Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4)

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Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4) Page 7

by Erin Osborne

  “I already took one,” she responds.

  “I need you to help me wash my back,” I say, not wanting to let her out of this moment.

  Natasha nods her head and lets me pull her into the bathroom. I stop before her and undress her. She’s wearing a pair of leggings and one of my shirts. Other than a pair of panties and a bra, she’s naked and I want to taste her so bad.

  Before I can remove the scraps of red lace covering her body from my prying eyes, Natasha lifts her hands up and slides them under the hem of my shirt. Her silky hands glide up my skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps as she lifts my shirt higher. I lift my arms as she gets close to my shoulders and let her pull the shirt from my body. Before it hits the floor, she reaches out and undoes my belt so she can unbutton my jeans.

  My hard cock strains against the zipper, wanting to get out and play. Natasha’s eyes leave my face as she looks down. Her eyes widen at the size of me while she looks back up into my eyes. There’s no fear from the piercings I have in my cock. Her eyes are filled with lust as her normally light blue eyes turn a shade of dark blue to rival mine. She licks her lips and my control almost snaps.

  As my jeans fall, I kick my boots off and step out of my jeans. Fully naked in front of Natasha, I let her look her fill and stand completely still as steam billows around us. She’s going to have to make the first move. I’ve just put the temptation in front of her.

  Natasha leads me into the shower before stripping her bra and panties off. The red material floats to the floor as water begins to slide down my body. She steps in the shower with me and pulls the curtain close to keep from flooding the room again.

  I watch with heavy-lidded eyes as she kneels before me and slides her hand down my length. When her hand slides back up again, her thumb swipes across the head and takes the pre-cum with her. Natasha removes her hand from my aching cock and I watch as she slides her thumb in her mouth, licking off the pre-cum and getting her first taste of me.

  Before I can utter a word, she leans forward and slides her mouth down my length. She takes almost all of me in the warm recess of her mouth and looks up at me. Natasha bobs her head up and down my length while never breaking eye contact. One hand is on the base of my shaft while her other hand reaches out to fondle my balls. Tash rolls them in her hand for a few minutes while maintaining the pace she’s set.

  As I get close to cumming, Natasha pulls me from her mouth and lowers her head further to take one of my balls in her mouth. She sucks on it before releasing me and sucking the other one into her mouth. I can’t help the groan leaving me as I place a hand on the wall of the shower to keep myself upright.

  It feels like Natasha is sucking my soul from my body. She’s always called to me, but this is better than anything I ever thought of what it would be like between us. I’ve always just used women for a release and nothing more. There was never any feelings on my side when it comes to the women I’ve been with. It was all about a release. With Natasha, the feelings won’t stop coursing through my body.

  “Tash, get up here,” I say, my voice coming out gruff and low.

  “I’m not done playing,” she says, looking up at me.

  “The first time I cum with you, it won’t be in your mouth,” I tell her.

  She stands up and I pull her in for a kiss. There’s no hesitation in the kiss as she opens her mouth wide for me and grants me immediate access. Our tongues duel to control the kiss as I let my hands roam her body. I pay the most attention to her tits. They’re fucking amazing.

  Breaking the kiss, I trail kisses down her neck until I reach her nipple. I suck it in my mouth and bite down on it before winding my tongue around it to take out the sting. Once her nipple is a hard bud in my mouth, I move over to the other side and give it the same treatment.

  Natasha lets her head fall back as I lift her up to wrap her legs around my waist. Her hands grip my shoulders while I line my cock up with her wet pussy. I slide in with no hesitation or barriers— she’s so wet and ready for me. A moan escapes her as the piercings lining my cock rub against her walls.

  I lift her up and down my hard shaft, while I move closer to the wall so she can lean back and not feel as if we’re going to fall. She jolts as the cold shower tiles hit her back. This causes her to slide farther down on my cock as I thrust up into her. My hips thrust in and out faster as I feel the all too familiar tingling beginning in the base of my spine. My balls begin to draw up close to my body.

  Taking one hand off Natasha’s ass, I reach between us and pinch her clit before rubbing circles around the bundle of nerves. Natasha digs her nails into my shoulders as her release crashes down around her. Her walls tighten and ripple around my cock and I know there’s no holding back.

  “Renegade!” Natasha calls out, her body trembling in my arms.

  “Natasha!” I bellow out.

  My release shoots from my body and fills Natasha. I’ve never taken a woman bareback before, but I didn’t even think about putting a condom on with her. She’s got my mind so twisted, I can’t believe I forgot to grab one and put it on.

  “That was amazing!” she says, letting her body slide down mine.

  “Yes, it was. Just one request,” I tell her. “When I’m inside you, I’m John. I’m not Renegade.”

  We wash quickly before I help Natasha out. Drying her body off before my own, we walk in the bedroom and climb in under the blankets. I spend the rest of the night exploring her body while she explores mine. I’ve never been more content than I am at this moment.

  Chapter Twelve


  THE RINGING OF my cell phone wakes me up. Looking at the caller ID, I’m not sure I even want to take the call. But knowing my boss like I do, he’ll only keep calling. Taking a deep breath, I push accept on my phone and prepare for whatever crap he has to say.

  “Hello?” I answer with some hesitation in my voice.

  “Natasha,” he practically yells my name. “Where are you? Do you think it’s professional to just not show up at your job for a week without at least having the courtesy to call your boss?”

  “Did you really think I was coming in?” I ask.

  Tanner must really be crazy if he thinks I’m going to step foot back in the office with him.

  “I pay you a good salary,” he says indignantly. “I expect to get what I pay for. The phone is ringing off the hook. There’s paperwork that needs to be filed. Plus, all of my dictation is still sitting on your desk.”

  “Guess you should get on that then,” I say.

  My sarcastic reply is out before I even think about it.

  “If you are not here tomorrow morning,” he begins, trying to intimidate me. “You’ll lose your job. That will include all benefits. I will make sure everyone in this town knows you just didn’t even care enough about your job to show up. You’ll have a very hard time finding another job.”

  “No, you won’t,” I say, getting angry. “You gave my home address to a scum-sucking client and told him to get rid of me because I was a possible witness. That man broke into my home and beat me. He cracked my ribs, tried to choke me to death, and cut me. I will never come back to work for you. There had better be nothing said about me except how I was an exceptional employee. Do you understand me?”

  “You don’t understand,” he whispers.

  “That’s right, I don’t” I laugh at him. “And I don’t want to know or understand anything about you or what you’re doing.”

  “If you don’t come to work so we can talk about this, they’ll kill us both,” he growls.

  “Then I guess you have a problem,” I tell him calmly. “I’m safe and have protection. You take cases that have you dealing with people you know are guilty and need to be in jail. Only a moron would think his actions would never catch up with him.”

  “They will kill us both,” he says with no emotion.

  “No, they may kill you,” I say firmly. “Where I am, no one will allow them to hurt me let alone try to kill me.”<
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  “You think those bikers will save you?” he laughs. “These men will kill them all to save themselves. Watch your back, they’re coming.”

  The call is disconnected, and I’m left staring at my phone. I need to tell Renegade about this call. He may already know since they are keeping track of it, but there is no hiding it from him. With that decision made I head down to his office to tell him what was said.

  Before knocking on his door, I hear raised voices. Knowing he’s busy, I decide to just head out back and enjoy the sunshine for a bit. He’ll either find me or I’ll talk to him about it later on. As long as he knows, he can bitch at me later on.

  My mind is racing after this call. I was very firm in letting him know the club will protect me, but is it fair to put them in danger because of me? Should I leave town instead so no one here is put in danger? My heart would break if Renegade or anyone else was hurt because of me.

  I’ve been sitting outside for a while now going by the pink tint on my arms. I’m so lost in thought that Psycho is able to sneak up on me.

  “What are you thinking about so hard?” Psycho asks me, laughing when I almost fall out of the chair.

  “You jerk,” I reply laughing with him. “I didn’t hear you come out here. I guess there’s a lot on my mind.”

  “You know I’m here to listen, right?” he asks me quietly. “I give pretty good advice most of the time.”

  “Hadliegh has said that,” I say with a soft smile. “I know you’ll just tell me to talk to Renegade, which I was heading to do. He has someone in his office, and I decided to just come outside first. I lost track of time.”

  “So, tell me first,” he encourages me. “I can help you figure out what to say if you want, or we can talk about how great I am.”

  “I got a phone call from my boss,” I whisper.

  “What did that douche want?” he growls.

  “For me to come to work for starters,” I laugh.

  “What did you tell him?” Psycho asks, looking like he wants to break something.

  “No,” I begin saying as I hear a door open behind me

  “Hey, Babe,” Renegade says as he lifts me from the chair and pulls me into his lap.

  “Renegade,” I sigh sitting back into his arms. “I need to talk to you about a phone call.”

  “Who called?” he asks with his cheek against my hair.

  I proceed to tell him and Psycho everything that was said in the phone call. They’re both growling about the douche canoe and what they’re going to do to him. Renegade says he’s proud I told them as soon as possible instead of hiding it. Or running and trying to deal with it alone. Being honest, I told him what was running through my mind. He just picked me up and carried me inside. Guess he is gonna show me how glad he is I made the right decision.

  As soon as the door is shut behind us, Renegade tosses me on the bed and I bounce a few times. I laugh as Renegade starts stripping out of his clothes. When I start stripping, he slides on the bed next to me. Renegade pulls my jeans and panties from my body and places his face in my pussy.

  I get stuck in my shirt with my arms up above my head, still tangled in my shirt. Instead of helping me, Renegade slides his tongue from my ass to my clit. My body shudders as he blows his breath against my overheated flesh. Before I can say a word, he sucks my clit into his mouth and bites down on the bundle of nerves. A gasp leaves me as my breath sticks in my throat.

  Renegade slides a finger into me. While he’s sliding it in and out, his mouth never gives me any relief on my clit. My body begins writhing under his ministrations. He places a hand over my hips to hold me in place while I continue to struggle with my shirt. I want to touch him and I can’t right now.

  I’m getting frustrated when Renegade slides a second finger in my wet pussy. He scissors them in and out of me to make sure I’m stretched enough for him. With as many times as I’ve had his cock in me, it’s still tight and slightly painful whenever he enters me. What he’s doing to my body at this moment has tremors already beginning as I moan.

  “John, I need more,” I tell him.

  “Not yet,” he answers.

  I growl out in frustration as he continues to slide his fingers in and out of me. When he finally slides them out of me, Renegade slides his tongue in my pussy. It pushes me over the edge, and I call out his name as wave after wave crashes over me.

  Before I have time to catch my breath or remove my hands from my shirt, Renegade is sliding in my body. Today is not like every other time we’ve shared together. It’s a hard, fast fuck without time to think of what happened today with my boss.

  “John!” I cry out again.

  Renegade follows me over the edge and yells out my name as his sweat slickened skin slides against mine. He continues moving in and out of me, prolonging our orgasms as long as he can. When he finally pulls out of me, I feel our combined release sliding out of me and land on my thighs. Once again, he hasn’t used a condom. I need to get to the doctor if we’re going to keep doing this for the time being.

  He flops down on the bed next to me and pulls me into his arms. My head lands on his chest as I listen to the sound of his heart beating fast. I run my hand up and down his side as he rubs my back. We’re trying to get our breathing under control when he climbs from the bed and heads to the bathroom. I’m already half asleep as I feel him clean me up before climbing back into bed with me. This is more than I ever expected from the man next to me. I thought it’d be one and done. Instead, I’m still sharing his bed and life.

  Chapter Thirteen


  TODAY’S GOING TO be a busy day. I’ve canceled all my business for the day and asked a few of the guys to help. Kora and I are moving into our home today. She’s excited to get out of the clubhouse so she doesn’t have to worry about accidentally seeing any more of the guys she thinks of as her uncles. She may have seen one or two of the guys as they were fucking babes in their rooms.

  Psycho, Hadliegh, Natasha, Bishop, Grave, and Smokey are going to help us get everything set up in the house. The guys will take care of all the furniture while the girls will take care of getting the rest of the stuff put up. Kora’s already said the first room she’s working in is the kitchen so we can cook dinner tonight.

  I wake Natasha up with a kiss. She stretches her body, tempting me to get back in bed with her. I’ve already taken a shower and gotten dressed so I wouldn’t stay in bed with her all day. Or have Kora bust in on us.

  “Mornin’, Tash,” I say, placing another kiss on her sweet lips.


  “Gonna go get Kora breakfast so we can head to the house. You gonna get up or come over later?” I ask her, knowing I kept her up late last night. Again.

  “I’m up. I’ll be down in a minute,” she says, flinging the sheet from her body.

  I watch as Natasha stands up, completely ignoring the fact she’s naked as the day she was born. She closes the bathroom door behind her after tossing me a wink. Shaking my head, I leave the room. I knock on Kora’s door and tell her I’m making breakfast before heading down to get her cereal.

  As I enter the kitchen, the guys helping today are already there eating and drinking coffee. I place toast in the toaster for Natasha while pouring us each a cup of coffee. Kora comes in the kitchen first and sits down between Psycho and Hadliegh. They ruffle her hair and begin talking to her about our move today.

  I’m leaning against the counter waiting for the toast to pop up again when Natasha enters the room. She looks at me briefly before taking a seat at the table next to Hadliegh. The two women begin whispering while Kora digs into the bowl of cereal I set in front of her. I drink my coffee so we can head out to the house.

  At least we don’t have to move everything from the clubhouse or a storage unit over to the house. We just have to carry the furniture from the two rooms of the house and put it where we want it. It shouldn’t take too long for us to do that. Kora and I will worry about decorating and putting e
verything away afterward.

  “Ready to head out?” I ask everyone.

  Everyone stands from the table and we leave the clubhouse. Ink is going to handle any club business coming up since I’ll be busy. He’s taken the day off from the shop to be around the clubhouse. And he’s staying in town. Ink’s been taking more and more trips out of town lately and no one knows why. It’s not my business as long as he’s here when I need him here.

  Walking in our house, everyone takes a look around before we get to work. No one’s seen the house yet. Kora and I are the only ones to have stepped foot inside. Our home is going to be our safe haven and I’m not going to have it overrun with the guys from sunup to sundown every day. This is going to be Kora’s home and her wants and needs will come first.

  I’m not saying we won’t have parties here or anything, but it won’t be a regular occurrence. I won’t bring business here if I can help it, and I won’t make my daughter uncomfortable with all the guys around. The only thing that’s going to change is one of the Prospects will be outside if I’m at the clubhouse for church or other club business. Kora can stay home and I’ll have a clear mind knowing there’s someone here watching over her.

  Natasha will be the only other female allowed in the house. Hadliegh’s a given since she’s my sister-in-law and there’s going to be things Kora will want to talk to her about instead of me. I don’t care if Callie and Cassidy come over either. No babes will ever step foot in my home. They won’t tarnish our place with their vile, catty behavior. And they sure as hell won’t use my daughter to try to get to me. The only woman warming my bed is Natasha and I plan to keep it that way.

  “Let’s get this shit started,” Psycho says, not bothering to walk through the house.

  “You boys move the heavy shit. We’re still walking through,” Hadliegh responds.

  When you walk in our home, the downstairs is completely open. You walk into the kitchen where a long counter separates the living room and kitchen. Bar stools will line the counter when we get them unburied. Down a hallway off the living room on the right are a bedroom, laundry room, and a bathroom. On the left side of the house is an office space for me. It’s the only room enclosed.


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