
Home > Other > 2120-2126 > Page 24
2120-2126 Page 24

by Russell Fine

  They went in and sat down. Jeffery started, “We made a stop here on our way back to Earth from Torblit. When we arrived, we found out the squirrels had a plan to create new propulsion and communication systems that would revolutionize space travel. They believe, and our NASA engineers agree, they can make a propulsion system that would allow a starship to travel at ten thousand times the speed of light. The communication system would use the same technology and enable messages to be sent at the same speed.”

  “The squirrels came up with this plan?” Garlut asked in his typical way.

  “Yes, their knowledge has progressed to a point where they’re probably the most intelligent beings in this part of the galaxy. I took the plan back to Earth, where it was analyzed by NASA. They agreed the theory behind the plans was sound. The squirrels asked me to bring back a NASA engineer with whom they could discuss the plan and how to implement it. So, I came back with Brandon Simpson. He has spent hours discussing this with the squirrels and is absolutely convinced the plan will work. We’re bringing two of the squirrels back to Earth with us. We were planning on leaving in two days, but now that you’re here, we may delay that for a while.”

  “You are right. This is fascinating. Do you realize what this means? When the Trade Council gave you permission to build the resort, they gave you the rights to all of the planet’s resources. That would include the squirrels, so you own the plans for these new systems.”

  “I do not own the squirrels, or their designs, regardless of the Trade Council’s decisions. I will have to discuss this situation with S1. Also, I’m not in a position to either develop or market products. If I had the rights to the designs, I’d probably turn them over to NASA and let them do the product development.”

  “I understand how you feel, but the rights to these developments have the potential to make you and Debbie one of the wealthiest families in the trade group. You would not need to borrow any money to build the resort.”

  “I really appreciate what you are saying, but I will not take advantage of our relationship with the squirrels. Debbie, do you agree?”

  “Yes, we have to discuss this with S1 before we can continue this conversation.

  Jeffery said, “Give us some time to find S1.”

  Garlut replied, “I think that is a good idea. While you are gone Nandor and I will spend some time searching for a good location for the resort.

  Jeffery knew Brandon was with S1 and S12 so he contacted him and asked Brandon to bring S1 and S12 to the shelter’s dining room.

  Twenty minutes Brandon walked into the dining room with S1 and S12. He asked, “Is there a problem?”

  Jeffery replied, “No, I don’t think so. S1, as leader of the squirrels there is something you need to be aware of. Debbie and I have been granted the rights to Procolt 2, and all it’s resources, by the Trade Council. Garlut feels that means that I own the plans to the new systems, but I disagree. I believe that you own the plans to the new systems.”

  S1 immediately replied, “Then I will give them to you and you will own them. Is that acceptable?”

  “You should know that the plans are very valuable.”

  “Jeffery, we have no use for money. You and your crew have been supplying us with everything we need, and we are very happy. So, let us make an agreement: We will give you the plans, and you will agree to continue to provide us with whatever we need.”

  “Then we have an agreement. But you must promise me that if you ever need something you will ask us for it.”

  “I promise. Do you want to put this agreement in writing? From what I have read that seems to be the way humans do these kinds of things.

  “I suppose so,” Jeffery replied. “I’ll ask Garlut about it when he comes back.

  Brandon and S1 left, but Jeffery and Debbie stayed in the dining room. They began discussing the situation and before they realized it almost two hours had passed. The heard the sound of a shuttle landing. Jeffery said, “Garlut and Nandor must be back. I wonder if they found a suitable site for the resort?”

  They walked over to the shuttle and when Garlut and Nandor stepped out Jeffery said, “I spoke to S1 about the rights to the designs and we agreed that they would give Debbie and I the rights to the plans in exchange for us taking care of them.”

  Garlut smiled and said, “That seems fair. The squirrels really don’t need money. What they want is primarily food, shelter, and protection.”

  “S1 suggested that we sign a written agreement. I’m not sure that’s necessary. What do you think?”

  “I suppose it’s reasonable, and it does protect you and Debbie.”

  “Okay, do you have a contact at an attorney’s office we could speak with, or perhaps the bank?”

  “When I get back to Coplent, I will set up a meeting with the manager of the bank branch,” Garlut said. “He will have an attorney there that will make certain you are presented fully and vested. However, you must make sure that NASA understands you and Debbie own the rights to these new systems.”

  “I don’t know how they’ll react to that information, but I guess I’ll find out when we get back.”

  “I do have a personal request. When the system development is completed, I would like to have my ship retrofitted with the new systems. I will pay any expenses that will be incurred by NASA for the work.” Garlut looked directly into Jeffery’s eyes for this statement.

  “Consider it done. I’ll make sure NASA understands that in exchange for the right to use the new systems, they’ll have to install them in your ship.”

  “Good, I glad that is resolved. Nandor and I looked at several sites from the air, and some of them looked promising. But there are a lot more to look at.”

  They spent the next several days scouting for possible build sites. They finally selected an area along the equator but five hundred units east of the shelter. It was a level area surrounded by mountains. The valley was fifty-one square units and included a lake that was thirty-four square units. The site was both beautiful and tranquil. Everyone agreed it was ideal.

  Now that the site selection process was completed, Jeffery told Brandon they would be leaving the following morning. Brandon said he would inform S12 and S31 about the departure schedule.

  Later that evening, Jeffery was just finishing dinner when S1 walked into the dining room saying, “Good evening, Jeffery. I was told you would be departing for Earth in the morning. I’m worried about S12 and S31. Please make sure they feel comfortable in their new surroundings and try to bring them back as soon as possible.”

  “I promise I’ll do that. I also want to ask you a question. As you know, Debbie and I are building a resort five hundred units from here. The area is really beautiful. There will be construction crews on the planet for at least three years. While they’re here, I can have them build a much larger shelter for you and the other squirrels, if you’d like. I’m sure it will be more comfortable than the cave. It’ll have lights, running water, and a food generator to prepare meals. If you think that’s something you would want, please let me know and I’ll make sure it’s built.”

  “As our intellect grows, so does our desire to be more comfortable. A year ago, we were very happy living in the caves. We didn’t mind that it was dark and damp all the time. Now we take turns spending nights in the shelter. We also have grown accustomed to using toilets. It’s much more convenient than going outside the cave to relieve ourselves. So, the answer to your question is ‘yes.’ A shelter large enough for all of us to be comfortable would be very nice. Although we’re just beginning to understand money, I know building a shelter would be very expensive. Do you have the money to pay for it?”

  “Yes, I can pay for it. I’ll ask Nandor to design something that will be a comfortable home for at least two hundred squirrels. That way there will be room for growth.”

  “Could it also have rooms to use to teach our children?”

  “Yes, of course. Why don’t you think about it while I’m gone? When I come back,
we can discuss it.”

  “Thank you, Jeffery. We’ll do that.”

  The following morning, Jeffery and Debbie were aboard the ship running pre-flight diagnostics when Brandon and the two squirrels arrived.

  “Good morning. Is everyone ready for the trip to Earth?” Jeffery said.

  “S31 and I are concerned because we’ve never spent very much time in such a small space,” S12 replied.

  “I understand and this is a very small ship. I thought perhaps you and Brandon could work on some of your designs during the trip. I’m not sure what S31 would like to do. We have an unlimited supply of food, if he likes to eat. We also have games he might be interested in playing.”

  “I think unlimited food will keep him occupied.”

  “Good. Did Brandon explain how this ship works?”

  “He did tell me about the stasis field that’s used to minimize the effects of inertia while we’re accelerating or decelerating.”

  “After we’re five thousand units from Procolt 2, I’ll set the course for Earth. A few moments after I start the engines, a stasis field will envelop the living areas on the ship. We won’t be aware of anything while we’re in stasis. When the field collapses and we wake up it will be six days later, we’ll travel for twenty days, and then we’ll be placed in stasis for six days again while the ship slows down. When we wake up the second time we’ll be just above Earth,” Jeffery continued. “Please find a comfortable place and sit or lay down.”

  Brandon sat in one of the passenger seats and S12 and S31 laid down on seats. Jeffery was happy this ship was equipped with artificial gravity, so no taping of the squirrels was necessary. After everyone was ready Jeffery, started the engine. A half hour later, the ship was ready to begin the journey to Earth. Jeffery looked at the squirrels. They were both sound asleep, so he set and initiated the course for Earth.

  Six days later, they woke up when the stasis field turned off. S31 looked up at Jeffery and asked, “Are we ready to start the trip to Earth now?”

  Jeffery smiled and said, “We left Procolt 2 six days ago. We’re several light years away now. In a few moments, we’ll enter the wormhole and begin the longest part of our journey to Earth.”

  During the trip, Brandon and S12 spent time working on the new computer hardware that would be required. The processor chip would use tachyons to send information inside the chip instead of wires, which would increase the speed of the processor by several orders of magnitude.

  Debbie taught S31 how to play some card games, including an old Earth favorite, solitaire. He seemed to really like it, so he split his time between playing cards and eating. He appeared to be enjoying not only the food, but some of the classic card games.

  Neither of the squirrels had ever taken a shower, but after watching the humans take showers for a few days, they decided to try it. The showers were automatic, a few seconds after anything enters the shower the water turns on and it stays on until the shower stall is empty. S12 and S31 went into the shower together and played for almost an hour. They decided it was fun to take showers and did it almost every day during the remainder of the trip.

  When they arrived at Earth, both S12 and S31 were a little disappointed the trip was over because the journey was full of new wonderment for them.

  Shortly after docking at the space station, Jeffery called Max.

  “Hi Max, we’re back. And we have two surprise guests with us.”

  “I’m almost afraid to ask, but who are the surprise guests?”

  “S12 and S31 from Procolt 2 are here. S12 wrote the proposal you read and Brandon thought it would be helpful if she was here during the construction of the prototypes.”

  “Do you think the world is ready for squirrels that are more intelligent than we are?”

  “No, not really. So, they’re going to stay at Brandon’s house.”

  “Don’t you think somebody will notice them when they walk through the station?”

  “Yes, so we aren’t going to go through the station. This ship can land on Earth, so I’ll land it near Brandon’s house and we’ll get them to his house unseen.”

  “I know Brandon’s house is out in the middle of nowhere, but somebody will see the ship and it will be seen by air traffic control as well.”

  “I’m sure you can take care of that.”

  He sighed. “I suppose so. I’ll need some time to arrange everything. I’ll call you in the morning. Is that okay?”

  “That’s fine. Have a good evening, Max.”

  “Yeah, I’ll try.”

  Early the next morning, Jeffery received a call from Max who told him to land the ship at NASA Headquarters, but not to leave it. Max would bring a bus out to the ship and then take them to Brandon’s house. Jeffery said they would leave as soon as possible, probably within fifteen minutes.

  It took a little longer than Jeffery had estimated. Twenty minutes later, the ship left the docking area for the space station and began the descent to NASA Headquarters. Less than an hour later, Jeffery landed the ship and moved it to the end of a taxiway so it didn’t interfere with any other craft.

  A few minutes after they stopped, the ship was approached by a small bus. It stopped by the ship’s hatch and Jeffery opened it. Max walked aboard accompanied by an armed guard.

  When Jeffery saw them, he said, “Hi Max. Did you think we were going to attack you or something?”

  “Not likely. The guard is here to protect you and your passengers, not me. I’m anxious to meet them.”

  “Max, I’d like you to meet S12 and S31.”

  “Hello Max,” S12 said. “It’s very nice to meet you. Brandon has told us a lot about you. I must say you really don’t look scary.”

  “Brandon said I was scary? I’ll have to discuss that with him later. Before your ship becomes the center of attention, we should all get on the bus and leave.”

  “We’re all ready. However, I want to come back here tomorrow and moor the ship by the station,” Jeffery said.

  Max responded, “That’s a good idea. I’ll pick you up in the afternoon and we can make the trip together.”

  Everybody walked over to the bus. Jeffery closed the hatch with the remote and boarded the bus last. The guard took the driver’s seat and after everyone was aboard, the bus started moving.

  Jeffery was watching the squirrels, who were starring out the windows. They had never seen anything even remotely similar to things they saw as the bus traveled through central Florida. They had never been in a civilized area before and were obviously fascinated. After driving for a half hour, they turned off the main road onto a narrow country road. All of the signs of civilization disappeared. There were large fields filled with palm trees and palmetto plants. Ten minutes later, they arrived at Brandon’s house. There was a nine-foot brick wall around the property and a guard at the only road leading into the walled compound.

  Brandon walked to the front of the bus and waved to the guard, who opened the gate. They drove up to the house and stopped in front.

  S31, who had not said a word since they got off the ship, looked at the house and then, looking at Brandon, asked, “You live here by yourself?”

  “No, I have two people who work for me who live here too. There’s woman who cooks most of my meals and keeps the house clean. Her name is Bess. Her husband, Tom, takes care of the outside of the house and the swimming pools.”

  Everyone except the guard got off the bus. The driver asked Max if he should wait for him. Max told him that he would be here for a while and not to wait. The others walked into the house where Bess was waiting for them.

  “Hi Brandon,” Bess said as they all came into the foyer. “It’s nice to have you home and I see we now have some pets.”

  “Hi Bess, these aren’t pets. They’re from Procolt 2 and will be our house guests for the next year or two. I’d like you to meet S12 and her mate S31.”

  Bess had a confused look on her face, which became more pronounced when S12 said, “Hello Bess. It’
s very nice to meet you.”

  Stammering she said, “It’s n-nice to m-meet you too.” Then looking at Brandon, she asked, “Is this some kind of trick?”

  “No Bess, S12 and S31 may look like animals, but S12 knows more about theoretical physics than I do. She’ll be helping me design new propulsion, communication, and computer systems for NASA.”

  Looking at the squirrels again, she said, “I’m sorry. You’re the first aliens I’ve ever met and I guess I expected aliens to kind of look like we do. Please forgive me.”

  “There’s nothing to forgive,” S31 responded. “We understand you were surprised by our appearance.”

  Brandon said, “Bess, let Tom know about our guests. They’ll be staying in the main guest room next to the indoor pool. So, please make sure it’s ready for them.”

  “I’ll take care of that right away.”

  “Since none of you have been here before,” Brandon offered. “Let me show you around.”

  The house was built around a central atrium that contained a large indoor pool and many small palm trees and other flowering plants. The squirrels were obviously amazed with the pool area.

  “This is like a small indoor lake,” S12 said. “I think we’re really going to like it here.”

  The guest bedroom, where the squirrels would be staying, was very spacious. The room contained a large bed, several comfortable chairs, a big video monitor, and had its own bathroom.

  Behind the house, there was a pool much larger than the one inside. There were also chairs and resort style, chaise lounges scattered around. The pool also had a diving board. Surrounding the pool area were much larger palm trees and other native Florida plants. Adjacent to the area was another smaller house where Bess and Tom lived.

  After looking around, Jeffery asked, “Brandon, would you like to adopt Debbie and me?”

  Brandon laughed. “No, I really don’t but you’re welcome to stay here. The house has three more unused guest rooms.”

  “This is definitely a lot nicer than what we have at NASA,” Debbie said with a smile. “Thanks, Brandon, we’ll think about it.”


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