Daddy's Sweetheart Part 2

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Daddy's Sweetheart Part 2 Page 3

by Burns, Rachel

  I sat down on his lap and looked up at him with my dark blue eyes. “I only buy the properties with the colors I like, or if you have two of the same color then I buy the third, so I can trade it for one of my colors.”

  He threw his head back and laughed with all his heart. His whole body was shaking with laughter. His hands had moved to hold me so I wouldn't fall as he laughed.

  “You promised,” I complained. I stood up and put my hands on my hips.

  “I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I wasn't laughing at you I was laughing because it worked.” He tried to make a serious face.

  “You do realize that in real life the colors, that I just happen to like best, are the low income housing and the upper housing income, which in real life are also the properties that, make the most turnover. Whereas you kept on buying the middle income housing, which just isn't where the major deals are being made.”

  That had him laughing again. “Out of the mouths of babes. Who would have thought that you would be giving your Daddy tips on how to do his job?”

  Daddy was also a businessman. He and his brother continued their father's work.

  My Daddy was practically famous. His family had been one of the richest families in America (probably still were, for all I knew).

  They had built up the industry in this country. They were in the history books. Daddy had responsibilities in that direction, too.

  He wrapped his arms around me and led me up the stairs. Daddy was pretty strict about bedtimes. My first spanking from him had been about that. I prided myself on being a quick learner. I had never been punished for the same thing twice.

  He would bring me to bed and pretend to fall asleep. Sometimes he would get up again and leave his bedroom.

  Because I still had my period I was sleeping in my own bed. He would be bringing me to bed like I was a real little girl tonight.

  I burned to know what age he wanted me to be, but I didn't dare ask.

  Sometimes he wanted me to be a little girl who couldn't even get herself dressed and at other times he wanted me to be a smart school kid. I played it by ear.

  He brought me into my room through his. I couldn't get out of my room unless I went through his or Nanny's room. I was locked in, but it was something that we just didn't mention.

  Well, Daddy and I had talked about it once. After a bit he pretended that the conversation didn't happen.

  Which was probably the best thing for me. He had said he would do anything for me. I had asked him if he could stop and he didn't answer.

  He couldn't stop and I couldn't leave.

  I had to make the best out of my situation.

  “Off you go.” He pushed me in the direction of the bathroom. He was turning down my bed. I was finished when he came in to pick out my pajamas. He picked out the pink satin ones.

  I started in brushing my teeth. He got my hair brush out of the drawer and set it down on the counter. “Brush in circles, sweetheart.”

  I nodded and brush in circles for a couple of seconds. Then I went back to going back and forth and biting.

  “Circles, sweetheart.”

  “Where did you meet your friend today? Not at your office? Is his little girl sick.” I looked at him through the mirror.

  “No, it was when I was buying your game. She's fine. I don't think they will be canceling. She seemed nice, not as well behaved as you are, but nice enough,” he answered.

  I nodded, thinking about what he had said. “What do you mean by not as well behaved as I am? She isn't going to be wild and end up cutting my hair or something like that, is she?”

  Terrible things were going through my head. I figured if God make people the way Daddy was then he probably made women who would correspond to that, too.

  “No, she was just fussy. You would have waited quietly for Daddy to stop talking. She pulled on his arm and tried to drag him away and she kept interrupting us. He called her brat the whole time. You aren't a brat.” He had push my hair lovingly to the side, so he could open the zipper on the back of my dress. He removed it and put it to the side. I just had to step out of it when he politely asked me to do so.

  I finished with my teeth and turned so he could open the buttons on my blouse. He removed it and set it to the side.

  He was always very careful of our things. He never just threw his shoes in the corner, thinking the maid could clean it up. He had a picture in his head what the perfect life should look like. Now that he had me his dream life was complete.

  “Is Nanny going to have a tough time of it on Sunday?” I asked.

  “I don't know, but she'll probably be really glad that she gets to take care of you and not her. That girl sure could use a nanny. But she can't have yours.” He tapped my nose with his finger.

  I sat down so he could take my shoes off. He then rolled down my socks. His hands brushed over my leg as he did that.

  “So soft and smooth. Your nanny takes very good care of you. I think every little girl can profit from an experienced nanny.”

  Daddy put my dirty socks in the hamper. “Nanny got a call the other day. A woman who wants to become a nanny. She wants to look over Nanny's shoulder for a week. I said no, but maybe I should change my mind. Nanny could help train her. Maybe Cindy's Daddy could hire her. What do you think?” He had me naked in the meantime. He was holding my pajama bottoms open, so I could slip my foot in.

  I grabbed onto his shoulders for balance and lifted my foot into my pajamas. “I don't know. I don't like the idea of being a guinea pig.”

  Part of Nanny's job was disciplining me. She would have to show the nanny-in-training the proper way to spank me. She did it differently when we weren't playing school. The school way wasn't as bad as with the paddle over her knee in the bathroom. That was pain that wasn't quickly forgotten.

  “Nanny is very professional. She isn't going to spank you without cause, just so she could show someone how it is done.” He smiled at me as he helped me into my pajama top and did up the buttons.

  I wondered, since when was he able to read my thoughts so well. He sat me down and brushed my hair. He loved my long hair.

  I sat there very quietly and just let him. When he finished he put my brush away.

  It was time for bed. He led me to bed and tucked me in. I expected him to pick out a book to read to me, but he didn't.

  Instead, he laid down next to me and pulled me close. “I am so happy that you came into my life, sweetheart. You make your Daddy very happy.”

  I beamed at him. I loved being loved. “I love you too, Daddy.”

  He held me tight. I fell asleep on his chest.

  The next day was Saturday and my period was over. I was once again uncertain what to do. Should I tell him, or wait for him to ask.

  We sat together at breakfast, usually we ate in his bedroom, but this morning we ate in the dining room.

  I sipped on my hot chocolate and ate my scrambled eggs.

  Daddy looked through the paper. I had a feeling he didn't want to be disturbed so I remained quiet. He read a long time.

  I was getting bored. The butler brought me my third hot chocolate. I drank slowly.

  “Here, you can have the funnies.” He handed a very colorful section of the paper over to me. It was full of comics.

  I laughed quietly to myself. I read them all, even though I didn't get them all. Things that had to do with TV programs or current events, I just didn't get.

  Daddy folded up the paper and got up. “Let's go for a walk,” he declared.

  “Outside?” I asked, surprised.

  “Yes,” he smiled, “Where else?” He could have easily been mad.

  I figured that it was an unspoken rule that I wasn't supposed to mention the fact that I was being kept here, locked up and only allowed in certain rooms.

  He held out his hand to me and I reached for it. He escorted me towards the door. It had been a while since I had been outside. This was a big moment for me.

  Daddy led me out to his garden. He did
n't let go of my hand. He looked over and smiled at me a lot.

  “Your garden is lovely,” I said. I couldn't think of anything else to say.

  “It's our garden, sweetheart. Besides we're having a grill party tomorrow. You and Cindy can play out here. You should be familiar with it.”

  Daddy gave me the history of the garden. It had been designed by a famous architect. It was really very impressive. It had orchards like my father's garden did, too.

  We picked cherries off the trees and ate them. He could spit the pits a lot further than I could. We had fun doing that. I even had to hold my sides, because I was laughing so hard. Daddy could be fun to be with, too.

  Daddy explained that he wanted our guests to feel comfortable with us tomorrow. He didn't come out and say it, but he warned me to be good.

  I promised I would be.

  He kissed me then. He brought me back into the house and took me up to his bedroom. “Amelia, do you still have your period?” he asked in a strict way. I was embarrassed, but shook my head.

  His kissing intensified as he undressed me and pulled me to his bed. He, too, was quickly undressed.

  I wasn't sure if I should miss the reprieve, that I had enjoyed the last couple of days, or if I should just enjoy the closeness to him now?

  His whole manner changed. He had been so patient and now he was urgent.

  I was somehow nervous. He seemed to like that. He kissed me and pushed me back on the bed so I was laying down. He always took the lead with such things. I just let what would happen happen.

  The feel of his skin on mine felt so good. I had missed this side of him. His hand moved to the juncture in between my legs. My legs fell open for him so easily.

  His touch was like a drug, the more he gave, the more I wanted.

  I moved in closer to him. My hands moved franticly over his shoulders. I needed him now.

  He smiled and snorted a little. “Shh, little one, I'm here. I'll help you find your release.” He entered me then, bringing tears to my eyes. I held on to him as if for dear life. Each thrust was a beautiful gift.

  “I love you, Daddy,” I whispered.

  “I love you too, sweetheart.”

  We made love and talked all day. He told me that he had to go away for a couple of weeks next month. Just hearing him say that hurt my heart.

  “I have interests in Europe that need to be looked after personally.” His face was so serious.

  “I understand,” I said, trying to sound brave. “You said things like that would happen before we were married.”

  I was trying to reason with myself. I had been laying on his chest and looking him in the face as we talked. But now I sat up and turned away from him. I wanted to hide my pain.

  I guessed I just loved him more than he loved me.

  I took a deep breath and pulled the nerve together to ask him what was weighing on my heart, “Are you going to miss me?”

  “No, probably not.”

  I sucked air into my lungs as if he had hit me with his words. I nodded and said nothing.

  He sat up and laid an arm around me.

  I turned so he couldn't see my face, just yet. I had to wipe away my tears and compose myself. I couldn't do it. It had hurt too much. I loved him a lot more than he loved me.

  “Shh, don't cry. I was just trying to be funny. I'm not going to miss you, because I'm going to take you with me.” He turned me and held me to his chest.

  I let go and tears flowed out of me.

  “Really?” I asked, once I could talk again.

  “Of course, it's our honeymoon, just the two of us. I'm so sorry I hurt you. You are the thing I love most in this world. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings like that, sweetheart. Daddy loves you so much. Shh, little one.” His hand ran up and down my back comforting me.

  He loved me back. I was so relieved.

  “Don't you want to ask where we are going?” He was trying to change the topic away from my tears and insecurities but I hadn't collected myself yet.

  “It doesn't matter. I just want to be with you,” I sobbed on.

  He held me closer. “I feel like such a heel. I'll never try to be funny again,” he apologized.

  That did make me laugh. “It wasn't your fault. This is just all so new for me. I've never been wanted before. I keep thinking – I can't be this lucky.”

  I had wanted to say that I feared he would change his mind about me, but I remembered the spanking I had gotten for thinking and saying that once before.

  First, Nanny had paddled my behind and then Daddy had spanked the daylights out of me. That had been the worst weekend of my life. He had punished me until I was sick and feverish. I was scared again, just thinking about that.

  But he was being nice to me now. He was lovingly rubbing my back, and talking very softly to me. “We will be going to Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Do you know what those three countries have in common?”

  He was playing to my need to answer questions. Something that had helped to make me very unpopular back at school.

  “They all have German as their official language, except for Switzerland which also has French and Italian as national languages.”

  He started laughing at me. I could feel him shaking. “That's right, sweetheart. I saw on your report cards that you had four years of German at school. So you are probably fluent, right?”

  He was teasing me. I had gotten straight A's all my life. “Fluency can only be obtained under submersion of a language.”

  “Is that so?” He was still laughing. He probably thought that I was talking like an adult, pretending to be one.

  The headmistress, at the school I would be attending in September, had made a joke like that about one of the girls, too.

  “Yes, that is so,” I whispered hoping he still thought that I was cute.

  “Such a smart little girl.” He kissed me and whispered about our trip. Telling me where we would all be going, what he planned to buy me and so on.

  I had a feeling that he was trying to turn me on, but I was too practical for that.

  “But my closet is already full now. How are we supposed to get more stuff in there?”

  “Amelia sweetheart, you are so precious. It is a simple trick. We pack away your summer things and replace them with winter things. I can't wait to see you in those cute german dresses with the aprons.”

  He was smiling and staring off into space. He was imagining it.

  He dressed me like that anyway. The outfits that I wore were as close to german dresses as an American could get.

  “You don't have to buy me things, so I will like you.”

  Did he think that? I wasn't sure.

  I mean, I had showed him often enough that a simple ribbon was enough to make me very happy.

  “Amelia,” he sighed happily, “you really are the only person I could have married where I never have to wonder if it was because of my money. Your Daddy chooses to shower you with gifts, because it makes me happy. I know you aren't like that. Maybe I want to reward you because of that. I don't know, but I want to spoil you. Maybe it is my way of saying, I love you.”

  I cuddled into him and hung my head a little. “The problem is I can't give you anything back.” He was the giver, and I was the taker in our relationship.

  “You are just too young to understand that you give me more than I give you.” He held me closer.

  I believed that. I gave him a chance of a lifetime. The chance to live out his dreams of having a little girl, and him being a Daddy.

  What would he do with me when I was old?

  How long could he keep up this charade?

  He was already inside of me and making love to me before I was even awake the next morning. I woke up saying his name.

  “Daddy,” I whimpered and wrapped my arms around him.

  I was already so close. I let go of him having to hold onto the corners of my pillow for support. I was able to enjoy my building climax. He almost always woke me up this way. />
  I was getting loud, whimpering in a pleasure so intense that I could hardly take it. I finally climaxed then. I felt the tears running down my face.

  He paused only for a moment before he continued on again. He was driving me mad with lust.

  He was always quiet while we made love, but I couldn't always do that. The noises just came out of me. I couldn't help it.

  “Daddy!” I screamed when the next one hit, stronger than the one before it.

  He still wasn't quitting. I had to wonder how much of this my heart and lungs could take.

  He came with me as I achieved my third orgasm. He laid down on top of me, also trying to catch his breath.

  We were both panting as our heart rates slowly became normal again. I lifted my hips every now and then as I rode my orgasm back down, on the way to relaxation.

  He pulled out of me and sat on the edge of the bed.

  He was fumbling with something under the bed. “Come here, sweetheart.”

  I slowly crawled over to him. I sat behind him with my head rested on his shoulder. I still needed a moment to gather myself.

  “Come here.” He reached back to me with his arm. He pulled me to him. At first I thought he wanted me to sit on his lap but then he pulled me over his knees.

  I was confused. I didn't understand what I had done to deserve a spanking.

  I thought back to my surprise that I got to go outside, or had I said something else wrong?

  The first smack landed on my left cheek. It was followed by a second smack to my right cheek.

  I was already crying, but mostly from my confusion. He wasn't hitting full force.

  The next smack landed over both of the other smacks. He repositioned me, raising my bottom up higher. I knew what that meant. He had found a very painful spot low on my behind just where my thighs began.

  “No, please no.” My right hand flew back. He grabbed it and gave me two solid smacks, where it really really hurt. He kept on spanking me.

  I was crying uncontrollably by the time he stopped, which was a couple of minutes later.

  He pulled me onto his lap and held me until I had settled down a bit.


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