.
Chapter Three: Peyton
Why did I agree to this? I was fine staying at home, curling up with some popcorn, and watching old movies. I could admit I was a nerd. It’s why I wanted to be a teacher so bad. There was nothing comparable to the feeling of showing students the art of science and watching them get it.
I was never a big party person, something Julie knew good and well. Yet, I was stuck in a booth, while my best friend flirted with the VIP section bartender. She was supposed to get us more drinks. That was ten minutes ago. So much for celebrating my last days of work freedom. I slid out of the booth and walked over to them.
“You must have some strong muscles lifting all those liquor boxes without breaking them,” Julie said, drawing out her words so they sounded more seductive.
The bartender grinned. “Well, I don’t like to brag.”
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. “Sorry to interrupt, but I’m going to the restroom,” I said, hoping to get her attention.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll have our drinks when you get back,” Julie said. She waved me off and scooted closer to her target. “So you’re a big, bad bartender, huh?”
“I prefer the term mixologist,” he said, leaning over the bar.
I sighed and made my way to the neon signs that said restroom. I loved Julie, but once she set her sights on a guy, there was no bringing her back from the hunt. I made the decision to check with her when I got back. If she was still more interested in the club staff than hanging out with me, I was going home.
I was surprised to see that the bathroom was fairly decadent with dark red colors throughout. It was a stark contrast to the neon colors outside. The walls were covered in some kind of fabric, and a small bench sat to the side of the room. A moment of peace was shattered when I saw the attendant standing near the sinks. Of course, the VIP bathroom would have an attendant.
“Good evening,” she said. Her smile seemed genuine but exhausted, probably from having to greet every woman who walked in.
I nodded. “Hello,” I said, before darting into one of the stalls.
I always hated the clubs that had attendants. It was weird to try to use the bathroom when you knew someone was out there listening. I finish quickly so I could leave the awkward bathroom silence and head back out to the club area.
I washed my hands with my head down. When I was done, I looked for paper towels only to find none.
“Would you like a towel, Miss?” the attendant asked.
“Thank you,” I said, taking her offering. I dried off my hands quickly, and she tossed it in a nearby hamper. I fished out a couple of bills from my purse and dropped it in her tip jar.
“Thank you, Miss,” she said.
“No problem.” The drinks were already hitting me hard as I tried to find balance. I rushed out of the bathroom as I put my wallet back in my bag. I didn’t see the man I ran into until it was too late.
“Whoa,” a man said with a slur. “Where are you going, beautiful?”
“Sorry,” I said, trying to move away from him. His fingers dug into my arms, keeping me from moving.
“Not so fast, honey,” he said. “No need to rush off. You can make it up to me.”
His liquor breath made me want to gag. I turned my head and tried to shrug him off me, but his one-handed grip was too strong. He held a drink in his free hand.
“I’m not interested,” I said. “Let me go.”
“That’s no way to treat a guy who’s trying to be nice to you. How about a drink?” His drink sloshed on my shirt, soaking it.
“Hey! I said no.” I made my voice as stern as I could so he’d get the point that obviously wasn’t sinking in his inebriated brain.
“No need to be a bitch,” he said.
His fingers dug into my flesh to the point of pain. Before I could try to knee him in the groin and show him how much I appreciated his bitch comment, he flew away from me.
It took a minute for my eyes to catch up to my head. Then I saw the drunken man pushed up against the wall with his feet dangling in the air.
“I believe the lady said she wasn’t interested, asshole,” the man holding the drunk guy up said.
I couldn’t see my rescuer’s face, but I could swear that his voice sounded familiar.
“I didn’t mean anything by it,” the drunken guy said.
“Then apologize to her,” the man holding him said. “Apologize and maybe I’ll consider not beating your ass.”
“I’m sorry,” he said. “Lady, I’m sorry.”
He was quickly dropped to the ground, and I wondered if he was hurt from the loud sound it made. He hobbled off, and I saw the bouncer from outside the VIP area waiting for him. The big guy grabbed the smaller one by the collar and escorted him out.
At least they were efficient here.
“Are you okay?” the familiar voice said again.
I turned around to see the one person I never expected. My breath caught in my throat. Scott Mitchell was the boy I always wanted but knew I could never have. As one of Julie’s older brothers, I knew he was off limits. That didn’t stop me from crushing on him all through middle and high school.
Now, he was standing in front of me with the club lights highlighting his face. It had been almost five years since I’d seen him before Julie and I went off to college and he took off to join the Marines. He was handsome then, but the way he looked now overshadowed it. He was a man with some new growth on his face, but it was still styled neatly. His chestnut hair was cut
short and the muscles in his arms and chest made him looked like a guy you didn’t want to mess with. No wonder the drunken guy freaked out.
“Peyton?” he asked. “Is that you?” His eyes lit up as he took me in from head to toe.
My body warmed, and I knew I was blushing, or maybe it was the alcohol finally catching up to me.
“Scott?” The music, the lights, the alcohol, and him. It was all too much, and I felt lightheaded. I didn’t know I was falling until his arms encircled me.
“Whoa. I got you.” His voice sounded like velvet, and I wanted so much to hear him talk again.
“I’m just a little dizzy,” I said. This was why I was a homebody. Clubbing was so far from my norm for a reason.
Before I knew what was happening, he had me in his arms.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Taking you home,” he said. “Looks like you’ve had enough partying tonight.”
Wait, what? I’d just seen him for the first time in forever, and he was taking me home like a child? No way.
“Put me down, Scott Mitchell. I’m fine.” I tried to shift out of his grip, but he wouldn’t give.
“No,” he said.
“What do you mean no?” I asked.
“Exactly what you think it means. No.”
“I can’t just leave Julie. I came with her.” We were moving through the dance floor, and people looked at us as Scott carried me. It was embarrassing.
“Julie will be fine,” he said. “She seemed busy with the bartender.”
“That’s not the point. She doesn’t know where I am.”
“I’ll text her when we get to my car.” A smile played on his face. It was like he was enjoying this.
I’d forgotten how much of a party pooper he could be, and it didn’t seem like military life changed that. The more I tried to get out of his hold, the more he kept me close to him. He felt even harder with me up against him. If anyone punched him, it’d be like hitting a brick wall.
“This is ridiculous. You know that, right?” I said, giving up the effort. What was it with grabby men tonight? I’d dodged one only to end up with another.
“If I remember, you were never good at holding your liquor,” he said
“That was years ago.”
“Guess it hasn’t changed.” He smirked and stared right at me, which made my belly tighten. My anger disappeared and was replaced by something else, something a lot more sexual. Damn, he could make a girl forget herself, even if she was angry or irritated at him.
Julie was always doing things to annoy him, and I happened to be in the crossfire.
One weekend, when we were teenagers, Julie snuck some tequila out of her parents’ liquor cabinet and demanded we drink it. Julie could always drink like a guy, which she proudly credited to her Irish roots. Me? I was the lightweight after one shot. Who was the one to catch us in the act? Scott.
He was still cute yelling at us for being so reckless. At least I think he was angry. I’d watched his lips move until I fell asleep. That was me. One strong drink and I was out, which was why I appreciated girly drinks. They didn’t do such a number on me.
The cool air hit me as we got outside, bringing me back to the present.
“What are you even doing here?” I asked Scott.
“Max sent me,” he said.
“To what? Spy on us?”
“No,” he said, “but good thing he did, since someone had to save you from yourself.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He didn’t answer. Before I could ask again, a car unlocked, and I realized it was his. Car was too small of a word since he had a behemoth black SUV.
He finally sat me back on my feet and opened the door.
“Get in,” he said.
“And if I don’t?” I challenged. I was tempted to run back into the club and find Julie.
“I’ll be happy to put you in myself.” His body moved closer to me, invading my space. A mischievous smile crept on his lips, and something in it said if I ran, he’d be more than happy to catch me.
I would be lying if I said the thought didn’t thrill me a little, but I complied and got in the car.
Scott closed my door and went around, getting in from the driver’s side. He pulled out his phone and texted something before he started the car and turned on the GPS.
“There. I sent Julie an update. What’s your address?”
I had a big urge to rebel. Maybe if I said nothing he’d let me go back. I stayed silent and crossed my arms.
“Peyton, where do you live?” he asked.
I stared at him and kept my mouth shut.
His grin came back in full force. “Fine. Have it your way.”
He started driving, and I couldn’t stay quiet anymore.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“Since you won’t tell me your address, there’s only one destination I can drive to,” he said with a proud smirk.
“Where is that?”
“My place.”
Chapter Four: Scott
What the fuck was wrong with me? I was getting a hard-on for my sister’s best friend. It was completely ridiculous to pull her out of the club, but after seeing that asshole putting his hands all over her, I had to do something. When I saw it was Peyton, I got even more protective. I was always that way when it came to her.
Why didn’t I think it was her? I mean, she was Julie’s best friend, but the woman in my car was not the girl I remember seeing only a few years ago. Peyton had grown into a woman, a woman who had me sitting awkwardly as I drove to my place.
“I’ll give you the address,” she said.
“Too late, Peyton,” I said. “Once I’ve made up my mind, there’s no changing it.”
“You can’t be serious?”
“Have you ever known me to be a jokester?” I asked and stared at her before turning back to the road.
She quieted but continued to look at me. Hell, she was gorgeous. Maybe having her alone at my place wasn’t a good idea, but I certainly wasn’t leaving her alone. Not after she almost passed out. Hadn’t she learned her lesson when it came to drinking?
She sighed and sat back in her seat. I could see out my peripheral she was still annoyed, but it didn’t make her any less attractive.
“You better have something to eat,” she said. “I didn’t get to have dinner tonight.”
“Damn it, Peyton. No wonder you were dizzy. You can’t drink on an empty stomach.”
“Thanks, Dad,” she huffed. “You still never answered my question.”
“Which question was that?” I asked, turning onto my apartment street. At least I wasn’t far from the club. It was one of the reasons I’d told Max I’d go to the place since it was on my way home.
“Why were you at Neon Nights?” she asked.
“Max forgot to put Julie on the VIP list, so he sent me to fix it.”
“You mean you’re the reason they let us in?”
I shrugged. “Indirectly, I guess so. It’s more Max’s doing though.”
“Good because I thought Julie was going to get us arrested.” She laughed, and I couldn’t help but join in with her.
My sister did have the history of getting into the worse situations because of her hot temper.
“She did have her kill face on, didn’t she?” I said.
“Yeah. She wanted me to hold her purse.” Peyton giggled even more until the sound filled the space between us.
It was nice to hear her laugh. The sound reminded me of one of the many things I liked about her.
I turned into the high rise entrance and keyed in my passcode for the garage.
“You live here?” she asked, looking out the window.
“Something wrong?” I asked, driving to my designated spot.
“It’s swanky. I just never pictured you living in a place like this.”
“How have you imagined me?” I asked putting the truck in park. I was happy it gave me a chance t
o look at her.
When Peyton blushed, her whole body took on the color and made her sexier than any woman I’d ever seen. She was bushing like crazy, and I had the best view of it.
“I don’t know,” she said, avoiding my gaze.
I got out and opened her door. “Let’s get some food in you.”
I took her hand on instinct and was glad she didn’t pull away. We were quiet as we rode up in the elevator, but her hand stayed in mine. Her body was so close that I could feel the heat radiating from her.
It took everything in me not to push the emergency button and kiss her right there. Her sweet smell invaded my senses, and all I wanted to do was consume myself with Peyton.
After opening the door to my place, I finally let her hand go. “Make yourself at home.”
Some boxes were still unpacked in the living room, but everything else was in order. I kept my eyes on her as she walked in and looked around. It wasn’t the penthouse, but it was still a big loft area with vaulted ceilings and tall windows looking out over downtown Los Angeles.
The furniture was a brown leather sofa with two matching chairs on each end. A big, flat screen television sat in front of it inside the entertainment center. The oak dining room set was closer to the window with four seats at the table. Plenty of open space was around each, making it seem bigger than it was.
“So what do you think?” I asked.
She casually ran her hand over the leather sofa. I immediately pictured that same hand gliding over my chest and abs until it went lower. Then the image switched to me bending her over that sofa. I wondered how she would look with that luscious ass up in the air ready for me to take her from behind.
“I like it,” she said, pulling me out of my fantasy. “It’s so you.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” I said and made my way to the kitchen.
“Oh, it is,” she said.
I was proud of the large chef kitchen, which was one of the main reasons I got the place. It had everything I needed for cooking.
I motioned for her to sit on one of the bar stools as I pulled out trays of fruit and some mini sandwiches I’d made earlier. All of it was set in a fancy presentation since I’d plated them to take pictures. The fruit was formed in the shape of animals with grapes and cherries substituting for eyes and slices of bananas for ears. The sandwiches consisted of different types of bread with various fillings in a circular design on the plate. Each one had a spicy kick to them, which was my signature cooking style.