Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4)

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Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4) Page 5

by Erin Osborne

  It’s not long before an older man walks in Renegade’s room. He offers me a small smile as he takes quick stock of my injuries. I grimace as I move on the bed. Renegade quickly steps next to me and places several pillows against the headboard before helping me relax back against them. Hadliegh sets a pile of clothes at the end of the bed.

  “Everyone out,” Doc says.

  “Not goin’ anywhere,” Renegade answers.

  Doc begins to poke at my face while Renegade stands in front of the door with his arms crossed over his chest. He never lifts his eyes from my face as Doc exams every inch of me. Renegade hands him a pair of scissors when I try to remove my shirt and find the pain too much to handle. Doc carefully cuts my shirt off my body and the only thing I can think of is I’m glad it’s an old shirt I don’t give a fuck about.

  Once every inch of my body has been checked over, cleaned, stitched up, and my ribs wrapped up, Doc gives me two pills, letting me know one is an antibiotic and the other is something to help with the pain. I’ll finally be able to get some sleep. Doc also gives me a tetanus shot because it’s been a while since my last one and who knows what the hell was on the knife used to cut me.

  Renegade never moves while Doc is completing his tasks. His eyes don’t leave my face other than quickly glancing at the bruising and cuts along my torso and arms. There’s nothing sexual about his look and I’m thankful for it.

  “Have Hadliegh come back in here to help her get changed. I want pictures taken of her injuries too,” Doc says.

  Renegade opens the door and allows Hadliegh in. She gasps at her first sight of my body. Rage fills her face just like the guys. However, she masks it before beginning to help me get the leggings on. Renegade pulls a tee-shirt from his drawer and hands it over to her. Hadliegh just looks at the man before helping me put it on.

  By the time she’s done, I’m covered in a fine sheen of sweat and the meds are beginning to take effect. I feel my eyes closing and I lay back on the bed while Hadliegh covers me up.

  “I’ll find a different room to sleep in. Natasha is in here until I say different,” Renegade says, turning and leaving the room.

  Sleep finally claims me as Hadliegh relaxes back against the other side of the bed with me. They’re not leaving me alone as I sleep. That’s the last thought I have as I’m pulled under to the peaceful blackness taking over.

  When I wake up again, Hadliegh is nowhere to be found. Panic begins to grip me as everything comes back to me. Talking to Renegade and Psycho about what’s happened, Hadliegh making the call to them, and the beating I’ve been suffering through alone. My attention is turned to the right when I hear a door opening. Renegade’s body fills the doorway.

  He’s just gotten out of a shower. His short dark hair is still wet with drops of water sliding down his body. Renegade’s got tattoos on his chest, stomach, and down his arm. I want to inspect the ink adorning his body up close and personal. Letting my gaze run up his body to finally land on his face, I’m drawn into the deep indigo eyes I constantly see in my thoughts and dreams.

  “It’s time for more medicine,” he says, his voice low and gruff.

  Nodding my head, I try to slowly sit up while he hands me a bottle of water. He hands my pills over to me and I swallow them down, then hand him the bottle back before laying back down.

  When it looks as though Renegade is going to leave the room, I hold my hand out.

  “Don’t leave me?” I ask, pleading with him not to leave me alone in this room.

  “Never. Just gonna unlock the door in case my daughter needs me,” he answers me.

  I relax back and watch him walk around the room. This is the first time I’ve heard he has a daughter. Maybe he’s not the man I thought he was if he’s got a kid and never mentioned her before.

  “Club’s gonna look into everythin’. For now, you’re not gonna go back to work and you’re gonna stay here,” Renegade says. “All I want you to do is worry about gettin’ better.”

  I can’t say anything in response. The pain pills are already taking effect and making me drowsy again. Renegade’s body carefully wraps around me as I drift away again.

  Chapter Nine


  NATASHA HAS BEEN at the clubhouse for a few days. She spends most of her time sleeping in my room with the pain meds Doc gave her. He’s coming back in to check her out today and I’m hoping he tells her no more meds for pain. She’s a fucking zombie and that’s not how I want her to be. I want her to heal and get better so she can start moving around, but not to sleep all damn day long.

  Callie and Hadliegh are spending time with her today and it gives me a chance to spend the day with Kora. I’m going to take her shopping since our house will be finished in a week or so. She doesn’t even know it’s that close to being done. It’s a surprise.

  I pulled extra guys into work around the clock to get the house finished. That’s one of the perks of owning your own construction company. The only big thing left to do is the painting while other guys work on putting the cabinets and doors on. So, I doubt it will take them a week to complete this.

  “Kora, you gonna get up and get around?” I ask as she continues to lay in bed.

  “Yeah, Dad. Just five more minutes,” she grumbles.

  “Nope. Out of bed now, kiddo,” I tell her.

  Walking over to her window, I fling open the blinds and let the sunlight pour into her room. When Kora tries to hide further under her blankets, I yank them from the bottom of the bed and throw them on the floor at my feet.

  “I’m up,” she yells, climbing out of bed and stomping toward the bathroom.

  “I’ll make breakfast, sweetheart,” I call out to her.

  There’s a mumbled response, but I can’t understand what Kora’s saying with the shower running and the door closed between us. I’m pretty sure it’s a good thing I don’t know what she said too. I’ve never had to punish a child before and I’m not sure how to go about it. Especially with my daughter who I’m still getting to know.

  Kora and I have picked out all the furniture for the new house. We’ve been to a big chain store to get all sorts of shit we’ll need. I think I bought three-quarters of the store before being told by my daughter we have everything we need. The only thing we haven’t gotten yet is food. There’s nothing to put it in and I’m not storing it at the clubhouse so the pigs living there can eat it all before my daughter and I move into our new home.

  Prospects came and took all of our purchases back. They’re storing it in the back of the house where the painting was done today. My foreman, Bill, is going to let them know where to put it. All Kora and I’ll have to do is make sure we get everything out and put it up when we move in. I think I have more decorations going on my walls than what my mom currently has. But, Kora talked me into a bunch of shit so it doesn’t look like a bachelor pad— her words, not mine.

  Now, I’m treating my daughter to a shopping trip of her own. She’s already got everything she’ll need for her room, but I want to get her a new wardrobe too. It’s not like I can’t afford to take my daughter shopping. So, now we’re pulling up at a mall. I can’t even remember the last time I came to a mall. Probably when I was in high school and chasing some bitch.

  “Let’s grab lunch before we shop anymore,” I tell her, heading in the direction of the food court. “What do you feel like havin’?”

  “I just want a burger or pizza. I’m not picky, Dad,” she says.

  “Pizza it is.”

  Walking over to the line at the pizza place, I look at the food they have on display. Kora’s stomach rumbles as we wait for our turn. Laughing at her, I quickly place our order as we move through the line. She gets a slice of garlic while I grab two slices of the supreme pizza. We each grab a soda to drink and head to a table for two once I’ve paid.

  “Are you havin’ fun?” I ask her.

  “Yeah. I’ve never been shopping like this before,” she says, taking a bite of food.

�Not even for school clothes?”

  “Nope. If I got anything new, mom always bought it and I was just expected to wear it,” Kora answers.

  “Fuck that! You’re almost a teenager and can pick out what you want to wear. Today, you’re gettin’ all-new shit. You can leave some of the stuff at the clubhouse in case we go on lockdown, but the rest will be kept at home,” I tell her, calculating in my head the different stores I need to take her to.

  I wish I had thought to have Callie and Hadliegh meet us for this part of the trip. I’ve never had to buy a girl's clothes and all the other shit she needs. Now, I’m getting thrown in the deep end and it’s sink or swim time. If my brothers could see me now they’d be laughing their asses off at me.

  Seriously, I can plan runs and deal with shady as fuck people on a daily basis, but the thought of taking my daughter shopping has me wanting to break out in a sweat. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  “Dad, you okay?” Kora asks.

  “Oh, yeah. I was just thinkin’. You know what stores you wanna go in yet?” I ask her.

  “Not really. I don’t know what’s here and I’m not sure what to buy. Maybe we should wait until Aunt Hadliegh can bring me,” she says hesitantly.

  “No. We’re already here. I can walk around and look if that’s what you want to do. If you see somethin’ you want, we’ll go in and look closer,” I tell her.

  “Okay. Thanks, Dad,” she answers.

  Finished with our lunch, I take care of our trash before we make our way through the mall. The first store we come to is Victoria’s Secret. Kora wants to go in and look around. I’m not stepping foot in that store. No one in here has a secret and I’m not sure if I want my daughter buying this kind of shit.

  But, I relent and wait outside while she wanders inside. After ten minutes, she comes out to let me know there’s a stack of underwear and bras at the counter, she just needs money. I hand over my card and let the saleswoman know I’m waiting out here, but Kora has my permission to use it for the purchase. The less I know about her undergarments, the better I’ll feel.

  Kora walks back to me with three bags in her hand. Damn! Now I really don’t want to know how much she bought to fill that many bags. It’s crazy considering panties and bras don’t contain that much material to take up three bags. I try not to think of that as she hands me my card and we continue walking through the crowded mall.

  My eyes are peeled as I watch my daughter and try to make sure no one is following us. If anyone has followed Natasha, the club may be getting followed as well. It’s a chance I’m taking today because of Kora. She’s been cooped up at the clubhouse for the most part and I want her to know that’s not how life is always going to be.

  Stopping at another store, I walk in with her as she looks at hoodies and other clothing. Toward the back of the store, I find all sorts of toys and games for fucking. My mind goes crazy with the thought of Kora seeing this stuff. She’s too damn young to know anything about sex. I quickly turn around and find her watching me with an amused expression on her face. Fuck!

  “I’m ready to cash out,” she says as I feel my face heat.

  The next store we come to, I take a look inside before allowing Kora to enter. When I deem it safe for her, we walk in and I let her buy whatever she wants. There’s jeans, shorts, skirts, dresses, and shirts. She takes her time looking at everything and I know my card is about to take a hit. We walk out with several more bags and I’m ready to take them all to the SUV so we can carry more. I’m running out of hands and Kora is too.

  Instead, we continue walking through the mall. Kora goes in several more stores and we’re so loaded down with bags I’m not sure how we’re going to get them all home. She’s shown me where there’s a cart I can get to put our purchases in for a price. I’m not happy about it, but it beats carrying a shit ton of bags around with us. So, I happily pay the money and let her push the cart.

  Just before leaving the mall, she begs me to stop at a candy store and a storefront selling all sorts of cookies.

  “Please, Dad. I want some candy and I want to get Natasha something because she’s hurt,” she pleads with me once more.

  “Okay. Run ahead and pick out what you want,” I tell her, following at a slower pace.

  I’m too fucking old for this shit, not only shopping with my daughter but the constant thoughts of Natasha spinning through my head. I haven’t gotten any calls or messages so I’m assuming nothing has happened to her. Hopefully, the girls are keeping her occupied while I’m out for the day. And I hope they don’t leave her alone. Natasha is scared to death right now to be alone. It’s why she lets me hold her at night. Something I’m becoming addicted to.

  Once Kora has picked out everything she wants and I pay for our purchases, we head out to the SUV. After loading down the entire back half with her bags, we take the cart back so I’m not getting any extra charges and leave the mall. This is a trip I won’t be making again. At least not with Kora. If Natasha wants to check out at a few of the stores I saw inside, I’d be more than happy to bring her.

  “Thank you for today, Dad,” Kora says. “I know this isn’t what you wanted to do.”

  “My plan was to spend the day with you and that’s what I did. We got a lot accomplished and I’m ready to head to the clubhouse and get dinner and a beer. Did you have fun?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, I did.”

  “That’s all that matters then,” I say, leaving the mall behind and heading home.

  When we get back, Bishop and Shane help unload the SUV and take everything to Kora’s room. She grabs the bags with her underthings in them with a blush creeping up her face. At least she doesn’t want anyone to see that shit. If I know my sister-in-law though, she’ll be looking through everything and I’m sure I’ll get my ass chewed if there’s shit in there she doesn’t approve of.

  Something to look forward to.

  Chapter Ten


  IT’S BEEN FOUR days since I showed up at Anarchy Ink. I’m going stir crazy and ready to jump down everyone’s throat. I love having Hadliegh and Callie visiting with me. Even Renegade and his daughter Kora have spent time with me. However, I don’t like being stuck in this damn bed and I’m getting up today. I don’t give a shit what anyone says.

  So, I wait until Renegade has left to get his daughter up and make her something to eat before I slide from the bed. There’s barely any pain unless I move too fast or a certain way. The bruising is fading, and make-up will cover it easily now.

  Another thing driving me bat shit crazy is waking up in Renegade’s arms every morning. His strong arms wrap around my body every night and our legs tangle together. In the light of the day, I feel his hard cock press up against my ass and I know I’m ready to see what he can do with it. I’d just be a fuck for him, and I know it. It doesn’t make me want the man any less though.

  When Renegade’s sleeping, he looks so young and at peace. There aren’t worry lines marring his handsome face or anything else weighing him down. Since he only wears boxer to bed, and I think that’s purely for my benefit, I spend my mornings admiring Renegade’s body. He’s muscular and the tattoos covering his body make him even sexier to me. I want to trace them with my tongue and see every tattoo he has. His legs are even muscular, and I know they’d easily take my weight if he were to fuck me against any of the walls in his room.

  Yeah, I’m a bit sexually frustrated after sharing a bed with the man.

  I head to the bathroom and quickly strip down so I can take a shower. Something I haven’t been able to do since getting here. One of the girls help me wash up, but Renegade has given strict orders I’m not to be out of bed unless I’m going to the bathroom. Then, it’s straight back to bed for me and that’s where I’m supposed to spend my time. Well, that ends today.

  “Natasha?” Renegade calls out as he comes back into the room.

  “I’m in the shower,” I call out, letting the hot water slide down my body and take the remainin
g pain away.

  The door opens and before I can do anything, the shower curtain is ripped open. Renegade stands before me, his gaze leisurely gliding down my body before coming back up to rest on my face. A cocky smirk covers his face as he reaches down to adjust his cock in his jeans. I really want to knock the look off his face, but the realization I’m completely naked under the water hits me suddenly.

  “Renegade, are you fucking crazy?” I holler at him. “Get the fuck outta here!”

  “I’m good here. You shouldn’t be out of bed, Tash,” he tells me.

  His velvety, smooth voice slides over me and I want to melt into his embrace. Damn!

  “Ren,” I say, using the nickname I’ve heard thrown around once or twice. “I’m staying out of bed today. I’m going to go down to the common room and not go back to bed until I’m ready to go. I’ve been in bed for four days since being here. Plus the two days I spent practically in bed at the hotel. It ends now.”

  “It’d be a lot easier to listen to you if you weren’t naked and as tempting as sin itself,” he tells me, reaching a hand out to trace a finger down my chest.

  Goosebumps break out on my skin following the path of Renegade’s lingering finger. I arch my body toward him and a groan leaves him.

  “This will give you time to find a new room for me too. I’m sure you want your room back,” I tell him, stepping away from him.

  “I’m not findin’ you a new room. You’re good in mine,” he says, stepping back and drawing his finger away from my skin.

  “But . . . ” I begin.

  “You’re not leavin’ my room. I want you in my bed, so I know you’re safe. Besides, there’s no empty rooms. Kora got the last one,” he says. “Hurry up and finish your shower.”

  “Are you gonna leave the room?” I ask, folding my arms over my chest even though he’s already seen my body.


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