Breaking Him

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Breaking Him Page 11

by Sherilee Gray

  He was standing behind me now. I turned to him, and he was studying me, a flush of color darkening his cheeks.

  I pulled off my hat and flung it on the couch. “This is where you come? Those nights that you’re away?”

  He dipped his chin. “Sometimes.”

  “When did you do all this?”

  “Last time I came out.” He was looking at me from under his thick lashes. “Wanted to bring you out here…have for a long time.” His eyes turned midnight. Fathomless pools that went deep, so damn deep. “Thought a lot about what it’d be like to bring you here. Ever since the day I first saw it after I showed up at the ranch and your father took a chance on me, gave me a job.”

  My limbs were suddenly weak, his words, everything he’d done to this place, hitting me square in the chest.

  “I got out of my truck that afternoon, and the first thing I saw was you. You were on your horse, coming in, skin glistening, golden hair shining in the sun. I’d always thought you were the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen, but that day, I looked at you and my mouth went dry. My heart pounded in my chest. It was like I was seeing you for the first time.” He took a step closer. “I went back to the grubby little shack I’d been calling home and stroked my cock with your face in my head, imagining it was your hands on me. You’re the only face I see anymore, Abigail. The only woman I’ve ever wanted.”


  “What you said to Kyle today, it scared me, darlin’. I just got you, and I’m afraid you’re going to let them tear us apart.”

  My heart was pounding in my chest as well. He didn’t need to say who “they” were. I knew exactly who he meant. The people in this town who weren’t happy unless they were sticking their noses in other people’s business.

  “I won’t let them tear us apart. I won’t.” How had we gotten to this place, come this far? How was it that I craved this man, his touch, more than cool water on a scorching-hot day?

  The way he was looking at me, like he was waiting for me to move just so he could pounce, had me heating up, squirming, excited. “Why did you bring me here? What did you want to show me?”

  “When I come out here, I allow myself to go there in my head, that place I always thought was bad. I allow myself to think about all the things I thought were wrong or sick and twisted.” His nostrils flared. “I used to imagine us here on a winter’s night, snowed in. Just us and a bed. What I’d do to you, the way you’d look, the way the firelight would make your bare, sweat-slicked skin glisten.” He took another step closer. “How you’d look on that bed while I held you down, made you beg. The way you’d strain under me…” He dragged in a rough breath. “I didn’t want to show you anything, Abigail. But I do want to do things to you. Does that scare you?” He took the last step, and we were so close my chest brushed his abs. “Or does it make you wet, like I used to imagine it would?”

  “It…” I had to clear my throat; it was too tight to speak. “It…makes me wet.” I lifted my chin, looking up at his strong features, the way he watched me, the way the muscle in his jaw jumped, the way every muscle bulged and strained, his control barely leashed. “God, Elijah. It makes me so wet.”

  His chest expanded, breath releasing on a deep rumble. “You earned a punishment today, didn’t you, darlin’?”

  My knees started to shake. “Yes.”

  “What did I say you’d get for teasin’ me?”

  The ghost of that slap to my behind still lingered. There was no pain, but I’d been aware of it all day. “You said you’d spank my ass for making your cock hard when you couldn’t do anything about it.”

  “And what else?” He said it so deep, it set off a little quiver that traveled all the way down to my toes.

  “Then you’d…you’d fuck it.”

  He brushed his thumb over the swell of my cheek, down under my bottom lip. “Did you think about that all day, Abigail?”

  “Yes.” I had. God, I’d been a mixture of worry over what had happened between us and throbbing arousal.

  “Have you been hot and aching, imagining what it’ll be like?”


  He stepped away and walked to the bed, then he took off his shirt and sat down on the edge. “Take off your clothes and come here.”

  Holy shit. Eli was going to spank me, and I’d never been more turned on. I did as he said. I toed off my boots, then shucked my shorts. His eyes never left me as I dragged my tank top over my head and walked to him.

  He spread his solid thighs, hands going to my waist, and drew me closer. “Naked,” he said, voice gritty.

  I reached behind and undid my bra, belly in knots, thighs slick, nipples tight and hard, aching. I reached down to slide off my panties, but he stopped me. His fingers were hot and dry when he slid them up the backs of my thighs then underneath the fabric to cup my ass. His head dropped forward and he kissed my belly. Then, holding me in place with one hand, he reached down with the other, dragging it up between my legs. He cupped me over my underwear, feeling the proof of my arousal, pressing just for a moment, making me moan.

  “Christ, darlin’. Love how wet you get for me.” He pushed a foot between mine, making me step out, then brushed his thumb across the top of my thigh.

  The pad of his thumb grazed me, his other hand still on my ass, holding me in place, and I whimpered, fighting not to grab his hand and put it where I wanted it.

  Finally, he gripped the sides of my panties and slowly slid them down my legs. I stepped from them, and he flung them to the side and sat back. “Shit, look at you. So goddamn beautiful.” He slid a single finger through my slick folds, then sucked it between his lips. “Taste so good, darlin’. So good. Can’t get enough. Could spend all week buried between your thighs and still not get enough of you.” He put his hands on either side of his thighs, tilted his head back, and held my gaze. “Lie over my lap, Abigail. Ass in the air for me.”

  I was breathing so fast I thought I might hyperventilate. I did as he asked, lying across his lap. His thighs were spread, supporting me, and the denim of his jeans was rough against my nipples.

  His hand went straight to my bare ass, smoothing and rubbing, massaging my skin. “So pretty,” he rasped. “So damn perfect.” He trailed his hand up my spine and down again, his touch tender, reverent. “Why are you getting punished, Abi?”

  “I teased you.”

  His hand squeezed my tender cheek a little harder. “And the other reason, what is it, darlin’?”

  Oh God. “I made you feel…I hurt you today…I…”

  “No,” he growled, cutting me short. “You didn’t hurt me, Abi. You didn’t trust me. I need your trust more than I need my next breath. I need it, Abigail.”

  I opened my mouth to say he had it, but my words were cut off when his hand came down on my ass.

  It barely made contact with my skin.

  He’d pulled back.

  I wanted what he’d given me this morning. His hand coming down hard on my backside, that deep ache. His thighs trembled, stomach muscles jumping, breath choppy. He was struggling, second-guessing what we were doing, fighting himself.

  I lifted my hips, wiggling my ass. “I can take it, Eli.”

  He cursed.

  “Harder, please.”

  A growl rumbled from deep in his chest, fingers flexing against my cheek, then they were gone. His hand came down again, this time harder.

  I cried out.

  “Are you going to give me your trust?”

  I gasped. “Yes. You have it.”

  He spanked me again, two in quick succession, but not in the same place, then the heat of his palm was covering my stinging cheek, rubbing and massaging again, making me groan. The sting quickly vanished, replaced with a deep ache that had my thighs shaking and my core clenching.

  “Are you going to tease me again?” His voice was tight, deep with hunger.

  I squirmed. “If this is what I get…yes,” I admitted.

  He groaned. “Fuck.”

>   His cock was long and hard beneath me, poking into my belly. That, plus the way he’d said that rough curse, had me aching for more. I spread my legs wider, moaning as I did. Teasing him like I said I would. Pushing him to hit me again. Desperate for it.

  Eli stilled, and I knew he was looking at me, at how wet I was. He cursed again, then he spanked me harder. Three times.

  I nearly came.

  He rubbed and squeezed, deepening the ache, then he did it again. “Spread wider.”

  I did as he said.

  His hand came down between my legs, the wet slap against my swollen lips tipping me over the edge. I screamed and started to come. Eli growled and pressed his hand against my convulsing flesh, applying pressure, rubbing, dragging it out.

  Before I could catch my breath, he gently turned me so he could cradle me in his massive arms.

  He brushed the hair back from the side of my sweaty face. “Okay, angel?”

  I rested my head against his chest, clinging to him. “Yes.” That’s all I could manage. I was feeling so many different things in that moment, but there was no way I could verbalize a single one.

  Eli held me tight, nuzzling me, kissing me. “You did so good, darlin’. So good,” he rasped into my hair. “God, you blow me away, sweetheart.”

  His praise made me happy in a way I’d never experienced, like there was a light shining inside me, bright and warm. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. His expression was soft, lips parted, awe, affection, excitement in his eyes. He was beautiful.

  “The way you came like that…” He seemed as lost for words as I was. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. “It felt good, didn’t it, Abigail? You liked what we just did?”

  My ass throbbed in the best way, and I’d just come so hard, my sex was still lightly pulsing. To say I liked it was a gross understatement. “Yes. God, Eli, yes. So much.”

  His rough-skinned hand slid down to my ass, smoothing over a tender cheek. He nuzzled my hair again. “Everything I ever imagined…the way you just came against me like that…shit, angel, you surpassed any fantasy I’ve ever had.”

  My nipples pebbled. “Mine, too.”

  A sound vibrated from his chest, deep and low. “God, Abi.” He tilted my face up and stared into my eyes, the muscle in his jaw ticking. “You’re all soft and sated in my arms, looking at me that way you do, and all I want to do is protect you, look after you, make you feel good. Will you let me, darlin’?”

  “Yes.” I touched his cheek. “I want to take care of you, too.”

  His breath released on a rough exhale, and his hand slid from my ass to between my thighs. He rubbed gently, and I moaned, hips moving with his hand before I knew what I was doing.

  “You ready for more?” he rasped. “Because I want inside you so bad it hurts.”

  “Yes. Please.”

  His nostrils flared. “Sweetheart, I want to hold you down and fuck you so hard the walls shake.” His fingers dipped between my cheeks, and he massaged me there, toying with my ass, sending a shiver of need through me. “Abigail, I want to claim every part of you. Will you let me?”

  Chapter Eleven

  His body trembled, hungry need in his eyes. He wanted this from me, badly. His hands traveled restlessly over my bare skin. “You like my fingers inside here…” He pressed the tip against my hole, and I bore down on it, or tried to. He held me still. “Don’t you, angel?”

  I was wet between my thighs, swollen and throbbing. I wanted it. I wanted whatever he wanted to do to me. I don’t know what that said about me, but I didn’t care. It felt right. All of it. “I love everything you do to me,” I whispered. “You make me ache, Eli.”

  His breath was shaky when he released it. “I’ll make it good. I’ll make you come so hard.”

  His cock was a steel rod under me through his jeans, and I wanted it in me in a way that went beyond desperate.

  He kissed my lips, then lifted me and placed me on the bed. “Lie back. I’m going to play with you for a while first, get you so damn wet you’re begging for it, darlin’. Need to fuck you before I flip you over and slide into your tight ass.” He reached down and cupped his cock through the denim, squeezing while his gaze roamed over my skin.

  He’d been growing more confident over these last couple of weeks, the things he said, did. But this was something else, new, and hearing those dirty words coming from his lips had me writhing on the bed.

  “Hold on to the headboard and don’t let go.”

  I lifted my hands over my head instantly.

  His chest expanded with his sharp inhale, his breath coming out rough, shaky. “I did some research on the computer.” Color rose in his cheeks. “Wanted to make sure we did this right. I couldn’t bear it if I hurt you.” He ran a hand through his hair, and his abs tightened.

  “Did you like what you saw?” I asked.

  His lips parted and his breathing grew heavier, gaze moving over my body stretched out in front of him. “Yes. Lots of things I want to show you, do with you.”

  An image of Eli’s big frame hunched in front of the computer, looking at porn, filled my head, and I swallowed. “Did you…did you get turned on, while you watched?”

  He came up beside me and climbed onto the bed, straddling me. “I got so hard, Abi.” He leaned forward, rough fingers wrapping around my wrists, still above my head, and pressing them into the mattress. “Imagining it was you being spanked”—he met my eyes—“played with, fucked hard. That it was me using toys on you, making you come so hard you screamed…”

  I tried to reach for him, but his hold was too tight. I wanted to touch him so badly, but he was having none of it. Then, before I could beg him to let me, he leaned down and sucked one of my nipples into his mouth, nipped, then sucked again hard. I bucked against him, pulling against his fingers manacling my wrists. He’d scooted lower, and his heavy thighs trapped mine, forcing them shut.

  It was torture. I was so hot and desperate, needing him inside me so bad, I thought I might lose my damn mind.

  “I had to shove my boxers down and stroke my cock,” he murmured against my damp flesh.

  The image bombarded my mind and I shuddered, squirmed against him, needing more contact, desperate for his weight, his cock pounding inside me. But he kept me trapped, sucking and nipping me until my nipples were hard and swollen and I was soaking the bedcovers under me.

  He shifted down my body. “I’m going to release your hands, but you have to keep them where they are, understand?”


  He began his slow descent, sucking and kissing his way down my body, finally allowing me to spread my legs. I groaned when the cool air hit my overheated flesh. “Put your mouth on me. Please, Eli.”

  He pressed his palms against my inner thighs, eyes locked between my legs, and groaned. “Oh shit, angel. Look at you. Look how gorgeous you are.” He licked his lips. “Goddammit, sweetheart.” He slid his fingers over my inner thigh, a little higher but not high enough, touching the proof of my arousal. “I did this to you.” He groaned again. “How the hell did I get so damn lucky?”

  I was panting now, close to crying I was so desperate for him. His words had me gripping at the wooden slats above my head. I wanted to touch myself, to relieve the ache.

  On a ragged moan, he lowered himself to the mattress and pressed his lips to my slick core. He moaned again, then opened his mouth over me, swiping his tongue through my center. I cried out and tried to lift my hips for more, but he held me down, held me where he wanted me, and took his time licking and sucking and nipping until I was a babbling mess begging for his fingers, his cock. Begging him to let me come.

  Tears were running down my face when he finally shoved two thick fingers inside me, wrapped his lips around my clit, and sucked. I screamed so loud my ears rang. My body convulsed, and I ground against him as best I could. He continued to lick and suck me, to fuck me with his fingers. I was trembling, so sensitive I wanted more and to pull away at the same time.
r />   Finally, he climbed from the bed and toed off his boots, then shoved his boxers and jeans down his legs. When he straightened, his cock slapped against his tight stomach, so damn hard and long and thick.

  I spread my legs wide. “Yes…yes…” was all I could get out.

  He didn’t mess around. He dropped on top of me, the hair on his chest rasping over my tender nipples. Then, sliding one hand under my ass, he lifted me and rammed his giant cock deep inside me. I cried out. I hadn’t recovered from my last orgasm, and the sudden intrusion, the way that fat head pushed inside me, sliding against that spot, he kicked off another one.

  He growled in my ear. “Jesus Christ. Such a hungry pussy.” He slammed up into me over and over, sweating and shaking, cursing, fucking me through it. “Can’t wait anymore, angel. I was going to drag this out, but now I can’t.” He pulled out and spun me onto my stomach. “You almost made me come, clutching at me like that. The only place I’m coming tonight is in your ass.”

  He hauled my hips high, hands skimming down to my cheeks, spreading them, then his mouth was there, licking and sucking my hole. He growled, fingers digging in as he ate at me, that maddening tongue pushing against my quivering flesh.

  “Oh, God…Eli. Shit.” I fisted the sheets, pushing back.

  He tormented me for a long time, until I was desperate for it, for more. Finally, he nipped my ass cheek, then lifted up, reaching for something on the upturned crate by the bed. Lube. The lube I’d had in my bedside drawer. I watched him over my shoulder, watched him squirt some into his hand, then he was slicking it against my tight hole. Anticipation thrummed through me as I watched him rub more on his iron-hard cock. He threw the bottle on the bed beside us, one hand going to my lower back, the other between my legs. “Just relax, Abi. I’m going to take care of you.”

  The tip of one finger pushed inside, and I moaned.

  “That’s it, sweetheart, nice and relaxed. Feel good?”

  “Yes.” I moaned again and pushed back. He slid deeper, doing some groaning of his own. Working that finger in and out of me until I was gasping and trembling. Then, when I was used to it and begging for more, he added a second, stretching me further, preparing me for his cock.


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