The Skeleton Key Guild (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 5)

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The Skeleton Key Guild (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 5) Page 26

by MJ Fletcher

  “I thought you were my friend, I thought you cared about me and my mom.”

  “I’m glad you’re mom is dead and I’ll be even more glad when your sister is. Mr. Tower is going to return things to their rightful order. The First Kind will return and rule again, and I will be the best among the Doorknob Society just as I always should have been.”

  “My sister is going to beat you.”

  “No, little girl, your sister is as dead as you are about to be. Enjoy the last few minutes of your life.” Faith laughed, pulled the door open, and walked out, slamming it closed behind her.

  Erin pushed her face into her knees and cried again.

  I projected my astral-self further into the room. “Erin?”

  Her head popped up and she looked around the room in shock. She wiped at the tears rolling down her cheeks. “Chloe?”

  “Yes!” I projected my words as hard as I could.

  “Where are you, I can’t see you?”

  “I’m close by. You need to hang on. I’m coming for you.”

  “I’m sorry. I am so sorry.”

  “I know. Don’t worry. I’ll be there soon.”

  “Chloe, he’s going to activate the Bridge and use me and our uncle to do it. It’ll kill us both. Please, I’m scared.” The tears rolled down her cheeks again and my heart broke.

  “I won’t let that happen. I’m going to get you out of there. Just be ready.”

  “Hurry,” Erin begged on a sob.

  “I will. I promise.” I opened my eyes and I was standing beside the shield where a small opening had been created. Jess was next to me, her hand on my shoulder.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Yes, but we need to hurry.” I entered the opening and a wave of power washed over me as the true force of the Bridge hit me. The shield wasn’t only to keep people out; it was also to keep the power contained.

  “Do you think the others are on schedule?” Edgar asked.

  “We can only hope,” I replied, “let’s move.” I snuck between the small buildings that surrounded the tower, creeping closer to our destination. With every move I made, my senses lit up like a Christmas tree. We reached a section of the area where a boulevard cut through the buildings leading to the tower. It would leave us fully exposed if we took it to reach our destination.

  “Any ideas?” Edgar asked.

  “I’m thinking,” I said running my hands through my hair in frustration.

  “I have an idea. Why don’t you step out of there and admit defeat.” The accented voice of Ms. True floated towards us.

  Jess tapped me on the shoulder. “Told you it was a trap.”

  I nodded. “I know, I know.”

  “You’re surrounded, Masters, come out now and maybe I will let you live long enough to see your sister die.” Ms. True laughed snidely.

  I stepped out into the street, Edgar and Jess beside me, each ready to fight.

  Ms. True was a dressed in designer black pants and a white silk shirt. Her high-end heels added to her height, making her look as if she had just stepped out of a fashion magazine instead of the catalog for evil bitches.

  Behind her stood a row of First Kind ready to attack on her command. I didn’t see Faith, which would have been a bonus as I was looking forward to kicking her ass.

  “Ms. True, still doing all Tower’s grunt work I see.” I smiled and she sneered at me.

  “You still need to learn how to respect your elders, young lady.”

  The familiar voice made me freeze in place as Mr. Slade stepped out from behind the men flanking Ms. True. He looked so like his son, and I fought down the urge to gulp hard when I saw him. Mr. Slade and I had never gotten along, mostly because he continued to blame me for his son turning away from not only the Council but from him and all the plans he had for him.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “I asked Mr. Tower to give me a chance to make you see the error of your ways.” He crossed his arms like a parent would as he reprimanded his child.

  “You’re a fool if you think Tower has any plans of letting us live.”

  “To be honest, Ms. Masters, I could care less about you and your band of misfits. I am here to protect my son.”

  “Maybe you should have consulted him about that.”

  “He is too smitten with you to see the plain facts of the situation.”

  “You really don’t know your son at all, do you?”

  “I know him!” he yelled slamming his fist into his hand.

  A boom echoed all around us and a crack raced up the shield. I smiled and winked at Jess and she grinned back at me.

  “What the hell was that?” Mr. Slade asked turning to Ms. True.

  “I have no idea.”

  “That’d be my band of misfits, your son among them.” I smiled and activated my Doorknob, creating an energy whip, “Now get the hell out of my way.”

  Chapter Forty-six

  Status: You want a fight; I’ll give you one.

  “You’re insane.” Mr. Slade jumped back as I cracked the whip in front of him.

  “You’re the one siding with lunatics against your own kind. Now get out of my way or I’ll make you move.”

  “Just take care of the little bitch,” Ms. True called out as she stepped forward her Skeleton Key activating.

  “You and I have unfinished business.” Jess’ crimson blade sprang to life and she spun it in her hand as she confronted Ms. True.

  “Still playing second fiddle to your cousin?” Ms. True smiled and two crimson daggers appeared in her hands. She moved them fluidly back and forth in front of her.

  “I’m second to none.” Jess spun in the air, bringing her blade in for a flurry of strikes and driving Ms. True back toward the line of First Kind guys.

  Ms. True growled angrily and yelled to the First Kind, “Don’t just stand there take them!”

  Edgar sat on the ground, crossing his legs, and took the Mapmakers Legend calmly from his satchel. He placed it on top of a Map he had already placed on the ground and golden lines of energy shot from the Legend slamming into his body and attaching to each finger. His eyes glowed brightly and he raised his head saying, “Protect.”

  A golden griffin tore from the Legend and flew screeching into the air. It took aim at the line of First Kind, extended its claws, and tore into them. In seconds it shredded the first several members it touched, and then spun around for another attack.

  “It would seem your back up is otherwise involved.” Jess smiled and Ms. True dove at her, swinging her daggers wildly. Jess moved with practiced grace, blocking each careless blow and pivoting for her own assault. She resembled an experienced dancer, her moves instinctive no matter what the music and with ease she pushed Ms. True back, the woman’s steps uncoordinated like a dancer who had forgotten the moves.

  “This isn’t how it’s supposed to be,” Ms. True said breathlessly.

  “You attacked my grandmother and other members of my family, and you kept my father from me... this is exactly how it’s supposed to end.” Jess smiled and drove forward, keeping her attack constant.

  “You chose the losing side, Mr. Slade.” I circled him, cracking my whip as he held out a glowing hammer ready to attack me.

  “I’m afraid that once again you are wrong.” Mr. Slade pressed a button on the edge of his hammer and up and down the boulevard gears popped up opening a series of doors. Each opened and Impossible Engineers stepped out fresh and ready to fight.

  “Crap,” I said under my breath.

  “You should listen to your elders, young lady.”

  “I’m no lady.” I arched my arm and brought my whip around catching his leg and knocking his feet out from under and sending him tumbling to the ground. The crack in the shield grew larger and the sound of an engine roaring brought a smile to my face.

  Engineers were rushing toward us and in the distance a red and black car sped down the road straight at us. I knew that car and my boyfriend was right
, I loved it to pieces.

  The Hudson Hornet skipped from one place to another as Nightshade activated his Skeleton Key and jumped portals to get closer to us quickly. He spun the car around slamming into a row of First Kind and sending them flying in all directions.

  Both doors kicked open and Slade and Nightshade bolted out one swinging a scimitar and the other a massive hammer. Like two Vikings out of some epic poem, they cut a path of destruction in quick order to stand beside me.

  “Are we late, boss?” Nightshade winked at me, and I laughed.

  “Perfect timing.”

  “The others?” Slade asked.

  “Should be here shortly.”

  “Michael Slade!” Mr. Slade was back on his feet and facing us. He was staring down his son who straightened at the sound of his father’s voice. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “The right thing, Dad.”

  “Stop this right now, I can still help you.” He took a step forward and Slade activated the Engineer Artifact, a burst of power flowed out from him.

  “Stop now, Dad, or I’ll stop you myself. Call off the engineers and help us.” Slade pleaded with his father, but the request fell on deaf ears. His father simply stared at the Hammer in Slade’s hands.

  “You’re using the Artifact?” His voice was hollow. “How dare you.”

  Mr. Slade rushed forward swinging his hammer. Slade held his ground and swung his weapon and as the hammers connected, the Artifact shattered his father’s weapon into pieces and blasted him backwards, knocking him off his feet.

  His father stumbled to his feet unsteadily. “You dare to use the Artifact of the Impossible Engineers?” He shook his head, grasped two metal cylinders and pressed the top of each. Metal plates flipped backwards, forming gauntlets over his hands.

  “You dare to call yourself an Impossible Engineer?” Slade yelled as he raced toward his father, swinging the hammer.

  His father crossed his arms and the gauntlets glowed, forming a shield. The hammer slammed into it, but the barrier didn’t break. Slade pulled back for another hit, but his father jabbed, punching his son in the stomach and bending him over.

  His father brought his hand up and caught Slade in the jaw, sending him hurdling through the air and bouncing him off the ground with a tremendous blow. Slade groaned and tried desperately to get to his feet, but his father kicked him viciously in the chest, knocking him backward.

  “You dare question me? I raised you to lead, to take my place on the Council and you turn on me?” He kicked Slade again and again.

  “You turned against the Engineers, there can be no peace with the First Kind,” Slade struggled to say. “You’d rather I was the type of man who deserts his friends rather than stand by them until the end.”

  “You learned nothing from me.” He leaned down over Slade, his eyes burning with anger. “The Engineers are all that matter.”

  “Screw you old man.” Slade swung connecting with his father’s cheek and a loud crack reverberated around them both. His father stumbled sideways dazed and confused. Slade jumped to his feet, his fingers tightening his grip around the Hammer of the Impossible Engineers.

  “You’re not worthy of it,” His father spat as the energy around Slade built to a crescendo.

  Mr. Slade dove forward swinging wildly with his gauntlets. Slade brought the hammer up, blocking the first blow, but the second landed a blow to his side. Slade grimaced but didn’t falter. Wrapping his hand around his father’s arm, he brought him in close, stealing the advantage of the gauntlets away from him. Then with a sharp snap of his head, he smashed it into his father’s face.

  Blood poured from his nose and he stared stunned at his son.

  “Worthy,” Slade all but screamed. “I’ve seen my friends lay down their lives for one another. Endure torture and pain and face impossible odds all to help one another. They’ve taught me more than you ever could, and I hope every damn day that I am worthy of that friendship. But in the end I have always felt less because you taught me that all that matters is the Engineers. You’re wrong. I am worthy of this Artifact and of the Impossible Engineers. But what really matters to me is that I’m worthy of my friends who actually care about me.”

  Spittles of blood spewed from Mr. Slade’s mouth as he said, “You would choose them over your own father?”

  “Every single time you son of a bitch.”

  Slade released his father’s arm and spun, bringing the hammer around. Mr. Slade raised the gauntlets, attempting to shield himself once again. The power of the Artifact emanated all around. It hit the gauntlets and the energy released in a violent explosion, knocking Mr. Slade off his feet and destroying the gauntlets in a blaze of light.

  With the Artifact firm in his hand, Slade walked over to his father.

  Mr. Slade cradled his burnt and bleeding arms. “Son, what have you done?” His eyes turned wide as looked up at Slade with a mixture of pride and fear.

  “I’ve won and you’re done,” Slade turned his back and walked to the street. “Impossible Engineers, follow me. We don’t belong to the First Kind. We are Old Kind and we stand with our own!”

  Like a rough wave hitting the sand, Engineers spun and begun to turn on the First Kind and those who didn’t found themselves fighting other Engineers.

  “What a lovely sentiment, but fruitless none-the-less,” Mr. Tower said appearing on the boulevard, flanked by Faith and Miranda of the HVO while rows and rows of First Kind followed behind them. He raised his hand and waved, yelling, “Kill them all.”

  The mass of First Kind rushed towards us screaming.

  “For the Old Kind,” I screamed and snapped my whip as I ran headlong into battle.

  Chapter Forty-seven

  Status: I hate this.

  Faith made a line straight for me, my powers and senses shifting as she approached. I concentrated as hard as I could on keeping my whip substantial and snapped it toward her.

  She reached out grabbing it and yanking me forward. Her fist connected with my stomach and I bent over as the air whooshed out of me. She brought her knee up, hitting me in the face and sending me stumbling.

  “Still don’t know how to fight me when I’m the one using a little extra help.” She laughed and kicked me in the gut.

  She came in for another punch and I shifted my abilities from Doorknob Society and poured it all in to my Impossible Engineer created hand. I caught her hand and twisted it back. I brought my other hand around and clocked her in the face. A line of blood sprayed out of her mouth, and she fell over and scrambled away from me.

  “You bitch.” She jumped up and activated her Doorknob “I’m going to kill you, and then watch your little sister die.”

  “Not going to happen, Faith, I’m ending this tonight.” Shifting my powers had worked well, so I decided to go with it. I held my Doorknob in one hand and my Skeleton Key in the other, alternating attacks against her. Her Impossible Engineer suit couldn’t keep up with the changes and I was able to keep my whips formidable.

  I pushed my luck, going on for another series of blows when I felt a shift behind me. I moved at the last second, but not fast enough and the shackles hit my side and sent me spinning off to the ground with a thud. Miranda was attacking fast and hard. She created another set of manacles and swung them in my direction. They flew through the air, and I was attempting to create a shield when the manacles were suddenly blasted to bits.

  “You’re welcome.” Henna ran past me smiling and attacked Miranda.

  Nightshade rushed past in the opposite direction, and I watched as he launched himself into the air and brought his scimitar down toward Mr. Tower. Crimson light exploded in all directions as Mr. Tower blocked the attack with a shield.

  “You still think you can defeat me you fool?” Tower laughed and turned his back on Nightshade, a series of crimson walls each with a different lock appearing between them.

  Nightshade didn’t stop, his blade disappeared and he pushed his Key forward and began
unlocking the shield walls as they appeared. He moved with such speed and efficiency that even Tower turned around at the sound of one lock falling after another.

  “Impossible,” Mr. Tower sneered and marched away from Nightshade, reissuing his order with an angry shout, “Kill them now!”

  The sting of Faith’s whip hit my back and sent me slamming to the street once again. The healing elixir that ran through my body coursed through my veins and I could feel it working overtime to already heal the wound.

  I struggled to my feet, but Miranda and Faith got to me first. The whip and shackles hit me at the same time, both wrapping around me and trapping me. My Doorknob fell from my hands and rolled out of reach.

  “I’ve been waiting for this.” Faith lifted her Doorknob and changed it from a whip to a dagger. She smiled and rushed forward aiming it at my heart.

  “Chloe!” I heard Jess scream in the terror of my imminent death.

  She was still fighting Ms. True and was too far away to help me. I frantically looked around to see if there was anyone who could help. Slade was busy fighting and Nightshade was still trying to reach Tower. Edgar was locked in some type of trance, and I couldn’t reach my Doorknob or Skeleton Key no matter how hard I struggled.

  Faith swung her blade down toward me and a surge of power suddenly brushed past me and blocked the final blow. Faith was blasted backward in an explosion of light and fury. The energy washed over me, destroying the shackles that bound me. And there in front of me stood Henna holding the Looking Glass and smiling.

  “That was close,” she laughed.

  “The Looking Glass!” Miranda screeched, as if she’d just won a fabulous prize, and was on top of us in a heartbeat. She twisted her wrist at close range, firing a blast of pure energy at me.

  Henna turned, trying to deflect the blast with the mirror but she missed the mark. The silver light ripped through Henna’s stomach and she fell back into my arms, the Looking Glass falling from her hands and dropping to the street.

  “Henna!” I called out frantically and unable to take the thrust of her body against mine, we fell backwards with her landing on top of me.


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