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Storm's Spirited Harmony: The Grim Reapers Mc book 1

Page 9

by Stacy Barnett

  I look him straight in the eye and smile, “yep”. I always believed in certain circumstances, it is easier to go with a simply explanation in order, to hold off further confusion later down the track. When he just shakes his head in wonder and silence, I continue with the meeting, without any further interruptions.

  “First order of business, is the Soldiers of Wrath want our permission to go through our territory to make their deliveries further up the coast”. I turn to Storm and look at him directly, “you have the floor and I might point out Storm, I won’t take any shit and my family and I will vote on what we will do here today”.

  My love looks me deeply in the eyes as if he is searching for something and when he sees I am dead serious about taking no shit, he smiles showing off his dimple in his cheek. He leans forward in his seat, so his elbows are resting casually on the table in front of him, before he starts talking calmly to my club, “we basically want your go ahead to travel back and forth through your turf, up to and back from the sunshine coast. Our buyer works out of the area up there and we have the goods he needs, it’s as simple as that. We are willing to pay a reasonable percentage to this club for you to look the other way, while we go about our business”.

  I sit silently as he speaks and asks for our okay, when Dodger our secretary speaks up from beside me, “what percentage are intending to pay for your passage through here protected?”.

  Storm doesn’t even flinch as he speaks up and gives me a good deal, “every run you get twenty percent of final payment, if we get a full guard through your territory and up to the sunshine coast”.

  Dodger looks at me and I stare at Storm, before nodding my head. Holding my hands together on the table in front of me, I speak up myself, “how often are your runs? and what are you running?”.

  I watch as he narrows his eyes at my questions but answers them in good faith, “we will be taking runs every three weeks and we run guns for the military why?”.

  Chuckling softly, I shake my head while sitting back in my seat happy and as I do, I look at Sniper nodding for him to speak up and explain, “the prez doesn’t do drugs both inside and outside the club. Also, no human trafficking as she believes on killing the buyers before they can purchase anything, hence why Brisbane is clean of it. If you come on board with this club, you should know how far the prez will go, to protect this club and Brisbane. If your just running weapons, then that is fine but anything other than that and we will have a problem with it”.

  Storm nods his head in agreement and goes to talk again, but before he can say a word, there was a loud commotion going on outside the church door. I frown at the door and give Master Ho a nod to indicate to him to check it out and when he leaves, I look back down the table until I reach an angry Storm, who keeps looking straight back at me.

  Sighing deeply, I get up from my seat and slowly walk down to his position on the conference table, smiling at him. Stopping in front of him, I lean down a little to his ear, which laughingly wasn’t very far for me, because even though Storm was sitting down, he was still a very tall man, compared to my short five three height, “do you have something to say to me privately my love or would you rather sit here and glower at me some more”.

  All the other the members in the room turned away from us, to give us a bit of privacy and to personally not get busted for being fucking nosey by me.

  As I had walked to my love, he had swivelled in his chair and opened his legs, as if to stand up in front of me. Only instead of moving, he goes to grab my hand gently and pulls me more firmly towards him. I knew what he was up to instantly, so I beat him to the punch and walked into his spread-out legs, putting my hands on his broad shoulders, to get close enough to kiss his lips softly.

  He wraps his arms around my slim waist and holds me tightly, so he could lean down to me and whispers into my ear, “you should have told me you were the president here and not spring it on me like this honey. I would have behaved myself, if you were a gay man who loved to cross dress for his kicks. I just can’t believe you have become such a strong and beautiful woman, to have such a large and healthy club, after everything you have been through. When I found out you and your mother were mixed up with the Brisbane mob, in a personal way, I nearly flipped my lid with worry. All I could think about, was how was my future ol’ lady going to handle being involved with the fucking underground and come out on top a winner”.

  I look at him, as if he has gone completely off his rocker and as he smiles down at me, I run my hand gently down his cheek, before saying, “my momma and I weren’t involved with the mob Storm. That was the way Samuel made it sound, so that my father wouldn’t try anymore of his shit and keep coming after us. I will say this though, yes Samuel has dealings with them now and then but for the most part he kept us away from that kind of life. Although he did have over one friend all the time and I started calling him uncle, but besides that, we were left alone”. Staring at him I smile softly to try and alleviate his worries, while pushing my body in closer to his, so he can feel how hard my nipples are for him right now.

  Storm stands up then and pulls me in tight to his body and I sigh with contentment, as my arms go around his waist, to snuggle up to where I feel the safest. When I stand up on my tippy toes of my combat riding boots to kiss him on his chin, the door to the church room is swung open violently and in walks a man from both of our pasts.

  My man looks at him with disgust and growls, “Wolf….”.

  Looking at Storm’s ex-president, I knew nothing good will come of him being here and when I step out of Storm’s arms, to step around him, he blocks me by pulling me in behind him again. Looking at Sniper and Dodger on either side of me, I give them a discernible nod before stepping closer to a growling Storm and whispering, “I’m sorry about this my love”.

  Then I proceeded to quickly pinch one of the nerves in his neck, that helps supply oxygen to his brain, that has him passing out at my feet and into my men’s waiting arms. They gently lay him down and I do a quick check to make sure he was breathing normally, before I stand again and look at the pit viper, that just walked through my fucking door.

  This man should not have been able to get passed my men without some serious bullshitting going on and by the looks of him, he has had it rough. His face was all beaten up and his clothes were bloody, from either himself or someone he fought with.

  My ears pricked up at the growling going on around the room, as Storms men all jumped up to defend their president from what I had done to him. With one look, I stared them down before turning to the real threat at my door, “so…. Wolf what the fuck brings you to my club house on such a beautiful day”.

  To everyone in the room, my sarcasm didn’t go unnoticed and to my own personal joy, it just seemed to piss of my loves former president, all that more. He steps one more foot in my door snarling, “watch it bitch, or were going to have fucking problems”.

  He tried to emphasise his point, by trying to get closer to me, but before he knows what hits him, I am across the room with one of katanas at his thick neck and the other pushing at his nether regions. Chuckling evilly, when he gasps at my sudden movements, I look him straight in the eye, “I said what the fuck…. are you doing in my club house, Wolf?”.

  I watch him carefully, as he takes a deep breath and his eyes bug out of his head, when I put pressure on my katana at his dick. He sees, I have absolutely no intention of moving out of his way and as he looks around the room, his eye’s fall onto my passed-out love.

  The stupid prick then has the balls to sneer at me again and with spittle coming out of his mouth, “fucking pussy…. I should have put him down like a fucking dog, like I know he is, when I had the bloody chance”. Growling myself at his unwarranted attack on my downed old’ man, I push my blade a little harder into his shrivelled-up cock, until he groans and blood is spilling down his jeans. He tries to step back from my blades and grunts when he comes up against a human wall, namely my friend and Master. There was no way, he wi
ll be able to run now and if he has any brains, he will shut up too.

  Looking him in the eyes, I smirk at him, before roaring into his face, “I won’t ask this again, what the fuck are you doing in my fucking club house and if you give me some bullshit excuse, I will slice you up so damn bad, the coroner won’t be able to recognise you”. This piss poor excuse for a human being and club president, was pushing my buttons something bad today, and just after I had one of the greatest nights ever with my Storm.

  “I was told by my contacts, you are having a bit of trouble up here in Brisbane and I might know the man you’re after. Also, I thought this club and mine could come to an agreement of joining together, for the benefit of all us. Now you need to back up little girl and let the big boys talk, then you can do as you are told and get us a beer”.

  Looking at him blandly, I look over his shoulder at my men and begin to laugh so hard I am bending over the waist, “you…. you…think I’m a fucking sweet butt around here and that you can tell me what to do. Man, you have got some balls on you haven’t you. Brick, Mammoth take this arsehole down to the hole for me will you and give him a bit of a tickle up, so he is good and warmed for me”. My club’s enforcers came up on either side of him and took an arm his, in each of theirs tightly, to slowly start dragging him out of the room.

  “What the fuck let me go. She’s not in charge here, Storm is…...”. As my boys were trying to drag the struggling man out I called out to him, “hey Wolf, look at this arsehole…...”.

  I then proceeded to turn around and show him the back of my cut, where it says, I’m president of the Grim Reapers Mc in bold red lettering. Turning back around again, I stare at his shocked face and strut up to him, to get into his face snarling, “you stood by my father Pain, while he tried to sell me to a fucking monster and you did nothing to stop him. I am going to make you pay for that disloyalty to family, with your fucking hide. Only, I am going to torture all that precious information out of you first, then I am going to slit your fucking throat and feed you to my furnace. Take him away boys and make sure he is bloody uncomfortable, for the foreseeable future”.

  He begins to shake his head and screaming, as Mammoth and Brick pull him out of the room. Rolling my shoulders to try and alleviate the tension in my shoulders, I turn back to the room, and was happy to see there was respect in all the men’s eye’s.

  Grinning with pride, I turn to Doc and look down to my still sleeping love, “Doc can you wake him up, so I can chew his arse out for interfering in my club’s business and make sure your out of the way when he comes to. I would say he is a fighter and I don’t want you getting hurt, alright”.

  Doc nods his head and starts to dig around in his black medical bag, mumbling all the while, he was looking for what he was after. Giggling myself at his antic’s, I wondered how he carries around the thing, he has like everything in there, besides the kitchen sink. I remember not long ago, when I had to use his services after a training accident, he kept pulling out all this weird shit and when I asked him about it. He just shrugged his shoulders and grunts, “you can never be prepared unless you have everything”. Chuckling at the memory, I go back to the head of the table and wait for him to wake up my love.

  I know I should be worried about why I knocked Storm out but right now, in this room, I am thinking as a club president and not a lover. This club means everything to me and when the day comes that I can’t defend it, it will be when I am dead and buried.

  Everyone comes to sit down except the doc and Storms vice president Tex. Who was kneeling beside his friend and president, waiting for his arse to wake up, which happened not ten seconds later.

  Storm sits up roaring and looking around the room frantically, before his eyes land on me, sitting in the president’s chair. He gets up slowly and stretches out his taught body, before turning to me and roaring again, “what the fuck woman. Why the hell did you tell them to knock me out?”.

  I tense up in my seat, when his shouting hits me squarely in the chest. Huffing out a breath, I say under my breath, “as if I have to order one of my men to do my dirty work”.

  Leaning forward in my seat, I look him directly in the eye, before I gift him with a haunting smile, “I don’t need my men to put you down for interfering in my club’s business, I do that shit personally and just for the record, you ever talk down to me like that again, I will make you fucking sorry. I had enough of that shit, when I was bloody kid, I won’t take it as an adult. Are we clear Charlie?”.

  Storm must have seen something in my face because he began smiling like a bloody idiot, “honey all you had to do was ask me to move and I would have done it with only a little bit of complaint”. Yeh, right…. He looks around the crowed room looking for Wolf and growls, when he couldn’t find him, “Where is the bastard anyway?”.

  “Bleeding down in one of my holding cells, just waiting for me to come and talk to him about some club business. Why…do you want to come with me…”?

  He moves around the table to stand in front of my turned chair and smiles down to me, “I would like that very much but I think we need to finish business here first and then we can go play with our friend downstairs”.

  I nod my head slowly and then smile softly, “if you wouldn’t mind, could you and your men step out of the room, as I have something to put forth to my club before we continue our business”.

  Storm looks around the room and nods his head towards the door to his men. They all move out in single file, only leaving my love standing next to me by himself. Before he too leaves, he lifts my chin and leans down to whisper in my ear, “don’t forget your going to be mine again before I have to leave here”.

  My breath catches at his sweet words and as I look up to him panting, the bastard smirks because he knows I am now officially wet between my thighs for him. When he walks out the door letting it swing shut, I turn back to my men and let them in on my idea of merging the two clubs, “brothers and sisters, I wish to put a proposal on the table that we ask the Soldiers of Wrath to join our ranks and before any of you put your two cents worth in, just remember most of you came from other clubs. Now what say you?”.

  Mac my secretary was the first one to speak up from my left side, “how well do you know this group of men personally prez? and are will to risk them coming in and taking over this club?”. I look at him directly without any expression on my face, as I answer him, “their president helped me when I was only ten years old by getting me away from my dead-beat dad. Listen here Mac, when I had to drag my beaten mother three blocks away from our home and get her to the park, for Samuel to come and get us, that president out there, never shot at us like my dad and his men did. Storm has a strong sense of honour, that you don’t see in many people these days. You must remember my friend, I created this club out of men and women, who would fight beside my side no matter what. I believe Storm and his men, are men to be trusted. Now I with all the information I got of Joey, the only one we should watch is Storms brother, a man called Cain, but other than that, I say we bring into the fold. On another note, they might bring something to the table that will help us out with rescuing innocent kids from abusive homes. But we are not getting into that right now. I want to bring them into the club and add their unique qualities to our own. Storm will come on, as co-president but I will have the final say and the same goes for all the other positions in the club, like we would have joint vice presidents and joint treasures”. I wave my hands in front of me to emphasise my point, “Anyway, you get my point, so what do you say we put it to a vote and see what everyone says about it?”.

  There was a relaxed silence in the room after my impassioned speech and as I looked around, I smiled as everyone was smiling at me. I hoped they approved of my choice and as I looked at Sniper, he nodded and banged the gavel, “who are in favour of bringing the Soldiers of Wrath on board say aye”. Going around the room to each patched member, I get a unanimous vote of aye’s for bringing them into our fold. Smiling happily, I feel my
self getting all choked up, when one of the prospects sticks his head in the door with blood all over his face.

  I stand up quickly and wave the young kid in, “what the hell happened to you Stone?”. As he comes in further to the room, I could see he had a clearly broken nose and a dislocated shoulder, as it was swinging at his side. Moving from the head of the table, I come to stand right in front of him, he looks down at me and grimaces, “Tommy and I were just making a run to the store to get some more beer, when we were fucking jumped by a bunch of bikers with the Death Dealers insignia on their backs. We fought them tooth and nail but they just kept on coming. The only reason we could get away from them, was because they fucking got distracted by the coppers coming down the road. So, we high tailed it out of there and back here, so we could warn you about another club on our turf and that they are not here to have fun”.

  Going up to him, I go to put my hand on his uninjured shoulder but stop at the last minute, as he both flinches from his movement and the thought of being touched. Letting my hand fall, I whisper, “sorry brother….”.

  I could see Stone was barely standing on his own two feet, as he was trying hard not to keep on swaying. The loyal bastard was doing everything in his power to report in.

  Shaking my head sadly, I look over my shoulder at Widow, “take him down to the infirmary and check on Tommy, while you’re at it please. Your vote still stand even if you are not present any longer”. She nods her head and gets on the uninjured side of the prospect and lends him her support. As they walk out the door, I see Storm staring at the door and what was coming out of it. I stick my head further out and call to him and his men, “can you please come back inside to finish business, so I can deal with the pig downstairs tonight”.


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