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Sold as a Domme on Valentine's Day

Page 56

by Juliana Conners

  As we walk into the theater I can’t help but stare at the stage and think about how many women have been auctioned off here just as I was at The Exchange back in Boston. I hope their stories have ended up as happy as mine and Gavin’s have.

  We’re not here for an auction, though. We’re here for a company party. A company party with an announcement that is going to make Gavin even richer than he already is. He puts his arm around me as we take our places in reserved seats in the front row of the auditorium.

  Soon, another woman sits down in a seat beside mine. She has blue eyes and sandy brown and blonde hair piled into a bun on top of her head. Some strands have fallen down and gotten caught in her earrings, which are turquoise and feature red birds on them. They’re pretty, and so is she.

  “Hi, I’m Celeste,” she says, reaching out to shake my hand.

  I hug her instead. I know we’re going to hit it off well. Since Monique and Tessa can’t be here, I’ll make a new friend in Celeste.

  “I’m Jade,” I tell her, “Gavin’s girlfriend.”

  “I’ve heard good things,” she says, smiling. “But I’m glad we can finally meet.”

  “Me too,” I tell her, and then I reach over to untangle a strand of her hair from her earring. “You have some hair stuck here,” I explain.

  “Oh geez, that always happens,” she says, shaking her head. “How embarrassing.”

  “Quirky is not embarrassing,” I tell her. “It’s unique.”

  We laugh and then I introduce her to Gavin and she introduces me to the guy beside her.

  “This is my fiancé, Maxim,” she says, and he shakes my hand and then Gavin’s.

  “Nice to finally meet you, man,” he says.

  “Yeah, I was hoping to get in earlier so we could chat before the official announcement,” Gavin starts to say, but he’s interrupted by two more people joining us in the reserved front row seating.

  “Hi, I’m Veronica,” says a woman whose beauty is on part with Celeste’s. Perfect. Two new friends. “And this is my husband Isaac.”

  “There you go showing me up with your ‘husband’ talk,” Celeste says, and then she adds, “But I’m catching up to you soon. Maxim and I live here in Phoenix and we’re getting married in Scottsdale, tomorrow actually. After today’s announcement, of course.”

  “Oh wow,” I tell her, and I have to admit my heart skips a beat with jealousy. “That’s amazing. Congratulations.”

  Maxim puts his arm around Celeste; both are beaming. They’re a gorgeous couple.

  “I’m so happy for you,” Veronica chimes in. “Being married is the best thing ever.”

  I shoot a glance at Gavin but he shrugs slightly as if to say, Yeah I know, you’re wanting that too. I don’t want anything to spoil our nice trip so I shake off the feeling of wanting something I can’t have— not yet, anyway— and give Celeste another hug.

  “That’s awesome,” I tell her. “And what great timing…”

  As if on cue, the CEO of The Exchange walks up to the stage and taps the microphone. There’s awkward laughter and clearing of throats as everyone in the audience, including us, settles down in our seats.

  I stop talking and squeeze Gavin’s hand. This is it. Our future together is about to get even better than it already is. And I can’t wait.

  Chapter 4 – Gavin

  “Good evening, Ladies and Gentleman,” says Amanda, the woman on the stage. She manages the Phoenix location of The Exchange. “I’d like to welcome you to the annual company retreat. We’re happy to have you with us for the annual meeting and party tonight.”

  The people in the audience are mostly the club’s best patrons and some of the most desired girls. There are also owners and managers. Everyone claps politely and waits for Amanda to continue.

  “I’d like to start off the evening with an exciting announcement. Gavin? Maxim? Isaac? Can you please come up here with me?”

  We stand and make our way to the front.

  Amanda jokes, “Now it’s the guys’ turn to feel what it’s like to stand up here in front of everyone.”

  As we climb the stairs to meet her at the podium, everyone laughs. Looking out at the audience, I start to understand the truth behind the joke. It’s fucking intimidating to be up here in front of so many people.

  I squint down into the first row, where Jade is giving me the thumbs up sign. As usual, her presence and enthusiasm calms me. I smile back at her, blinking through the spotlight pointed directly at my eyes.

  “These men were all customers at The Exchange,” Amanda begins.

  “Some more than others,” Isaac says, elbowing Maxim.

  “Hey now,” Maxim says, but he winks.

  The three of us, living in completely different cities, have only ever talked on the phone, but it’s plain to see we get along. I think this arrangement is going to work out well.

  “In fact, they each met their respective partners at different locations of the Exchange,” Amanda says. “So they happen to have a lot in common. And now they’ll have even more in common. Because these three men have bought partnerships in The Exchange and will be part owners. We welcome them into the ownership of the club.”

  Everyone claps, and I can see Jade blowing me kisses from the first row. I wink at her, thinking about how great her pussy tasted just a little bit ago on the plane.

  How can one man be so lucky? I wonder.

  I was afraid I wouldn’t make it out of the situation with my dad. But I did it for the woman I loved and now here we are, happy together, and richer than our wildest dreams could have imagined.

  “I’d also like to announce that The Exchange is expanding into more locations, both domestic and international,” Amanda says, while the crowd cheers even more. “Thanks to the new leadership of these three men, we expect The Exchange to continue to grow significantly.”

  I never thought I’d be part owner of a fucking club that auctions off women to rich men. But life rarely happens the way we expect. And The Exchange isn’t the awful place that some people— including Maxim’s dad— make it out to be.

  During our phone conversations, Maxim has filled me in on the history with his father. He wanted Isaac and I, his future business partners, to know any possible hang up with this deal. He didn’t want us hearing about it from his fiancée Celeste or someone else, and thinking he would back out.

  He assured us that once his dad saw The Exchange as a business opportunity and knew that Maxim wouldn’t be frequenting it as a customer, the idea grew on him. And Maxim also said he’s strong enough to stand up to his father now.

  I told him I knew what he meant. The love of a good woman could have that effect on a man.

  “And now Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time to begin the annual company party,” Amanda announces. “Please stand up and either hold onto your belongings or place them to the side of the main aisles,” she instructs.

  Everyone does as she instructs although many are confused. As I head back to the front row, Jade asks, “What’s going on?”

  “This auditorium is so fancy that the seats disappear into the floor,” Celeste tells her with a smile.

  Sure enough, the floor opens up and appears to swallow the chairs, and then folds back down under them.

  “Well, would you look at that?” Veronica exclaims.

  “This place is great,” Jade says. “I think you should look into upgrading all the locations so that they work like this, now that you three are in charge.”

  We all laugh while the music starts up. I take Jade in my arms and say, “Thank you for coming.”

  “Of course,” she says.

  Then she leans in closer and whispers, “Thank you for making me come. Over and over and over again.”

  I wipe a strand of hair away from her mouth as I kiss her and say, “I really mean it. It means so much to me to have your support.”

  “Any time, honey,” she says, and kisses me back.

  My heartbeat fucking races like a horse�
��s when I think about the fact that very soon she’s about to find out just how appreciative of her steadfast support I truly am.

  Chapter 5 – Jade

  Gavin and I dance close together and Maxim asks if we’d like something to drink.

  “Sure,” I tell him, “A Cosmo, please.”

  “I’ll have one too,” Celeste and Veronica both chime in.

  Isaac goes to the bar with Maxim to get everyone’s drinks so I draw the girls into the fold for a dance- slash- hug.

  “I’m so glad to meet you both,” I tell them, having to speak loudly to be heard over the music, which is a strange Dub-style remake of an Adele song. “I can’t believe we all met our guys the exact same way.”

  “I know,” Veronica says, laughing. “Leave it to our guys to pick up their serious romantic partners at a billionaires’ auction club.”

  We all laugh, but it is rather incredulous.

  A slow song begins, so I nestle back into Gavin’s arms as Celeste and Veronica peer around looking for their men and their drinks.

  “Must be a long line at the bar,” Veronica remarks.

  “Yeah, this party is really hopping,” Celeste says. “There are so many people here.”

  “For being a ‘gentleman’s best kept secret,’ this place sure is well known,” Veronica says, making fun of the company’s unofficial motto.

  “I sure would like our own gentlemen to come back with our drinks,” Celeste says.

  And suddenly Issac is there, handing her her Cosmo and another one to me. Then he slaps her playfully on the butt and says, “Have a little patience, dear. We navigated field and stream to get this for you.”

  “Or at least a lot of people,” Maxim chimes in.

  I take a sip of my drink and then put my head back down on Gavin’s shoulder, ready to dance with him some more. He isn’t usually the dancing type so I want to take advantage of this while I can.

  But he nudges the drink closer to my mouth again while Maxim hands him his beer.

  “You might want to drink up, Darling,” he says, with a wink. “I think you’ll find you need a little liquid courage.”

  I look around, unsure of what he could mean. But everyone else’s faces look as puzzled as I feel. No one seems to have a clue why I would need liquid courage, least of all me.

  “What do you mean?” I ask him, but then Amanda taps on the mic, making sure it’s still on.

  I hadn’t realized she was back on the stage.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a couple fun surprises tonight,” she says, with a smile. “First up, can I please have Jade up here on the stage?”

  “Me?” I ask, pointing at myself.

  “You,” Gavin says, kissing me on the head and then nudging me towards the stage. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “What?” I ask, turning around to look at him. “You just told me less than thirty seconds ago that…”

  “…that you’ll want some liquid courage,” Veronica says, and then takes my hand that’s holding the Cosmo glass and pushing it towards my mouth.

  “For what?” I ask her, still confused.

  “I have no idea,” she confesses, her face lighting up in a bright smile. “But I bet this is gonna be good.”

  Oh, my God, I think, as I gulp down the drink she’s practically force-feeding me and then make my way up to the stage.

  Are they going to make me sing the National Anthem? Tap dance? Show off some special skill? I don’t even have any special skills.

  I stand beside Amanda on the stage, which is much more overwhelming than the one in Boston was. I’m flooded with memories of the first time I saw Gavin; when I didn’t even know who he was or what his connection with me was or even that he had any connection. I just knew he was fucking hot and I wanted him to take me— and he sure did.

  Amanda squeezes my hand and says, “Okay, Ladies and Gentleman, since the Exchange is known as an auction house, I have someone— or something— to auction off tonight.”

  “What?” I look out at the crowd but I can barely make out Gavin’s face.

  From what I can tell, though, there’s a huge grin across it.

  “This is Miss Jade,” Amanda announces, winking at me. “And we’re going to auction her off tonight. Who would like to do what with Miss Jade, and what are you willing to pay to do it?”

  Hands go up and people start clamoring.

  This makes no sense. Clearly Gavin couldn’t have orchestrated this, could he have? But he knew something was up and the smile on his face says I’m supposed to be happy about it. Even though the last place I want to be is up here being auctioned off again, to who knows who to do who knows what to me…

  “Hey, hey, hey,” Amanda says, tapping the microphone again to declare order. “This is a PG rated auction right here, but don’t worry, something a lot more X-rated is coming later. Let’s keep these bids clean and fun, because this lady’s already spoken for by one of our fine new partial owners of the club. All right, everyone?”

  I see Veronica and Celeste look at each other and start squeezing each other’s hands, then putting one hand over their own mouths so as not to squeal with glee. I think they’re beginning to recognize what’s going on here, and so am I.

  Holy shit.

  It’s finally happening. And leave it to my fun-loving, prank-playing boyfriend to have it happen like this.

  Chapter 6 – Jade

  “All right everyone,” Amanda says into the microphone. The music has been turned all the way off now. “What is the first bid amount, and what would you like Miss Jade to do for it?”

  “Fifty thousand dollars,” someone shouts from the audience.

  It’s a girl’s voice, and I look down to see Celeste smiling up at me. “I’ll take her to the skating rink for that amount.”

  “Fifty thousand dollars to take her to the skating rink, okay,” says Amanda, with an approving nod. “Going once, going twice…”

  “Wait!” shouts Veronica, joining in on the fun. “One hundred thousand dollars. To listen to her play the guitar.”

  “I can’t play the guitar,” I say, into the microphone.

  “She can’t play the guitar,” Amanda repeats.

  “That’s why I want to pay so much to see her try!” Veronica shouts back.

  Everyone laughs and then Isaac calls out, “Two hundred thousand dollars to take her to the humane society and force her to adopt three dogs.”

  “I’d do that for free,” I reply, and the crowd says a collective “awwww.”

  But I really would. I love animals.

  “Okay, two hundred thousand dollars to become a doggy mommy,” Amanda says.

  There’s silence, and so she continues.

  “Going once, going twice…”

  “Ha ha!” Gavin laughs loudly. “How funny would it be if I left my new bud hanging like that? Like congrats, dude, you get to spend lots of money to make my girlfriend adopt some dogs.”

  Everyone else laughs too. My heart pounds as Gavin says, “Just kidding, man. You know I’d never do that. Not to my fucking business partner.”

  This is it, I think, just like right before he took my virginity. This is the moment that’s going to change my life forever…

  And just then Maxim calls out, “We need to get this bidding up higher! Five hundred thousand dollars for her to clean my house.”

  “Oh my God,” Veronica yells. “Don’t accept that offer. He’s such a slob. It’s worth at least a million!”

  “Fine!” Maxim says. “A million to clean up after me. She’s right, I’m a real pig.”

  “A million and a half to join the circus,” someone in the crowd calls out.

  They’re a stranger to me, but they’re just joining in on the fun. This is so much different than the first time I was on stage being bid on.

  “Two million!” Veronica calls out. “To babysit for us! Flannery’s in that biting stage, so watch out. She’s teething bad.”

  Now it’s my turn to
say, “Awww.”

  Gavin had told me that Veronica and Isaac have a little girl and that she’s coming with them on the trip but obviously not to this party. I can’t wait to meet her.

  “That’s so cute,” I tell her. “I’ll do it. I don’t even mind about the bite marks. That’s what make up is for.”

  Everyone gets in on the act, calling out crazier and crazier things for more and more money.

  Finally, so many people are yelling that no one can be heard above each other. Amanda bangs on the microphone again.

  “Okay,” she says, restoring the order. “Calm down. I can’t even keep track of what the bidding is up to now, or for what.”

  “I’ll make it easy on you,” Gavin says, approaching the stage.

  He’s still smiling his big, handsome smile and all I want to do is hug him. He nods at me and then climbs up to my side.

  Kneeling down, he takes out a tiny blue box from his pocket.


  He opens the box, revealing a large, shiny ring.

  “I bid all the money I’ll ever have for the rest of my life,” he says. “On your hand in marriage.”

  “Oh, my God,” I say, starting to cry. “Wow. Gavin.”

  “Jade, will you marry me?”

  “Yes!” I say, as he gets up to hug me, finally. “Yes, yes, yes, of course.”

  “Woo hoo!” shouts Veronica— or maybe it’s Celeste— and everyone starts clapping.

  “Looks like she’s accepted the bid,” Amanda says.

  Gavin spins me around on stage, and the DJ starts playing music again.

  “Okay everyone,” Amanda announces, as Gavin puts me down and slips the ring on my finger.

  “It’s perfect,” I tell him. “It fits me just right.”

  “I know,” he says. “I stole one of your other rings and took it to Tiffani’s with me so they would get the size right.”

  “Ha ha.”

  I kiss my clever, handsome fiancée while Amanda continues to get everything under control.

  “We’re going back to the party now,” Amanda says. “But we’ll have something a little extra special for you in a bit.”


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