Demons & Devils

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Demons & Devils Page 9

by M A Roth

  Mark studied me for a moment. “Abigail, you either like trouble, or trouble likes you and you haven’t explained to me about your eye,” he said with traces of sympathy in his voice.

  “I got hit by a flying object.”

  “Okay, you need to report to Father Peter, make your file for Steven and get that eye checked out.”

  I cringed inwardly. This was going to look really bad. A death and now a fatal injury.

  “Yeah,” I said, and Mark dismissed us.

  I drove to the base on my own as Zee followed on his motorbike. My mind was in overdrive.


  I followed close behind her car, my body rigid. How the hell did the demon know she would be there? I wasn’t sure if Nicolas was behind Stacey’s attack or not, but it was becoming increasingly hard to protect Abigail.

  I growled in frustration as I turned into the parking lot behind her. Someone was trying to tell her where her parents were, but why? What would they gain if she went to hell? The only person I could think of was Nicolas, yet, it didn’t seem like him to play games. I knew the day he caught up with Abigail, he would try to kill her, not taunt her with her family. I needed to find out what was going on in Hades and soon.

  I turned off the ignition and climbed off the bike, just as Abigail opened her door. Her eye was pretty bad, but she was still gorgeous. I wanted to hold her and kiss her, but instead, I stood still beside her. She didn’t seem to register my presence as she closed the door of her car and started to walk towards the stairs. I followed.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Father Peter was waiting for us in the den when we arrived. The base was quiet and no one else was in sight. Zee made me a coffee while I spoke to Father Peter, telling him the real events. It was too private to share with Mark, too private to talk about my dad.

  Father Peter listened, never once interrupting. Once I was finished with what sounded like an elaborate tale, even for us demon hunters, Father Peter took the coffee that Zee handed him and begin talking.

  “Abigail, it sounds like Stacey was used to lure you in so this demon could taunt you, or maybe he wanted something from you. Stacey was just a pawn, but she had her own torment that she wanted to avenge. However, it sounds to me like this demon was trying to contact you for a reason.”

  I looked at Father Peter and then at Zee who had taken a seat next to me on the sofa. I was feeling. Why would a demon want to contact me? I voiced this, but Father Peter simply patted my knee gently.

  “I don’t know, but I am glad that Daniel got to you in time. No good would come from a demon’s tongue. That I do know,” he said.

  “But my dad, maybe he was trying to communicate with me?” I said, feeling hopeful this could be the case.

  “You understand if that was your father’s true face, then he isn’t having a peaceful afterlife.”

  My stomach tightened, my worst fears coming through. My father was in hell for his crimes, but I truly believed it wasn’t his fault, something had possessed him.

  “We don’t know that. Maybe the demon was taunting you,” Zee said, while giving Father Peter a scowl - always trying to protect me. I gave Zee a small smile that he returned.

  “Abigail, you’re under an awful lot of stress and I know it’s only a few days away from your family’s anniversary but I really feel you need some time off and I mean time off!” Father Peter tried to keep his face stern, but I could see the tiredness showing.

  “He’s right. You need to get out, do something young,” Zee said, giving me a look that was saying he was unsure of what that was.

  I laughed and nodded at the two most important men in my life. I did need to take time out, nothing was making sense and I was running on empty right now.

  “Okay, I promise I will.”

  Father Peter smiled a real smile. His phone ringing from down the hall made him depart, leaving me and Zee alone. Zee pulled me into his chest and I didn’t stop him. I needed this comfort, even for only a few moments.

  “I have a few jobs to do tonight with Cathy. Will you be okay for a few hours?” Zee asked, and my blood boiled at the idea of him and Cathy spending time together, but I had no right to be like this. It wasn’t like we were a couple or anything.

  I pulled away from Zee and gave him my best smile. “Sure, I was actually meeting a friend later on,” I told the lie and then turned away.

  “Who?” Zee asked, knowing full well that I had no friends.

  “Oh, just a girl who I met a while ago, okay?” I turned to him, and he was watching me with a sad look on his face. I hated sympathy. “What, you don’t believe I could have friends?” I challenged.

  “You could have all the friends in the world, Abigail, if you just let them in. But enjoy tonight, and if you need me, you know you only have to ring,” he said before giving me a kiss on the forehead, it was light, but it burned right into my soul.

  I sat for a while as I heard them leave, but called a stop to my pity party and left for Cathy’s room to raid her wardrobe.

  I found a very revealing halter-top and a pair of leather pants, all black of course. I laid them out before taking a shower.

  I showered quickly as my mind was in overdrive. I didn’t want to linger on everything that had happened recently. I needed to let loose for a few hours.

  I squeezed into the leather pants, pulled down the top, and while searching for shoes, I gave up; all her high heels were at least six inches. I debated wearing my military boots, but knew they would ruin my outfit. My eyes landed on a knee-high pair of black boots with decent enough heels. Perfect. I slipped my feet in, and they fitted like gloves. Cathy must have been a size six, the same as me.

  I left my hair down and put on some makeup, something that I wasn’t sure how to do, so a bit of blusher for my pale cheeks and some mascara and eyeliner. My eyes looked so much bigger and, finally, a deep red lipstick.

  I looked at myself in Cathy’s mirror and was so surprised at my own reflection. I actually looked attractive with my long black hair falling to my waist, and my minimal makeup making me look naturally pretty. I was good to go. The bag hanging on the mirror would do for my stuff. I stashed everything I needed in the bag and made my way to the car before Father Peter could see me.


  I entered the nightclub with no problem. Rex the bouncer knew me from going there so often to blow off a bit of steam and I needed to do that now more than ever. I moved through the jumping crowd only getting glimpses of their faces with the flashing strobe lights. Swedish House Mafia had everyone up and moving all at once. Most people there were wacked out on drugs or pissed out of their heads on alcohol.

  I reached the bar. “Double vodka!” I roared over the music. The bartender went into action; they must have the best hearing, or maybe they are trained to read lips. I knocked back the vodka just as it touched the bar counter. “Another!” I said, and he poured another, taking my money. I knocked it back, and when he returned to give me my change, I shook the empty glass at him. He gave me a look. “Another!” I said more forcefully.

  The bottle of vodka landed on the bar. “I’ve others to serve,” he said.

  I smiled, paying far more for the bottle than it was worth, but I didn’t care. I took the glass and cradled the bottle and moved through the crowd towards the couches.

  I sat down between two guys who were high as kites. One was kissing a blonde, and the other looked at his own fingers as if they were magical.

  I drank straight from the bottle, waiting for the numbness to take over. I often thought about drugs, but was too afraid in case I died. Drinking wouldn’t kill me, well, not yet anyway.

  I drank until the bottle was empty. The beat of the music pounded in my blood. My body tilted slightly sideways as I slid into the guy who had been looking at his fingers.

  Everything tilted, making the world look funny. I laughed and looked up at the guy I was leaning on. He was no longer looking at his hand. He was asleep.
  I nudged him, “Part timer!” I slurred.

  His neck rolled back. He was dead.

  I pushed my body up and off the couch, tripping over the table. The bottle of vodka fell from my hand and smashed. Jeers went up around me, someone roared, “Taxi!” And laughter followed. I got up slowly, swaying on my feet. I moved through the crowd. The lights flashed quickly in sync with the music. The beat entered my body like a drug and I jumped with the crowd while keeping my eyes closed. Colors burst behind my eyelids. I was pushed around, but still I jumped. When I opened my eyes, I wasn’t at the edge of the dance floor anymore, but on my back. I laughed as two security guards looked down at me, each grabbing an arm. I recognized Rex.

  “Rex, my fwend!” I said, trying to kiss him.

  “It’s time to go home,” he said.

  “Why so serious, Wex?” I slurred and burst into laughter. “Wex!” I laughed again as the two escorted me out.

  “Wait, I need to pee.” I batted my eyelids at Rex, but more than likely, I looked like I was having a fit.

  “Fine, but you’re going then.”

  I nodded and gave him an innocent look before they released me. I landed on the ground, forgetting to use my legs.


  They helped me up. Rex kept his arms at the ready, in case I fell again, but I placed one foot in front of the other and made my way to the bathroom. A row broke out on the dance floor, Rex and the other security guard raced in to stop it. I could see blood, and then a guy fell to the floor, a knife in his abdominal.

  I smashed into a girl, her face covered in piercings. “Watch where you’re walking, bitch!”

  My stomach started to heave from too much drinking. I raced to the toilets. I didn’t fall once, but hit the wall several times. I pushed the door open and made it to the sink before my stomach gave way. I rinsed out my mouth, getting water all over the front of my halter and most of it down my chest. The bathroom door opened and the girl with all the piercings entered with two other similar looking girls. The music pounded until the door closed, but the vibrations remained with the outline of music.

  “Well, well, well… this bitch pushed me,” she announced.

  I swung away from the mirror, nearly falling.

  “She’s trashed, Trish. Don’t bother with her,” one of them said. She had a ring in her nose like a bull.

  I went to walk past them, but Trish pushed me hard against the wall. My head met the wall with a resounding bang. I winced in pain.

  “Say sorry, bitch!” she said.

  I charged at her, but she dodged and I burst through a toilet door, landing in a heap. My arm hit the toilet. The bang sent pain shooting up it. They laughed as I tried to get up. Trish moved towards me with a cruel purpose before kicking me hard in the face. I tumbled fully to the ground before she kicked me in the stomach. I lay there bleeding, but she stood and laughed.

  “Come on. She’s not worth it,” she said, and her cronies followed.


  I lay on the floor for a while, every inch of me hurting before I finally got up. My head was pounding. Reaching my hand to the back of my head, it came away slick with blood. My stomach and my face ached. I looked in the mirror. I was frightening to look at. My nose was bleeding and my face was splattered with blood from my nose. I could feel the blood dripping onto the back of my neck from the cut on my head. I needed to leave. My mind was clearer, but I still felt disorientated, not sure if it was from the beating or the drinks. When I opened the bathroom door, the music made my head hurt even more than it already did. Flashing lights made it hard to focus. I crashed into someone, mumbling a sorry, a hand steadied me. I looked up into deep black eyes. The hair rose on my bare arms and stood on the back of my neck. Recognition hit me in waves. He seemed as frozen as I was.

  A body hit me, sending me to the ground, breaking the connection, strong arms lifted me up.

  I looked up at Zee, feeling confused. “Zee, what are you doing here?” I asked.

  He didn’t answer. He stared at me. His jaw clenched as his eyes widened, and then he broke his intense gaze picking me up off the ground he carried me away. I looked back for the guy. He stared at me, still in some kind of shock. I could no longer see him when the doors to the club closed behind us.

  “Thanks, Rex,” Zee said.

  I gave Rex the finger, for calling Zee on me.

  “You’re welcome!” he said.

  The air made me spin, and all went dark.


  Anger wasn’t enough for what I felt when I picked up Abigail. She was a bloody mess. As I had left the club with her in my arms, a bunch of girls laughed as I walked past, one bragged about how she had beaten up a girl in the bathroom. I studied her face, it was one I wouldn’t forget.

  I took Abigail back to the base, cleaned her face up and healed all of her injuries. I didn’t want to delay it. My anger was growing, and I needed a release. Once she was asleep on the couch and relatively safe, I returned to the club.

  I didn’t enter, but waited across the street, scanning every face that left the club. Maybe she had left already, but I would take my chances and wait for her. I pulled the collar of my coat higher against my neck as I watched the three friends leave. They all waved at Rex. I followed them, keeping on the opposite side and listened as they sang drunkenly occasionally stopping to light a cigarette, but always failing miserably. They stopped for chips and ate half while throwing the other half at each other, but I waited, being patient until only one remained, the one who had attacked Abigail.

  She didn’t live much further away from the other two girls, but an alleyway separated her house from the next one. Perfect. I moved with no sound and waited for the moment she raised her hands to get the key in the door. I was behind her, my hand clamped over her mouth before she knew what was happening.

  I whispered in her ear, “You should have never touched her, now, you’ve pissed me off!”

  Her eyes strained to see me, and I let her move slightly so she could take in my face along with my anger.

  With one quick pull, I snapped her neck, but didn’t let her body fall. I kept my back to the road and carried her body as if we were in a lover’s embrace. Carrying her to the alleyway, I dumped her at the end, before jumping the wall and landing in a back garden. I raced across the walls, no one would pick up my movements and I didn’t slow down until I reached the base, until I reached Abigail.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I woke up, my head pounding. I let out a groan before rolling over. My body was airborne before I hit the ground with a loud thud. My eyes shot open. I was on the floor. I looked at the couch that was in the den at the base. How the hell did I get here? I wondered just as the door opened and the clicking of heels felt like spikes in my head.

  “Good morning, our little alcoholic! Sore head?”

  I looked at Cathy as she stood looking down at me. She was dressed immaculately, full make-up, wild red curls falling around her shoulders and framing her face. She could have stepped out of a magazine. I gave her the finger, too sore to speak.

  Cathy let out a sigh and moved to the kitchenette to turn on the kettle which sounded as loud as a steam engine. Simon came in and gave me a grin.

  “Painkillers,” I said to him, and he started rummaging through our first aid drawer.

  “Simon, you shouldn’t help her. It’s self-inflicted.”

  Simon ignored her as most of us did.

  “Thank you!” I said, taking the water and painkillers from Simon. I swallowed them before emptying the glass of water.

  Cathy was looking at me with a smirk.

  “What?” I asked.

  “It’s just that you drank the water the same way you drink vodka.” She turned around as the kettle clicked and made a pot of coffee.

  Simon took the glass from me and I painfully got up off the ground and sat on the couch, pulling closer the blanket that had covered me.

� he asked, and I smiled my gratitude.

  “Simon, what would I do without you?”

  He laughed at my comment as he made his way to the coffee pot.

  “You’d probably lie there until death comes knocking,” Cathy said, sitting down and crossing her legs. She was so goddamn annoying.

  My hands wrapped around the mug Simon placed in my hands. I sipped it slowly, enjoying each mouthful.

  “You look good,” Simon said to Cathy.

  I almost chocked on my coffee.

  “I know,” Cathy responded, so self-assured. “I don’t think we can say the same for our Abigail here. The only reason you look, somehow, nice is that you have my clothes on.” She raised both eyebrows and smiled after saying it.

  “Never mind her, Abigail, you look…” He took in my appearance. Yeah, last night, I looked good, but right now, I looked like shit. “Just fine,” he finished.

  I smiled my thanks to him.

  Zee walked in, just as Cathy was about to make a smart remark. It was cut off. His hair was disheveled and his T-shirt clung to his muscular chest.

  “Morning,” he said as he padded across the floor barefoot, looking like a God. I became so much more aware of how bad I looked. Since when did I care? I thought.

  Cathy jumped up, moving to the tiny kitchenette with Zee. She bumped into him more times than necessary refilling her coffee, saying sweet little sorries every time followed by a girly giggle. I could see Zee’s lip turn up slightly on one side. I rolled my eyes at Simon, and he laughed.

  “So does everyone stay here?” I asked, using the mug as a shield for my face. Once the words were out, I knew the answer, so why was I asking? I thought.

  All eyes turned to me.

  “Yeah, pretty much. It’s so much more fun here,” Simon said cheerfully. Really, he was a ray of sunshine.

  I knew that Zee lived there, so that was his explanation for being at base, and I knew Cathy also did, even though I didn’t like the idea of Cathy and Zee being there together. I pulled up on that thought, I had never been jealous before. What was wrong with me?


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