The Knightpunk Code

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The Knightpunk Code Page 20

by Kory Shen

  I ignored the pain coursing through my body, rising to my feet on quivering legs. I wanted to scream at Kuri, that she had said she would warn them. But I held my tongue. I half-collapsed, half-sat down again.

  "I suppose there's nothing we can do now," I said, indicating my broken body with my right hand, then nodding at the damaged suit. "They're either safe, or they're not." I leaned back, thumping my head against the wall behind me.

  "Finally. Your common sense is back," Kuri walked over and crouched to examine my wounds. "You'll need a healer. I can take you to the Temple. Like you did for me."

  Did I want to involve Genna? I wasn't a simple bad boy turned knight. I was wanted by the kingdom for treason. I thought back to Lady Dyann and Sir Hurik, both possibly dead. Maybe I was a traitor.

  "Jakson?" Kuri asked.

  I had to find out what had happened to Vimm and the boys.

  To do that, I had to fix myself first, then Mira. I hated dragging Genna into this but squandering her help would be foolish. She would never be safe. Not until I dealt with Lexley.

  "Take me to her," I mumbled, my vision growing dark again. "It suits you well, the armor…but cover it up…"

  I closed my eyes again to sleep.

  * * *

  A red-hot heat, different from the shocks before, more like an acidic sizzling, ripped through my body.

  I tried to scream, but something was stuffed into my mouth. It tasted like a turnip. I couldn't move, either. My arms and legs were tied down.

  "I'm sorry, Jaks. This will hurt, but we're making you better." A soft hand stroked my forehead.

  I blinked my eyes in response. Genna?

  Her oval face appeared in front of me. I blinked harder, then crossed my eyes, trying to point at the object in my mouth with my eyes. I shut my eyes tightly as another wave of burning washed over me. When I reopened them, Genna was still there. I looked at my mouth again.

  "It's to keep you from biting your tongue," Genna said. "And screaming. The others don't like it when you scream."

  I realized there were other people in the room, too, but something bound my head, and I couldn't move it to the side.

  I kept crossing my eyes, looking at my mouth.

  "Okay, fine," Genna said in exasperation. She pursed her lips. "But don't bite your tongue, and don't scream."

  She plucked something white and green out of my mouth.

  "Is that a fucking turnip?" I asked.

  Genna crossed her arms, still holding the turnip in her hands. "How about a thank you, or how are you doing, or nice to see you?"

  "A fucking turnip," I muttered.

  "I see the healing is coming along nicely," someone said. "Is he always so uncouth?"

  Genna giggled. "Yes, he's a bit rough on the outside, but he's a sweetie inside."

  "Like a boiled turnip?" I asked. I couldn't help grinning, before frowning at another wave of pain.

  The other voice chuckled. "We'll leave you two for now, priestess. Call us if his skin turns black, or he catches a fever." A woman's face appeared just outside my vision. "Or if he does something uncouth. You might want to put that turnip back in."

  "I'll be fine, Malyn, and thank you so much," Genna said, still giggling. I heard footsteps leaving. Genna waved the turnip at me. "You hear that? You treat me like a proper priestess or I'll be stuffing this back in."

  I rolled my eyes. "Yes, priestess. How long will this take? When can I get up?"

  "In a hurry?" Genna asked. "Don't worry. Kuri told us about Vimm. We sent an acolyte to check on them. They should be back anytime now."

  I sighed. There was no point rushing, then. "Okay." Ropes bound my right arm to the table, but I motioned for Genna with my free hand. Genna understood and reached down to hold it.

  "Genna. I fucked up, big time."

  Genna squeezed my hand. "No, you didn't. Don't blame yourself for what nasty people do."

  I held Genna's hand for another moment. "Thanks. I needed that." I paused. "I hope I'm not going to get you in trouble."

  "Lexley wouldn't dare violate the Temple," Genna said.

  "But what about the Temple itself?"

  "They'll…put up with me."

  "Because you can read minds?" With so much going on, I had forgotten about my suspicion until now. Which was probably why I caught her by surprise.

  Genna let go of my hand. "What?"

  I imagined Genna farting in the face of one of the other priestesses.

  "Jaks!" she moved to smack me, laughing, then stopped. She raised her hand to her mouth. "Oh no."

  I grinned. "Then, I'm right."

  Her face grew serious. "I can't talk about it. It's a Temple matter."

  "Genna, I never hid anything important from you. Even before you could read my mind." I let a wave of sorrow and hurt wash over me while I gazed at her.

  She reached out to smack me but stopped and gave me a sharp poke on the nose. "You stop that," she said. "You're doing that on purpose."

  So reading minds cut both ways.

  "You're the one reading my mind without asking," I said. "But I won't pry if you don't want to talk about it. They're treating you well?"

  Genna nodded, smiling. "Yes, they kind of pamper me, to be honest." She bit her lip. "That's why they'll probably let me get away with seeing you here."

  I smiled back, genuinely happy for her. "You're safe, then?" She was important to the Temple. As close to untouchable by Lexley as possible. Maybe it was better if I stayed away…

  This time Genna did smack me across my face.

  "Ouch!" I yelped.

  "Don't you dare think that, Jaks. Anytime you're in trouble or up to no good, you come back to see me. Is that clear?"

  I grimaced at a brief wave of pain. Part of the healing process, I supposed.


  Genna leaned over gingerly, being careful not to place her weight on me, and kissed me firmly on the lips. Hard. I kissed her back, my mouth opening to meet hers.

  After half a minute, I was short of breath, my injuries getting the better of me.

  "Yes, all very clear, ma'am," I said, regretting even the thought of parting ways.

  Genna shook her head. "No regrets. I liked it better when you were kissing."

  "Then, kiss me again." I still couldn't move because of the restraints.

  Genna's mouth met mine again. Our mouths pressed against each other harder this time. I would have to do this properly some day when I wasn't injured…

  "Jakson—" A strangled cry came from behind me. I couldn't see who it was, but I recognized the voice. Kuri.

  We broke our kiss and stared at each other. The rapid footsteps of someone running away sounded in the distance.

  Genna patted my hand. "You hang in there and let the healer's magic do its work. I'll go talk to her."

  * * *

  I slept the rest of the day and woke in the middle of the night. It was dark all around me, except for a single candle flickering in its holder on the stone wall.

  I tried to move my arms and found that my restraints were gone. I sat up slowly, my body aching. I touched my left calf, my left arm, my left side. They were bandaged and sore, but I could move without too much discomfort. Something was on my back. Another bandage for the slash Sir Hurik had given me.

  I swiveled, set my feet on the ground, and tested my weight on them.

  Soon I was standing upright, flexing and stretching my limbs.

  Holy shit. Holy turnips. I shouldn't have been walking around like this in less than a day. The Temple had a reputation for providing the finest healing money could buy, but they never mentioned magic. It was always Yora this or Yora that, with a side helping of a donation here and there. But Genna had mentioned magic.

  And she could read minds. I sat back on the bed, unsure what to think.

  Mages were at the bottom of the barrel in the Elderlands, right next to outcasts like me. But wasn't magic used to craft and maintain Sentinel armor to defend the kingdom? Appare
ntly, the Temple was a haven of magic as well. What else were they hiding?

  I frowned. It was a matter of power, of control. Magic in the hands of a commoner was dirty, illegal, even. Only those deemed worthy by the ones in charge were allowed to benefit from it.

  But the world would have to fix its own problems. My priority was checking on Vimm and the others. I would need to find Kuri and Mira first.

  Genna hadn't said how to get in touch with her at the Temple. I got off the bed again and stepped out of the healer's ward on my own. I couldn't find any boots, so I crept along the hallways barefoot.

  I had gone a little more than ten feet when a hand brushed my shoulder.

  I flinched out of reflex, spinning and ducking low. The Temple's healing was miraculous, but I wasn't completely pain-free yet. I groaned at a sharp stab in my sides from the sudden movement.

  "Jakson!" Kuri bent to meet my eyes.

  "Sorry, I'm a bit jumpy lately," I croaked. My eyes flickered to the door of the healing ward, then to Kuri's face. Her face was slightly swollen, like someone who had just woken up. "Were you sleeping here this whole time? Waiting for me?"

  Kuri jumped to her feet, all traces of sleep now gone. "I wasn't waiting for you." She looked away. "I was guarding you."

  I stood as well, hiding my grin. If that was how she wanted to play it. "Well, I thank you for guarding me, then." I saluted her.

  Kuri scowled.

  I stepped closer. "I'm not kidding. You saved my life. What happened?"

  Kuri avoided my eyes as she spoke. "I returned to find you collapsed on the road. I was going to leave with you, but Mira called for me to take her, too. You woke up briefly. Then, I brought you here."

  "I was on the road?" Strange. I hadn't remembered making it all the way there. "What about the Champions?"

  Kuri shrugged. "Back where you left them."

  "Was I in my armor?"

  "No, your armor was next to you."

  Had someone moved me? I frowned. I had heard a woman's voice, but no one else had been there… "What about Vimm? Any word?" I tried to say it casually, but I held my breath, waiting for her response.

  Kuri smiled, finally meeting my eyes. "They're okay. Genna said Vimm and his crew were hiding. Lexley never found them."

  "Thank Yora." So Vimm had known what was coming and taken precautions. I shook my head. We were like cockroaches, our street gang. Tough little shits to kill.

  "What about Mira?" I asked. Could I even fix the suit? Could Grandpa? None of the king's blacksmiths would touch my suit now that I was an outlaw, and even if they would, I wasn't sure they could figure out how it worked.

  "Follow me," Kuri said.

  Kuri walked a short distance from the healer's ward to another chamber. A younger priestess stood outside the entrance. Kuri nodded at her and walked inside, with me close behind.

  My armor was lying on a table, flowered open. It no longer looked like Sentinel armor, but had the same strange slender appearance as when I had first found it. I winced at the rends in the limbs, chest, and back. I looked at the entrance, where the priestess was still standing. Well, it's not like I had much to hide from the Temple with Mira reading my mind.

  "Mira, can you hear me?" I asked.

  Mira's voice emerged from the opened helmet. "Hello, Jakson. Hello, Kuri."

  "You sound better." I walked over to the suit and touch the damaged left arm. "I'm sorry, Mira." It was strange apologizing to a talking suit of armor, but for some reason, I thought she deserved it.

  "No apologies necessary," Mira replied. "As a result, I had the opportunity to examine every inch of Kuri's body in close proximity. It is amazing. On the outside, she is identical to a human female in every aspect, other than—"

  Every aspect? "Okay, that's great, Mira," I said, cutting her off. I glanced back at the priestess by the door. I knew little about elves, and Mira had indicated that they were just like human women on the outside, something I had idly wondered before. But some secrets weren't mine, or Mira's, to share.

  "Let's talk about you Mira," I said. "Can we fix you? Make you better?"

  "Yes, my self-repair functions should be able to handle damage to this extent. I'll need time and resources."

  "Great!" Vimm was safe. Mira could be fixed. All things considered, it wasn't too bad. "What resources?"

  "May I presume you have a molecular loom? Or an elemental synthesizer?"

  I looked to Kuri. "Is that a mage thing? Have you ever heard of those?"

  "No," she said. "This is beyond me."

  "Um, I don't think so. We can ask around at the Temple, but…" So much for my optimism. Without Mira's magical requirements, I'd be left without armor. I'd be powerless.

  "There is an alternative method," Mira said, "although it is slower and less comfortable for the user."

  "What is it? I'll do anything to get you back." I paused. Who knew what grisly schemes Mira's makers had devised. "Almost anything. I won't sell my soul."

  "I will not be needing your soul." I wasn't sure if it was my imagination, but the helmet seemed to twitch on its own as Mira spoke. I blinked, unsure if something was wrong with my eyes, or it was a trick of the light. I was about to ask Kuri about it, but she had stepped to the doorway.

  "I will be needing your body," Mira said.

  I shrugged. How bad could it be?


  "Don't stop, Mira, don't stop!" I screamed. "Oh fuck, oh fuck. Don't stop now!" My whole body clenched tightly.

  Nearby, Genna whispered. "Oh my."

  Kuri coughed uncomfortably but didn't say anything.

  I was lying on the bed again in the healer's ward, this time wearing my suit of armor. Without her usual tools, Mira's only way to repair herself was to draw raw materials from the person wearing her. It required a living person, so a dead body wouldn't do. In principle, we could also use animals, although it would be cumbersome, and Mira mentioned something about suboptimal alignment and how I would have to remove their fur. It would take longer with any other method, and I wanted my armor back as soon as possible.

  Mira had also mentioned it was painful, so it's not like I could let anyone else take my place, either.

  I screamed again as the pain subsided. "No, keeping going! Just a little more!"

  Yeah, it was painful. And disgusting. I went inside the suit naked but broke out in open sores as Mira took whatever she needed. The Temple's healers would patch me up with their magic, Mira would zap her insides clean, and I'd go right back into her for another round.

  This was my third round of the night.

  "Jaks!" Genna said. "Isn't this too much? You're barely recovered from the attack."

  "Okay, Mira, that's it for this round," I gasped. My skin burned everywhere, even in the most sensitive spots. Especially in the most sensitive spots. Mira couldn't control how she drew her so-called resources from me.

  The suit flowered open, but I lay there, panting, not getting up.

  "Let's get you out of that." Genna took hold of one arm, slick from blood and whatever else was leaking out of the open wounds.

  "No, I'm okay." I pushed myself up. "You don't have to touch me. I'm gross."

  Genna flinched at my face.

  "I don't want to look in a mirror now, do I?" I asked. For a second, I was curious, but I was also too tired to fool around.

  "No, you're not gross," Genna said. "Gross is when you tried to hide dead caterpillars in the sausages when we were kids. Remember that?"

  I chuckled. "One of my fondest memories. I thought the half-eaten one I added was a nice touch." I grimaced. "Shit, this hurts."

  A second pair of strong hands grabbed me from the other side, easing me out of the suit.

  "Steady," Kuri said. She looked me in the face, not blinking.

  "Thanks, Kuri, but no need to get your hands dirty," I said, looking at my messy body. "Holy Yora, I'm fucking gross."

  Kuri shrugged and let go. "Fine. I suppose you only want her to touc
h you." She turned and stomped out of the room.

  I turned to stare at Genna in confusion. "What was that all about?"

  Genna sighed. "She's jealous. You don't need to read her mind to know that."

  "Jealous? Of what…" Aw, fuck. "This is one of those girl things, isn't it?" I avoided girl issues, as a matter of principle. I was lucky enough to have Genna, who was reliable and issue-free. Like a well-worn pair of boots. Not like some fancy princess.

  Genna raised an eyebrow. "I'm a pair of boots, and she's a fancy princess? I see."

  "Hey, don't you get all jealous on me, too. Anyway, serves you right for reading my mind without asking."

  Genna didn't reply. She let go of my arm and wiped her hands on a rag.

  "Wait, I was joking. You're not really jealous, are you?" I asked.

  She gave me a smile that was a bit too wide. "You'll have to read my mind to find out." She poked her head outside the doorway. "Malyn! He's ready for you."

  She paused before stepping out. "She does have rather pert breasts, doesn't she?"

  "What!" I half-choked. I was used to rough talk, but that didn't sound like my innocent Genna at all.

  She winked at me. "Once you can hear people's thoughts, you grow up quickly."

  Then, she was gone.

  * * *

  I fell asleep after three more rounds. According to Mira, it would take at least fifteen rounds to fix herself fully, but I was too drained to do any more. Genna begged me to stop, and I agreed.

  When I woke up, it was in the middle of the day. Bright sunlight shone through a small slit at the top of my room.

  A loaf of bread and a small roasted chicken sat on a small table to the side, along with a pitcher of water. I devoured everything in a matter of minutes. Mira had warned me that I would need to eat well during her repair process, and I had already eaten another entire chicken before falling asleep.

  What to do now? I could go back to working with Mira, but I wasn't looking forward to it. Fifteen rounds? Nine more? Oh Yora.

  I couldn't handle that much in a single day. I had been overeager at first, but the idea of nine more rounds of torture wasn't exactly appealing. Yeah, it was torture. I couldn't ask anyone else to do it.


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