My Love - Bobby & Sophie: A Crossroads Novella

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My Love - Bobby & Sophie: A Crossroads Novella Page 9

by Melanie Shawn

  Reaching across her lap, he pulled her closer to him. He made up his mind then and there that, if she wasn’t feeling better after Christmas, which was only a day away, he was taking her in to see the doctor. He didn’t care if she thought he was being “overprotective.” In the wise words of his pop, he was just the right amount of protective.

  Chapter Nine

  Sophie suddenly woke up with her stomach rolling like it was Tina Turner on the river. Placing her hands flat over her belly, she forced the heavy lids of her eyes open as she inhaled deeply through her nose and exhaled through her mouth. With each breath, awareness crept in as her rebelling body settled down to a manageable state.

  While she stared up at a white ceiling, repeating steady breaths, it took her a moment before her surroundings registered. It slowly dawned on her that she was not at home, not in her bed. Glancing to her left, she saw the beautiful Chicago skyline lit up to postcard perfection.

  Chicago? Oh, right.

  Bullet points scrolled across her mind’s eye like the ticker tape of the NYSE. She was in Chicago. With Bobby. And the reason she felt like she was about to toss her cookies was because she was carrying the newest addition to the Sloan family.

  The room was dim and Bobby was not beside her. She wondered if he’d gone down to the vending machines or something. Pushing up on her elbows, she scooted her rear back and sat up. When she did, she saw her husband sitting across the room, their suitcases beside him.

  She jumped slightly at the sight and brought her hand to her chest, still feeling a little disorientated. “You scared me.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m okay.” Sophie glanced at the clock and noticed that it was nine fifteen. Why did she feel like she was late for something?

  Memories came back to her with crystal clarity. After their cab ride back to the hotel, Sophie had brushed her teeth and told Bobby that she just wanted to lie down for a half an hour. Then she’d planned on getting up to go see The Christmas Carol, which had begun at seven p.m.

  “Why didn’t you wake me up?” She started to scramble out of bed but was stopped by two things. First, her stomach did not appreciate the sudden movements and was now staging a full-blown protest. Second, it didn’t matter if she had a fairy godmother that could bippity boppity boo her with the flick of her wand to make her look red-carpet ready in an instant—the show was over. They’d missed it.

  With her legs slung over the side of the bed, Sophie rested her head in her hands, trying to wait out the rumble tumble currently happening in her midsection. Feeling a warm hand on her knee Sophie opened her eyes to see Bobby kneeling in front of her, his face twisted in worry.

  “We’re packed and ready to go. I called Dr. Jenkins and he said that he can see you if we get back—”

  “Whoa.” Sophie sat up straight. “I don’t need to go to see Dr.—”

  Bobby’s face set stubbornly. “This is not up for discuss—”

  “I’m not sick,” Sophie interrupted, her shoulders slumped.

  She knew this was the time. She needed to tell him. Running her hands through her hair as she took in a deep breath, she knew that the two words that were about to leave her lips would change her life forever. It would make this real.

  For a moment, she thought about walking Bobby through her path to this discovery, but if she went that route, chances were she’d go off on a rambling tangent that would probably be as confusing as it was long. Nope. Growing up, when she’d gone swimming at The Plunge, the community swimming pool, she’d never been a dip-her-toe-in kinda girl. Even if she had known that the water was freezing—especially if she’d known it was freezing—she would take a deep breath, plug her nose, and jump. That’s what she needed to do now—minus the nose-plugging.

  Deep breath. Jump.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Just as they had when she’d read the pregnancy tests, Sophie’s ears began ringing. Her face was tingling and she was vaguely aware that her hands were shaking. The pounding of her heart was the only thing grounding her in this moment, in her body. If it weren’t for her rapid heartbeats, this would totally have been an out-of-body experience.

  Bobby’s face went totally blank. His expressions tended to lean to the side of unreadable, but the poker face he wore now could have easily been submitted to the Guinness Book of World Records. She waited, giving him time to adjust to the baby bomb she’d just dropped on him.

  “When did you…? Are you sure…? How far along…?” Bobby Sloan did not stumble over his words. But, if anything would cause this verbal hiccup, she guessed the fact that he’d just been told that he’s going to be a daddy would do it.

  “I found out about ten minutes before you got home yesterday. I think I’m probably between six to eight weeks along.” As much as Sophie wanted to tell Bobby everything she was feeling—how scared she was, how shocked she was, how confused she was—she held her tongue. He needed time to process this.

  “Are you sure?” he repeated, his brow wrinkling. Finally, his face showed some emotion, although his clear, aqua eyes were still fairly guarded. At least he didn’t look mad or removed. Those two things had been her greatest fears.

  “Yep.” Sophie nodded as she stood and stepped around Bobby, heading over to her suitcase. Then she bent over and unzipped the top pouch, where she’d stuck the triple threat of pregnancy tests. When she stood and turned around, she almost face-planted into Bobby’s chest. “Dang. If ninja skills are required in your new job, you’re going to do great,” she teased.

  Bobby didn’t look amused.

  Holding out her hand, she displayed the tests so that the two lines, the plus sign, and the word ‘pregnant’ was facing up.

  “You took three?” he asked.

  “Yep.” There was so much that she wanted—needed—to say to him, and she would. After he had time. “I knew I’d need a second, er…third, opinion.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  Okay. Now he looked mad.

  Placing the tests on the small table beside her, Sophie felt tears threatening her eyes. Shoot. The last thing she wanted to do was cry. She wasn’t a crier. They needed to talk.

  After clearing her throat in an attempt at an emotional reset, Sophie explained, “I was going to, but then I got distracted on the drive in. Then, at dinner, you told me your news, and after that, I wasn’t sure how to break it to you. I wanted to tell you. I just didn’t know how.” A single tear fell down her cheek. She quickly raised her hand to brush it off, but Bobby beat her to the punch.

  His thumb brushed along her skin as he cupped her jaw and his face softened. “You’re pregnant.” His voice was quiet, reverent.


  Bobby’s breathing came in shorter pants. “We’re having a baby.”

  Sophie nodded as she swallowed over the large lump that had decided to form in her throat, and she reminded herself to breathe. Her head was spinning. Or the room was spinning—she wasn’t sure which. But she decided that, either way, her best bet was to sit down. She was planning on collapsing on the chair Bobby had bent her over the night before when she was swept off her feet.


  Bobby picked her up in one swift move, carrying her the way a groom would carry his new bride over the threshold. After stalking back across the room, he gently laid her down, then kneeled beside the bed, hugging her around the waist as he rested his head on her belly. Lifting her hand, she ran her fingers through Bobby’s silken, black hair, and the tears that had threatened her eyes moments ago formed once again as he pulled her shirt, baring her skin, and began peppering baby-soft kisses across from one hip bone to the other.

  As much as she was enjoying his mouth’s attention and even though this was a pretty good sign that he was taking it well, Sophie still needed to hear him say how he was feeling. “You’re not upset?” she asked. Was it a leading question? Sure. Did she care in this moment? Nope.

  His blue eyes lifted up benea
th his inky, black lashes, his stare sending all kinds of intense feelings ricocheting through her like a bouncing ball. “No.”

  That was all he said before he once again continued trailing kisses all over her stomach. Maybe some women would need their partner to speak in more than just one-word answers, but it was enough for Sophie. Bobby might have been a man of few words, but that was all she needed.

  Closing her eyes, she let herself fall into the swirl of sensations Bobby’s lips were sending through her. As freaked out as she still was, the fact that Bobby had taken it so well was all she wanted to focus on right now. His kisses were spanning out—up over her ribs, down to her waistline—as his large hands rubbed her back and sides. His masterful touch and kisses were starting to build an anxiousness that had nothing to do with her pregnancy and everything to do with wanting to do the deed that had gotten her into this situation.

  Grabbing the bottom of her shirt, which was now bunched up below her bra she lifted it up and over her head. Bobby, whose attention was focused in her southern region—not quite as south as she’d like but definitely on the border—looked up, and when he did, his eyes darkened with more than just lust, more than just desire. They darkened with love.

  Then he was up on his feet and gone.


  Lifting up on her elbows, Sophie looked to see what the abrupt disappearing act was all about. She saw Bobby standing over the table with his phone in his hands, the illuminated screen glowing on his gorgeous face.

  “Are you calling someone?” Sophie asked. “I’m not ready to tell peop—”

  “I’m checking something,” he spoke over her.

  Checking someth… Ohhh.

  “Are you Googling if sex is safe when you’re pregnant?” Sophie tried to push down the giggle that was threatening to bubble up.


  “It is. I promise,” Sophie said, attempting to assure him so that he’d come back to bed and take care of the aching need he’d created in her body.

  No dice. Bobby continued scrolling. Clicking. Reading. Repeating.

  Knowing that her husband was nothing if not diligent, Sophie figured she’d take advantage of this, hopefully brief, intermission and use the restroom to freshen up. As she stepped into the bathroom and flicked on the light, she practically jumped at what she saw. Her hair was a mess. Her mascara had migrated south and was sitting beneath her lashes. And she looked so pale that you could just call her Casper the Friendly Ghost.

  Once she’d grabbed her brush, she worked it quickly through her hair before washing her face clean and brushing her teeth. Twice. Then she snapped the small clasp that sat between her breasts. The second her bra came off, she wanted to groan at the release. Then, after pushing both her jeans and panties down, she took another look in the mirror and had to admit that it wasn’t bad.

  Not bad at all. Her boobs had definitely grown over the past few weeks, and as she ran her hands over her stomach, she noticed that, even though she’d been eating more, it had actually shrunk. Sophie knew that her new-and-improved, exaggerated hour-glass figure was not going to last long, so she figured she might as well get the most mileage she could get out of it before she looked like she’d swallowed a watermelon.

  Time to get this party started.

  Obviously, verbal cues were not getting her husband’s attention. Maybe a little visual stimulation would get him to abandon his research project. But upon opening the door, Sophie jumped when she found a gloriously naked Bobby standing on the other side.

  “Are you feeling okay?” The deep timbre of his voice vibrated from the top of Sophie’s head to the tip of her toes.

  “Yeah. I was just…freshening up.”

  “And getting naked.” Bobby’s eyes clouded with desire as his gaze roamed down her body. He’d always made her feel sexy, but tonight, the look in his eye held something else…and that changed how she felt. She went from sexy to goddess.

  “That, too.” Without laying one finger on her, Bobby had managed to ignite a fire that was burning deep in her belly. The core of her being pulsed with need. “I see you had the same idea. Does that mean we are good to g—”

  Bobby’s mouth captured hers, answering her question in true Bobby style—with action, not words. His hands speared through her hair, tilting her head back as she went up on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms tight around his neck. His tongue caressed hers in a kiss filled with palpable passion, stealing her breath away. Just as she was losing herself, falling into his kiss, her feet left the ground. Bobby had lifted her up and was carrying her to the bed.

  As he laid her down, Sophie felt the cool sensation of the cushioned comforter hit her back as the heat and strength of Bobby’s hard body covered her from above. The contrast was delicious. Then she opened her legs as wide as she could to accommodate him. Her arms roamed up and down the smooth, toned contours of his broad back, down the dip of his spine, and over his muscled hips. With her body writhing beneath his, she could feel the steely velvet of his rock-hard shaft rubbing against her intimately, and although it felt amazing, she wanted—she needed—more.

  At hearing her silent plea, Bobby broke their kiss, raised his hips slightly, aligned himself at her opening, and pushed into her in one hard thrust, embedding himself fully. Her hands squeezed his tight glutes, as a gasp ripped from her chest. His manhood pulsed inside her as he stilled, waiting for her body to acclimate to the intrusion.

  The first time she’d seen what Bobby was packing, she’d been terrified. It was not just long—it was thick from the base to the head. She had been worried that he wouldn’t fit or that, if he did, it would be painful. Oh my, how wrong she had been. Sure, he had to give her a few minutes every time they made love, for her to stretch, but even that was pleasurable, and once he started moving, well, it was like he hit every nerve ending she had.

  “I love you,” Bobby whispered with his forehead against hers as, his forearms framing her face.

  Tears stung her eyes as she began grinding her hips against his. “I love you, too.”

  Sophie still didn’t feel like she had gotten her head around this entire bun-in-the-oven situation and she really wasn’t appreciating this whole crying-at-the-drop-of-the-hat thing she had going on either. All she knew was that, as long as she had Bobby, everything else would be okay.

  As he began moving in and out of her, she arched her back and lifted her hips up, wanting all of him. After a shockwave of pleasure radiated through her, she realized things would be better than okay—they’d be amazing.

  * * *

  Sophie’s hands gripped Bobby’s shoulders as she tilted her hips up, seeking more of him, and every cell in his body was pumped with arousal. Everything about her turned him on. The way she moved, the way she talked, the way she laughed. But none of those things came close to what happened to him when her body moved in an unspoken plea for more of him. It sparked a primitive response in him no one else had ever been able to.

  “Bobby,” Sophie moaned against his neck. The sweet warmth of her breath, against the sensitive skin beneath his ear, sent a tremor straight through him.

  As Bobby moved in gentle strokes inside Sophie, he tried to maintain a handle on all of the emotion he was feeling, which was not an easy task. In the last ten minutes, his life had changed. Forever.

  Everything was different now. From the second she’d told him that she was pregnant, all Bobby had been able to think of was protecting her and his unborn child. Well, that and making love to her. He wanted to be as close to her as possible, but he’d been worried that he would hurt her or the baby. After checking several reputable sites, he felt confident that that would not be the case.

  Sophie’s breaths were growing more and more jagged as Bobby moved his hands down her body. Wrapping his long fingers around her thighs, he pulled them higher, giving him an angle for better access, allowing him to sink into her all the way.

  A growl rumbled in his chest when he felt his balls tighten as they ru
bbed against her backside. Slowly pulling out, inch by inch, Bobby closed his eyes, concentrating on the intense sensation of Sophie’s walls squeezing him tight. Sweat broke out on his back as her inner walls fluttered around his heavy shaft, milking him sensually. His body shuddered as he stilled with just his head inside her pulsing opening.

  Bobby lifted his gaze to look into his Sophie’s gorgeous, hazel eyes, which were heavily lidded with passion, as he tenderly entered her again, not stopping until she enveloped him completely. He began a measured and insistent rhythm, and Sophie’s body arched to his with each possessive thrust. They moved together in perfect harmony.

  It was always that way with Sophie. Even their first time hadn’t been awkward at all. Bobby knew that it sounded corny, but it was as if their bodies were meant for each other—like his body was yin to her yang. When her needy sighs turned into demanding moans, Bobby picked up the pace. A harsh rush of air left his lungs as he drove into her relentlessly. His heart beat erratically as he felt his release building with each heated stroke. The pressure and friction of their bodies, intimately connecting, consumed his body, driving him close to the edge.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he gruffly commanded.

  Doing what he’d asked, Sophie shut her eyes as her mouth fell open on a silent gasp. “Yes. Oh, yes. Right there.”

  Her back lifted off the mattress as she fisted the comforter in her hands, causing her plump breasts to look like they were being offered up on an erotic platter. Damn. Bobby had always been a big fan of Sophie’s chest, but somehow, they looked even fuller now, rounder, more voluptuous.

  Needing to touch them, Bobby slid one hand from Sophie’s hip up over her ribcage and felt her tremble beneath his touch. He never stopped sliding in and out of her hot, tight passage as he cupped her breast in his hand. Her body jerked beneath his touch sending a jolt of awareness rushing through him. A soft moan escaped her as Bobby began massaging her lush flesh as his mouth covered her pink-tipped, hardened nipple.


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