Broken Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Two)

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Broken Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Two) Page 19

by Cameo Renae

  There were three different passages around the room. One to our left, one to the right, and one directly in front of us.

  “Come, Emma,” Samuel said leading me down the tunnel to our left. I wondered if he knew where he was going. He was a Fallen member, so he must.

  The corridor was dark, and sporadically lit with torches. The ground was flat and easy to walk on. No more jagged rocks, which I was thankful for. We weaved our way through the tunnel, and went through another series of passages, traveling down deeper and deeper. Samuel seemed to know exactly where he was going, so I just followed.

  “Why aren’t there any Fallen around here? Shouldn’t there be a bunch of them guarding this place?”

  “Not really. There are only a few Fallen that are allowed this far, and no one else has ever survived the five levels. For centuries, Lucifer has had no need to worry about intruders.

  We will be reaching Lucifer’s dwelling soon, and that area will have guards.”

  “Do we have a plan?”

  “No, but as usual, just leave the talking to me.”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me,” I noted.

  There was no way I would ever doubt Samuel. I knew for a fact that he wouldn’t do anything foolish to put our lives in jeopardy; he wanted to get out of here as much as I did.

  I really didn’t know what to expect. I’d heard so many horror stories about the Prince of Darkness, and had seen so many movies that depicted him as this evil, ugly creature that tortured and killed innocents. So, why would he listen to me?

  We could only hope that the rift between him and Lucian was enough to make him help us, and of course, the fact that his son was on a hit list. If Lucifer were as proud as they said he was, then I’d bet he was waiting for a moment of revenge. This would be the perfect time.

  And then…I realized something. Something that suddenly had my head spinning. Something that Samuel was almost executed for, and I meant to ask him earlier.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure,” Samuel said, stopping and turning to me.

  “What is the whole story behind Lucifer and his Nephilim son? Kade told me that it was his brother’s son. Is that true?”

  “Yes,” he answered.

  “And was his brother executed because of it?”

  “Yes, he was. Lucifer’s brother raped a mortal woman and she became pregnant. He tried to cover it up and went to Lucifer for help, but somehow word spread to Lucian. When Lucian learned of this, he immediately went to the rest of the Fallen leaders, and had them confront Lucifer’s brother with the law. In order for Lucifer to keep his headship, he had to hand his brother over to them. He was taken and immediately executed.

  “Lucian sent others to kill the woman, but she gave birth before they found her. Lucifer sent one of his personal guards to collect the child, and bring it to him. There was no law that stated that the child had to be executed, so Lucifer raised the Nephilim boy as his own.

  “Lucifer cannot bear children, as was one of the curses put solely upon him when he fell. Thus, this child, his brother’s son, is his only heir.”

  “Oh,” I breathed. That was something I never expected the devil to do. To take in his brother's son and raise him as his own. “But what if they find out that you are my father? What if they see the mark? You were supposed to be executed.”

  “That’s just something we will have to deal with when we get there,” he said.

  “You can’t leave me,” I pleaded.

  He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. “I’m not leaving you. We’ll get through this somehow. We just have to have faith. Faith is something I lost a long, long time ago, but since you’ve come back into my life, it’s slowly returned to me,” he said in a quieted voice.” I do have faith that we will make it back to Alaine. Alive.”

  I agreed with him and nodded.

  “Onward?” he asked.


  He took my hand and we continued down the corridor. I could hear boisterous laughs and voices, and glanced up at Samuel. His expression didn’t change, but he turned and smiled at me. It was reassuring to see that he wasn’t afraid.

  We soon entered a small room with six Fallen Angels who looked drunk sitting around a circular table. There were platters filled with all kinds of food, and large goblets of drink set in front of them. Behind them were two huge golden doors with hundreds of shimmering gems inset into them, in every color imaginable. I assumed that was the entrance to Lucifer’s dwelling.

  As we entered the room, Samuel held me back from taking another step further, and then he stepped in front of me. All heads turned toward us, and their roaring laughter turned to silence.

  One of them stood, and was about seven feet tall. Huge muscles bulged from his arms and his legs. His skin was tanned and slightly dirty, like he’d recently been in battle, or hadn’t taken a bath in a while. His hair and eyes were raven black.

  He stepped toward Samuel and stood about a foot over him. His huge fingers brushed the handle of his sword.

  “What do we have here?” his deep voice asked. He was referencing Samuel, but glaring at me.

  “She’s with me, and we are here to see Lucifer,” Samuel answered.

  The Fallen Angel turned back to the rest. “He wants to see Lucifer.”

  There was a moment of silence before they all burst into laughter. I could feel my temperature rise as I watched them make fun of Samuel, but Samuel remained calm.

  “You look familiar. I’ve fought alongside you many years ago.” One of the other Fallen stood from the table and pointed at Samuel, confused.

  “I’m sure you have,” Samuel said.

  “Wait. Aren’t you the one that -” he paused and looked at me, and then back at Samuel.

  Oh crap. I had a feeling this wasn’t going to be good.

  “Yes! You are the one. He was supposed to have been executed for mating with a mortal!” he yelled.

  All eyes steeled on me.

  “Is that your abomination?” he growled.

  “She is not an abomination, you bastard,” Samuel growled through gritted teeth. All eyes in the room went pure black.

  “You dare bring your abomination down here?” Another one of them stood and reached for his sword.

  Samuel backed up and reached for the handle of his sword but didn’t unsheathe it.

  “I didn’t come here for any trouble. I came to speak to Lucifer.”

  The huge Fallen Angel took another step toward Samuel, and all of the others stood and drew their swords. My pulse started to race. Was this really happening? There was nothing I could do.

  “Samuel?” My voice was shaky.

  “Go back, Emma,” he said, turning to me. “Now.”

  “I’m not leaving you,” I said.

  “Emma, please.”

  His words pierced my heart. He wanted me to go because he didn’t want me to see what was going to happen to him. Six against one. It was going to be a slaughter, but there was no way I was going to leave him. I was prepared to stay and fight alongside him if I needed to.

  I grabbed the handle of my dagger and slowly unsheathed it.

  “You shouldn’t have come here. Now you and your filthy spawn will die,” the largest Fallen yelled.

  He suddenly raised his sword and charged toward Samuel. Samuel charged back at him, and quickly ducked under the Fallen’s sword. With a quick flick of his own sword, Samuel sliced right through his wrist. Within seconds the large brute was dismembered. His hand, along with his blade, fell to the ground.

  He looked confused, staring at his bloodied stump. He was drunk, and much slower than Samuel, so maybe we did have a chance.

  “I don’t want to fight you,” Samuel urged. “I just need to speak to Lucifer. It’s regarding his son.”

  I suddenly felt lightheaded and dizzy, like I was going to faint. My world started to spin a feeling of warmth and euphoria shot through me.

  “And what of his s
on?” A voice called from behind us. As soon as I saw him, my world went spiraling into complete confusion.

  Red eyes.

  Fiery red eyes steeled on mine, the same eyes that recently haunted my dreams.

  He stepped into the room and the rest of the Fallen stepped back. Whoever he was, he was young and very beautiful. He was about the same height as Kade, but his skin was tanned and muscles framed his lean figure in all the right places. His features were dark, as was his ebony hair which was drawn back.

  “Ethon,” the largest Fallen spoke, grasping his bloody wrist. “This Fallen has broken the law and committed a crime. He should have been executed for spawning with a human, and that thing standing in front of you is his abomination.”

  Ethon came and stood next to me, so close that my body reacted. Heat and dizziness coursed through my veins. The air felt like it was alive and buzzing with electricity. I felt magnetized to him.

  What the hell was happening to me, and who was this person?

  “Azzah, I suggest you pick up your limb and tend to your wounds. Let me deal with this,” Ethon spoke in an authoritative tone. “The rest of you can resume whatever it was you were doing.”

  The other five Fallen took their seats at the table, but kept their swords drawn. The large one, who he called Azzah, bent down and picked up his severed hand and sword, and then proceeded out of the corridor with a look of defeat smeared all over his face.

  “So, what is this business you wish to speak to my father about?” he asked.

  My head snapped up to look at him, and he smiled a wide smile. He knew I was surprised to find out who he was, and I felt my face flush with heat. I quickly turned toward Samuel.

  The person who was haunting my dreams was Lucifer’s son.

  Samuel regarded him with a nod.

  “Ethon, we’ve come to ask for help. Lucian is out there wreaking havoc.”

  “So what else is new,” he laughed.

  “He has sent out a decree for all of his members to seek out and execute every single Nephilim. He has succeeded in killing all but three. You, my daughter, and one other,” he said sadly, looking at me. He must have meant Alaine, and then I quickly realized that they could never know that she was my mother, although Lucian and his crew might have.

  “So, there are three Nephilim left, huh?” Ethon responded with a grin.

  “Yes,” Samuel agreed.

  “So, my fellow Nephilim, may I have the pleasure of your name?” he asked.

  “Emma,” I answered.

  “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Emma,” he said, holding his hand out to me.

  As I placed my hand in his…


  Electricity surged through my arm and traveled through my body. The same exact feeling I felt the first time I touched Kade.

  “Shit!” I gasped and pulled my hand back.

  I felt weak and backed up to Samuel. I felt his hand on my shoulder, steadying me. I turned to him to see if he had any answers for me. His brow was furrowed and his eyes showed deep concern.

  What the hell! This cannot me happening to me!

  Ethon looked at his hand. He was confused. I was confused. How the hell could this happen? How could this even be possible?

  There had to be some kind of explanation. There was no way I could be destined for two completely different people!

  But maybe that was it. Maybe that was the answer to the question. I was part Angel and part Fallen. Maybe the good part of me was drawn to Kade, and the Fallen part of me was drawn to Ethon. Danyel told me that one day I would have to choose a side, but I’d bet he didn’t expect this to happen. I don’t think anyone did.

  Maybe I was wrong. But something was wrong. This was ALL completely wrong. I’d have to sit down and have a long discussion with Alaine and Samuel about this when we got back.

  “Ethon,” Samuel said, snapping Ethon from his confusion.

  With just that one word spoken, I could sense stress in Samuel’s voice. Samuel knew exactly what had happened between us, and I could tell that he didn’t like it. What father wouldn’t be concerned, especially knowing that his daughter had just been zapped by the son of Satan?

  Ethon’s head snapped up, his brow was still furrowed.

  “Come. I will take you to see my father,” he said, stepping around me.

  I could hear my heart beat loudly in my ears, and could feel his eyes on me, but I dared not look. As soon as he walked past us, I felt my body begin to relax a bit.

  Hooooly crap!!!

  The five Fallen remained quiet in their seats. Ethon opened the golden doors and motioned for us to enter. Samuel took hold of my hand again and I was glad. I needed him to steady me, and I was glad he was here with me. We’d already gone through so much together and my love and admiration for him had grown to overflowing. He was my hero. My protector. My father. He was here to make sure I was safe, and now steady.

  Chapter 17

  As we passed through the doorway, there was another long, dark tunnel that led downward. We followed Ethon in silence, and I noticed him flex and release his hand a few times. I wondered what he was thinking, and if he’d ever experienced those feelings before. Whether he did or not, he didn’t utter a word about it.

  We soon made our way into another large room, which was like nothing that I had expected. It was a huge underground cavern, the kind you’d probably find large bats in. Jagged rocks lined the roof and walls, but the floor was covered in a beautiful black marble, like that of the first room we entered. The air was a little less thick in here. A lot cooler.

  “Father!” Ethon called. His voice echoed throughout the cavern.

  Horrifying growls and barks returned, and instantly reminded me of the Hell Hounds. I backed up, and reached for my dagger, expecting to see fiery eyes appear. But instead, a huge, black, two-headed dog bounded towards us. As soon as it saw Ethon it stopped growling, and two huge tongues hung out of each mouth. It jumped up and down, as if it were happy to see him. Both heads kept glancing at us, and then back to Ethon, confused as to who we were.

  Before the creature reached us, Ethon stepped in front of us and held his arms up. The dog jumped into his arms, and knocked him to the ground. Ethon laughed and wrestled the beast it as it licked his face. Both slobbery tongues completely soaked his face.


  “Dum Dum! Get off, you big, stupid dog,” he said, pushing the two heads away. The dog backed off and then suddenly, both sets of eyes were glaring at me and Samuel. Two sets of sharp teeth were bared, and deep growls rumbled through the cavern.

  Ethon walked up to the creature and smacked its heads. “Get outta here,” he scolded. It yelped and ran away.

  “Sorry. I don’t know why my father keeps that worthless creature around.”

  “Well, it, or they, seemed to love you,” I giggled.

  “Yes, because I’m the only one that gives it attention,” he laughed back, attempting to wipe the slobber from his face.

  “Ethon?” a low voice called.

  We turned as an older gentleman, who had strong resemblances of Ethon, made his way toward us. He was about six feet tall, and very handsome. His hair was salt-and-peppered, clean cut and nicely combed back, with a matching mustache and goatee. He was slim and dressed in an all-black suit, but his eyes…. his eyes were a deep crimson red, much darker than Ethon’s.

  “Father, you have visitors,” Ethon said, bowing his head.

  So this was Lucifer? The Devil? The one multitude’s feared?

  He didn’t look so bad. But then again, I’d also seen what the Lucian looked like before he morphed into his horrifying, evil mode.

  Ethon walked up to Lucifer, and Lucifer placed his hands on his shoulders and gave him a nod, but also a stern look of…who are they? Behind the look, I could see that Lucifer cared for Ethon. That was a plus on our side, and something we could definitely use to our advantage.

  “And whom, may I ask, has my son escorted into my forbidden ch
ambers?” There was a bit of sarcasm mixed with anger, especially when he annunciated the word forbidden.

  “Father this is-” Ethon started to speak, but Lucifer held up his hand to stop him.

  “Can they not speak for themselves?” he questioned.

  “Yes, we can,” Samuel said with a bow of his head. “My name is Samuel, and this is my daughter Emma.”

  I didn’t know whether to bow, or wave, or just stand there and smile. I mean, he was the leader of the Fallen Angels, but Samuel never told me how I should address him. His eyes steeled on mine, so I stood there, frozen.

  I heard a quiet laughter and turned to see Ethon turn away from me with a smirk on his face.

  Why was he laughing? Was he laughing at me?

  Lucifer glanced at Ethon and cleared his throat.

  Ethon’s expression suddenly changed from playful to serious, and I fought to keep a grin off my face, which he noticed.

  As soon as Lucifer turned from him, he glanced at me and rolled his eyes.

  Lucifer turned his gaze to Samuel and slowly paced towards him. I suddenly felt fearful for him. With each step my pulse began to race faster and faster.

  “Samuel?” Lucifer asked.


  “Why do you look so familiar to me? Are you not one of my warriors?”

  “I am,” Samuel answered.

  “And your daughter. She is not a Pureblood?”

  “No. She is a Nephilim. One of the last in the mortal world, which is why we’ve come to you,” Samuel replied.

  “Nephilim?” Lucifer paused, and then circled him slowly, and as he came around his crimson eyes set on me. “Well then, I guess the next question should be, why haven’t you been executed?”

  Lucifer’s eyes were locked on me, and it was really beginning to creep me out. I could see a look of concern flash through Samuel’s eyes which made me feel even worse.

  “Lucian did order my execution, and those orders were carried out on Montem Mortis, but somehow, I survived,” Samuel answered. “But, that is not why we are here. We’ve come because Lucian has given a command, to execute all Nephilim that exist. We have word that he has succeeded to kill all but three. Emma, Ethon, and one other. The other is in a safe house in the mortal world, but the Midway has made it very clear that they will not get involved. Right now, Lucian has gathered his army, and is seeing to it that every last one is wiped from existence. Once Emma and the other are dead, they will come for Ethon.”


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