Sword Art Online - Volume 10 - Alicization Running

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Sword Art Online - Volume 10 - Alicization Running Page 24

by Reki Kawahara

  —Here, wipe off your tears and stand up. Go feel, feel the prayers of these flowers.

  —Feel, the laws of this world...

  The voice ended here, seemingly disappearing somewhere in the midst of the night sky.

  I took a deep breath into my chest that was still trembling, exhaled, used the sleeves of my uniform to wipe away my tears, supported myself and stood up.

  I slowly turned around, and an unbelievable scene appeared right in front of me. The four Sacred Flowers that were grown in the 4 parts of the flower beds... the blooming Anemones, the Marigolds that weren't even budding, the Dahlia that was growing a little stem and even the Cattleya that was hidden underground were all giving off a murky green glow in the dark night.

  Sacred Power. Space resource. These words were all meaningless in the face of this kind, steady yet powerful light.

  I reached my arms out to these 4 Sacred Flowers, seemingly guided.

  “...Please, give me power... Life, share some with me.”

  I muttered slightly and imagined. I imagined the Sacred Flowers giving off Life, using me as a catalyst and flowing to the Zephyria flowers left in the planter.

  Countless flickering green lines appeared in the flower beds. They continued to get close to each other, weave with each other, and finally became countless thick bonds. I waved my fingers, and they danced in the air silently before finally moving to a single point.

  At this point, I just needed to watch them. The bonds of light covered the planter that was left only with wilted stems, seemingly surrounding it a few times...and seemingly forming a huge flower as it got absorbed by the soil and disappeared.

  And then,

  The 23 stems slowly grew at a speed the naked eye could see.

  The flower buds slowly expanded, seemingly spreading their sharp precious blade-like leaves, and seemingly protected by them.

  I watched this scene, and tears again swelled.

  This was... such an inexplicable world. Everything should just be a virtual being, but it had a beauty even the real world couldn't match... the power of Life... and the firm will.

  “...Thank you.”

  I thanked the 4 Sacred Flowers in the flower beds and the owner of that inexplicable voice. I pondered for a while, and took out the school emblem from my uniform collar that was held with a pin. I reached my hand out, put it in a corner of the planter, and seemingly declared: This is my territory.

  Once I return to the room, I'll say sorry to the black sword lying in the drawer... the branch of the Gigas Cedar. And then, I'll thank it for helping me in the duel against Uolo.

  As I considered this, I continued to stare intently at the Zephyria flowers that regained its life. The 7.30pm bell rang, and I finally stood up from the flower beds and walked towards the dorm.

  I inadvertently turned my head right in front of the door, and everything, the stone hedge surrounding the flower beds, the back of the large practice arena roof and the Axiom Church's Centoria Cathedral that looked like it was about to cut this starry night sky entered my eyes. Orange lights came out from numerous windows like skyscrapers in the real world, yet it was much taller and more beautiful than those skyscrapers.

  —Suddenly, a light left the tower from a rather tall tower.

  How could that be? I stared at the light spot, but that wasn't my eyes seeing things or an illusion. The proof was that the light spot continued to increase its brightness and closed in on the North Centoria streets. The light continued to maintain its height as it gradually glided, and its real identity was...

  “...A flying dragon!”

  I couldn't be mistaken here. That was a light from a large lamp on the dragon armor as it flew in the air. That wasn't a signal or warning light, but a lamp let the people on the ground show their fear and awe. Riding on that dragon's back was one of the strongest law enforcers in the world— an «Integrity Knight».

  The giant dragon unfolded its wings, seemingly gliding through the night sky and flew to the north east. It was most likely fulfilling its duty of protecting the human world as it flew to the Mountain Range of the Edge. Eugeo and I spent a year finishing this 750km, yet that dragon only needed a day.

  The light of the lamp disappeared, and I turned back to look at the splendor of the Cathedral. The Integrity Knight probably flew from ¾ of the height. Maybe there was something like an airport there. I continued to look up, and the highest level was mixed into the night sky, so I couldn't tell. There should be a door linking to the real world, what I was looking for.

  However— There was a fading feeling of wanting to go home, increasing day by day. Was it my imagination? I was also getting the feeling of wanting to know more about this world, unlike what I wanted. Was I thinking too much...?

  I took in the fragrance of these flowers and slowly exhaled it. I looked away from the Cathedral and gently pushed aside the large old gate of the exit.

  At the end of March—

  Second ranked elite swordsman trainee Solterina Celulute defeated Top ranked elite swordsman trainee Uolo Levanteinn during the final graduations selection battle, and graduated as the top student of Norlangarth Master Swords Academy.

  As she left, I handed her the planter full of Zephyria flowers. Rina-sempai showed me a beaming smile for the first time, accompanied by tears.

  Two weeks after she graduated, she took part in the «Empire Swordsmanship Tournament» held in the imperial arena, but was matched against a member of the Norlangarth Knights. Unfortunately, after an intense battle, she lost.

  Interlude II

  The sound of boots echoed throughout the wide room.

  "Elite Swordsman trainee Eugeo-dono, I would like to report! Today's sweeping is completed!"

  The source of the voice was a young girl that was wearing a grey novice swordsman trainee uniform.

  As it had not been even a month since she entered school in spring and became a valet, her posture was full of nervousness.

  Eugeo already tried his best to treat her nicely, but no matter what he said, she could never relax... But Eugeo understood this situation because he was the same last year. In a certain sense, the fact that there were only 12 elite swordsmen was already scarier than the instructors themselves for a novice student.

  It would take around 2 months to initiate a normal conversation, and it was the same for Eugeo as well. However, she was not a typical partner after all, and this would be the only exception.

  After closing the old sacred arts textbook, Eugeo stood up from the high-back chair and nodded as he said.

  "Thanks for everything, Teiza. You can now go back to your dorm... Eh, erm..."

  His vision switched to the girl with tea colored hair standing next to the crimson haired Teiza, who was also straightening her back.

  "...Sorry, Ronie. I told that person to come back before his room is swept..."

  Eugeo apologized for his partner who disappeared after the training, the novice trainee called Ronie widened her eyes and shook her head,

  "It's-It's fine, the mission's only completed after the report!"

  "Well, even if it is embarrassing, please wait for a little longer. I don't know how to say it, well... I do apologize for my roommate's behavior..."

  The Norlangarth Empire's Master Sword Academy was an institute that gathered the noble sons and daughters of Norlangarth and groomed them to become the best swordsmen. But once they stepped through the gates of the school, those with noble blood would have to start on the same line as the other novice trainees.

  For the first year, there was almost no chance to even touch a real sword, so the only thing they could do was to continuously train with a wooden sword, studying the Art of Battle and learn Sacred Arts. Also, the novice trainees had to complete all the other miscellaneous tasks while studying.

  The task assigned to them was determined by your score in the sword skill exam. 90% of the students were assigned to clean the school and maintain the tools, or grow the Sacred flowers. The top
12 students were assigned as valets for the elite swordsmen, and were often the target of jealousy, envy from their peers and 2 months of nervousness.

  But, even though they were called valets, the actual tasks they got did not really differ much as compared to the other students. They cleaned up the elite swordsmen's rooms like their peers cleaning the classroom and the training area. If the student the valet followed was a bad person who deliberately threw trash, made ruckus or had the tendency to sometimes go out and disappear, the valet would be troubled every day.

  "...If you wish, Ronie, I can talk to the teacher and change your mentor... If you keep following that person, it will definitely be a tough year for you."

  "It's-It's not tough at all!"

  After hearing Eugeo's idea, Ronie once again shook her head, and at this moment, there was a familiar noise that came not from the door, but from the open window that was filled with the yellow sunset.

  "Fufu, what are you talking about behind my back?"

  The person who arrived in the room through the 3rd floor window was the one wearing the elite swordsman uniform, Kirito. His appearance was the same, but his uniform was pitch black, unlike Eugeo's blue and grey one. The color of their uniform could be chosen as this was one of the many privileges of an elite swordsman trainee.

  After seeing Kirito carry a bag that smelled really good, Ronie showed a relieved face, but then immediately showed a tense expression again, and the sound of boots echoed around the room.

  "Elite swordsman Kirito-sama, I would like to report! Today's sweeping is complete without delay!"

  "Okay, thanks for everything."

  Kirito embarrassedly scratched his head as he answered Ronie, not being used to the idea of having a valet as usual. Looking at him, Eugeo gave a wry smile and started to officially ask his partner what was going on.

  "Uh, Kirito, I won't tell you not to go out of campus, but the girls are a lot busier than you, so please be back before the sweeping is completed. Anyways, why did you have to come in through the window?"

  "Coming through the window would be the shortest distance if you're coming back from the 3rd Eastern Street. You should also remember that, Ronie and Teiza. Maybe it will be useful in the future."

  "Don't teach them weird things! ...Speaking of the 3rd Eastern Street, the things in the paper bag are honey pies right?"

  The sweet smell that was flowing through Kirito's hands violently stimulated Eugeo's pre-dinner stomach.

  "...It is true those are good, but you don't have to buy so much."

  "Fufu, you could have just said it directly if you want them, Eugeo-kun."

  Kirito smirked as he took out 2 fresh golden honey pies. He placed one in his mouth, one next to Eugeo, and gently placed the remaining paper bag into Ronie's hands.

  "When you return to the dorm, eat it with your roommates."

  "WAAA!" Immediately, Ronie and Teiza squealed in happiness like what 15-16 year old girls should have, but immediately frantically stood back again.

  "Tha-Thank you very much, Elite swordsman trainee-sama!" Ronie said.

  "Let's hurry back to the dorm so that the food's "Life" won't drop too much! See you tomorrow!" Teiza spoke loudly.

  After doing a quick simple salute, the 2 walked through the room with their boots calling, opened the door, and went out to the corridor.

  They nodded slightly as the door was being closed, and happy squeals could be heard with the rattling footsteps that quickly disappeared as they moved further and further away.


  While taking a large bite into the freshly baked pie, Eugeo stared at Kirito.


  "No, it's nothing. It's just that I'm thinking, oh elite swordsman trainee Kirito-sama, that you might have forgotten the true reason why we are here."

  "Ha, who can forget about that?"

  Kirito quickly finished his pie, and after licking his thumbs, his black eyes immediately looked out the window— far beyond the beginner swordsmen's dorm was the Axiom Church's giant tower that stood in the middle of Centoria.

  "3 more times... We finally reached here. First, we have to beat the other 10 elite swordsmen during the graduation test, and get the roles of representatives of this school. Then, we have to defeat the uncles, those knights and guards during the Imperial Swordsmanship Tournament. Next, we have to be the last 2 standing in the Four Empires Unity Tournament. Finally, you can become an Integrity Knight and openly enter that tower."

  "Mn... 1 more year... then, we can finally..."

  —Finally meet her, the blond girl, my friend who was taken by the Integrity Knights in front of my eyes eight years ago.

  Eugeo turned his eyes away from the Central Cathedral far away, and focused on the black and white swords lying at the wall of the room.

  ...As long as the blades of fate guiding us are still here, we will definitely not fail...

  Eugeo strongly believed without any doubt.

  (Alicization Running End)


  I’m Kawahara Reki. This is the <> for everyone.

  The tag <> was just as what it stated, how it was going on, the running of the process. I did not expect this volume to not give the impression of running however…the front half was completely filled with an explanation of the situation (such things would happen when I write my books). When exactly will Sword become Art? I think there should be quite a few readers who thought this way. I will say some usual words through this print. I’m really sorry for having so many explanations.

  On a side note, I need to confess to everyone. The questionable chapter where Kikuoka-shi, who should be on the protagonist side, started talking about all those things were not a representation of the author’s thoughts. His motives were all developed from his position. Of course, there were many characters with opposing motives (in fact, Asuna denied Kikuoka’s thoughts…). I did not want to do this <> in the first place and explain my position in the main text to the readers, but this part of my work here was not very positive…I will continue to work hard on improving my writing abilities, and I hope everyone can understand.

  Also, another thing I have to apologize for. This book was released on the 10th of July, 2012, breaking the traditional format of selling <> ever since it was released. I wanted to match the release of the TV anime SAO release time, but it was true that I risked the timing. I am really sorry to all the readers who were hoping for regular releases! Also, I predict (or maybe, I hope) that <> after this volume will be released in August as planned. After that I will go back to releasing every alternate months. I think I really have to work hard in aspects I have to work hard in. If there is any day where the schedule collapses, I will apologize fully then…even though I say so, I will be really sorry if that ‘which day’ would happen this year…

  As I stated before, the TV anime premiere should be starting while this volume’s released. SAO, which started in a certain corner of the web as a web novel 10 years ago, was serialized by Dengeki Bunko, turned into a manga, became a Drama CD, and animated. Of course, I am really happy, but I still felt a little sense of disbelief. This was not a game script, but there were many breaking points here. If the supervisor was not Miki-shi, if the illustrator was not abec-san, if I did not win the grand prize of the 15th Dengeki Bunko light novel contest, if the web serialization was stopped, if I did not have the idea of ‘writing a death game VRMMO’ ten years ago, there probably would not be such a situation. I am basically a person who will do when I want to and definitely not do when I do want to, but this work called SAO gave me such great power I had never imagined before. Of course, most of this here would be the power of the great readers who gave support to this work and the author. The story will continue, and if I can continue to accompany Kirito on his adventure, that will be grateful.

  Unknowingly, it is now the 3rd page. I want t
o write about some recent situation…but I cannot think of anything good to write…! The one bike I liked had a fixed travelling distance, exactly similar to the treadmill I have at home. I wondered whether the output will decrease with the input, so I tried my best to think about what I wanted to do, going everywhere to travel and stuff, but due to time constraints, my interested were limited. To be honest, I really want to do these things now! That was what I felt when I wrote this original script (laughs). Even if I do so, my writing speed will not increase, which really infuriates my heart.

  It is only 3 years after release that I am expressing such thoughts, but I am really fortunate to write what I want to say. It looks easy, but in fact, it is really, really hard. And even if I work hard, what I could do got lesser and lesser…as for my health, I have to continue cycling. My aim is to cycle 150km every week.

  There are still 14 lines, but the time limit for handing in my script would be 10 minutes later, so I will stop here. If it were the old me, I would take 5 lines writing my thanks, but I can only write a few things here, so I will use future developments instead…

  In the third volume of the <>, Kirito and Eugeo will finally move to the core of Underworld. How the world is constructed, and who rules this world will be revealed…these should be all for future developments, so please continue to support the next volume of this series.

  I hope for great support for the anime and the SAO game edition that is developed by the makers. I guess it will not be those death games you cannot log out from!


  ↑ A rough translation would be the term "Oh dear" or "Oh geez".

  ↑ 蒼風斬

  ↑ Okay, the original text gave it as 中心角四十五度, which will mean central angle of 45 degrees, but the author himself has corrected it to be 90 degrees. Tweet is here


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