My Love - Bobby & Sophie: A Crossroads Novella

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My Love - Bobby & Sophie: A Crossroads Novella Page 5

by Melanie Shawn

  Sophie’s eyes drifted farther down Bobby’s arm. She took in the sprinkling of black hairs on his sculpted forearms as her gaze flitted over the defined, muscled line that ran from his elbow to his thick wrists. Mmm. Those wrists had always been a serious turn-on to her.

  She’d first noticed them when she started sixth grade at Great Oaks Middle School. When her locker had gotten jammed during the second week in school, Bobby had happened to be passing by. Sophie remembered that she’d given him a sheepish smile—feeling more than a little embarrassed that he’d witnessed her cursing like a sailor because her books were being held prisoner by a stupid metal box that was jammed. Without saying a word, he stopped directly behind Sophie and reached around her, his arms encasing her. Then he pulled the lock up in one swift, jerking movement, freeing the latch and causing the door to swing open. He hadn’t removed his arms for several heart-stopping, breath-catching beats. They had remained in their encompassing position. If she’d had a magic spell she could have cast to freeze time in that moment, she would have happily cast it without any concern for what the repercussions would have been. She’d wanted that moment, that feeling of total safety and heightened excitement, to last forever.

  Luckily, Sophie wasn’t a princess in one of the fairytales she’d always loved to read, because if she were, that would have been the moment she would have given up her voice to the sea witch or taken the apple from the woman with the large nose. Instead of freezing time, the moment passed with Bobby releasing his arms and her spinning around to face him to find that he was already walking away. In the moment it was happening, all she was able to register was how good it had felt to be surrounded by such a strong presence, which, even at the young age of thirteen, Bobby already possessed.

  But as soon as the initial shock of the experience wore off, she couldn’t get his thick wrists, which her eyes had been glued to while he’d freed the lock, out of her mind. They made her feel things that, up until that point in her eleven years, she’d never felt. For weeks—months, even—every time the image of his solid wrists popped into her head, Sophie’s stomach did flips, her skin would break out in goose bumps, and a fluttering tingle would erupt low in her belly. Thinking back now, she realized that those were all signs of arousal, but at the time, she hadn’t known what in the heck was going on in her prepubescent body. All she’d known was that she’d liked how thinking about that particular part of Bobby’s anatomy had made her feel.

  Now, all these years later, those wrists still held the same power over her. Maybe it was because they were the first things that had ever given her any sexual feelings. Maybe it was just because they were hot as sin. Or maybe it was because she now knew the amount of sheer pleasure the large, talented hands that were attached to said wrists could bring her. Speaking of hands, Sophie noticed that Bobby’s long fingers opened and closed, flexing around the steering wheel, causing the ripple of veins that ran across the back of Bobby’s hand to pop out.

  A surge of heat, that had nothing to do with the fact that the heater was on and everything to do with the thought of what those hands felt like on her body, spread through her. Her face flushed as the air in the car crackled with seduction. Even though she’d never been a gambler, Sophie would bet that Bobby was drawing this out to build the anticipation of what was to come so that the payoff was greater. Unfortunately, Sophie had the patience of a gnat.

  Deciding that, as much as she loved Bobby being in total control, she knew that, if she didn’t give this a little shove, there was a very good chance she would be sitting in the passenger seat with an aching throbbing between her legs until they had arrived at their hotel. It had been a long time since Bobby had pulled over on the side of the road and taken Sophie with desperation, like he needed her more than his next breath.

  “Just to clarify, so there is no confusion that we are on the same page, I’m not wearing panties.” Her voice held a hint of challenge, which she knew Bobby would rise to—metaphorically and literally.

  Chapter Five

  Bobby couldn’t help but grin even as his jeans tightened, his erection swelling at Sophie’s blunt words. For a girl who hated to be rushed, she had no problem at all rushing him when he took his time and didn’t get right to the good stuff fast enough for her. She’d yet to learn that the psychological foreplay of buildup could be very satisfying. Actually, there was a good chance that she knew that and still didn’t have the patience for it.

  Well, if she wanted to get the show on the road, then fine. He would make sure she did just that.

  “Show me.” Bobby felt his voice vibrate through his chest at his command.

  The soft sounds of Sophie’s shallow breaths filled the vehicle. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see her hands on her thighs, gathering up the fabric of her skirt as she shifted her weight back and forth until she’d managed to bunch the material at her hips. Bobby’s eyes cut to the side, and what he saw caused an involuntary groan to rumble through him.

  The fair skin of her bare thighs. The small patch of curly, dark hair that sat just above her core. The top of her sex, where the folds of her pouty lips met. Swallowing the excess moisture that filled his mouth at the sight, Bobby released his hand from the wheel and lowered it, placing his palm on her knee. Instinctively, she opened to him, and the small movement sent a shock of tingles spreading from his hand, up his arm, down his spine, and straight to his groin.

  Moving in a slow, deliberate pace, Bobby trailed his fingers down his wife’s inner thigh. Her skin felt soft and supple beneath his touch, and a shiver ran through her as he neared the heat radiating from the apex at her legs. Using a great deal of self-imposed control, Bobby stilled his hand, stopping just before his fingers brushed against her core.

  His eyes were trained on the road ahead. Traffic was moving at a decent clip, so he needed to focus as much of his attention on driving this SUV as he was going to be dedicating to driving his wife into a frenzy.

  “Bobby.” His name on Sophie’s lips came out as a half-frustrated plea and a half-assertive demand.

  Bobby didn’t respond outwardly, but inside, his need ratcheted up several knots.

  Knowing what she wanted and that, eventually, she would get it, did nothing to speed Bobby along. In fact, the more desperate she sounded, the more determined he was to prolong the experience.

  Silly rabbit. Didn’t she know what that sound in her voice did to him?

  Tightening his fingers into the smooth skin of her inner thigh, Bobby gripped her flesh and pulled her legs open even farther. A shocked gasp escaped Sophie’s lips, and Bobby’s took his eyes off the road for just a moment to look down at his wife spread open for his pleasure. Or, in this case, he guessed it was for her pleasure. The seam of her pink lips glistened with arousal and his engorged length twitched violently, straining against the constraints of his zipper at the erotic pose she was in.

  Knowing that, as badly as he wanted to touch her in her neediest place, if he did, she would explode in seconds. Even if he were careful not to run his fingers over or press against the sensitized pleasure center of her nub, he knew she would fall apart at the slightest brush of his fingers.

  Well, he couldn’t have that—at least not yet. So if he wasn’t going to touch her, then that left only one other person for the job.

  “Touch yourself,” Bobby instructed, his tone leaving no room for argument.

  He felt Sophie tense beside him. As outgoing and open as she was, when it came to the bedroom, she was the opposite. Yes, she enjoyed sex, but she wasn’t the wild thing he had expected her to be. She could almost be classified as shy and reserved when it came down to it. Luckily, that was a place where Bobby had no problem taking the lead. It seemed to work out well for them.

  He heard her swallow an audible gulp as he felt her fingers move between her legs. The feeling of her knuckles brushing against his as she touched herself intimately made Bobby want to say, “Fuck the dinner reservations,” pull to the side of the road,
grab Sophie by the hips, drag her onto his lap, and push into her hard, giving them both the relief he knew they desperately needed.

  If Bobby hadn’t had the news of leaving his job and starting at Elite Protection, he would have done just that. But he wanted to tell Sophie his latest career development at their favorite restaurant, the one they came to every year for special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. As much as a quickie would take the edge off the perpetual state of razor-sharp arousal he’d been walking around in all day, he knew he’d have her later. And, most importantly, he’d be able to take care of her needs while still making it to dinner on time.

  With small, needy gasps, Sophie began moving her fingers faster, pressing into her damp flesh with purpose. Bobby’s eyes sliced down to her lap to see his tan hand covering her thigh and her hand working her core. A low groan vibrated through him, and he forced his eyes back in front of him.

  Flexing his fingers, Bobby began kneading her tender flesh. Not in the place where she wanted his touch most, but he knew that his movements would cause her flesh to spread open, giving her even more access to her body.

  “Oh,” Sophie moaned, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw her head fall back against the headrest.

  “Does that feel good?” Bobby’s voice sounded even and calm, not alluding to or giving any indication of the acute sexual tension that lay just beneath the surface.

  “Yes.” Sophie nodded her head.

  Bobby knew how much she loved it when he talked during sex. Not only because of how her body responded, but also because she’d told him on more than one occasion. Just because he wasn’t ready to touch her yet didn’t mean he wouldn’t assist her in helping her reach climax at her own hands.

  Bobby continued massaging Sophie’s inner thigh as he spoke in a low tone. “I love it when you touch yourself. It makes me so hard knowing how good you make yourself feel. How wet you are. You’re so wet, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” Sophie squeaked out as the muscles in her thighs clenched and then began shaking.

  Knowing she was close, Bobby had to draw on every ounce of willpower not to push his finger inside her and finish the job himself. He would make her come, but not until after she’d brought herself to climax. Glancing down quickly, he saw that her middle finger was moving rapidly over the hood of her sex. A moan came from deep in his chest as he looked back at the endless row of red brake lights in front of him.

  “Fuck, you’re so hot,” he encouraged her, even as his own heart was beating rapidly.

  A whimper fell from her lips as her hips began rocking against her touch.

  “That’s it. Just like that, baby. Keep touching yourself. I want to feel your legs shake while you come.”

  As soon as the words left his mouth, Sophie’s hips jerked up and her body began trembling uncontrollably as a small cry rang out. Bobby never stopped kneading her thigh even after her body went limp and her hand dropped to her side.

  Without taking his eyes off the road, Bobby finally slid his hand an inch up Sophie’s leg and was met with swollen lips slick with juices. He spread her arousal up and down her moist folds as she recovered from her first—of many—climaxes of the evening. He took his time, reveling in the silky smoothness of her tender skin. His middle finger paid special attention to the seam of her tight passage, running up and down as it spasmed in aftershocks beneath his touch. Moving even lower, Bobby applied pressure to the area just below her opening, running his finger in erotic circles as her body came back to life.

  His efforts were rewarded as Sophie spread her legs even farther apart, pressing one against the door and the other against the center console. Damn console. As much as Bobby loved this vehicle, he couldn’t help but miss his truck, which had a bench seat. If they were in his old truck, he would have pulled Sophie over to him and had her leg hanging over his, which would have given him even better access to her.

  Arousal began dripping down Sophie’s body, coating the pads of Bobby’s fingers as he intimately caressed his wife’s most intimate place. Applying more pressure, Bobby felt his own body growing desperate with desire. Lust crashed through him as he steadied his movements, making sure Sophie’s body was ready for his touch and not still overly sensitized from the release she’d just experienced at her own hand. Visions of just how many ways he planned on taking her over the next forty-eight hours flashed in his head like his own personal porno.

  This was just the beginning.

  * * *

  Sophie could not believe how easily she’d just brought herself to climax. Of course, she knew that Bobby was the real reason. Knowing how much it turned him on, turned her on. Masturbation had never been Sophie’s forte. Sure, with the help of sex toys, she could easily get the job done, but just her own hand didn’t seem to do it for her. Unless, of course, her husband was telling her how much he loved it, how hot she was. Then bing, bang, boom—like magic, she would come apart.

  They really did make a good team.

  Still recovering from her release, Sophie closed her eyes and concentrated on how amazingly sensual the work-roughened pads of Bobby’s fingertips felt against her delicate skin. His touch was now sliding easily over her slick arousal. Her breath caught as she felt Bobby pull his fingers up along her sex before spreading her apart and then slowly running his finger along the outline of her throbbing entrance.

  Her body jerked against his touch as he dipped the very tip of his finger into her hot passage. He held it there for a moment before pulling it out and moving up, lightly brushing over her clit. Not spending the time or giving her tightened nub the attention it was screaming for, Bobby instead ran his fingers up and down her moistened folds.

  As he did, her arousal began building with a steady thrum. Each pass of his fingers caused a snowball effect of desire and need to roll through her, getting larger and larger as it gained momentum down seduction slope. It didn’t matter that she’d just found release moments ago. Her body was alive at her husband’s touch. She felt her hips rocking of their own accord, seeking and searching for the pleasure she knew he could give her with just a flick of his finger.

  Never one to let Sophie speed up the pace, Bobby continued his measured strokes. Yes, she was aware that he absolutely knew what he was doing. Yes, she trusted him with her body one hundred percent. Yes, she could admit that, most of the time, the foreplay he subjected her to did increase each and every experience they had. Still, none of those things changed the frustration she felt due to the fact that Bobby wouldn’t put her out of her sexual misery.

  Opening her heavy-lidded eyes, Sophie glanced down first at the large hand positioned between her legs. Damn. Seeing that thick, tan wrist nestled between her creamy thighs sent lust spinning through her like cotton candy being made in a cotton candy machine; not to mention the sensations that were spreading through her from his stimulating massage. Her sex pulsed with acute arousal.

  Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, she lifted her head and her eyes shifted to Bobby. He was studiously watching the traffic in front of him. His SUV had limo tint on the windows, which was probably why he’d initiated this on-the-go sexy time in the first place. There was no way he would have started this if there were even a chance that another driver would be able to get a hint of the debauchery happening. But even if one of them happened to have night vision goggles, allowing them to see through the darkened glass, all they would see on Bobby’s side is a man driving. Shoulders squared, jaw set, attention laser focused ahead of him.

  Now, if they could see her… that was a whole different story. Sophie didn’t need to drop the visor down and look in the vanity mirror to know that what was happening was written loud and clear, blinking in neon, across her face.

  When she and Bobby had first gotten together, she’d actually been self-conscious for about a millisecond because her emotions were broadcasted in high definition and his were concealed like they were in witness protection. But her short-lived embarrassment had come to
an abrupt end the first time Bobby had voiced how hot it made him to watch her face while she lost herself in the unprecedented heights of ecstasy only he had ever brought her to.

  Which was exactly where she knew this interlude was heading. Just as her patience for his teasing touch was about to boil over her passivity pot, he switched up his technique. She was now bubbling up in an entirely different heat altogether.

  Her lips opened on a silent gasp as she felt not one, but two, of Bobby’s broad fingers slide into her entrance with just enough force to sting even as the pleasure of his movement sent shockwaves of bliss exploding through her. Before she had a chance to catch her breath, he began working his substantial fingers in and out of her snug canal. With each stroke, he spread his fingers apart then brought them back together in an erotic dance, stretching her inner walls with increasing pressure then releasing them just as they tightly clamped around his digits.

  The pounding of her heart against her chest was in perfect sync with the rhythm of Bobby’s fingers as he penetrated her. Like a perfectly choreographed dance, when his pace sped up, her heart rate increased. Every single nerve ending in her body was electrified with arousal at the tantalizing push-and-pull of his fingers impaling her.

  A familiar need began throbbing deep in Sophie’s lower belly as she let go and allowed herself to give in to the passion and lust spiraling through her. With her eyes glued to Bobby’s profile, she noticed that his breathing grew shallower each time his fingers drove inside her. She could feel her body speeding towards release, but when Bobby ground the heel of his palm against the top of her sex, more specifically her knotted pleasure button, it sent her into orgasm hyper-speed.

  As Sophie wrapped her fingers tight around Bobby’s wide wrist, her head fell back once again and she decided to just hold on and enjoy the ride. Clenching her hand, she could feel her nails dig into his skin as wave after wave of exquisitely, sinful sensations crashed over her until, finally, they crested in a frenzy of simultaneous explosions. Sophie came with soul-shattering intensity as her body convulsed in a chain of spasms.


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