The Ming Dynasty Tombs

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The Ming Dynasty Tombs Page 23

by Felton, Captain Chris

  He held him tightly as he shivered and died. Kester held him for a long time afterwards, tears rolling down his cheeks. He laid him gently on the table and then cleared the bodies, he dragged dead or wounded to the cess pit and they splashed into the mire. He heard footsteps on the stairs, and as the door opened he fire his desert eagle. Two rounds hit the woman between the eyes and then in the heart. She was still twitching as he pushed her into the cess pit. In an outbuilding he found several big glass jars of hydrochloric acid. These he poured into the cess pit over the bodies inside they frothed red as the acid dissolved their skin flesh and started eating into the bones. The stench was unbearable, he replaced the lid and the vents still spewed yellow fumes into the air. He cleaned the house, finding a huge safe he emptied its contents and re-locked it. He disposed of Lee’s weapons and as he was wearing a white shirt and jeans he carried him to the vehicle and in a side street in the town he laid his body down and scattered notes around him, and his empty wallet then pulled his pockets out and drove to the hotel, two hours later Kester called the police and stated that his colleague who had a diplomatic passport was missing in that area of the town. An hour later two officers called at the hotel, and gave him the bad news Lee was dead, and had been shot during a robbery. An autopsy was being held, and Kester asked to be advised when his body was ready for collection. Kester took Lee’s girlfriend aside into Lee’s room and gave her a shot of ST5. He wiped her memory, gave her a new past, and a new future. He kept her name but told her she was an exotic dancer and was going to the Philippines to work in a lap dancing club. Then he talked to her about how she should perform, and dress, and gave her the second dose of the drug he left her to recover in her room. Then he went into his own room and explained that Lee was dead. They were both a little sad, when the body was released Kester had it cremated and the airbus flew into a local airport to fly them home.

  In the Philippines they had a private service and Lee was laid to rest beside Steve, nearly everyone on the estate was present Lee was highly regarded by everyone, Kester returned to the house and walked with his kit to Lee’s home the three girls were all there he walked into the lounge and they were so upset. One turned to Kester, “I’m pregnant, I was going to tell him when he got home” she said tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “That’s wonderful news, don’t worry you will be cared for and will not want for anything” he remarked. He took the other two girls upstairs, they were pretty and fit, but he had to find somewhere for them. The only place he knew of was the lap dancing club. He asked them to go to their rooms, and gave each one a shot of ST5. He erased their memory, and told them they were very sexy erotic dancers. Then talked to each for two hours before giving them the second dose of the drug when they came around he asked them to pack their clothes and that day drove them to the club, and had a chat with the dance manager. He left them there and the manager sorted accommodation for them. Then he drove back to his house, and called Mr Roberts, and asked him to find staff for the pregnant girl in Lee’s home. Then he walked through to his study, and answered a few hundred e-mails that were waiting for him there were several from the architect saying the new house were ready. He picked up his phone and called him. Then drove to the house on the hill, the architect was already there making a snagging list for the builders. Kester walked around the superb building, it was large and very spacious. He walked from room to room pausing at the masters bedroom and bathroom and the dressing room. He left the architect, and drove to treasure cove. Calling in to visit Phu-Li she answered the door and pulled him inside.

  “It’s so good to see you Kester, sorry to hear about Lee” she said kissing him. She looked great and he embraced her warmly. He kissed her on the lips and she kissed him back so many times.

  She led him to the lounge and the baby was asleep in a play pen.

  “She looks beautiful” she murmured as she stroked the baby’s brown hair so gently.

  “You’re beautiful” he remarked kissing her again.

  “How is everyone in the house?” she asked, he nodded, and took a coke zero from her kitchen fridge and cracked the ring pull. He walked through to the lounge and sat on the settee Phu-Li sat beside him and curled her feet under her. He kissed her several times and she looked at him and smiled sweetly.

  “Want to fuck!” she asked smiling wickedly..

  “Sounds pretty good for this moment in time” he answered standing up he lifted her in his arms and walked upstairs with her and placed her on her bed. He slowly undressed her and then himself he lay beside her, he gazed at her beautiful body, there were no signs she had a baby, the skin on her stomach was smothe and soft and yielding. He caressed her breasts and she stayed his hand.

  “I still have milk, take care” she murmured, he leaned over and took her right nipple in his mouth and sucked gently, she moaned softly, and squeezed her breast for him. He emptied both her breasts and then they made love for five hours. Afterwards he drank from her breasts once again. They shared a shower, and then dressed and she smiled at him.

  “I’m bored here all day with nothing to do” she said softly as they sat downstairs, Kester cuddling his daughter.

  “Want a job?” he asked, she beamed a smile and nodded.

  “The new house on the hill needs furnishing and equipping to a high standard, we also need some good staff for there. Lee’s widow is pregnant, so need some staff, keep an eye on her for me” Kester asked.

  “You always reckoned I had the same taste as TC” she said softly.

  “Even TC reckoned that, so do your best” he answered he handed her a charge card,

  “Your still on the internet here, update your computer and get to work. I will need a housekeeper for the house two good chefs and a butler, and 6 maids. There is accommodation in the old staff house that we can use on a temporary basis. Lee’s widow will need two maids and a cook, and a nursery nurse just before the baby is born” Kester asked. Phu-Li was making copious notes as she always did.

  “You should get a nanny to look after baby” he asked, she nodded and made more notes.

  “It’s good to be working with you again sweetheart” Kester stated as he walked to the door. She ran over and hugged him and then kissed his lips a dozen times or so as he opened the door.

  “I will call for you in the morning” he stated she nodded,

  “I will get someone to look after Babs” she answered and waved to him.

  He drove home and went to his suite and showered, then dressed in fresh clean clothes. Then he went downstairs the lounge was deserted, he fetched himself a root beer from the bar, and poured it into a tumbler. He sat in the lounge and jasmine came into the house. She looked great and came over and sat on his lap and inserted her tongue into his mouth. He kissed her back a few times and she looked deep into his eyes.

  “Where have you been?” she asked.

  “To see the new house on the hill, it’s very luxurious” he answered.

  “Really nice” she asked he nodded and smiled.

  “I want to make use of the house, and thought you may like to live there, you Shi-Ming, Jade, and Shu-Li and Sofia. There are 8 suites as nice as here, I can split my time between both houses” Kester said softly.

  “I don’t mind at all is it really nice” she asked.

  “It’s fabulous I spared no expense fitting the place out. You will love it” Kester answered.

  “Can I see it tomorrow?” she asked.

  “Get all the girls together in the morning and we will look the place over. I want the freedom the place will offer. You will have your own staff a butler and a housekeeper, 10 maids and two chefs.” He explained.

  “How do you get on with the other girls?” he asked, Shi-Ming is funny, and Jade, so sexy. Sofia is a bookworm always studying, but good fun she has a wicked sense of humour. Shu-Li is somewhat serious but good fun” she answered at length. Dinner was magnificent and afterwards he talked to the girls for a long time they were happy to move to their ow
n house, even Sofia. They chatted until 11pm and then Kester went to bed he slept with Princess Lai, and they made love for three hours.

  The next morning he worked out for two hours had a sauna then showered shaved and had a light breakfast. Then fetched an Overfinch from the garage and drove the girls to collect Phu-Li. They crammed in together and arrived at the house. They screeched with delight and ran inside, and scoured the bedrooms, Kester and Phu-Li caught up with them in the master bedroom. All the girls walked around touching fittings and walking out onto the master bedroom balcony which looked out over the South China Sea, the view was remarkable and stunning, he stood there for a short while and knew Lee would have loved to live there.

  “This one is for when I visit” he said smiling they all laughed. Then filed next door, they looked at everything in the minutest detail. They loved the gym, the swimming pools and the sauna, the plunge pool, the music room the bedroom suites, the bar and the lounge dining room breakfast room and the kitchen. They decided to stay and bounce ideas with Phu-Li but Kester knew that she would not alter how she would decorate the house. He left the Overfinch for the girls and walked home. He went to his study and onto the internet he called Overfinch and spoke to the Chairman on web cam via skype.

  “How are you your grace” he asked as his chubby face came on the monitor.

  “I’m fine Bert, I need to upgrade my Overfinch vehicles, I need 12 vehicles customised nicely, and turbocharged” Kester asked

  “I will assign one of our hottest designers and he will e-mail you some ideas” he answered.

  “Fine as long as they are white with 22 inch wheel hubs I need a little clearance out here” Kester remarked.

  “Fine just wait and see the pictures”

  “Thanks be in touch” Kester replied ending the call. He answered some e-mails then left the study he walked outside and down to Dave Robert’s house. As always he was greeted so warmly, and ushered into the lounge.

  Mrs Roberts thrust a cold beer into his hands.

  “Fancy a paid holiday to blighty Dave” Kester asked.

  “I need another butler, for the new house here, and two good chefs. Plus 10 new maids for the girls”

  “Of course I can fly to the UK interview butler and two chefs for you no problem. We can train and recruit the maids locally” he suggested.

  “I will transfer £1 million to your account the airbus is at your command. I will book a limousine and a suite at the Dorchester for you” Kester suggested.

  “My word Kester, that’s a bit grand” he answered.

  “I will not hear anything about it, enjoy yourself, what car do you need a Roller”

  “My word a Rolls Royce” he uttered disbelievingly.

  “We need to put an advert in `The Lady` and we will go in two weeks” he answered.

  “Go tomorrow we are desperate for the right people, married proffered, and accommodation provided full package” Kester suggested.

  “We could put an advert in the Times” David said smiling.

  “Ok Kester arrange the plane, tomorrow morning is fine” he answered, Kester nodded finished his beer and left. He drove back to the house and did all the arranging, then transferred £1 million to Dave Roberts account. He viewed the pictures e-mailed to him from Overfinch and approved one design it looked the dog’s bollocks. He e-mailed the company back and attached the photo in question. He then went through to the lounge, he felt dead horny and slept with Lai, then moved onto Shu-Li and then to Sai-Chin by which time it was dinner time, he showered and changed his clothes. After dinner the three girls retired to bed early, Kester took Shi-Ming and Jade along with jasmine to his suite.

  “I would love you girls to get to know each other better, so undress and get to it” Kester asked, they smiled at each other and stripped, Jasmine was laid on double bath sheets and the two new girls delved in and in seconds she was in ecstasy. Kester made love to all three, exhausting them all, leaving them trembling and soaked with perspiration he showered and then dried himself as the girls splashed in the tub. They joined him in the bed, and they slept solid for 7 hours. He worked out in the gym for 3 hours, then a sauna, and a healthy breakfast. He took his mineral supplements. Then visited his doctor for a check up he took blood samples and sent them to the lab.

  He called his architect from the hospital and he rushed over. Kester was still undergoing a check up when he arrived. He looked out of breath and a bit red faced.

  “Build an extension to this place I want 30 private rooms, and two operating theatres. I want the latest technology and an MRI scanner. You arrange it doc, and get the companies to invoice me. Get the right technicians wherever they are. I want this hospital to be the finest in the Philippines.

  Kester left and drove to the house he took Jade and Shi-Ming and Jasmine to Hong Kong in his Lear jet. They were so happy to be in Hong Kong. They took a cab to the house and staff carried their luggage into the house. They went to their rooms, and upstairs were filled with screeching and laughter. No sooner had they been shown to their rooms than they went out. Kester took them down to central for wardrobe shopping, from evening dresses all the same, to traditional Chinese Chong-Sam dresses Gai-po and a host of other outfits. They were laughing and joking. Kester picked up piles of sloggi panties, proper panties, briefs, and g strings. They must have had 100 pairs each. Kester asked a van taxi to take everything to their house, and then continued with their shopping. It was fun time, leggings, and silk blouses, miniskirts, stockings, and all manner of things.

  A set of Louis Viton luggage dozens of huge expensive designer perfumes, duffel bags of Clarin’s creams and red lipsticks. Some gold jewellery half dozen wristwatches each the same van driver delivered everything to the house. He could be trusted as he was the butler’s brother. When relieved of their buys, they went to the Whale Pub in Jordan and down the steps to the bar. The familiar staff was there and hugged him warmly the chief shook his hand and smiled, Kester pushed a bundle of notes over the bar to the Chief.

  “Drinks are on me everyone” he stated. The bar was swamped and they sat at a table with four drinks, and chatted, Jade put some music on and they had another drink. Then at midnight they hailed a cab and it took them home. The staff was still up, Kester apologised and let them retire, and they cooked their own dinner and cleared the kitchen afterwards. They slept well in their own rooms, in the morning Kester crept to Shi-Ming’s room and took her to Jades room. They slipped into her bed beside her and soon woke her up as Shi-Ming went down on her. Kester smothered her with kisses and caressed her breasts as she orgasmed freely ten times. Then as Jade returned the deed, he fucked her then Shi-Ming and three hours later walked to his own room and left them to sleep it off. He showered and shaved and returned to his bedroom Jasmine was in his bed so he had to do her as well. Then he re-showered and dressed in casual clothes he walked downstairs.

  “Breakfast sir” the butler asked.

  “Tell the Chef eggs Benedict, for everyone well when the girls come down. Twinings breakfast tea, and marmalade with toast please” Kester asked, the man nodded and smiled. Fifteen minutes later he had eggs Benedict. He enjoyed the meal and savoured each mouthful then enjoyed four slices of toast and marmalade. Jasmine was the first down the butler brought her breakfast through and she ate hungrily.

  “What shall we do today?” she asked. He thought for a moment before answering her.

  “Remember the shop in Singapore and the assistant, fancy finding one here?” he asked, she chuckled and then

  Nodded her head furiously, she finished her breakfast and turned to face him.

  “What shall I wear?” she asked, he thought for a moment.

  “Wear a sexy mini skirt and a nice blouse, and knee high socks and wedge shoes” he asked she chuckled and ran upstairs. She returned 10 minutes later looking fabulous. They took a taxi to central, and looked in several stores until Jasmine saw a good looking assistant. They entered the store, and Jasmine asked for assistance, she had an eye fo
r a sexy female. The assistant was petite and smart in her two piece skirt and jacket suit. She had a white blouse on and a red scarf. The assistant showed them to a changing room and left them alone for several minutes.

  Kester leaned her over a dressing table lifted her skirt and pulled her white panties down to her knees. She was already aroused and was so wet. He entered her easily and started to fuck her slowly she gasped and moaned as she shuddered with her first orgasm. She grabbed tissues to soak up her ejaculations. She was noisy and gasped loudly and moaned. The assistant knocked then entered the room she looked at the two of them but did not run away. She smiled shyly, and pulled the door closed behind her and stood there.

  “Will not be too long sweetheart” Kester remarked and pulled jasmine onto him. He glanced at the assistant who was watching them and looking flushed. Jasmine was moaning now, soft moans of encouragement followed by a few soft grunts as he stroked into her. She looked so sexy as she glanced at the assistant and gasped loudly. She had pulled her blouse open and he caressed her breasts.

  “Your so big, so hard, oh god, it’s great to be fucked” she whispered, the assistant looked at them. Her eyes transfixed on his thrusting groin she smiled and licked her lips. Then she lifted her skirt and put a hand inside her panties. She juddered as she orgasmed after just a minute Kester pulled out of jasmine and she pulled her panties up and walked over to the assistant. She took her hand and they walked back to the dressing table where Kester still stood, a rampant erection sparkling with jasmines love juices, Jasmine sat her on the dressing table and pushed her skirt up, and tugged her black panties off and went down on her, sucking and licking the assistant juddered violently, Kester opened her jacket and unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it open, and reaching behind her unclipped her brassiere freeing her pointed breasts, he sucked her black areola, and her nipples as she juddered again as she had another orgasm. He pulled her blouse wide open and smothered her breasts with a hundred kisses and sucked her nipples hard, they became very hard and erect.


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