Daddy's Toy-Box (A Daddy's Best Friend Romance)

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Daddy's Toy-Box (A Daddy's Best Friend Romance) Page 30

by Caitlin Daire

  “I want to make you come, daddy.”

  Shit. She couldn’t say stuff like that without activating a totally base reaction in me; something raw and primal. I grunted, fucking her even harder, and she whimpered and moaned beneath me again and again, desperate sounds falling from her lips.

  “You first, sweetheart,” I whispered as she mewled, only just managing to hold on. I slid one hand between us, slowly rubbing her swollen clit as I plunged in and out of her.

  Her back was arching off the bed now, and her head was thrown back. She was taking me like a champ, begging for more, pulling me deeper with her hands as they hooked around my ass. “I’m….I’m coming,” she gasped. “Oh, god, I’m coming, daddy.”

  That was all it took to send me over the edge too. I growled out my orgasm as I came, cock buried deep inside her, and Vanessa trembled beneath me as we rode out the climax together.

  I slid out of her a moment later, noting the streak of blood on the condom. Vanessa looked down, also noticing it. “I’m sorry,” she murmured. “I…”

  “Don’t be sorry,” I replied. “Not for that. I’ll clean you up. Don’t you worry about a thing, baby girl.”

  I walked into the bathroom to dispose of the condom. Then I grabbed a clean hand towel from the cupboard and wet it with warm water before returning to Vanessa’s bedroom.

  “Here,” I said, showing her the towel. “Let me.”

  She stayed on her back, legs spread wide, and I reached down and wiped her bare pussy lips, being careful not to touch her too hard. She would be feeling sensitive right now, and she needed to be taken care of. When I was finished, I put the towel in the laundry hamper and lay next to her, stroking her soft skin.

  “You just gave me a very special gift, Vanessa,” I said. “Do you know how special you are?”

  She smiled at me, and my heart melted. “You did the same for me,” she whispered. “This was all I wanted. You’ve given me everything I ever wanted.”

  “You know I only want the best for you.”

  She nodded. “Yes.” Her eyes searched mine for a moment. “But is this going to change now?”

  I shook my head and softly stroked her hair. “No. Like I said earlier, nothing has changed with us. I’m still always going to take care of you.”

  “Why?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. “Why me?”

  “Because you needed it,” I said. “And maybe I needed it too.”

  She looked at me in silence for a while, eyelids drooping. She looked like she wanted to ask me something; ask me what I meant when I said that. But she was too tired.

  “Go to sleep, baby,” I said. “We’ll talk tomorrow. Okay?”

  I leaned down and kissed her lips gently, tasting her sweet breath. She let out a yawn and curled up under the sheets. “Yes, daddy.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Good morning.”

  I glanced up to see Vanessa smiling shyly at me as she padded into the kitchen.

  “Morning,” I said, returning her smile. “I’ve made breakfast. Your favorite. Pancakes with syrup.”

  She looked like she was about to reach over and try to hug me, but then she noticed Tommy sitting at the table nearby, already chowing down on his breakfast.

  “Oh, thank you,” she said demurely instead. She sat down with Tommy, and I took her a plate of food and poured her a coffee.

  As I handed it to her, I looked into her eyes, and it felt like a thousand words and emotions passed between us as we stared at each other for those few seconds. There were so many things I wanted to say, but I couldn’t, not while my young nephew was in the room with us. It was a Saturday, too, so he’d be with us all day.

  “Do you have any college assignments to work on this weekend?” I asked instead, sitting opposite her.

  She shook her head. “All caught up. I just need to write some articles for the college newspaper. But I can do that tomorrow.”

  “Oh, the little campus gossip column?”

  She nodded, and Tommy piped up. “Can we go see the sharks today? You promised me we’d go to the aquarium soon, Uncle Jacob.”

  I smiled. “As soon as you get dressed and ready, we can go.”

  “Will Nessa come?”

  “Of course I will, if you both want me there,” Vanessa replied, ruffling Tommy’s hair. She looked up at me to confirm that it was okay, and I smiled and nodded.

  Within an hour, everyone was dressed and ready to go out, and we headed to our city’s local aquarium. Vanessa didn’t technically need to work on Saturdays, but I was glad she’d come along with us. Even if I couldn’t touch her in public or tell her how I felt—I didn’t want to confuse Tommy like that just yet—I was glad to simply spend time with her.

  A couple of hours into our visit, my phone rang, and I glanced at it before looking up at Vanessa. “Would you mind taking Tommy to get a snack? I just need to quickly take this call.”

  “Of course,” she said with a nod. “Daddy,” she mouthed at the end, making my dick twitch.

  I answered the call. “Greg, what’s going on?”

  “Just letting you know that Damon Schwartz paid me another visit just now. Still going on about this SEC auditing bullshit.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Of course. The prick is just blowing hot air. We already know he has nothing on us, because we haven’t done anything.”

  “Exactly. What’s that sound in the background?” he asked.

  “I’m at the aquarium. You can probably hear the guide explaining the killer whale’s mating habits,” I said, ducking further away from the presentation happening behind me.

  “Took Tommy there for the day, huh?”

  “Yeah, with Vanessa. It was always one of Tommy’s favorite places to visit with his mom and dad.”

  “Vanessa?” Greg asked. “Who’s that?”

  “Er…my nanny,” I said. “Tommy’s nanny, I mean.”

  “Ah, right. You know, you sound a little flustered,” he said. “She hot?”

  “She’s eighteen, Greg,” I replied. It was an evasive answer, but there was no way I could simply bring up how amazing I thought she was over the phone.

  He chuckled. “Just screwing with you, man. Anyway, I’ll talk to you later.”

  I ended the call and went and found Vanessa sitting on a nearby bench with Tommy. He was licking an ice cream cone, and he smiled brightly up at me. “Uncle Jacob, did you know they have penguins here now?”

  “Penguins? Wow. No, I didn’t know. Should we go see them?”

  “Yes, please!”

  The morning slowly became afternoon, and Tommy finally seemed exhausted. “Tired, little man?” I asked, patting him on the head. He nodded. “Ready to go?”

  He nodded again, and Vanessa smiled at me as I picked him up and carried him while we headed out of the aquarium complex. He began to nod off in my arms almost immediately.

  “He had a really good day. He was so happy to see those penguins,” Vanessa said. “You’re a really good parent to him.”

  “Thank you,” I replied.

  “I wish I had someone like you around when I was his age,” she said softly.

  I looked at her, my eyebrows furrowed. She usually didn’t talk about her parents, so this seemed like a good opportunity to let her open up to me. “You never say much about your family. What were they like?” I asked as I tucked a now-sleeping Tommy into the backseat of my car.

  She shrugged as she stood outside the car, waiting for me. “Not great, I guess. I’m an only child. My mom was an alcoholic and wasn’t around very much, because she was always drunk or in bed sleeping it off. I had to learn to take care of myself at a pretty early age. Then she committed suicide when I was only fifteen. Jumped off The Gap.”

  “I’m so sorry, Vanessa,” I replied, my heart breaking for her. “That’s awful.”

  The Gap was a sheer rock face just beyond the city limits, and it was popular with tourists for its incredible views of the oc
ean. Unfortunately, it was also a common suicide spot. A great number of suicidal people had chosen to end their lives there by jumping off, and there were even signs at the place now with numbers for hotlines that helped people with depression in order to try and prevent more deaths.

  “I don’t blame her for being the way she was,” Vanessa mumbled, looking at her feet. “Maybe I would’ve become an alcoholic too if I were her.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked with a frown.

  “My father,” she said simply.

  “Not a good man, I presume?”

  “He was abusive. Really abusive. He would beat her up constantly. Tell her she was worthless. He finally left when I was about seven. I was glad he did, really. He wasn’t nice to me, either. Sometimes he would slap me. But anyway, Mom always missed him. I don’t know why.”

  “People can often get attached to their abusers,” I said. I was outwardly calm, but I wanted to track her father down and pummel him into a red mist for daring to hurt Vanessa. “I believe there’s a psychological reason for it.”

  She smiled faintly at me. “You’re so smart, Jacob. You seem to know everything about everything.”

  “Just older and a bit wiser, that’s all,” I replied.

  I was so glad Vanessa had come into my life. From what she’d just told me, she’d essentially been on her own in life since she was a child. Her abusive father had physically checked out when she was very young, and her mother had emotionally checked out not long afterwards. The poor girl. She’d never had anyone to truly care for her. She did now, though. She had me.

  I was going to give her everything she deserved.

  “Can I ask you something?” she said, looking up at me with wide eyes.

  “Of course. You can always ask me anything.”

  She chewed on her lower lip for a second before speaking up again. “Do you think…do you think maybe I like what you and I are doing because there’s something wrong with me?”

  I frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “The way I like to call you daddy and let you take care of me. In…in the bedroom, like we did last night,” she said, her cheeks turning pink. “Am I one of those people with daddy issues? I’ve heard my friends saying stuff like that about messed up people before. And my father was pretty messed up, so…”

  Her voice trailed off, and I sighed. “Vanessa, different people are interested in different things. That includes sexual things. What we’re doing is just one of those things. We both like daddy play. It doesn’t mean you have mental issues because of your father, and it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with what we’re doing.”

  “Oh. Okay. I didn’t know there was a name for it,” she said quietly.

  “You learn something new every day, right?”

  She nodded, then bit her lip again. “But we still shouldn’t tell anyone about us, right?”

  I hesitated. “Some people may be uncomfortable with the sort of relationship we have due to our age difference; that’s true. But it’s our business, Vanessa. No one else’s. I only want what’s best for you. So if you want the whole world to know, then they’ll know. We’ll figure out a way somehow.”

  She shook her head. “Maybe we should just keep things quiet for now. Until we know exactly what we’re doing. I know you have a certain reputation you need to uphold in the community.”

  I patted her shoulder. She was right. “See, I’m not the only smart one, baby girl.”

  She smiled, her cheeks turning even pinker. I knew exactly what she was thinking about now. She was remembering everything we did last night; remembering how it felt to come all over my cock with her tight little pussy. I could see it in her eyes.

  I looked down at the sundress she was wearing, picturing her little pink panties beneath it. All I wanted to do was bend her over the hood of my car and slide into my little girl, but there was no way I could do that in a public parking lot with my sleeping nephew in the car.

  Instead, I reached out and slipped her tiny hand into mine before squeezing it. “Come on,” I said. “Let’s go home.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I sighed and leaned back into the computer chair in Jacob’s home office, trying to take my mind off him and the ‘daddy play’ conversation we’d had a couple of days ago outside the aquarium. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it since then, and I was falling behind on my gossip column work because I couldn’t concentrate on anything else.

  The deputy editor, Jaina, was still harassing me to write spicier pieces for the column, but I couldn’t think of anything. Jacob popped into my head again, and I suddenly had an idea and opened a new blank Word document. I wasn’t actually going to save this and hand it in, but I thought it could serve as a writing exercise to help get rid of my writer’s block.

  I was going to write about Jacob and our budding relationship.

  As soon as I had the idea, the words began to flow out of me. I wrote about how we’d begun—how we met, how we both realized we wanted each other, how we finally came together the other night. How we’d been sharing our nights ever since. How we shared the same kink, and how I called him daddy when he made me come. I even wrote about every single thing he’d taught me in the bedroom, and how amazing it all was.

  I also wrote about how much I wanted everyone to know how lucky I was to have a man like him taking care of me, and how much it sucked that we had to keep things private. I knew it was the right thing to do, though. The other day, Jacob had acted like he wouldn’t mind if everyone knew, but I was smart enough to know it wasn’t a good idea just yet. For one, Tommy was still so young, and it wasn’t a good idea to spring a relationship on him when we were still in the process of figuring everything out.

  Secondly, Jacob was a big name in our city. People looked up to him, and I had a feeling that would change drastically if they found out what we were doing. A lot of people had a problem with big age differences in couples, and the twenty years separating us wasn’t exactly a minor difference. Some people might start to say that he was taking advantage of young girls like me, like he was some sort of predator. Even people like my own friends.

  Emma, for instance.

  She’d made her thoughts clear the other day, and even on Saturday when I sent her some photos that I’d taken at the aquarium, she’d replied with a short, ‘Are you there with him?’ and then nothing else when I’d said yes.

  She was obviously one of those people who wouldn’t think favorably of a relationship between Jacob and someone like me, but I just had to suck it up and wait. One day, people would get it. They’d see that we truly cared for each other, and that Jacob wasn’t a predator. They’d see that I was a fully consenting adult in all of this.

  When I was finished writing, I decided to take a break, and I got up and stretched my legs. I didn’t have any classes today—one of my professors had canceled her lectures this week—and Tommy was at school, so I had nothing I urgently needed to do right at this moment.

  I hesitated, and then I grabbed my car keys and headed out the door. There were still a few things I needed to get from my old apartment, like clothes and books. Jacob had offered to come and get them with me one day when we both had free time, so I wasn’t going to get any of them today, but I could still at least go to my old building right now and grab my mail from downstairs—that way I’d only be there for a couple of minutes, and there’d be no risk of anything bad happening. I knew I should text Jacob at work and tell him what I was doing, but surely just running over to the mailroom of my old building would be fine. Like I said, it would only take a couple of minutes for me to collect any letters I had waiting for me.

  I headed down the highway that led to my old area of town, and I parked closely to the apartment building before heading inside. My old mail slot was packed with letters, and I briefly thumbed through them all before stashing them in my bag.


  I looked up, assuming it was one of
my old neighbors calling out to me. What I saw chilled me to the bone.

  It was my father.

  I took a faltering step backwards. “You…what are you doing here?”

  “So you still know me,” he said.

  Of course I did. He had my hair and my eyes, and he’d been in my life till I was seven years old. I’d always remember him, and I’d always remember the horrible things he did to me and my mother. Especially my mother. I still remembered the way she used to scream when he slammed her head into walls, and the way she used to lie to everyone and tell them she fell whenever they asked about her bruises. She even told people she had anemia which made her bruise easily from little scrapes, just to avoid suspicion.

  “What are you doing here?” I repeated. “How did you find me?”

  “I’ve been looking for you for a while. I managed to get your cell number, but I never knew if it was really you on the other end of the line. And I never knew what to say, so I just…”

  His voice trailed off, and I widened my eyes. “So you’re the one who’s been calling me from a private number all these weeks and saying nothing?”

  I wished so desperately that I’d told Jacob where I was going. I was so stupid. So, so stupid.

  My father nodded. “Yes. I’m sorry, I really didn’t know what to say.”

  “How did you find me today? And why?” I asked.

  “I happened to see you at a bar a couple of weeks ago. Mojo’s,” he said. My stomach lurched. He must’ve been the ‘sexy older blond man’ that my friends had told me was watching me from the bar that evening. Urgh. “I followed you home that night when someone picked you up. You came here, but then you left again. I figured this was your place. I’ve been dropping by ever since then to see if I could run into you, but today is the first time you’ve been back in weeks.”

  “I…I moved. I’m a fulltime nanny, so I live there now.”

  “I gathered that you might’ve moved. But it was my only shot. I needed to find you.”

  My legs trembling, I took another step back. “Why? What do you want from me?”


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