“The others are on loan in the States,” Adelaide concluded with a pat to Alex’s shoulder.
Adelaide went back to Jason and Alex continued her patrol of the room. At the grand piano, she stopped again, but this time for a very different picture—a more recent photo of three people. Sandwiched between a happy Adelaide and a bored Evangeline was Michael Dean. She picked up the antique silver frame and interrupted the final goodbyes.
“Madame,” Alex cleared her throat. “Who is this young man with you and your daughter?”
Adelaide took the photo and smiled. “Old boyfriend of Evangeline’s. One of the better ones, in my opinion.” She shook her head then placed the photo on the small table as they left the room.
As they walked down the hallway toward the exit, Adelaide continued to talk about Michael—how successful he was, how handsome and brilliant, and how it was such a shame her daughter couldn’t stand not being the center of attention when they were together.
“But,” Adelaide shrugged as the doors opened and a cold breeze sailed inside, “that’s the price you pay when you date a Gale.”
Alex stopped short and Jason almost ran into her.
“Gale,” she hummed as she opened the door for Jason and practically pushed him inside the car. “As in Gale Enterprises?”
“Yes, he’s Conner Gale’s second son,” she said absently. “Michael is lead counsel for his family, Gale Enterprises, and the Council when needed.”
“Really?” Alex responded. She stepped up to Adelaide and into her open arms. A kiss to each cheek, then Adelaide looked her in the eyes.
“Yes,” Adelaide continued. “There are six of them. Every available woman in our world is trying to wrangle an invite to the Ball this year. I had hoped Evangeline would have apologized for her behavior, but she is stubborn. I’m sure he’s already asked someone else by now.”
Alex just nodded and waved as she entered the car and the caravan drove off.
She wanted to be mad, but it was kind of late for that. If he had been sent to spy on her, he was bad at it. She hadn’t told him anything he could use, or maybe that was part of some game. But he had helped her in that parking lot that night.
Michael’s lies would have to wait until she returned to the States. Right now, all her attention was on the wellbeing and protection of Jason Stavros. Nothing else mattered.
The plane was quiet at last. After dinner and the impromptu wine tasting, Alex took her team to the back conference room for a debriefing before they arrived in Romania. Adam stretched out in the common area with his laptop and jazz music. That left Jason alone in his quarters.
He tried to bring himself to read the gazillion emails in his inbox, but that just bored him. Everyone pretty much sent the same message: “we may be few, but we are stronger than the human race.”
“Yeah, I know,” Jason mumbled to no one. When the screen went dark, he laid the tablet on the nightstand with a sigh.
On his back in the soft bed, his eyes closed and his thoughts spiraled until he focused on just one idea—winning. He would win the delegates over to their side. He knew that for sure. But the Wolf Pack would not be in attendance, which disappointed him.
Jason had heard stories about Roland Wolfe over the years. Adam described him as a fair leader—strong and honorable. It surprised him that Adam would speak of a werewolf in such glowing terms, but, then again, he was no ordinary lycanthrope, was he?
He shook his head hard. Why was he even on the subject of the Pack? He had enough problems as it was.
In Romania was a woman he’d known for over seventy-five years. In the very near future, she would be his wife. That meant the other woman in his life would no longer be in his life. Somehow he couldn’t see Alex Stone being anyone’s mistress, not even his.
A low ping came from the tablet he’d laid aside. He tapped the screen to see a video call in queue. When he snatched up the bigger laptop with one hand, he smoothed down his hair with the other.
“Conner,” Jason smiled nervously at his image on screen. “I wasn’t expecting you to call. Is something wrong?”
“Not at all,” Conner smiled back. He was relaxed and cordial. “I just got off the phone with Addie. She was very impressed with you.”
Addie or Adelaide, as Jason would forever refer to her, had wasted no time in reporting back to Conner. He had hoped he’d made a positive impression on her and now he knew for sure.
“I’m glad,” Jason replied. “I think I was able to put her fears to rest regarding the winery and vineyard. You were right, Sire. Her fear of losing her family holdings was keeping her from getting on board with our plans.”
“Well, she will meet with her clan immediately,” Conner continued to smile. “We have their vote.”
With Adelaide on board, Conner now had the votes he needed in the High Chamber. One of the issues on the agenda for the next meeting of the Council of Pure Blood Vampires was a new chamber location. The Council had purchased land and an old resort in upstate New York. It was decided they would move the chamber out of the city. It had become too dangerous, too many human issues. The blood farms ran smoothly in New York City anyway. The supply of fresh human blood would last well into the next century. It was like that in almost every major city. The ones that needed more attention were on the Council’s agenda for the next meeting as well.
The biggest issue on the ballot was one Conner and the three other heads of the Council had been deadlocked on for a whole year—what to do once Tristan was captured. The humans thought they would get him back, but that was not going to happen, not if Conner had anything to say about it. Jason was sure he had lots to say about the subject. Adam sure did.
Jason felt his confidence grow. “I’m glad to hear it.”
“I had a chance to read over your opening statement as well,” he said as he held up a tablet. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“I like to grab an audience’s attention right away,” Jason boasted.
“I think you’ll do just that,” Conner agreed.
“If you feel announcing a possible traitor will hinder the investigation,” Jason sighed, “I can change whatever you’d like.”
He continued to smile. “I wouldn’t change a word.”
“Thank you, Sire.”
Conner’s happy demeanor turned somber all of a sudden. He straightened his posture and dropped his voice down an octave.
“She also mentioned Ms. Stone.”
Jason stayed still. He concentrated all of his efforts on a straight face and cool demeanor. “She absolutely loved Ms. Stone.”
Conner let a small grin spread across his lips. “Yes, she said that.”
Jason reacted the way he should have at the insinuation that Alex may have done something to embarrass them. He didn’t try to explain something that went unsaid. He didn’t apologize before he knew what Conner was going to say. Conner was impressed.
“But Adelaide did seem a little uncomfortable for some reason,” Jason added.
“Addie calls that intuition. She picked up on your interest in Alex,” Conner continued. “I thought we discussed this before you left.”
A nervous grin emerged on Jason’s lips. “You told me to be careful with Alex, and I have been.”
“Addie is a romantic, Jason,” he sighed. He smirked as he continued, “And don’t play word games with me.”
“Sire,” Jason cleared his throat, “I didn’t ignore your advice. I am being careful around her,” he stressed around as Conner had said that night.
They laughed and Conner gave him a knowing nod. Jason found it easy to talk to him about Alex for some reason. More so than with Adam. Maybe it was because Adam didn’t like Alex—hated her would be more accurate, actually.
Conner sighed, “Nicole is devoted to you and your plans to rise in this world. Don’t jeopardize that for
a human. Not even one as lovely as Alex Stone.”
“Well,” he sighed, “since the announcement, you won’t have to worry about Alex and I being involved. We are just friends.”
“Good,” Conner smiled again. “Your life is about to change in every way. Whatever your understanding is with Nicole, you can’t hold onto everything. We all have secrets, but Alex is not one that would stay that way for long.”
Jason gave him a slight nod, but Conner could see the disappointment wash over his face. Conner dismissed him with a kind “goodnight.”
Once he ended the call with Jason, Conner stood and stretched before he left his home office for the night.
As he turned the corner, Michael, Raph, and Sean came through the front door of the penthouse, all smiles.
“Welcome home,” Conner said with a hug for each of his sons. “You look no worse for wear,” he said to Michael as he went for the couch. He pulled his feet from his wingtips then plopped them on the oversized ottoman with a hard sigh.
“I’ll live,” he replied with a tired expression. “The Mother says hello, by the way.”
“You should have seen him when we first picked him up,” Raph chuckled. “I thought we were going to have to call ahead for an ambulance.”
They all laughed when Michael shot the finger at Raph.
“Well, I’m glad that wasn’t necessary,” Conner stated, taking a seat next to Michael on the couch. He gave his leg a pat and Michael nodded that he was okay. “Thank you for making that little detour for me. I would have called to give our condolences for their loss, but I thought a more personal touch was needed.” Raph and Sean nodded as they sat down in vacant chairs on each side of the couch. “So, tell me all the gory details.”
“There’s not that much to tell,” Michael answered. “She was poisoned with some kind of rare toxin. The lab still hasn’t been able to identify its origins. Fallon has made sure the case will be closed on her end with no further tie to Alex Stone.”
“I meant about the attack,” Conner grinned then tapped Michael on the chin playfully.
He sank down onto the soft cushions. “We exchanged a few pleasantries, then one of them took a swing at Alex.”
“And a bat to you,” Sean replied.
“Who do you think sent them?” Raph asked the group. “They didn’t just decide they didn’t like Michael’s shirt. They were out there for a reason.”
“Someone who knew you’d be there,” Conner replied.
“I didn’t even know where I wanted to go until I got to Vegas,” Michael sighed with a shake of his head. “And I didn’t tell anyone. I picked her up at Jason’s casino and it just popped in my head.”
“Then they followed you to her or followed you both to that place,” Sean said.
Conner mused over that for a few seconds, then he sat forward. “Find out who they belong to and why they went after your brother and Alex Stone.”
Raph and Sean stood and left the penthouse, each placed a mobile to their ear as the door closed with a small sound.
Conner scooted to the corner of the couch and turned to Michael, whose closed eyes were surrounded by his still and pale face. “You need to feed.”
“Later,” Michael replied with a shake of his head, not even opening his eyes, but Conner was already at the bar with a black mug in front of him.
The thick, dark blood poured smoothly and silently. He placed it in the small microwave and 30 seconds later, it was on the table in front of his son.
Michael moved slower than usual which meant he hadn’t fed enough. Externally, he looked fine, but internally, his body needed more time and blood. With the mug to his lips, Michael closed his eyes and emptied the contents in a few swallows.
“Thanks,” he whispered. “I guess I needed that.”
“So,” Conner stated as he took the mug back to the bar and made another warm drink for Michael. “What’s on your mind?”
“Why do you ask?” Michael replied.
“What happened out there?”
Michael sat back again with the mug cradled in his hands. Conner sat down in the chair and waited for him to begin.
“She’s—” he paused and took a drink. “There’s something different about her, Con. And not just that she fights like she’s got nothing to lose.”
Michael took another sip then put the mug down.
“She went all out on that guy. He didn’t stand a chance against her.”
Conner placed his elbows on his knees and stared at Michael. “That’s not unusual, Michael. You read the report on the project and its participants. The soldiers on the supplement are practically invincible.”
“That was not just being stronger or faster, Con,” Michael harped. “I’ve only seen skills like that on people who have had hundreds of years to hone them—people like us.”
Conner sat back again and shook his head. He’d hoped that Michael would have chalked up her abilities to her opponent not being as highly trained as she. But how could he deny what his son had seen with his own eyes? His fears were now confirmed.
“And you’re sure it wasn’t that her opponent wasn’t that good?”
Michael laughed at him. “He was good enough. She was just way better.”
“Well, maybe Dr. Carlisle was not as forthcoming as he should have been regarding what those pills actually do for the humans who take them,” Conner offered.
Michael looked at his father then finished what was left of the blood before it got cold.
“I think we need to have another talk with the good doctor when they return from Romania,” he said as he stood and stretched. “If those guys were dosed with the same formula then Alex should have had a harder time kicking that guy’s ass. We should have tried harder to get that formula from him when we bought the company.”
Conner stood as well and Michael followed him to the kitchen. As he washed the mug, then dried and put it away, Michael seemed deep in thought. Was it time to tell them about his suspicions or should he wait until they had a chance to meet with Dr. Carlisle?
“I’ve known Jon a long time,” Conner said as he turned to Michael. “He’s very shrewd and very protective of his work and his soldiers. He knew one day he would have to give up the company, but he never planned on giving up that formula. He had his government right where he wanted them. Soldiers, even his superpowered ones, can die in combat. His formula will always belong to him and he’ll never let it go.”
Conner put a long arm around Michael’s shoulders as they exited the kitchen and took the stairs together. As they made their way down the hall, Michael sighed again.
“He could be leaving himself open to a threat not even his soldiers may be able to rescue him from,” Michael yawned.
Conner nodded. “He could.”
“Then why risk it? We could make him an insanely rich man if he were willing to sell.”
They stopped at the door to Michael’s old room. Conner pushed the door open and patted Michael’s shoulder. Michael’s room was just as he’d left it.
“I don’t think money is a factor here,” Conner lied. “I think it’s more an ego thing. Right now, he has the most powerful human beings on the planet to protect him from just about any threat. That kind of makes him God. Who would give that up?”
Michael didn’t reply. He just nodded and then said goodnight to his father. The door closed as Conner opened Drew’s across the hall. He was asleep; his big red headphones were still on his head. Conner slipped inside and pulled them off gently. He turned off the music, then placed the device on the nightstand and turned off the lamp.
He watched Drew for a few minutes before he closed the door. Inside his own bedroom, he sat down on the bed and pulled his fingers through his hair. That always helped him think. Tonight, he had a lot to con
The future of his kind was at the top of that list. Then came the possible existence of a female hybrid—one that seemed more powerful than the last one he encountered 600 years ago, the one he had killed because she existed and could reproduce with the pure. Once Tristan remembered what she was, he would stop at nothing to make her his.
Chapter 17
“We use call signs from here on out,” they heard Alex say. “So get used to them.”
When she got a text that Jason was ready to leave for the meeting, she stood, and her team followed. As she adjusted her earpiece, it crackled, then the ambient noise settled in her head. It felt weird to have a gun strapped to her body again, but, somehow, she thought she missed that feeling.
Xavier and Kai headed outside to check the SUVs one last time. David and Erin double-checked the wireless access to all communication and tracking devices. One device was embedded in the jackets they wore. It not only fed GPS coordinates to the main tablet but vital signs too. Amy and Sebastian waited with Alex next to the bank of elevators. Jason would be down any minute.
“Casino on the way down,” she said when a new text came through.
“Shooter and Linchpin ready at transport,” Xavier stated. She could hear Kai’s laugh cut through the announcement.
“I’m gonna kill you, Linchpin,” she tried not to laugh but did anyway. “Get serious.”
“Sorry, Nest,” he snickered. “I’m good now.”
Everyone laughed, then the elevator doors slid open with a weak gust of trapped wind. With Adam in the lead, Jason came into view dressed in an Italian wool suit, brown leather boots, and a gorgeous smile. He didn’t look nervous at all.
Amy quickly moved to his right and Alex to his left while Sebastian brought up the rear of the group.
“Casino on the way out,” Alex said.
“We’re ready,” Xavier answered.
“Casino,” Jason chuckled. “That’s original.”
By Blood Sworn Page 17