Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4)

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Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4) Page 9

by Erin Osborne

  Bishop’s already been warned not to enter his home when he’s not there. His patch was threatened and I know Bishop wants to be a member so bad. He’ll watch over Kora, but he won’t put his patch in jeopardy. Kora’s too young for him anyway.

  As soon as I’m done getting ready, I make my way to the common room. The babes are lounging around the room, trying to get the members who are here on lunch breaks to fuck them. They’re dressed in almost nothing as they try to entice the men. They make me sick. Not because of what they do or how they dress— that’s their life and their business. No, what makes me sick is Kora could come in here any second and they don’t give a fuck.

  I’m staring at one of them, shaking my head, when Kitty walks over to me at the bar. She glares at me for a minute, not saying a single word.

  “Can I help you?” I ask, not letting her intimidate me.

  “I’m just trying to figure out why Renegade likes you. I mean, it won’t be long before I’m back in his bed. You’re just keeping my spot warm. But, you have such a stick up your ass and can’t be that hot in bed. Missionary is probably the only position you know,” she leers, laughing at her words.

  “Or, maybe he’s tired of the loose ass pussy you have and wants someone real. Someone who knows what ‘no’ means and doesn’t flaunt their body for an entire club full of men to lust over. Especially when his daughter could walk in here any second,” I tell her, standing up to show her I’m not scared of her. “So, why don’t you make yourself useful and clean the place up. All of you. The men are here to relax on their lunch break and get something to eat, not be accosted by a bunch of horny sluts. If they want to fuck, they’ll let you know.”

  Kitty goes to say something before slapping her mouth shut. I feel the warmth of Renegade at my back before I hear him speak.

  “Yeah, I believe I told you the other day to clean and you didn’t do it, Kitty. So, I’m sayin’ now, clean this place the fuck up. The men aren’t interested because they have some respect for me and my daughter. Which is more than I can say for any of you. So, durin’ the day, you’ll all be cleanin’ and takin’ care of the clubhouse. If not, there’s the fuckin’ door,” he growls out.

  “Ren, why are you taking her side over ours? We’re part of the club,” Kitty whines.

  “My name is Renegade. You’re not my family or my friend and you don’t get to call me anythin’ else,” he grits out. “I’m takin’ her side because she’s right. Kora is still on the grounds and I know she could walk in here any second if she wants. Start actin’ right or get the fuck gone. And you’re not part of the club. You’re all holes to fill when the guys choose to take what you’re offerin’. I’m not, and I don’t appreciate you talkin’ like there’s more to us than there is. You’re a whore.”

  Kitty runs from the room, crying. She’s not happy to be put in her place, but I don’t give a fuck. She has no business talking to me or acting like she’s better than me. I’ve never acted better than any of the women here. I’m no better than they are. Renegade and I spend time together, but I’m not his ol’ lady. I think I’m what they refer to as an associate of the club because of my friendship with Hadliegh and the rest of the ol’ ladies.

  Cassidy walks into the common room as the rest of the babes scatter. Some of them head down the hallway while others make their way to the kitchen. One girl walks behind the bar and begins cleaning up. They’re taking Renegade seriously because they know he’ll kick them out. I’ve heard about Legs being kicked out because she fucked with Callie. They made an example of her and no one wants to be out bad with the club.

  “Ready to go?” Cassidy asks, looking around the room in wonder.


  I go to walk away and Renegade pulls me back against his hard body.

  “Not without a kiss,” he murmurs, turning me to face him.

  Renegade takes my mouth and I open for him. He doesn’t let me go for a minute. It’s not until the catcalls and whistles penetrate the haze surrounding us that we break apart. My face is burning red as I turn toward Cassidy and grab my purse to leave with her.

  “Girl, that was some kiss,” Cassidy says as we climb into her SUV.

  “I don’t know why he bothers,” I answer.

  “You’ll be joining the ranks of ol’ ladies before you know it,” Cassidy says, a smile on her face. “Oh, can you catch a ride back with Hadliegh and Callie? I’m going back to the compound after I get takeout.”

  “Everything okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah. I’m trying to find people to help me run the different programs I’m putting in place. Right now, it’s all on me. So, I barely have time to do anything outside of them being there,” she tells me.

  “What kind of programs?” I ask her.

  “I’m doing a cooking and baking one. Hawk is helping out with a computer class to teach them about the basics of computers. There’s also basic finances, and things like that,” Cass answers me, the exhaustion clear on her face.

  “So, let me help out. I can do the cooking and baking class along with the basic finances. I’m not working right now and it would help you out,” I tell her.

  “Are you sure?” she asks, looking over at me as she pulls into Corrinth’s diner.

  “Yeah. It will cut into my time with Kora, but I want to help you out. I’ll do anything else you need help with too,” I tell her as we exit the car.

  “Thank you! You have no idea how much this will help. I’ll let Hawk know so he can run your background check. I’m sorry, it’s a part of everyone who steps foot in the compound,” Cassidy says.

  “It’s okay. Let me know as soon as it comes back and I can start working. And yeah, I’ll ride back with one of them,” I tell her as we enter the diner and find Hadliegh and Callie in the back.

  Sitting down with them, Cassidy drinks her coffee already waiting while she waits for her food to be cooked. We talk about the party coming up and Cassidy lets them know I’ll be volunteering at the compound. The three women share a knowing look as I sit on wondering what it means.

  After Cassidy leaves, I turn to the other two sitting together across from me.

  “What was the look for?” I ask.

  “What look?” Callie asks, trying to look innocent and failing.

  “The look the three of you shared when Cassidy told you I wanted to volunteer at the compound,” I tell them.

  “Oh. Well, it just means we’ll be getting another ol’ lady to add to the club soon,” Callie answers.

  “I don’t know why you all think that,” I say.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with this too,” Hadliegh says turning her phone around to face me.

  On her screen is a picture of Renegade and I kissing. It’s right before I left the clubhouse today. My face turns several shades of red as I look at the picture in shock. Cassidy is gonna get it!

  “Why would she send that to you?” I ask horrified.

  “Because she wanted to know how long it’s been going on. None of us know,” Callie says.

  “There’s nothing going on. I like hanging out with Kora,” I say.

  “And what about Renegade? Come on, we all know you’re fucking. It’s not like you’re quiet. How is he in bed?” Hadliegh asks.

  “Why? Are you looking to compare brothers?” I ask, a smile on my face.

  “Hell no! I know what I got waiting for me. There’s nothing wrong with Psycho. We’ve just all heard the sluts talking and I want to know if he’s as big as they say he is,” Hadliegh answers.

  “Yes. And that’s all I’m saying. Now, I need to go check on Kora. Can I get a ride back?” I ask as we finish our meal.

  Corrinth refuses to let us pay. She tells us she’ll get it from the club at some point in time. So, we leave the diner and make our way back to the clubhouse. While Callie and Hadliegh go in search of their men, I head around back and to Renegade’s house. Kora knew I was going out, and I promised to come there as soon as I got back. My plan
is to let her know about the compound and then spend the rest of the day watching movies with her.

  Chapter Fifteen


  TODAY IS BRIGHT and clear. There’s not a cloud in the sky for the day of Kora’s party. She really doesn’t even know it’s for her. We’ve been telling her we’re just having a cookout for the club because of the new house and because it’s going to be too cold to have parties outside.

  All the decorations from the party have been kept at Hadliegh and Psycho’s house. He’s picking the cake up later before coming over. Kora’s going to head out in a little bit to spend some time with my mom while we set up and make sure everything is ready for when Kora gets home. And, I still have to get one of her gifts before she gets back. Maybe I should have Bishop go pick it up. It’s already picked out and paid for, I just need to grab it and bring it home.

  Natasha has been staying here more. And she’s not running out in the middle of the night. Once we had our talk, she’s stayed in bed until the morning. She’s usually in the kitchen making breakfast when Kora gets out of bed in the morning.

  We’ve been trying to get her on a better schedule with school starting soon. I don’t want her going if she’s not getting enough sleep and be pissy or grouchy. This is going to be her year. And I’ll do anything to make sure she has the best year yet. Which is why I got her the gifts I did. Hopefully, she likes them.

  “Ren, Hadliegh will be here in less than a half-hour. What time will your mom be here?” Natasha asks, coming in the room as I get out of the shower.

  “She should be here any minute. Is Kora ready to go?” I ask.

  “Yeah. She’s got a bag packed in case she stays the night there. And she’s outside waiting on the porch with Bishop,” she tells me.

  I pull her in my arms lean in for a kiss. Natasha kisses me back, pulling away before I’m ready to let her go.

  “Uh-huh. If you start that, we’re gonna end up in bed,” she says, a smile on her face.

  “What’s wrong with that?” I ask innocently.

  “Nothing. Except your daughter’s still here, your mom’s about to show up, and we have to decorate for the party,” she answers.

  “You owe me. Tonight, your ass is mine,” I tell her, dropping my towel and walking into the closet.

  “You play dirty, Ren,” she calls out, leaving the room.

  I laugh at my girl. Natasha never lets me get away with shit. Especially when it comes to Kora. She always puts my daughter first and it turns me the fuck on to know she treats my daughter like her own. I’ve seen the way she is with her and Natasha has taken Kora under her wing and encourages her to do anything she wants to do.

  Getting dressed, I make my way downstairs to see Psycho and Hadliegh here already. Callie and Bear should be here soon to help too. We’re gonna bring some picnic tables over from the clubhouse and the Prospects can take them back later on. It will keep Bishop away from my daughter.

  The girls are laughing as I step outside. I give Natasha a kiss before Psycho and I head over to get the tables. I’m not sure where they’re going to put the streamers and balloons since we’ll be outside for the most part, but they’ll figure everything out.

  Everything is set up and we’re just waiting on my mom to get here with Kora. I’ve called her and she says they’re on their way. But, the longer we have to wait for her, the more worried I become. With the assholes attacking Natasha, I know it’s just a matter of time before they figure out she’s come here to hide and they make their move.

  Finally, I see her car coming down the long path we made when the house started being built. My breath falls freely from my body as I relax and realize I’m overreacting. I won’t let something happen to my daughter though. Kora will always be as safe as I can make her.

  We’re all standing out front as Kora and Mom get out of her car. Kora’s looking around at everyone trying to figure out what’s going on.

  “Surprise!” the women yell out as they run at my daughter to hug her to them.

  “W-w-what’s going on?” Kora asks, shocked at her party.

  “You didn’t think I knew your birthday?” I ask her.

  “No. Did you overhear us talking the other day?” my daughter asks.

  “Yes, I did. But the girls wouldn’t have let you get away with not havin’ a party anyway,” I tell her.

  Tears run down my daughter's face. I pull her into my arms and hug her close so no one else can see her pain. I’m going to fucking beat Saralyn for the way something so simple makes our daughter cry. She should’ve had everything growing up to this point in her life and she’s had nothing. Not even a proper childhood. I’ll never forgive the bitch for this.

  “I’ve never had a party before, Dad. I never celebrated my birthday before,” Kora says softly.

  Rage consumes me. I try to tamp it down as I look at the men and women surrounding us. They closed in on us as I comfort my daughter.

  “You’ll have one every fuckin’ year from now on. Along with Christmas and any other holiday you want to celebrate,” I swear to her.

  Kora nods her head, pulls back from me, and wipes the tears from her face. As soon as she’s composed, she walks to each and every person here to celebrate today. After hugging and thanking them, we walk around the house and Psycho, Grave, and I begin grilling our food. The ol’ ladies begin to bring out the other dishes they’ve prepared for today. It’s all of Kora’s favorite foods.

  Kora puts some music on and begins dancing around the yard. Everyone stops to watch her as she lets go and becomes the free teenager she should be. It’s amazing to see and it’s something we’ve only caught glimpses of in the last few weeks. Something Kora doesn’t let a lot of people see.

  Finally, the rest of the women join in as we cook the burgers and chicken. I keep my gaze firmly on my daughter until I see Bishop walk around the side of the house. Kora squeals as she rushes to him and wraps her arms around his waist. He leans down and says something no one else can hear. Rage fills me until Psycho puts his hand on my shoulder.

  “He’s just tellin’ her happy birthday, Ren,” he tells me. “Look, he’s already put space between them. Bishop knows not to get too close to Kora.”

  I nod my head as Bishop locks his eyes on mine. He slightly nods his head to let me know he’s gotten Kora’s surprise and it’s waiting in the house. I want to give it to her now. So, I put the spatula I just used down and walk over to Kora and Natasha.

  “Baby girl, come inside with me. I’ve got a gift for you,” I tell her, walking toward the back door.

  The three of us make our way inside since I’m holding Natasha’s hand. I walk toward the bathroom downstairs where I asked Bishop to put the gift.

  “Open the door, Kora,” I tell her, standing back against the wall.

  She hesitantly opens the door and screams before rushing inside. Sitting in the middle of the floor, wiggling his entire body sits a Blue Neapolitan Mastiff. He’s only a puppy, but he’s so big already. He’ll be a big dog.

  “It’s for me?” Kora asks, looking up at me.

  Tears shimmer in her eyes as she buries her face in the puppy’s grayish-blue coat.

  “He is. He’s about twelve weeks old. A friend breeds them. He’s been trained for protection already, but he’ll need more work. My friend will come here and work with you,” I tell my daughter.

  “Thank you, Dad,” she says. “Can I take him outside?”

  “Yeah. I’m sure the food is almost ready. No feedin’ him table food,” I tell her.

  “I won’t.”

  Kora picks her puppy up and makes her way out of the bathroom. She stops in front of Natasha and watches on as my woman fawns all over the puppy.

  “What’s his name?” Natasha asks.

  “I think I’ll call him Beast. He’s so big already,” Kora answers.

  “I like it,” Tash responds.

  The three of us walk back outside and everyone laughs at Kora carrying this huge puppy in h
er arms. Beast takes up most of Kora’s upper body he’s so big. When he sees all the people around, a low growl emanates from him. Kora comes to a stop and looks around.

  “It’s okay, Beast. This is our family,” she coos to the dog.

  Walking back over to the grill, I let Kora spend time with her new pet. She leads him all over the yard, introducing him to everyone here. It’s good he gets used to them now so they’re allowed near my daughter. He’ll know these are the only people supposed to be around her.

  We load the platters up with burgers and chicken and take them over to the table where the rest of the food sits. I motion Kora over to get a plate before everyone else digs in. Today is her day and I’ll make sure it’s the best day she’s ever had.

  Sitting down at the tables placed sporadically around the yard, we all dig into the food. Kora’s talking to Natasha and Hadliegh like no one else is around. They’re talking about her starting school in a few weeks. She’s actually excited to go back to school instead of doing online work.

  We’re getting ready to open Kora’s presents after eating when Kitty and Nails walk around the side of my house. They’re both wearing next to nothing and I’m pissed. Everyone knows no babes are allowed at my house. What the fuck?

  “What are you doin’ here?” I ask, walking up to them.

  “We heard there was a party here today and thought we could be your entertainment,” Kitty says, trying to run her hand down my chest.

  “Get the fuck away from me,” I growl out. “You’re not allowed here. It’s my daughter’s fuckin’ birthday. Not a day for you to come where you’re not welcome.”

  Kitty pouts at me until she realizes I’m not kidding around. With one last look, the two bitches slink back around the house. I go back to the party, picking up my beer and looking around for Kora so she can open her gifts.

  Kora and Beast aren’t in the backyard. I look around for her until I hear her yelling at the top of her lungs. I’m not sure what she’s saying, but something is wrong.


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