The Beta's Mate

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The Beta's Mate Page 24

by Tanya Gilford

  “I am home Charlie, but it’s taken me this long to see it.” Hearing her say this made me want to jump with joy.

  “Do you still want your birthday sex?” I whispered. She lifted her face and looked me dead in the eyes. Her big brown eyes were searching mine as if to ensure I wasn’t joking. After a few minutes, she smiled and nodded enthusiastically.

  I slipped my hand in hers and carefully pulled her out of the game room, and up to our bedroom. This time I made sure to lock the door behind us. I pulled her with me to the bed and lifted her shirt over her head, before kissing her lips. “You are so beautiful Anna. You make me so happy just to have you as mine.” I whispered against her lips, before pushing her backwards onto the bed.

  “I love you Charlie.” She said as she reached for me.

  I pulled my own shirt over my head, and dropped my jeans. I moved over to hover above her. I kissed her lips, then trailed them down her neck, licking and sucking where her mark would go. I graze my teeth along her collar bone pulling out a moan from her. I moved down to her breasts. So supple and firm. Her nipples were staining against the fabric of her bra as I gently nipped at them through the fabric, before Undoing her front clasp. I watched as her perky breasts popped out of her bra as soon as I unhooked the clasp. I hungrily took one in my mouth and massaged the other with my hand before switching. She gasped and whimpered under me as I took my fill of her soft skin. I kissed her down to her navel, before pulling off her pants in one tug. I was teasing her as I licked her warm folds, then moved my mouth to her inner thighs. Her fingers tangled in my hair as she whimpered in pleasure. “Charlie, please.”

  I moved my tongue over her clit, plunging two fingers into her pulling another moan from her lips. I swiveled my tongue around in small circles on her clit, while occasionally sucking on her folds as I curled my fingers and moved them in and out of her fast. “I want you to come for me Anna.” I whispered on her folds causing her to shiver. I continued a pattern and rhythm that she truly enjoyed, as her moans got louder until she came around my fingers. I lapped up her cum with my tongue, enjoying her sweet and salty taste. I lifted myself back above her with a proud smile. “Do you want more?” I ruffed. She nodded with a small whimper as I pushed deep into her. “Fuck, Anna.” I growled as she adjusted around me. I slid in and out of her at a great pace for both of us. She moaned and cried with every thrust into her, causing me to groan in response.

  She always feels so amazing; tight, and wet. Fitting around my dick like a warm wet glove. I picked up my thrusting pace as her moans got louder and faster, telling me she was close to her release. Tonight is all about her full-on pleasure. “Oh, Charlie!” She cried out as she tightened around me. My own release burst through me as she began to come down from her orgasm.

  I rolled off of her breathless, and pulled her in close. “I love you, Anna.” I whispered kissing the top of her head.

  “Charlie?” She whispered.


  “I want you to mark me.”


  “Not this minute, but yes.” She sighed. “I want to be yours forever. I want to bare your mark, telling everyone I belong to you.”

  “Then, you will also mark me.” I replied. “We’ll plan for it, and mark each other during sex. It makes the marking process more pleasurable than if I just bit your neck.”

  “That sounds lovely.” She yawned. I kissed her head again and let myself drift off to sleep. She is looking at my home as hers, and now she wants me to mark her. I love this woman with all my heart and I would do anything to make her happy and keep her safe. She is MINE!

  Chapter 27


  It’s time for Billy and Debbie to go back to New England until February vacation when Steve invited them back. Aunt Carol is going to head back soon too, and I was contemplating whether or not I want to spend Christmas in New England with all of them plus Charlie or spend it here with my new friends and family. Aunt Carol told me she would like to celebrate Christmas this year like always no matter where I chose to celebrate. Next year, at least Debbie will be here with me and the wolf pack next year.

  Charlie would like to see my hometown during Christmas time since my friends and I have all been talking about last year, but will I be happy staying in the home I shared with my dad since I was a baby? “Anne! Earth to Anne!” Debbie called, pulling me out of my thoughts. I was in her guest room helping her pack, when I zoned out trying to make-up my mind about where I want to spend the holidays.

  “Sorry. I have a lot on my mind.” I muttered. “You were saying?”

  “I was saying that Christmas time won’t be the same without you.”

  “I was thinking the same thing.” I smiled. “You’re the sister I never had.”

  “Soon, we’ll be living together.” Debbie replied. “I was hoping you’d come back with me, so we can tell my parents were going to get a place together. You know they’ll be more inclined to let us be in a place, then to have me move in a house full of guys.”

  I chuckled. “So, we’re going to lie to your parents? What if they come for a visit?”

  “I’ll cross that bridge when it comes.” Debbie shrugged. “I just need the ‘yes’ to move here. If they come out after I move for a visit, they can’t say no.”

  “Fair enough, plus your parents adore me.” I giggled.

  “Well you are adorable. Even more with those sexy ass wings.” Debbie pointed out. “I’m a bit jealous I don’t have wings.”

  “Yeah, the seizures to get them were super fun. Charlie said they cut their way out of my back and covered his room in my blood. I guess he had to clean the mess while I slept for a week.” I said rolling my eyes.

  “Damn. On second thought I’m good.” Debbie chuckled with me.

  A knock on the door had us both spinning around to see who was in the doorway. “Hey Billy.” I called waving him in. “Are you already packed?”

  “Yes, I am.” Billy said as he took a seat on the bed next to me. “I miss this.” Billy sighed. “Us having a fun time and just being together. This is the worst year yet in terms of our friendship. You two had secrets that you couldn’t share for obvious reasons, but also Anne having to move so far away. Then the sadness of our friend losing her dad and us not being able to support you due to distance. Not to mention what Sal did, ugh I knew I hated him for a reason.”

  “But if she didn’t move here, she would have never met Charlie. Who is absolutely amazing by the way. He’s perfect for you Anne.” Debbie pointed out.

  “He is great. When you were sick, he called one of us each day to give us an update on how you were doing. Not to mention him buying our tickets to come here, and then picking us up from the airport.” Billy added. “Or the fact that he wouldn’t let us spend any of our own money during our stay? Plus, Charlie’s the reason Debbie met Steve.”

  “True.” Debbie sighed. “Though I’m not sure where that’s going. We both have trust issues with each other’s species. Elves and fairies are the only two species that get along well. Elves are taught not to trust wolves from a young age. Yes, I know a wolf when I meet one that’s part of the reason, I hated Sal.”

  “Well that’s a helpful trait.” I responded. “Did I tell you that Sal was the one who told me that Charlie is a wolf?”

  “Wow, what an ass.” Debbie jokes. “How’d that conversation with Charlie go?”

  “We’re together.” I shrugged. “Sal did it to get me to want to leave with him, but to his surprise I went to Charlie. I didn’t give Charlie a chance to speak, I called him out on the information, and he didn’t even try to deny it. Which told me that my instincts about him were right.”

  “Oh my God, is he THE one?” Billy gasped.

  Debbie and I looked at each other. “Billy, you weren’t paying attention when they explained what being mates means, were you?” Debbie snapped as she rolled her eyes. “Wolves are born with half a soul. When they meet their mate, they find the other half of
their soul. ‘THE one’ is only a human term. Wolves call them mates, Vampires also call them mates, and Elves marry as soon as they meet.”

  “When fairies get married it is a spiritual bond that cannot be broken, if it does become broken the other suffers and eventually dies. My dad being the example. My mother married a human and killed my father slowly.” I snarled. “I have no intention to marry young, especially now that I know what happened to my dad.”

  “What if Charlie proposes?” Billy insisted.

  “Charlie read my dad’s letter. We talk about a lot of things, and I would only hope a life decision like that would be discussed before he asks. I want to know we’re in a good place in life, before he thinks of asking me. I have faith in Charlie. Debbie’s the one who has to worry about Steve making the decisions.” I replied.

  “We’ll be working on that.” Debbie snorted.

  “The traits of an Alpha. I got lucky, my wolf is only the Beta, so he knows to talk things through and listen to others. Alpha’s make all the decisions for the pack.” I explained.

  “I need to learn more about the werewolf pack hierarchy before I come back. Who's who?” Billy retorted.

  “Steve is Alpha. The pack’s leader. Sophie is the Alpha's sister, but not his Luna. Charlie is the Beta, or second in command. Paul is Delta, or third in command. Robbie and Justin are just pack members. Pack members help make the pack strong. Robbie and Sophie are mates, which is unusual since she’s got Alpha blood, and should have been destined to be another pack’s Luna. The Luna is usually the Alpha’s mate, but with Debbie not being a wolf, I’m not sure how that will work, unless Steve makes Sophie his Luna just for title purposes. I am the Beta’s mate but also not a wolf. Beta’s could become an Alpha if the Alpha dies or has no male heirs. Delta’s could become a Beta if promoted or if the Beta of the pack dies.” I explained nonchalantly.

  “How do you know so much about that?” Billy whispered.

  “Like I said, Charlie and I talk about a lot of things and that was one of the first things I asked about. Since Sal only told me about Rogue wolves, but that information was false.” I answered with a shrug.

  “Can we all just agree that Charlie is the best?” Billy suggested as we all began giggling.

  “We can. Speaking of Charlie, I need to go find him so we can chat about my decision.” I stated as I got up off the bed.

  I wandered out of the guest room and down the hall to find Charlie in the kitchen. “Hey baby.” He smiled when I entered the room. “Are you hungry? I made grilled cheese.”

  “I’m good for now, thanks.” I replied as I walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and laid my head on his back as he finished cooking.

  “Everything okay?”

  “I’ve been thinking a lot about the upcoming holiday. I think we should go to New England for Christmas and New Years this year and celebrate everything here next year. I just want to share with you a New England Christmas. My last Christmas in New England.” I sighed.

  “I told you that I’m all for us going to New England for the holidays. I planned that when I invited Billy and Debbie here.”

  “So, we should start packing too?”

  “I’ve been packed.” Charlie laughed. “I had a feeling my girl would want to spend Christmas in New England from all the stories I’ve heard you three talk about.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, Anna. Now go pack. We’ll fly out with them in the morning.” Charlie winked and slapped my butt making me jump a little.

  I went upstairs and began packing my suitcases. I realized as I packed that I needed to get some cold weather clothes. It’s in the negatives in New England, but here it’s still fairly warm in comparison.

  The rest of the day went by pretty uneventful. Charlie and I made the announcement that we were leaving for New England in the morning. I can’t say everyone was happy with the last-minute decision, but Charlie was and that’s all I cared about. I’m going to spend my first Christmas and New Year with my mate, in my hometown. I feel like this is the best way to end the year and start a fresh one.

  Chapter 28


  We woke up early and headed to the airport. The last time Anna was in this airport was the day she arrived back in August. She had a cab come pick her up, since Bo and I were working the fields, and Pam was too busy baking. I understand now how Pam really cares about her daughter, and I’m glad I was there to meet her that day on the farm.

  She had such a fire in her that would make any man bow to her. The day she threw herself at me was like being set on fire by a single spark. I swear I needed a cold shower when I got home that day. Now, she is here in my arms and completely mine. The fire has returned to her eyes and it just makes me crave her even more.

  We boarded the plane at four in the morning, and would be landing in Boston by 8 am as long as the weather remains good. Everyone keeps talking about the unpredictable weather in New England, but I think we’ll be okay. Anna, who is not a morning person, is sound asleep on my shoulder as the plane begins to take off. Billy and Debbie are in the row directly in front of us. It was a quiet flight which I was thankful for.

  Billy and Debbie are nice, but they talk a lot. I never realized my Anna talks a lot too. Debbie told me that it’s a New Englander trait to talk a lot. Carol’s in the row beside us, staring blankly out the window. I tilted my head back on the head rest and closed my eyes to relax.

  The next thing I knew we were landing. I gently tried to wake Anna up. “Hey, baby. We’re here.” I whispered as I kissed her forehead, she stirred a little.

  When her eyes opened, she looked around confused. “What?”

  “You fell asleep during the flight.” I explained. “We just landed.”

  “Oh.” She sighed. She stretched her limbs, before sitting up in her seat. As soon as the seat buckle sign shut off, she removed her buckle and leaned forward. “Hey we’re back.” She announced as she shook Debbie and Billy’s shoulders. They both began to stir in their seats as Anna sat back down in hers. “Did you sleep?”

  “Nah. Someone was snoring in my ear the whole flight.” I teased. She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at me. I let out a hardy laugh. “I love to tease you.” I told her as I planted a kiss on her lips. Before grabbing our two suitcases from the overhead.

  “For the record I don’t snore.” She shot at me as we stood up to leave.

  “I sleep next to you every night, there’s no need to lie to me.” I replied with a smile. “Your right, it’s more of a whistling noise.”

  We filed off the plane and into the airport terminal. Thankfully, everyone only brought a carry-on so we just headed out to the pick-up place where Debbie’s dad was meeting all of us. Apparently, the plan is to drop Billy off first, then Carol, then Anna and I. Carol said she’d be over tomorrow afternoon, giving us time to get settled at Ray’s house.

  “Dad!” Debbie called as we got through the sea of people.

  “Debbie!” Her dad called back. “Who is this?” He asked looking at me.

  “Anne’s boyfriend, Charlie. The one who bought us the tickets.” Debbie replied. “And her aunt Carol. Charlie, this is my dad Fred.”

  “Yes. Ladies I am so sorry to hear about Ray. He was such a great guy.” Fred commented. “I expect Charlie is good to you Anne?”

  “Do you think he’d be here now if he wasn’t good to her?” Carol snapped. “I spent two months with them at his house. He’s a fine, respectable young man, who worships my Annie. Ray would have liked to meet him.” Carol isn’t big on compliments, but for some reason this comment made me want to smile at her.

  “Sorry, I didn’t realize.” Fred tried to back track.

  “No apologies needed sir. It’s nice to meet you. Debbie was a huge help with planning and throwing Anna’s birthday party. Thank you for allowing her to come. I know it must not have been easy for you to make that decision.” I replied shaking his hand and hopefully breaking the ten
sion that was beginning to grow.

  “Thank you for ensuring that Debbie and Billy had a good time. Though had I known who they’d be staying with I may have had more reservations.” Fred commented. “Let’s get going and we can talk more in private.”

  We all filed out of the airport and into Fred’s minivan. Carol rode in the front, then Billy and Debbie in the second row, followed by me and Anna. Once Billy was dropped off, Carol cleared her throat. “Now Fred. We all know that Charlie is a werewolf, but he truly is a wonderful young man. That evil bastard Sal kidnapped Annie last month and Charlie did not rest until he was able to bring her back to me.” Carol jumped to my defense. I didn’t realize I needed defending.

  “Deborah, you know better. You should have told me that a werewolf would be returning with you.” Fred scolded Debbie.

  “Yes, Mister Allister. A werewolf, two fairies and a human returned with Debbie. But who's focusing on species?” Anna shot back. “Are you going to be a spiciest? That’s worse than a racist.”

  “Anne, dear you don’t understand.” Fred began.

  “I understand way more than you think I do. I have been kidnapped, held hostage, beaten, and hunted by werewolves over the past two months. I have also been rescued, protected, and saved by Charlie and his pack. I know Fairies and Werewolves don’t usually get along, but Charlie and I are an exception. I also know that you and Debbie are Elves. Elves and werewolves don’t get along, but Debbie showed she could see past that and is friendly to Charlie because I love him. I don’t expect them to be best friends, but as long as we can all be friendly and courteous to each other, we’ll be okay. Like my aunt Carol said, Charlie has proved himself to be a very respectable young man despite the fact that he’s a wolf.” Anna defended her own knowledge and me all in one breath. “Let me tell you something. The last person who told me that Charlie wasn’t a good man because he’s a wolf was my mother. Mister Allister, are you going to be like my mother?”


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