Can't Fix Cupid

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Can't Fix Cupid Page 13

by Raven Kennedy

  “Yeah, it’s fucking weird, I’ll give you that. But...I don’t know. I think she’s harmless. She’s different. Fun. Pulls you out of your hardass shell. It was interesting, watching the two of you interact. A relationship like that...a real one… It would be good for you. And I think she could be good for you.”

  I cut my eyes over to him because he knows I don’t like talking about this. Ever.

  “But would it be any good for her?” I challenge. “You fucking know better, so I don’t want to hear about this shit anymore. Drop it.”

  At that, Harvey looks away, unable to hold my gaze. A strained pause stretches between us until he clears his throat. “I’ll just leave you to it then.”

  I’m being an asshole. It’s the first way I lash out. Harvey has been the recipient of my anger so many times I don’t think he really expects anything else. But he doesn’t deserve that. He didn’t do anything wrong. My life is just a convoluted mess of shitty circumstances.

  Before he can walk out the door, I stop him. “H.”

  He looks over his shoulder at me.

  I sigh. “Want to grab a drink after work?”

  Harvey takes my puny peace offering with a smile. “Yeah, I’m actually meeting up with Blue tonight, so you can meet us there.”

  Surprise flits over my features. “Blue—really?”

  “Yeah, she’s a fun chick,” he says with a shrug.

  “Well, good for you,” I say, and I mean it.

  He nods. “See you later then?”


  As soon as Harvey walks out, leaving me alone again, I slump back in my chair and let out a sigh.

  One day.

  One fucking day, and Trix Valentine got me so fucked in the head, that I’m even taking it out on my best friend.

  I have to get her out of my system and off of my mind.

  And there’s only one thing to do when a woman gets under your skin. You get on top of a different one.

  It’s time that my self-imposed dry spell ended. Tonight.

  Chapter 18


  I’m on a fricken roll.

  Day five, and I’ve got this shit handled. Eros himself is practically high-fiving me from the heavens.

  Okay, not really. But I am making Matches. I’m gonna be Cupid 2.0 in no time. The Veil is gonna yank me in for a solid bro-hug. It misses me. I can feel it.

  Or maybe that’s the alcohol I’m feeling...


  I thought Blue and Bea could drink? Well, they got nothin’ on Hummingbird Judy Sunshower, let me tell you. I think she’s on her eighth shot, and she’s still chugging along like a damn champ.

  Hum Judy is a vision tonight, too. A paisley off-the-shoulder shirt, her gray hair is re-feathered and beaded to perfection, and her bell bottoms are so wide at the ankle that I haven’t seen her feet all night, and she’s rocking the whole look.

  Hale and Rob are enjoying themselves at the pool table, while Hum Judy and I do another shot. I swallow it down and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand as the crazy sweet taste hits me. “What was that one?”

  “Bazooka Joe,” she tells me, slamming her own shot glass down on the tall table we’re currently sitting at. “Like it?”

  I shrug. “I liked the blow job one better.”

  “That’s a classic,” she says with a nod, her twinkling eyes locked on her men currently playing pool under black lights. “That’s right, Robbie! Sink it in real good!” she calls.

  Rob casts a look over his shoulder at her, and despite the glowing lights, I’m fairly certain he’s blushing. But he winks at her anyway, and she blows him a kiss.

  Hale uses Rob’s distraction to smack him on the ass with his pool stick, making Rob jump.

  Hum Judy cackles. “Those two crack me up.”

  I smile at their display. “Alright,” I say, forcing myself to stand up. “I’m gonna go do more cupid matchmaking love guru stuff.”

  Hum Judy waves me away. “Do your thing, girl.”

  I straighten up and glance around at the club. When Bea and Blue invited me to come out with their friends tonight, I didn’t think it was going to be with a small horde of scantily dressed women ready to light up the dance floor, but damn, these girls know how to have a good time.

  Already, I’ve managed to pair up three of the women with some possible Matches. One of the couples is currently grinding on each other on the dance floor, and the other couple disappeared into the dark hallway about fifteen minutes ago. The last couple already left.

  My cupid mark is tingling, and I’m finally feeling confident, with the help of the liquid courage I’ve been downing, so I’m going to do it. I’m going to try to use my powers.

  I want it to work so damn badly, and the fact that my mark has been prickling gives me hope.

  I yank on the hem of my borrowed dress as I start making my way through the crowd. The dress is made entirely of patched together denim, like something Britney Spears wore during her Justin Timberlake era. Still, the hem is short, and the bust shoves my boobs up spectacularly, so it was the best option from the communal bin. It was either this or a handkerchief crop top. The glossy white Spice Girls platform shoes really pull the whole look together, too. Honestly, I’m rocking it.

  Spotting a familiar black-haired woman, I head towards Blue’s friend, Meggy, who’s currently sitting at the bar chatting up a random dude.

  “Hey, Meggy,” I greet as a slide up next to her.

  “Trix!” she squeals with delight.

  Based on her greeting, you’d think we’ve been friends forever instead of just meeting about an hour ago. Forget insta love; I’m like an insta BFF.

  Meggy plops a kiss on my cheek as I stand behind her and her man candy. The guy is cute with swept blonde hair, and based on the way they can’t keep their eyes off each other, it’s clear that the attraction is off the charts.

  “How are you guys doing over here?” I ask.

  “Great!” Meggy answers. “Joshua here was just telling me about how he grew up in Texas. Isn’t that cool?”

  “It was pretty hot, actually,” Joshua jokes.

  Meggy starts giggling. “Oh my gosh! You’re so funny!”

  The way he looks at her is full of this crazy intense heat. It’s obvious that he wants her to gobble the goose.

  They’re the perfect couple to close the deal with. The attraction and desire are already there, so a little added Lust will simply push them over the edge. But if my powers still malfunction, then I might ruin the natural chemistry that they have, which I don’t want.

  But I have to try.

  Every day, I feel a little bit differently. Like my powers are finally settling under my skin. Maybe it’s wishful thinking, but maybe not. Maybe by me making Matches the old fashioned matchmaker way, I’ve kickstarted my own cupidity.

  I throw my arms around both of their shoulders and decide to go with some simple Flirt Touches first. I shove away my doubts and press my fingertips against them, thinking strictly flirtatious thoughts.

  I can do this.

  I push and push and push out my powers as hard as I can.

  But nothing happens.

  My shoulders slump with dejection. Shit on a sickle.

  I shouldn’t feel disappointed. I should expect this by now. Maybe the tingles on my cupid mark don’t mean anything. Maybe I was wrong to be hopeful, maybe—

  Sparks of gorgeous, perfect pink and purple power suddenly shoot out of my fingertips and soak into their bodies.

  My jaw drops open in surprise as I stare wide-eyed at my fingertips.

  They both jolt in their seats since I hit them with a little too much Flirtation, but holy shit, it worked!

  Immediately, it has the desired effect. Before I can even fully remove my hands from around their shoulders, they’re leaning into each other, flirting up a storm even more than they were before.


  I nailed it!

  Me. Cupid Thirty. Tripl
e X. Trix Valentine.

  I just motherfuckin’ Flirt Touched the shit outta them like a damn pro! I wish my cupid partner were here to see me now.

  Totally amped up, I decide to go in for the kill and strike the horny metal while it's hot. Shaking slightly from the adrenaline, I blow a puff of Lust between them and then hold my breath.

  When I see the pink escape my mouth, actual tears well up in my eyes.

  It’s not the perfect bubblegum pink like it’s supposed to be, but it is pink, and that’s the first time I’ve ever been able to do that.

  Meggy’s and Joshua’s eyes become hooded as they breathe the desire in. My cupid mark starts going crazy, and I have to reach down to itch the skin to get it to stop jumping.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” he asks her.

  Meggy nods. “Definitely.”

  They both jump up from their seats, and he settles a hand on her ass as he starts leading her away. She gives me a wink and an air kiss as she follows him out.

  “Have fun!” I call at their backs as they depart.

  The smile on my face is so wide that my cheeks start aching.

  I did it.

  I actually did it.

  I used my cupidity powers twice, and it fricken worked!

  Since I’m entirely distracted by my own joy, it takes me a moment to realize that someone across the club is staring at me. And then it takes me another moment to realize who it is.

  The smile on my face slowly melts off like wax escaping a candle.

  Warren Knight is sitting there at the table, drink in hand, glaring right at me.

  His suit jacket is noticeably absent, and the sleeves of his dress shirt are rolled up on his forearms all sexy-cool, while his tie is still neatly in place.

  He’s lounging back against his chair, swirling alcohol in his cup as he watches me. And though we’re on opposite ends of the club, I swear I can feel those dark eyes of his boring straight through my skin.

  But that’s not why my gut starts churning or why the smile abandons my face. It’s because he’s sitting across the table from a beautiful woman.

  Confusing emotions swirl through my head before I settle on anger. Crazy, intense, fuming anger.

  Before I fully think it through, I find myself marching my denim-clad ass straight to his table.

  As soon as he sees me heading in his direction, his body tenses and he sits up straight. The woman he’s with has long platinum blonde hair, and she’s wearing a skin-tight red dress with spiky stilettos that are at least four inches high. She’s a solid ten, a shiny model just like usual. And from the looks of things, as she simultaneously talks his ear off while scrolling through her phone, he seems to be bored out of his mind like usual too.

  After weaving past the crowd of people, I make it to his table and place my hands on my hips. “You’re on a date?” I say accusingly.

  Like the bastard he is, he makes me wait by taking a long drink before answering me. “Yes.”

  I’m pissed. My eyes feel like I could shoot lasers out of them and burn him to a crisp. I try it, just in case my Veil powers wanna throw me a bone, but no such luck.

  “I’m your matchmaker,” I say through gritted teeth. “You said you didn’t want to go on any more dates.”

  He leans forward slightly, letting his forearm rest against the edge of the table as he regards me coolly. “No, I just said I didn’t want to be set up with any more women by you.”

  I bristle and point a finger at his stupid, hot asshole face. “For the record, I’m an excellent matchmaker. I’ve already got four couples hooked up tonight. And for the second record, at least my date didn’t bore you out of your mind.”

  The woman’s blonde head snaps over to me, finally peeling her eyes away from her phone. “Hey, bitch!” she snaps.

  “It’s not you, it’s him,” I assure her.

  She seems immediately appeased as she nods and turns her attention back to her phone. “Hashtag true,” she says.

  Warren’s face hardens. “If I were you, I’d slow down on the drinks, Miss Valentine,” he says with mock civility. “Wouldn’t want to spend another night puking on the sidewalk, now would we?”

  A flush of embarrassment tinges my cheeks, and because of my blush, he actually has the audacity to smirk at me.

  How can this man, who so sweetly took care of me that night, throw it back in my face now?

  “You’re a real asshole, you know that?”

  “So I’ve been told,” he says with leveled indifference.

  The woman, obviously over this whole exchange, turns to him with a lip gloss pout. “I need another drink, Knight.”

  “Finally, something we seem to have in common,” he mutters.

  He raises a hand to signal a waitress over, but I don’t want to stick around for another second. This whole exchange has me angry, hurt, and confused. I can’t analyze exactly what I’m feeling, especially not with all the alcohol running through my veins.

  I turn on my platforms and march away as quickly as my ankles allow me to.

  Blue intercepts me just as I’m about to pass the dance floor. “Hey, girl! Are you having fun?”

  I give her a shaky smile and nod. “Oh, yeah. Tons. You?”

  “Yup. Harvey just got here, but I’m making him sweat a little,” she says with a grin, nodding over at him where he’s currently watching her from his spot near the DJ. “Wanna dance with us?”

  I shake my head. “Nah, you guys do your thing. I’m gonna go check on some of the others and see how they’re doing, and then catch a cab home.”

  She nods and lets me go as a new song blasts through the sound system, and she and the others start hopping around and singing along to the lyrics.

  My mood has tanked, and I find that I just want to be alone, but I’m in the worst possible place for that. And besides, to hell with that. I was having a great time before. I’m not going to let Warren Knight ruin my first-ever clubbing experience.

  I head over to the bar to get another shot, sure that it can wash away the bad taste in my mouth left behind by Warren.

  As soon as I get there, the bartender comes over. “I want another blow job,” I tell him, my voice raised over the sound of the music.

  I hear a chuckle next to me. “That makes two of us.”

  I turn to look at the guy beside me. He’s wearing holey jeans and a wool turtleneck sweater that’s got to be making him sweaty. He has shaggy brown hair that skims the top of his shoulders, a beard, and thick-rimmed glasses perched on his nose. He has a total hipster, chic-n-shabby vibe going on, and the way he’s smiling at me forces a smile across my lips as well.

  “I don’t think you can order the kind you’re talking about,” I tease.

  His grin widens as he settles next to me. “I think you’re right. Such a shame.”

  The bartender practically rolls his eyes at the guy before sliding my shot over. Mr. Chic-and-Shabby pays for it, so I get to keep the few bucks that Blue lent me tucked away in my cleavage.

  “So what’s your name, gorgeous?”

  “Trix,” I answer. “How about you?”

  “Sparrow,” he tells me, holding out his hand.

  We shake lightly. “Thanks for the drink.”

  “I’d be an idiot if I didn’t provide you with a blow job.”

  My gods. He’s flirting with me. Dude is actually flirting with me.

  My second life to-do list just got at least three more entries added onto it, which now includes hot, shabby chic sex with Sparrow, the glasses-wearing, turtlenecked hipster.

  An embarrassing giggle-snort escapes me. “Very smooth.”

  He gives me a slow once over, his blue eye settling on my hair. “I’m digging the pink,” he says. “It suits you, Trix.”

  “I like your glasses,” I say in reply.

  “Thanks,” he says as his body leans in closer to me. His blue eyes flick down to the shot glass in front of me. “Are you gonna drink that?”

doesn’t seem fair that I’m going to sit here swallowing a blow job while you do nothing,” I smirk.

  A salacious grin takes over his face. He turns and gives a chin lift to the bartender. When the man comes over, Sparrow orders a buttery nipple, and the bartender quickly makes it and slides it over.

  Sparrow clinks his glass to mine. “Shall we?”

  We raise our glasses at the same time, dumping the contents into our mouths. I set my glass down on the bar top with a grin. “Mmm. So yummy.”

  Sparrow’s eyes are trained on my lips as I lick the rest of the liquid off of them.

  “Delicious,” he purrs.

  He reaches out and starts trailing his hand up and down my arm, causing me to shiver. He’s cute and nice, and the sexual banter is totally fun. I’ve never flirted before, but I’m enjoying myself immensely. Still, there’s something…missing.

  That spark of heat that I’ve seen people get just isn’t there. He’s attractive, and there’s nothing wrong with him, but there’s no intensely lustful magnetism between us.

  But honestly, what do I know? I’m having a good enough time, and maybe there’s something here. For some reason though, Warren’s face flashes in front of my eyes. When I glance over my shoulder, he and the woman are gone, and the table is already occupied with a new group of people.

  My heart does a weird flip in my chest that I don’t fully understand.

  Is it possible that I’m not just upset about him refusing to let me set him up?

  That thought stuns me. It stuns me so thoroughly that I miss the words coming out of Sparrow’s mouth.

  Shaking my head to clear it, I force myself to pay attention. “I’m sorry, what?”

  Sparrow’s hand moves from stroking my arm to wrap around my waist. His thumb starts making small circles over my dress. “I was just saying that a few of my friends are hanging out outside on the patio. Want to head out there?”

  I let my eyes scan over the club again, searching for Warren, but I don’t see him anywhere. So he left with that woman? Fine. I should be happy, right? This is what I’ve always wanted for him. To make connections. To let loose. To desire, to have sex, to love. Maybe that lip glossed blonde is going to be a Match for him. Who knows? Maybe the confusing jumble of emotions currently swirling through me are just the alcohol talking. Regardless, he left. And I’m here with Sparrow.


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