Supernatural Race: Novella Book 2 In The Different Kind Of Hell Series

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Supernatural Race: Novella Book 2 In The Different Kind Of Hell Series Page 5

by Charlotte Summers

  Jake nods to me and I turn to go and get the car, Reece’s arm stops me and I tilt my head at him but he grabs my hand and walks with me.

  Once we are out of my brothers hearing I roll my eyes at him and ask him why he tried to stop me.

  “You need to know that lab will have things you have never seen and it will not be pretty, my memories are coming back and I remember the lab. Just know I will try my best to protect you” He replies and my stomach turns over.

  “We will be fine, we just need to get things rolling. If we stay here I have no doubt the next attack will cost a life and I’m not willing to let that happen” I growl, my wolf waiting for me to release her but I force her away from the surface.

  “I just hope this will be over, I like having a mate but I feel strange that you are in danger” Reece’s voice takes on a strange tone and I stop to stare at him.

  “That will be the mate bond again but I didn’t think you would get it” I mutter, shaking myself I pull Reece close and plant my lips onto his. He deepens the kiss and I find the mate bond growing stronger between us.

  I pull away as a different urge takes hold of me, Reece’s eyes widen and he laughs.

  “Maybe hold for that until we are older” I giggle as I hug him once more before pulling away from him and towards the cars.

  “Agreed” He replies and he grabs hold of my hand again, a strange tingling runs up my arm but I shake it off.

  I run to the keyboard and grab the keys for the car I like driving the most. Reece laughs when he sees the pink car at the end.

  “I’m guessing that one is yours?” He says while shaking his head.

  I just nod and jump in the driver's seat, Reece blurs to the passenger seat and I start up the car.

  “Your brothers are going to love driving in this” Reece’s laugh makes me smile as I pull the car out of the garage.

  Putting up in front of the house I scream with laughter at the looks on my brother's faces. Horror is written all over Jakes' face while Ivan just stares blankly at me.

  “Come on, let’s go for a ride!” I yell, Jake shakes his head and get in while Ivan backs away from the car.

  “Get in, the colour isn’t going to kill you” I shout to him before Jakes grabs him and pulls him inside the car.

  “I hate this car, I don’t even know why mum bought it for you as you aren’t old enough to drive” Ivan mutters,

  “So, I need to drive as we are not going to get anywhere if I don’t” I reply, The fact that I’m too young pulling at my mind. What if we get caught by the police?

  I pull the car down our drive, my mind wandering and my wolf lingering under the surface.

  “We will be fine,” Reece says before grabbing my hand.

  I nod and shift gears, making the car speed up. The road is clear and I check the back mirror to make sure no police are behind us.

  I grin as I shift again, the speed of the car now illegal as I put my foot down.

  “We should be there in about five minutes,” Jakes says, I nod and slow down.

  I turn left and gasp in horror, a seven-foot fence stands in between us and the building.

  “How are we going to get over that?” I ask, turning the engine off.

  “Own it, let’s just walk up to the gate and knock?” Ivan suggests.

  “That's a good way to get us all killed, I have an idea I think” I mutter, thinking about how far Reece can jump.

  We all jump out of the car and I lock it, I don’t want anyone stealing our ride home. We don’t know what we are going to find in this place and we might need a quick escape.

  “Already on it,” Reece says as if he heard my thoughts about jumping.

  He nods to me and I tilt my head as he grabs my arm, Jake growls as Ivan stands to watch.

  I gasp as I’m thrown into the air, I fly over the wall just missing it. A slight buzzing sound meets my ears and I figure out the fence is electrified.

  “Be careful, the fence is electrified!” I shout just as I land on the other side, I roll to make sure I don’t hurt myself.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Once we are all over the fence I signal to Jake to take the lead, he nods and shifts. His black fur blending in the surroundings.

  I follow closely and Reece takes the back to make sure we don’t get caught. The look of shock on Ivan’s face makes me think twice about bringing him on these missions.

  “There!” I point to a slightly open door, Jake rushes to it and checks its clear before we all go through it.

  Screams echo through the building and my lunch nearly comes up, just the thought of people being hurt in here makes me want to shift and run.

  Reece catches my eye and I see a tear run down his face, a sad smile on his face.

  A baby's cry stops me in my tracks, the wolf within telling me to save it. I close my eyes and shake myself before running to the door and breaking the lock. The door swings open to reveal a female's body on a metal table and a baby in a box at the other side of the room.

  I lift my nose and choke at the scent coming from the female, it’s my sister's scent.

  “Ava?” I whisper, Jake ghosts next to me and we walk slowly towards the girl on the table.

  Once we get to the girl I cover my mouth to stop the scream from coming out. Avas weak form lays on the tale, her eyes closed and her chest barely moving.

  “Jake stay still, I’m going to put her on your back,” I say and Jake huffs.

  I gently touch the cuffs and growl at the sting, silver lined cuffs.

  I close my eyes against the pain and pull the cuffs apart, breaking them into two.

  As soon as the cuffs are broke Ava gasps and her eyes fly open, I cry out as her eyes glow bright red. She grabs my arm and I strain to get away, she lets go and I crash into a table.

  I yelp as my head hits the table and I put my hand to my head. Jake growls and I see Ava standing up, she stalks towards me and I pull my hand away with a sinking feeling.

  Blood covers my hand and drips down my head.

  “Ava, listen it’s me! Your sister! I’m here to help you, your twin is here to look!” I point to Jake in a desperate attempt to get her to remember us.

  She glances at Jake but doesn’t stop moving towards me, I can see the anger in her eyes.

  The baby cries again and I glance towards it, Ava ignores the baby and I close my eyes.

  I feel a gust of wind and Reece stands before me, a hiss comes from him and Ava stops and tilts her head.

  Reece takes the advantage and jumps for her, I quickly grab Jakes fur to stop him attacking Reece and he growls at me.

  “Reece is going to knock her out, we cannot get through to her here” I growl in his ear, he relaxes slightly and I let him go to see the baby. Red eyes meet mine and I sigh before gently picking him up, he quickly bites me and I suck in a breath at the pain.

  “Damn vampires” I mutter, the baby drinks his fill before curling up in my arms and falling asleep.

  “I found the files we need so let’s get the hell out of here,” Reece says as he passes the files to Ivan who stands away from us all.

  Jake barks and Reece places Ava on his back, I turn and start to run; careful not to jolt the baby.

  Reece’s eyes lock onto the wound on my arm and I shake my head at him, Just before we get to the door an alarm blares. The sound so loud that my running is put off and I collapse against a wall.

  Reece grabs my arm and pulls me towards the door, my family already out and running towards the wall.

  “How are we going to get out?” I ask, my head pounding and unable to think.

  “I’ve disabled the wall and opened the gate” Reece grins and steers me towards the open gate.

  “Wow you are fast” I laugh.

  “Yes I am, I’ll drive us home. I don’t think you should be driving after that” He replies, I simply nod and we jog to the car.

  Jake is in the back with Ava and Ivan sits in the front seat, I sigh and climb in the back. I
t’s a real squeeze with Jake being in wolf form but we made do and Reece starts the car just as bullets are fired at us.

  “Go!” Ivan yells. The first thing he has said on this mission.

  Reece flips the car into reverse and the tires spin as he puts his foot down, the car spins and he punches the gears in. We fly over the road and away from the lab.

  “I hope Ava is going to be okay” I mutter, Jakes whine echoes the car and I place my hand on his shoulder. I gently pull at his fur as extra comfort, Reece looks back at us just as the baby starts to wake up.

  “What do I do?” I yelp in fear as his eyes open and he stares at me.

  “Just rock him” Reece replies with a laugh and I roll my eyes at him.

  I do as Reece says and the baby starts to fall back to sleep, I sigh as his eyes close again.

  “Are we nearly there?” Ivan asks.

  “I took a detour as I didn’t want them to follow us, but yes we are nearly there,” Reece says as his eyes flicker back to meet mine.

  I lay my head back and close my eyes are the lull of the road rocks me to sleep, I feel the car slowing down and sigh as I open my eyes again.

  Reece parks in the garage and we all jump out, the baby wiggles in my arms but stays asleep.

  Reece picks Ava up and we all walk into the house, I put my arm up to stop everyone.

  “Vampires” I snarl, I flick the light on to see four vampires grinning at us.

  “So you found the lab, I’m really surprised as I thought werewolves were stupid. Also, why don’t you join us brother?” He tilts his head towards Reece who tenses.

  “You are not my brothers, leave” Reece hisses as he gets ready to attack.

  “Have it your way, Just wanted to drop in and say how nice this house is. We might take it for our own” The lead vampire smiles before using his speed to disappear.

  The others follow him and Reece dashes off to make sure they don’t come back.

  “I can’t take this anymore” I mumble as I set the baby gently down on the sofa.

  “I know what you mean,” Jake says, Avas still body in his arms.

  “Let’s get her settled” I reply.

  Jake nods and I open her bedroom door, a quick glance at the baby shows him cuddled into the blanket.

  Jake gently places her on the bed and I kiss her head before we turn and leave her to sleep.

  “Do you think she will ever remember us and not want to kill us?” I ask Jake.

  “I’m not sure, she seemed pretty caught up in her thirst back there” His reply chokes my heart.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I groan as my body wakes up, the sunlight is so bright I keep my eyes closed for a second. The slight smell of mint reaches my nose and I look out of the window to see the mint plant that lives just outside.

  “Nat!” I hear Jake yell.

  “I’m coming” I reply as I jump out of bed and pull some clothes on.

  I scent the air to see where Jake is and I find his scent going into Avas room, I gulp and push the door open to see her awake and hissing at Jake. He looks to me with tears in his eyes and I give a sad smile.

  Ava jumps from the bed and towards Jake, I snarl and jump at her. I knock her off course and we both crash into a table.

  “Reece!” Jake cries as Ava tries her hardest to sink her fangs into my neck, I battle and shove but her strength is far more than mine.

  I cry out as her fangs bit down on my skin, a gust of wind comes through the door and she is thrown away from me.

  Reece moves quickly and ties her down to the bed, she hisses and spits at him but he just rolls his eyes at her.

  His eyes meet mine and I sigh, he blurs to my side and he checks the wound which has already started to heal.

  “What do we do now?” Jake asks, I shrug and walk out of the room.

  The baby cries and I smile as I pick him up, his little fangs poke free of his lip and I offer my wrist for him.

  The baby’s eyes meet mine and he shakes his head at me, I tilt mine and watch as he grows slightly.

  “Reece!” I yell as he becomes bigger and bigger.

  “It’s fine, vampires have speed growing. He shouldn’t be a baby so is growing to become a child” Reece says as he walks into the room.

  “Oh right” I mutter and watch in awe as the boy becomes the size of a seven-year-old.

  “Do you have a name?” I ask the boy, unsure if he can actually talk.

  “Mummy named me Dar” He replies and I nod to him.

  “I know how to stop mummy from hurting but a werewolf and a vampire have to bite her at the same time to make her wolf and the beast stabilize,” Dar says and my eyes widen.

  “How the hell are we going to do that, I can’t get near her without her hurting me” I reply.

  “Wait she bit you? How are you not in pain?” Reece mutters while pacing.

  “She is immune now” Dar giggles and I tilt my head, I must be otherwise I would be dead. The vampires venom from Ava should have killed me.

  “You and I can do it,” I say to Reece and he nods with worry in his eyes.

  I walk to him and hug him, he relaxes and I smile. The mate bond is a beautiful thing.

  I go to my room, careful not to shut the door all the way. I pull off my clothes and force the shift to happen, I can tell my wolf isn’t happy with this but I ignore her as my strange fur bursts from my skin.

  I shake once the shift is complete and nudge the door open with my muzzle, I pad softly towards Avas room and my ear shift to take in the voices.

  I can hear Reece inside along with Jake, Ivan is nowhere to be heard and I shake off the worry.

  I nudge the door open and I cringe as Ava starts hissing again. Reece nods and I walk around the bed to her right, Reece goes to her left and I wait for Jake to leave the room.

  “I’m staying, I can handle this I promise,” He says and I roll my eyes before grabbing her arm in my mouth.

  She pulls away but I keep my mouth firmly around her arm. I see Reece grab her other arm and we count to three in our heads.

  I bite down and let the werewolf venom out, I can control how much to give so I don’t kill her. Reece lets go once his venom is travelling her system and I keep hold slightly longer.

  I let go and she jolts, Jake rushes to keep her steady and I rush out of the room to shift back to human form.

  I pull my clothes on as soon as the shift is complete and I throw the door open before sprinting to Avas room, the room is silent and I fear that I gave her too much venom.

  “Don’t worry, she’s fine but the venom has taken a lot out of her so we should let her rest” Reece says as he places his hand on my shoulder.

  “Thank god for that” I mutter and turn round to walk with Reece.

  His arm snakes around my waist and I lay my head on his shoulder as we walk, I look around for Ivan and my eyebrow furrow when I can’t even smell his scent.

  “Do you know where Ivan is?” I ask Reece.

  “I haven’t seen him for a while, I’ll go scout for him if you want?” He replies and I nod.

  “Back in a sec” He smiles and then he’s gone.

  “I bet that’s nice” I mutter before sitting down on the sofa.

  “He’s not here” The look of panic on Reece’s face sends me into overdrive.


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