
Home > Other > 2120-2126 > Page 21
2120-2126 Page 21

by Russell Fine

  “Yes sir. I’ll be there at 8:00.”

  “I’ll see you then.”

  Jeffery and Debbie were sitting at the table in their cabin when the door opened at exactly 8:00 that evening and Toby walked in. Jeffery said, “Please sit down, Toby.”

  Toby looked worried as he was sitting. “Is there a problem, sir?”

  “No Toby, there’s no problem. I know that on our previous visit to Procolt 2 you didn’t spend a lot of time on the surface. However, while you were there did you have any conversations with the squirrels?”

  “I did speak to them a few times, but I was uncomfortable doing it. I found it difficult to have a conversation with an animal, even though they speak perfect English.”

  Debbie responded somewhat harshly, “The squirrels are not animals! The fact they aren’t humanoids doesn’t make them animals, Lieutenant Grayson.”

  Toby looked shocked for a moment at her outburst and apologized.

  Jeffery added to what Debbie had said. “I believe the squirrels are extremely intelligent. I also think what separates us from animals is the ability to communicate concepts and ideas in a meaningful way. Long before we arrived here, the squirrels had developed their own language and were able to speak to each other. They created a social structure to meet their needs. They learned to live in groups in the caves to protect themselves from the environment. They gathered food and stored it at specific locations within their caves. They were very similar to prehistoric humans on Earth.

  “I also believe that our coming here triggered a latent desire to learn. We enabled them to use their intelligence for the first time. Their desire to learn is insatiable. Before we left here, we gave them copies of college level textbooks. In the brief time we were gone they studied every book we gave them, and it appears they actually learned all the information in those books. Absorbed it really, and can now create diverse theories from the information. I really don’t think you should consider them animals.”

  “Yes sir. I was unaware they had the ability to learn that quickly. Based on what you’ve told me I would have to agree they aren’t animals.”

  “The reason we’re having this conversation is using the information they learned from the textbooks, they believe they can create a propulsion system for starships that would enable them to travel at ten thousand times light speed. They believe the same technology could be used to create an interstellar communication system and want us to bring one of the engineers from Earth here to discuss their ideas. I said I would do that, but I wanted them to put their ideas in written form so I’d have something to show the engineers on Earth. S1 told me he would have something for me tomorrow. When that paper is ready, I’d like you to review it and then, if the idea has merit, I want you to discuss it with the squirrels and report back to me. Can you do that?”

  “Yes, I’m sure I can. However, it’s difficult for me to believe they were able to figure out how to do all that based on the books we gave them.”

  “I understand how you feel, but you must approach this with an open mind.”

  “I will, and I’ll also review the documentation immediately.”

  “In the event you’re convinced their proposals are sound, who do you think would be the best person on Earth to make those ideas a reality?”

  “Without a doubt, the best person on Earth to do that is Dr. Brandon Simpson.”

  “That was my thought as well. Thanks, Toby. I’ll call you as soon as I get the documentation.”

  “I’m really looking forward to reviewing the material. Good evening.”

  The following morning, Jeffery and Debbie went down to the surface along with eight other crew members. They landed a few minutes after the regular morning rain had ended and were surprised when nobody was there to greet the shuttle. Jeffery and Debbie went to the shelter while the others decided to go for a hike.

  When Jeffery and Debbie walked into the shelter’s dining room, they were surprised to see two of the squirrels, Frank, Cathy, and Brealak seated at a table. They were all drinking coffee, even the two squirrels. Actually, the squirrels were not seated at the table, they were standing on the chairs. But it was interesting to watch them holding cups of coffee with their petite hands. It could not be easy to drink from a cup when your mouth isn’t designed for it, but they seemed to be doing it without a problem.

  As Jeffery and Debbie sat down, one of the squirrels said, “Good morning, Jeffrey, Debbie. I’m S12. I just finished writing the theory behind our ideas down on paper for you. S1 is reviewing it now.”

  Jeffery replied, “Thank you S12. I’m looking forward to reading it.”

  “The theory is mostly expressed as a complex formula. I mean no disrespect sir, but I’m not sure you’ll understand it.”

  “You may be right, but our chief engineer has an extensive knowledge of mathematics and physics, so I think he’ll be able to understand it.”

  “I would like to meet him. Can you arrange that?”

  “That has already been done. I asked him to review the paper and then speak with you about it.”

  “Thank you. I’m looking forward to that meeting.”

  “Does anyone know where Marcet is? I want to find out if she has any new information about the radiation,” Jeffery asked.

  “She went out cave exploring with members of your crew,” Brealak answered.

  “When she gets back, please ask her to contact me.”

  “I’ll do that, but I can tell you she doesn’t believe the radiation presents any real danger. She has been checking our DNA every few days since we arrived here and so far, we seem to be unaffected it. I guess people from Coplent are immune.”

  “That’s good to hear. But I would still like to speak to her when she returns.”

  “Of course, Jeffery. I’ll ask her to contact you when I see her.”


  They continued talking until S1 arrived. He walked up to Jeffery and said, “Good morning. As promised, I have the documentation regarding the new propulsion and communication systems.” Then he handed Jeffery a folder that contained about fifty sheets of paper.

  Jeffery looked at the material. S12 was correct; he didn’t really understand what he was looking at. After a while he said, “S12, you were right. I haven’t looked at equations like this for more than ten years. I’ll take this to Toby now.”

  Debbie said, “If it’s okay with you, I’ll stay here.”

  “Okay, I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  When Jeffery got back aboard the Star Rover, he went to his cabin and called Toby. A few minutes later, Toby came in and sat down at the table across from Jeffery. Jeffery said, “Good morning, Toby. This is the documentation I received from the squirrels.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Toby responded. He picked up the folder and began to study the document inside. He didn’t say anything for about ten minutes. Then, with a big smile on his face, he said, “It’s so simple. I don’t know why nobody thought of it before.”

  “Would you like to explain it in simple terms so I can understand it?”

  “Of course, sir. We’ve known for some time that tachyons travel faster than light. But they’re difficult to detect and as a result, we’ve never been able to measure how fast they really travel. The squirrel’s theory is that they actually travel at about ten thousand times the speed of light. Their proposal is to create a tachyon generator which could generate a field around a ship. When the ship started moving it would instantaneously attain the velocity of the tachyon particles. They believe, with good reason, an object encased in a tachyon field would be unaffected by inertia. That’s also what happens when we travel through a wormhole.”

  “Do we know how to build a tachyon generator?”

  “Theoretically, yes. That information is also in this documentation. I’m very impressed. I’ll certainly never refer to them as animals again.”

  “Let’s go down to the surface so you can discuss this with them.”

kay, but I need to go back to my cabin and get a few things. I’ll meet you in the shuttle bay, say . . . ten minutes.”

  Once they landed, Toby and Jeffery went directly to the shelter and into the dining room. S1 and S12 were already there waiting for them. Jeffery said, “This is my chief engineer, Lieutenant Toby Grayson. Toby examined the information you gave me this morning and would like to discuss it with you.”

  S1 said, “Hi Toby, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m S1 and S12 is next to me. Do you think our proposed system will work?”

  “Yes, if your formulas are correct. I’m sure the system will function as described. But I have a few questions.”

  Jeffery said, “This is way above my head so I’m going to go for a walk. If you need me, please call.” He left the dining room and walked out of the shelter. He decided to go to the lake and find a comfortable place to relax for a while.

  After he found a comfortable spot on the shore, he thought about how the squirrel’s proposal could change things in the future. The trip from Earth to Procolt 2 would take less than two days. The trip to Coplent would be about the same. The enhanced communication system still would not allow for real time communications between solar systems, but it would mean messages within the trade group would be received in less than three days, and in most cases in less than one day.

  While Jeffery was relaxing and letting his mind wander, his com unit beeped. He opened it and said, “This is Jeffery.”

  “Hello Jeffery, this is Marcet. Brealak asked me to call you but I was going to do that anyway. I would like to speak with you but not on the surface. Can I go back to the Star Rover with you?”

  “Of course. Do you want to give me a hint about what you want to talk about?”

  “Not now.”

  “When we go back to the Star Rover we won’t be coming back here until morning. Do you mind spending the night on the ship?”

  “No, not at all. When do you plan to leave?”

  “Probably in two hours.”

  “That is perfect. I will meet you at the shuttle.”

  Jeffery was curious about what Marcet was going to tell him and he was more than a little concerned that she didn’t want to discuss it on the surface. He assumed she was concerned about the squirrels hearing what she had to say. His only thought was perhaps the squirrels were in some kind of danger as a result of their exposure to the radiation. Now he was worried and his relaxing afternoon was shot. He walked around for an hour and then headed back to the shelter.

  When he got back, he went to the dining room. S1, S12, and Toby were still there, so Jeffery asked, “Did you have a meaningful discussion?”

  Toby answered, “Yes, we certainly did. I now believe that their proposed systems will work and the results will change space travel forever. I want to get Brandon Simpson to talk to them. Do you think you can make that happen?”

  “The order would have to come from Max, but I feel confident I can bring him back.”

  “When do you think we’re coming back?”

  “I haven’t told you this, but I don’t see any reason to keep it a secret anymore. When we get back to Earth, both Debbie and I are resigning our commissions. Garlut brought a small starship to Earth for us to use. We’ll be returning here almost immediately. I don’t know when the Star Rover will be returning.”

  “Who will be taking over the Star Rover?”

  “I suspect it will be Mike. I’m going to recommend him for the job. I’m certain he’s the most qualified person.”

  “I agree, Mike will make an excellent captain. On the return flight to Earth, I’ll prepare a presentation for Brandon. Please make sure he sees it before you give Max your resignation.”

  “Okay, it’s the first thing I’ll discuss with Max.”


  “We’ll be going back to the ship in a half hour. Unless you want to spend the night here, you should be aboard before that time.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Do you know where Debbie is?”

  “No, sorry, I have no idea where she is now. I saw her with Brealak about an hour ago.”

  Jeffery used his com unit to call Debbie and let her know the shuttle would be leaving in a half hour. She said she would be there.

  The four of them talked for a few minutes and then Jeffery and Toby said goodbye to S1 and S12 and walked to the shuttle. When they got there, Marcet was already aboard.

  “Hi Marcet, it’s nice to see you again. Meet Toby, our chief engineer.”

  “Hello Toby, it is nice to meet you.”

  “Hi Marcet, it’s nice to meet you too.”

  “Jeffery, please wait for Dr. Weber. He’ll be here shortly.”

  Before Jeffery could answer, both Debbie and Frank got aboard the shuttle. There was little chatter. All of them were mostly silent on the trip to the Star Rover. As they landed in the shuttle bay, Marcet said, “Jeffery, I think we should meet in your cabin.”

  “That’ll be fine, but it’s not only my cabin. I share it with Debbie.”

  As they left the shuttle bay, Toby walked off by himself and the others went to the cabin for a meeting. After they were seated, Marcet said, “I am sorry to be so secretive, but I did not want this information to get back to the squirrels.”

  “Okay. Can we all promise not to say anything to them about whatever it is you’re going to say?”

  Heads nodded in agreement.

  “Good, because I do not know how they would react. When I came here one of the goals I set for myself was to find out if the radiation could be harmful. Brealak and I brought ten mated pairs of small animals from Coplent. On the trip here I did a baseline DNA analysis on Brealak and myself, and all the animals as well. When we arrived, I placed the animals in cages at various locations near the shelter. The squirrels were curious, so I told them exactly what I was doing. I took DNA samples every ten days from all of us. After sixty days there was absolutely no evidence of any DNA mutation in any of the animals nor in Brealak, or in myself. Thirty days later there still was no indication of any mutation.”

  Jeffery asked, “Are you saying all living things from Coplent are immune?”

  “Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. All of us have been here for one hundred twenty-three days and are still unaffected. Some of the animals have had offspring and they are unaffected as well. I suspect, although I cannot be positive, that only creatures with Earth-type DNA would be affected. I really did not understand what was happening until Dr. Weber arrived two days ago. I asked him if he had ever done a DNA analysis on the squirrels and he told me he did that on his last visit. His nurse sent the results to me and I looked at them yesterday morning. What I discovered is the squirrel DNA is more than ninety-five percent identical to Earth human DNA. The squirrels are not native to Procolt 2, they were brought here from Earth. I am certain that is why you think they look like a larger version of the squirrels you have on Earth. They are, in fact, mutated Earth squirrels.”

  Frank asked, “Are you sure about this?”

  “Absolutely. There is no way the squirrels are native to this planet. The reason I did not want the squirrels to know is they appear to be very proud of their heritage. I am not sure how they would react if they knew the truth about their origin.”

  Jeffery said, “I understand, but now I’m wondering if there are other animals from Earth that were brought here and also mutated. As we explore the planet, are we going to find talking cows, or super intelligent cats and dogs?”

  Marcet continued, “I do not know about that. I am not familiar with the animals on Earth. However, I suspect Gordon Brown was not the only human brought here. I am wondering if there is a colony of humans somewhere on the planet.”

  “When we first arrived, we scanned for any animals larger than fifty pounds and we didn’t find any. So, if there are more humans, they must be very small or living in an area our scanners weren’t able to penetrate.”

  “I think we should begin exploring all the caves we
can find,” Frank said, thoughtfully. “Perhaps they’re here, but living in caves. If that’s the case, they wouldn’t have been detected by the scanners.”

  Marcet added to Frank’s thought. “I was just thinking perhaps exposure to the radiation makes humans sterile. If that were the case, the humans brought here would probably all be dead by now.”

  “I think you should test Cathy and Sheila then” Jeffrey said as he looked at Frank who nodded. “They’ve been here the longest. If you want to test me, I have no problem with that. I’ve been on the planet longer than any other male.”

  “Thank you, Jeffery, I will do that.”

  Debbie had a very sad look on her face and said softly, “Does that mean, there’s a chance that Jeffery and I will never be able to have children?”

  “We should not jump to conclusions. I will run the tests tomorrow morning. I will have an answer for you by tomorrow evening.”

  “Starting tomorrow, I’ll assign the crew the task of searching every cave they can find for any evidence of human habitation. Debbie, you know more about the scanners than I do. Can they be set up to find caves?”

  “Yes, I’m positive I can reprogram them to do that by tomorrow morning.”

  “Great, please do that. I’ll call a crew meeting after dinner.”

  After dinner, Jeffery made an announcement to the crew. He said, “Good evening. I know I promised all of you some time off, but now we have an important task. We just discovered evidence there may be an enclave of humans living on Procolt 2. If they do exist, they would be living in caves. Tomorrow morning, we’ll begin scanning the surface for any caves large enough to hold a small group of humans. When caves are discovered, we’ll dispatch a crew to explore them. Please remember some of the locations we search may be in colder areas of the planet, so if you don’t have thermal protection, they are available in the store room on deck 3. If you discover a human population, you shouldn’t try to make contact with them, instead, contact the ship and we’ll send either Anne or Diane to make initial contact. Questions?”


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