Dawn of the Apocalypse: The Necrose Series Starter Collection

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Dawn of the Apocalypse: The Necrose Series Starter Collection Page 18

by Tim Moon

  Officer Bailey looked a little skeptical.

  Gavin looked at Bailey. "Hey, my brother has 9mm ammo around here. There should still be some in the garage or in his bedroom on the nightstand shelf. Help yourself."

  "Thanks. That's a great idea." Officer Bailey waved a lazy salute and walked off to find the ammo.

  Gavin went to the front door and waved for Dari to come inside. It took him a few times, waving his arms, before she opened the door and got out. He turned and stood just inside the front door to avoid the cold while waiting for her.

  Dari slammed the door shut out of habit. As soon as she did, she cringed at the noise. Gavin could see the regret on her face.

  A low moan filled the air. In the distance, a higher pitched groan pierced the air. Dari shivered as she walked around the car, trying not to slip. The howling wind blew up a flurry of loose snow. Dari slipped on the edge of the curb and fell because she couldn’t see it under the snow. Gavin shook his head at her clumsiness. He left the front door open and stepped out onto the porch. If there was something, anything, on the ground to trip on, Dari would find it. It was her gift. Gavin was amazed she stayed so beautiful considering all the times she'd fallen.

  Dari squealed a little at the cold snow hitting her bare skin. She scrambled to stand up and shake off the snow. Gavin started down the porch steps. At that moment, several infected came around the hedge that separated Liam's yard from his neighbor's yard.

  "Lookout," Gavin yelled. He tried to run forward but slipped on the ice and fell. He sprained his wrist as he hit the ground, but scrambled up despite the pain.

  Dari screamed when she saw the three infected. Two were walking straight toward her on the sidewalk and one had stumbled out into the road and was coming around from behind Gavin's car.

  "Help," Gavin yelled, calling for his friends.

  He finally got up. Dari was swinging her purse as a weapon. She hit one of the ugly bastards in the face but it didn't stop him.

  Gavin ran across the large front yard. A hump in the snow shuddered and a hand shot out of the snow like a jack-in-the-box, it snagged his pant leg and held on hard. Gavin tugged and kicked at the arm. The snow pile shifted and an infected man pulled himself up using Gavin's leg. Gavin was terrified it would try to bite him so he grabbed its head with both hands and fell onto his knees. His knees landed on the man’s arm, but he didn’t care. He began smashing its head against the ground.

  Gavin dug his thumbs into the infected man’s eye sockets and smashed its head viciously against the frozen ground. Dari screamed his name but he couldn't turn to help her. His thumbs were knuckle deep in the guy's skull and still the infected kept flailing at him. He shifted forward and put all his weight on his hands with a hard shove. Suddenly his thumbs sunk wrist deep. Gavin growled and shoved harder; he felt a crack of bone and a mushy substance oozed out of the eye sockets. The body spasm, the arms flopped into the snow with a dull thump and the infected stopped fighting him.

  Gavin stood up awkwardly in the snow and saw Officer Bailey raising his gun. The gun flashed in such a rapid succession that Gavin could hardly tell the shots apart. He blinked to clear the flashes from his eyes and ran for Dari.

  She swung her purse again, hitting the infected man in the head. It did nothing to stop him and her overstuffed purse exploded. Its contents - keys, coins, cell phone, makeup and random little items – launched all over the snow-covered yard. Paper and tissue fluttered to the ground.

  Gavin slipped again and fell face first. He hit his chin so hard that it rattled his teeth. His tongue throbbed where he'd bitten it and blood filled his mouth.

  He looked up and saw something right in front of his face. Tucked into the snow at an angle, like it was waving at him was Dari's airplane ticket. He started to push himself up, ignoring the paper but something tingled in the back of his mind and made him do a double-take. Something wasn't right. He looked closely at the large print, glancing quickly at the details with well-trained eyes. The name was correct, the date was correct and of course, the departing airport was correct. But the destination said Honolulu, HI (HNL) in big letters.

  It should have said Barrow, AK (BRW). In fact, if she was traveling for work as she’d said, then she shouldn't even have had a ticket. He knew that flight crew didn’t need tickets. He’d seen Mac checking her ticket, but hadn’t thought anything of it.

  Honolulu, Hawaii had come up at work.

  Wasn't that where the pilot said he was going? What was his name? Gavin thought. Rick.

  That guy was flying to Honolulu too. The same guy she was helping in the airport. The same guy she was so fucking torn up about getting shot.

  He picked the ticket up, kneeling in the snow. He looked at Dari. Everything was moving in slow motion. She screamed and scratched one of the infected. One was dead in the snow next to her, the one Officer Bailey had shot. At least six or seven infected were closing in now. Dari turned toward him. Her eyes caught his and then flicked down and she saw what he was holding.

  She sucked in a breath and froze.

  In that moment, the infected man took advantage of her inattention and bit her on the shoulder. She screamed and reached out to claw at his face.

  Finally, Gavin found his strength. He ran over and lashed out with a wild kick that knocked the infected off her. He was furious at her, but he focused his anger on the infected. The infected had fallen to the ground, so Gavin stomped on its head until he felt it crack. He kept stomping until it busted open under his work boot. Then he stomped it a couple more times just because - fuck him.

  Mac ran up and pulled at him. "Let's go. There's too many of them."

  Gavin glanced down at the ticket in his hand, crumpled and wet but still legible. He let Mac push him inside the house.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Gavin realized he was cold and wet but he didn't move. He stood in the same place that Mac had left him after pushing him inside the house.

  Infected pounded up the steps to the porch. Officer Bailey shot them both, then slammed the door and went around the house turning off all the lights. After helping Dari to the couch, Mac went around after Officer Bailey, closing whatever curtains were open.

  Gavin was aware of the movement but he just didn't care. His shoulders slumped as he stared at the ticket in his hand. It all made sense now; her recent emotional distance, the frequent and last minute overnight trips for work and the verbal sniping. She was having an affair with that fucking pilot. She was fucking that pilot.

  He balled up his fists but fought the urge to punch the wall, but he knew that would do no good. It would only fuck up his other hand and he couldn't afford to do that right now. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  The devil on his shoulder laughed, amused that Rick had been mistaken for an infected and shot.

  As soon as he thought that, he felt sick to his stomach about it, the whole thing. He'd been such a fool. Not only that though, he felt sick because he realized that his hesitation outside is what had led to her being bitten.

  Whatever mistakes she had made, she did not deserve that.

  Gavin felt his insides tearing at themselves. He was conflicted; furious, sad, hurt and betrayed.

  Minutes passed.

  Finally Gavin moved, but only his head. That was all he could manage. He looked at Dari, the ticket still held tight in his hand. She stared back, tears running down her face, soaking into his brother's couch, where she lay.

  He looked away and closed his eyes.

  While Gavin had been dealing with his emotions, Mac had helped her inside. Officer Bailey had shot as many of the infected as he could hit, including the two on the porch. Mac had led her to the couch and told her not to worry about the bite, knowing she would turn into one of them.

  Gavin had seen it but he'd just stood there. He'd heard her crying, but he'd been focused on himself. He felt like an asshole.

  Gavin looked at her again.

  "I'm sorry," she said. It was so pi
tiful and full of sadness that it tugged at whatever crumbs were left of his compassion.

  Tears filled his eyes and spilled out. He turned away in shame.

  Officer Bailey walked over to the front door and looked out of the peephole.

  "Sonuvabitch! There's a fucking crowd of those things." He checked his gun and then walked away to get more ammo. He came out of Liam’s bedroom holding two boxes of bullets. "We need a plan, you guys. A plan for them...and a plan for her."

  "Give us a second," said Mac.

  Officer Bailey frowned, then walked back to the kitchen. He turned on the light and busied himself with reloading his magazines. The kitchen light cast its glow out into the living room.

  Mac walked over to Gavin. He put a hand on his friend’s shoulder.

  "Hey buddy, I know this is a bad time," he said gently. "She got bit."

  Mac waited for a moment but there was no reaction. "Gavin, you understand that, right? Dari was bitten on the shoulder by an infected."

  Gavin nodded.

  "We know what happens. What do you want to do about it?"

  Gavin looked at Mac and then glanced back at Dari.

  "What can we do?" said Gavin. "She's going to turn."

  "I mean...um, do we leave her here? Do we...um, do we put her down?"

  "Shit." Gavin's head swam. "I don't know, man."

  "The best thing for her is probably the second option. You don't want to see her become one of those things, right?"

  "Put her down? Oh my God, man. You want me to shoot her?" said Gavin, his eyes pleading with Mac. "That's crazy, right?"

  "You can, or one of us can do it for you," said Mac.

  Gavin bent over with his hands on his knees. He dry heaved and acid burned his throat.

  Mac stood there. He couldn't leave the issue alone because it affected all of them.

  Gavin stood up slowly.

  "She might not know." He wiped drool and stomach acid from his chin. "I'll tell her and see what she wants."

  "Okay, I'll give you a minute."

  "No. Stay," said Gavin. "In case she turns while I'm talking and I don't have the strength to-"

  Mac nodded solemnly.

  Oh, God give me strength, thought Gavin. He slowly walked over to where Dari lay on the couch. She was still weeping, clutching a towel to her shoulder.

  As if that would help.

  "Dari, um..." His voice trailed off.

  "Gavin, I'm so sorry. I love you and I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you," she said it all in a flurry like she was worried she wouldn't get it all out.

  Gavin nodded. "I'm sorry too."


  "You were bitten because I was too busy feeling sorry for myself."

  "I'll be alright, it's just a small bite." She smiled slightly, trying to put on a brave face.

  "That's not how it works. If you get bitten, it, it's game over. You will get sick and become one of them - the infected," said Gavin.

  "What? No, it's just a small bite," Dari said. She pulled the towel back. "See it's-"

  The bite had turned dark, the edges were puffed up and swollen, and tiny black tendrils snaked away from the bite. It was oozing a brackish-looking fluid. She gasped.

  "Am I going to die?" Dari asked Gavin.

  He could hardly believe what was happening.

  "Yes," Gavin said, his throat tightened and it came out as a strained whisper. It was the worst thing he'd ever said. Yet it was true. His heart twisted inside his chest and tears sprang to his eyes.

  "I don't want to become one of them, Gavin," she said. "I don't want to hurt people. I don’t want to hurt you."

  "I know, I know," he said, taking her hand and kissing it.

  Her words struck him like a lightning bolt. Every cell in his body burned with the realization of what he had to do.

  Gavin turned and looked at Mac. He held out his hand.

  Mac walked over and discretely handed Gavin Officer Vasser's gun.

  Gavin took the gun and held it below the edge of the couch. She hadn't seen it.

  "Just lie back, sweetheart," said Gavin to Dari.

  "Like this," she said.

  "Yeah," he said, tears streaming down his face. "Turn your head."

  He helped her turn her head so she faced the back of the couch.

  He bent down and kissed the side of her forehead.

  "I love you," he whispered.

  "I love you too," she whispered back.

  Gavin sat up, put the gun to the back of her head, pulled a cushion down over her face, closed his eyes and pulled the trigger.

  The loud pop of the gun was hardly muffled by the pillow but it kept Gavin from having to see the worst of the damage. Her body barely even twitched.

  He rocked back on his haunches and stared at the gun, horrified.

  I just...no, I just...killed my love, he thought.

  Gavin dropped the gun, disgusted at what he'd just done. He leaned forward onto the cushion and sobbed. Mac picked up the gun and walked away.

  Gavin knelt there sobbing, holding her limp hand in his.

  Chapter Fifteen

  An hour later, Gavin was still sitting by the couch holding Dari's hand.

  Officer Bailey sat in the kitchen with Mac. They were talking softly and snacking on something crunchy. Out front the infected had stopped banging on the door but Gavin could still hear them moving around on the porch.

  Gavin finally stood up. His throat was parched and his eyes hurt from crying. He walked into the kitchen.

  It went quiet.

  Bailey and Mac both looked at him.

  Gavin barely glanced at either of them as he walked past to the sink. He pulled a mug out of the cupboard and filled it in the sink. He took a long drink, emptying the large mug. Then he washed his hands and his face in the sink. He used the dish towel to dry off, throwing it on the counter when he’d finished.

  The back door creaked slightly. Gavin froze. He could tell someone or something had opened it. That was the only time it creaked.

  Before he could say anything the kitchen door flew open and his brother rushed into the room with an AR-15 aimed at them. Just behind Liam were the Beekman twins - Lindsay and Dave. Dave had played football with Liam and was a huge man, both wide and tall and ripped like a bodybuilder. The Beekmans both held shotguns, but quickly lowered them when they saw Mac and Gavin.

  Liam lowered the barrel and smiled at the room. "Hey, guys."

  Gavin nodded his head. Mac said hello.

  "Officer, how are you this evening?" Liam said.

  "I've been better," Officer Bailey said. "Why don't you folks come on in and close the damn door."

  Dave stepped back and closed the door.

  Lindsay Beekman walked into the room, catching the attention of both Officer Bailey and Mac. She was tall and toned, simply gorgeous. She shouldered her shotgun, walked over to Gavin and looked him up and down.

  "You okay, dear? You look upset," she said.

  Gavin blinked back tears. "I'm- I'm- I lost Dari."

  That was all he could say about it.

  "I'm so sorry," Lindsay said. She wrapped him in a hug.

  Dave glanced at Gavin then over at Liam.

  Liam whispered, "We lost Dari."

  Dave grunted and looked at the floor. He looked uncomfortable.

  "Liam, maybe we should talk in the other room," said Mac. He motioned for the other three guys to follow him.

  Lindsay pulled Gavin away from the sink and sat him on a chair. She sat on the opposite chair and took his hand. "We lost our parents today," she said. "Before we knew what was going on."

  "I'm sorry to hear that," said Gavin, wiping his nose on a napkin. “They were great people.”

  Lindsay looked sad, "Yeah they were, huh? Great people."

  "I guess it's a sad day for a lot of folks," Gavin said. "People are dying all over the place."

  Footsteps thumped overhead.

  "Where'd the others go?" said Lindsay, looking
around. Her hand tightened on the shotgun.

  "Probably collecting more gear while Mac updates Liam on everything that’s happened," he said as he wiped his eyes. "Is there still a big crowd out front?"

  "Big is an understatement," Lindsay said. "Whatever you guys did attracted way too much attention. Luckily, the back was clear."

  "Yeah, well."

  "I'm sorry. It's okay." Lindsay stood up. "We'll be fine."

  The others came back into the kitchen. They were each holding a bag and at least one gun apiece. Liam set his stuff down, walked over to Gavin and pulled him up into a big hug.

  "I'm so sorry that I wasn't here for you," he said to Gavin. "I'm here now though."

  "It's okay," said Gavin. He patted his brother's back.

  Dave looked away from the front door's peephole. He said, "The crowd is growing restless."

  Liam squeezed Gavin’s shoulder once, hard and let go. "Okay, Gavin. Mac has your go-pack and rifle. You carry them because he has his own stuff to carry and let's get the fuck out of here."

  "We're just leaving everything else?" said Gavin.

  "The house and everything in it will be fine. Don't worry about anything," said Liam, referring to Dari and all the gory mess, and to a lesser extent the material possessions in the house. "Let's go. Head out the back door and be quiet."

  Gavin took his gear from Mac. "Thanks buddy."

  "No problem," Mac said with a warm smile.

  They walked outside to the garage in quiet single-file and loaded everything into the bed of Liam's Ford F-150 Raptor. Liam climbed into the driver's seat of his truck, waiting for everyone to get in. Dave took the front passenger seat simply because he was so damn big. Lindsay sat in between the two of them. In the rear seat, Officer Bailey, Mac and Gavin sat comfortably across the bench seat. Everyone but Liam and Lindsay held a gun just in case.

  Liam fired up the truck, turned on the headlights and said, "You guys ready?"

  "Ready," they all said in near-perfect unison.

  Liam hit the button to raise the garage door. It rolled up, faster than most people's garage doors because Liam had modified it. When it was up high enough, Liam said, "Here we go."


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