Supernatural Race: Novella Book 2 In The Different Kind Of Hell Series

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Supernatural Race: Novella Book 2 In The Different Kind Of Hell Series Page 2

by Charlotte Summers

  With a growl I use my flight instincts and dart across the road, cars swerve me but I keep my focus on getting away from whoever that gunman was.

  I wander the streets for hours, my feet grow tired as does my mind. I turn and find myself lost, lifting my nose I try to find a scent that will lead me home, however, I cannot find anything to tell me where I am.

  I curse myself for being so stupid, my Mum told me never to go out of our land without an adult wolf and she was right.

  A helpless cry escapes my lips as I sink to the uneven floor, everything blurs as tears spill from my eyes.

  The world tilts around me, the cruelness of it all makes me think about my pack and my friends. They love me with everything they have and I go and get annoyed because they want to protect me, who knows what will happen now that I’m a lone wolf and lost in a human world.

  Chapter Four

  “Hey, there little wolfy, gotten lost have we” I hear a sneer from my right, keeping my head bowed I snarl.

  My head lifts and I gasp, blood red eyes met mine and I cry out as I try to get away.

  The red eyes widen as I run, I know I can never outrun a vampire but I don’t need to stay here and get killed either.

  “No wait please!” The vampire says, I turn to him and see him walking slowly towards me.

  I tilt my head and wait, against my better judgement. I study him, his wavy black hair stick up in all directions and he’s dressed in black. His eyes hold mine for a second.

  “What do you want?” I ask, tensing and getting ready to attack.

  “I just want someone to talk to, my family left me behind as I cannot be a vampire yet,” He says, eyes cast down and a sad look on his pale face.

  “You look pretty vamp to me” I grin, my body relaxing slightly.

  “Thanks, I guess, how come you are out here anyway. I thought wolves stay hiding” He says.

  “I got angry at my pack, ran off and couldn't find my way back again” I sigh, thinking about my mum.

  “I could help you, you’re in Percy's pack right? My Dad told me he was going to chat to him. By the way, my name is Reece”

  “What you mean the vamps that attacked us and nearly killed me and my pack? I’m Nat” I say as I stick my hand out, knowing he didn’t know about the attack.

  “Oh god, I’m sorry. I’ll help you” Reece shakes my hand and smiles at me, his fangs flash but he quickly covers them.

  Reece grabs my hand and we start to walk, the breeze is gentle on my skin however I shiver. Reece watches me but doesn’t comment on my shiver.

  “Wolf!” Someone shouts from my left, Reece jumps and I shiver even more.

  The bullet whips past me and I pull Reece back.

  “Run” I yell, Reece nods and we take off.

  A gun sounds and pain ignites in my side, Reece's head jumps to meet my eyes. His eyes swirl red, I back away and he shakes his head before grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the line of sight.

  “You’re hurt” His teeth are gritted and I tense, vampires and blood don’t mix.

  “I’m fine, don’t think about it Vamp boy” I smile but he sees through my mask.

  “Stay here, I’ll be back,” He says as he jumps away and towards the direction of the bullet.

  I fall to the floor as the shift tries to pull me into the wolf. Thinking about the pain centres my mind and keeps me human. My breathing picks up and my sight blurs, I yell for Reece, however, all is silent.

  “Nat!” Reece's voice clouds my mind, I lift my arm and feel his fingers slip into my hand. My eyes open and I see blood covering Reece, my eyes widen but I have no time to say anything about it.

  “The bullet, you need to get it out or I’ll die. It’s silver” I grit my teeth.

  “The blood, I can’t do it” He replies, I shake my head and grab his hand with all the strength I can, His eyes widen even more and he nods.

  I collapse onto the floor, Reece behind me. I breathe deeply but scream when I feel his fangs in my side, keeping focus I waiting until he gets the bullet out.

  “It’s out, oh god my poison!” I hear his panicked voice.

  “You’re a bloodsucker!” I yell as fire races around my veins.

  His cold hand steadies me as he begins to suck out the vampire poison. I sigh as blackness comes to carry me away.

  Chapter Five

  “Nat, wake up!” A person shakes me, I growl and try to turn over. Pain ignites in my side and I yelp as my eyes pop open.

  “What the hell” I look around, my mind blank for a second until everything rushes around in my brain.

  “You’re alive! Thank god!” Reece yells, his eyes glow and his face is covered in blood; some of which is mine.

  “I need to get home” I mumble, Reece smiles and helps me up.

  The pain nearly brings me back to my knees however Reece puts his arm around me, holding me up.

  We walk in silence, Reece watching me every so often to make sure I’m okay.

  A twig snaps behind us and I tense, every bone in my body calls for me to shift and run.

  “Do you trust me?” Reece whispers, knowing my hearing will pick it up.

  “I barely know you however you saved my life so yeah I guess I do” I reply.

  “Good” He picks me up and runs, however, he’s running far too fast. I gasp at the speed.

  “You got your vamp?” I ask, unsure if he can hear me.

  “Yeah, I don’t know what happened but I just knew I could run faster” He grins.

  He stops and lets me down, I turn and see we are home. A howl cuts through the air and I grin.

  Reece watches me with a smile before he takes a step backwards.

  “Don’t go” I say just as my brother jumps out of nowhere and takes Reece down.

  I scream for Ivan to stop, he jumps off and watches Reece.

  Ivan then switches his gaze to me, his eyes hold confusion.

  “He saved my life, the least you can do is not kill him” My hands go to my hips while I wait for him to nod.

  I look at Reece who gives me a little smile before I start walking towards the pack house. Reece follows and Ivan waits by the edge of the woods.

  “What's wrong?” I instantly know something isn't right.

  Ivan's head shakes from side to side and he barks at Reece, my eyes widen just as vampires swam us.

  Cupping my hands together I let out a howl, the danger howl. Others join me and I know we will be okay.

  Reece's eyes are wide as he watches me shift, my white fur still covered in my own blood.

  I bark at him, his eyes glow and he's gone. I shrug and attack, these bloodsuckers are going nowhere near my pack!

  I dance on my front paws, trying to get into the attack. My mind takes over and I’m left to watch as my body joins in.

  I panic and try to take my control back but I’m thrown into my memories and I cannot get out.

  “Nat, Jump” I hear a voice, Reece’s voice.

  My head turns and I let out a growl at him, I see his eyes widen and then his eyebrow jumps up as he realises my wolf is in control.

  “I won’t hurt you, wolf, you know me” His voice soothes us, and my mind is pulled to the front and I find that I can move again.

  I let out a happy bark and he leaps at me, onto my back. His teeth gently nip my ear and I jerk from it.

  “Nat, it’s Ava!” Jakes scream echoes through the woods.

  I jump and race towards where Avas scent is, blood covers her. I yelp and look towards her mate who is beside her.

  Reece jumps off my back and I growl, his head tilts and he rushes off; coming back with clothes.

  I nod to him before shifting, not caring that he can see my naked body. My fur retreats as my bones pop into my human form, I yelp as my side ignites with pain but I ignore it.

  “Ava?” I whisper.

  Chapter Six

  I gulp before taking measured steps toward my older sister, the blood blocks my nose and I try to breathe nor
mally. Reece follows my every move, despite all the blood that must be driving him crazy.

  I drop down and my hands hover over Avas body, unsure what to do. I tilt my head and decide to check for her heartbeat, I pick up a faint beat and sigh in relief.

  “Nat!” I’m tackled to the ground, hitting my head on a rock. A growl releases from my throat and I kick out at my attacker.

  I scream as fangs dig deep into my neck, the poison I know so well, rushes around my body and I feel myself slipping into darkness.

  I shake myself and force my eyes to stay open. Reece grabs the vampire before he can drain me dry, the vampire hisses at Reece before taking off.

  I jump up and push myself to get to Ava, the paleness of her face shows me that I don’t have much time.

  I let out a howl, hoping that a pack doctor hears me. A howl joins mine and I smile slightly, knowing someone is going to help.

  The thunder of paws meets my ears, Reece glances the same way as me. His eyes hold the nerves I can feel.

  “They will kill me” His statement rings in my ears and I nod slightly, vampires may have killed my sister and someone will have to pay for that.

  “I won’t let them trust me” I growl.

  I move out of the way just as three werewolves in human form run towards Ava, two of them growl at Reece but make no move to hurt him.

  I sigh as they get to work on saving my sister and her mate. I stumble, the poison working its way to my heart.

  I flop to the floor and yawn, the event of these last few days getting to me. Reece watches with what I think is concern.

  “Nat?” My eyes drop and I yawn again.

  “Wake up!” Reece yells in my ear, I yelp and jump up.

  “Whatttt” my words slur.

  His eyes widen even more and he notices the bite on my neck, he grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. A growl echoes in my ears just as Reece bites me, instead of the bite hurting; it gives me a weird feeling of longing and love.

  “Don’t break the connect, he’s saving her” I release my mum’s voice.

  “Mum” I mutter, a hand lands on my shoulder and I smile.

  Reece let’s go of me and I see his eyes go blue, My mum gasps as Reece falls to the floor along with my body.

  “Reece has marked her” Is the last time I hear before the blackness takes me.

  “Nat” My eyes open and I see Reece looking at me with fear.

  “What happened and where are we?” I ask, looking around us.

  “I think we are in a shared dream, I don’t know how it works but I took too much of your blood and that’s how vampires pick a mate” He whispers but my keen hearing catches it.

  I jump up with widening eyes, Reece jumps away from me and paces while I take in what he has just said. Reece is my mate! How can this happen?

  “How the hell can this happen?” I ask after a while.

  “I’m not sure, We will have to ask someone” His reply does nothing to ease the panic inside of me.

  “I’m not that bad” He grins, I laugh but there is no humour behind it.

  “Can we go? I want to see my mum?” I ask, he nods and grabs my hand.

  My eyes roll back into my head and I collapse to the floor.

  “Nat, you’re okay!” My mum hugs me as soon as my eyes open.

  “Mum” I smile, she helps me to my feet and I glance at Reece.

  We all walk home slowly, I look around for Ava but she’s nowhere to be found.

  “How many were injured?” I dread the answer as my mum looks towards my dad who joins us.

  “We are not sure, Percy is still out looking. Most of the vampires lured our wolves away and we are not sure how many are still alive” My dad says.

  Chapter Seven

  We all walk home, a dead silence follows us as if the world will never be right again. The wind picks up and I fight to stop tears falling down my face. Reece watches me with a sad smile and his head tilted but I ignore his looks.

  “Look, you all go inside and go have something to eat. Forget what happened, I will take the rest of the pack members with me and we will be back soon” Dad says as we reach the house, it’s regal form doing nothing to comfort me.

  Jake grabs my arm and pulls me along while Ivan pushes between me and Reece.

  My eyes roll and I chuckle at the protective streak in my brother. He smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

  I turn back just in time to see the pack race off, the tears I tried so hard to fight crawl down my face.

  “You don’t have to always be the Alpha sis, it’s okay to cry” Jake mumbles, his eyes darting around as if vampires will jump out in second.

  “I know but with everything that’s happening I need to be strong; we all do” I reply, my wolf on high alert.

  “Hey, I’ve got an idea. Why don’t we go watch a film and just chill?” Reece smiles at me.

  “You will go nowhere near my sister. I don’t care about anything you say, leave her alone or I’ll tear your throat out myself” Ivan growls, Jakes body tenses and I jump in front of Reece.

  “Let’s all calm down, I want to eat. Please don’t do this” I growl, my eyes glowing; ready for a fight.

  Ivan bursts into his wolf form before I can duck, sending me for an unplanned flying lesson. I hear Jake shout my name but I don’t respond as I crash into a nearby tree.

  “Ouch, I really have seen it all now” I reply with a laugh.

  I touch the back of my head to see blood gushing from a wound, I sense myself getting pale.

  Sitting on the floor I wait for my brothers and Reece to get here, Ivan’s eyes are wide and Reece's are glowing red. Jake rolls his eyes and picks me up.

  “Why do you always seem to get in the way of wolf fights?” He laughs.

  “I hate it when you guys fight and I also don’t have any awareness of when you guys are about to wolf out” A giggle spills from my lips and I glance at Ivan, a scowl forming.

  “Well we are going to have to train you up, how many times have you got caught now?” Ivan says as he walks next to me, a light-hearted grin across his face.

  “I think this is the fourteenth time” I close my eyes as the sky starts to spin.

  I hear a door being kicked open and smell the pack scent. I’m gently placed on the sofa and I feel someone sit next to me, using my nose I realise it’s Reece.

  My eyes pop open and I tilt my head towards him, A smile lazily on my face.

  “You have lost too much blood, how are you even awake right now?” He asks me, I laugh; finding the whole thing funny.

  “You tell me vamp boy” My reply sends me into a fit of giggles and Reece drains of colour; if he could.

  “Jake!” He shouts, the voice echoing in my head and making my ears ring.

  “Coming!” Jake shouts back.

  Footsteps hurry into the room and I feel a sharp sting in my arm. I yelp and look down to my arm, a needle sticks out.

  “What the hell,” I say as I try to get it out, Reece grabs my hand to stop me and Jake hooks something to the needle.

  “You need blood, you will die. Just keep still” He growls, eyes glowing.

  I sigh as I feel some of my strength coming back. The fact that my eyes are fighting sleep doesn’t slip my mind.

  “How long have I been awake?” I ask no one.

  “At least twenty-four hours” Jake replies, I huff before yawning.

  Jake gives me the go ahead and I let my mind take over, bringing me to blissful sleep.

  Chapter Eight

  I groan, my body shivering as I wake. My eyes pop open and my vision clouds over. A yawn escapes me before I pull my arms over my head and stretch, wounds pull causing me to gasp.

  “Nat, You’re awake! I thought you would never come round” Jake grins as he strolls into the room.

  “Where is everyone” I rub the sleep from my eyes.

  “Reece has gone hunting and Ivan is making a map of where we should look for our pack” Jake steps nervously.
  “Mum said to stay here, shouldn’t we do as she says?” I reply, not really wanting to leave my home again.

  “I have a bad feeling, I don’t want to leave the pack. If they die so will I” Jakes reply shakes me to the core and I nod my head showing that I am with him.

  I sigh and shiver slightly, Jake hands me a bundle of clothes and tips his head towards the bathroom.


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