Kiss of Frost

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Kiss of Frost Page 5

by Graceley Knox

  "No. I want you to restrict it. I'll show you." Beck utters a few words, and with a blue pop, the mage closest to him jerks before lying still again.

  "Got it." Jem heads back to the rooms she searched and I hear her muttering under her breath. Beck and I clear the rest of the room, but he hesitates when we reach the final man.

  "What is it?" I press a hand to the middle of his back, hoping my touch will help him in some way.

  "I think I know this one."

  "You think you do, or you know you do?" Beck running into anyone who was a part of his torture can't be easy. I can't imagine that he'd feel friendly or merciful toward them.

  "I can't be sure. But he looks so familiar. He might have been there when they cast us into the stones."

  A light bulb blinks in my head and I step in front of Beck. "I've got this one. We're not going to strip him. We're going to keep him sleeping and take him with us. Then we're going to get some answers for you."

  Beck whistles low. "I would not have expected you to approve of torture."

  "I don't. But there are other ways we can get him to talk to us." A few of the right herbs mixed together and a line or two in Latin and he'll sing like a canary. "You want to find out what happened to your sister, and we need to know if they'll come after Kay and her family again."

  Beck bends and wraps an arm around the man's middle before hoisting him over his shoulder. "Can you shield anyone from seeing me? This might look suspicious."

  "I've got you covered."

  Together we walk out the front door like nothing's wrong. I twirl the car keys on my finger and chuckle at the scene we'd make if the neighbors could see.

  "Something funny?" Beck smirks.

  "Nah, not at all." I pop open the trunk and Beck tosses the man none too gently into the car before slamming the door closed. He stands there for a moment, staring blankly at the back of the car before he turns to me.

  "Let's get out of here." Beck presses a kiss to my forehead as he passes me, walking to his side of the car, and I sigh in contentment.

  "Where to?" We buckle up and I look over at Beck, his light blond hair skimming the ceiling of the car.

  "Somewhere we can keep him and no one will notice."

  I grin. "I've got just the place."

  We hustle everyone inside Ann and Jem's giant mansion, cloaking ourselves to keep the nosy neighbors from seeing exactly what we're doing. Mrs. Jones down the road can tell you about every coming and going in the neighborhood for the past ten years if you let her.

  Ann and Jem take Kay, her mother, and her sister into the house first, and then Beck and I head toward the back of the house with the mage slung over Beck's shoulder again. I snap my fingers and unlock the deadlock on the cellar doors. I pull them open and wave Beck through, checking over my shoulder to make sure no one magical is watching that shouldn't be. Nothing. Whew.

  "Where should I put him?"

  I nod toward the cell we've got down here. We built it to help out the local lycan pack when they've got an unexpected or early turn with one of the youngsters. "Right in there."

  "Do I want to know why you have this?" Beck tosses the mage none too gently on the cot in the corner and closes the door behind him, the metal door clanging shut.

  I snap my fingers, locking it both physically and magically. "It's for the local pack." I look up the stairs leading to the house. I hear footsteps. The door opens and I reach out with my magic. It's just Jem. I shake out my hands, trying to relieve some of the residual tension. Last thing I need to do is blast my sister with some magic.

  "The local pack? Do you mean werewolves? They're still in existence?" Beck sounds relieved.

  "Yeah, of course. We help them when we can with youngsters." I nod to Jem as she clears the steps. "I need you to seal this as well. And once Ann settles the girls upstairs, she should too. The more magic and layers we have on it the better."

  "Agreed." Jem whispers a few words before flicking her wrist, sparks flying from the tips of her fingers. "Done. I'd like to see him get through that."

  "Do not underestimate him," Beck cautions.

  "We aren't. But we're pretty powerful in our own right." I wink at him. "I told you I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."

  Beck nods, his gaze focused on the unconscious mage in the cell. I step away from him and whisper low to Jem. "How is Kay? And her mom and sister? What are their names? I never even asked Kay."

  "Her mom is Emma and her sister is Zoey. Both are pretty shaken up, but they're happy to be safe and away from those assholes." Jem scowls at the mage in the cell. "Kay is kind of all over the place. She's happy, she's scared, and she's thankful. Emma is nervous and Zoey hasn't really said much. I think she's still in shock."

  "I can't even imagine…"

  "Me either. But we got them out. And it was easier than we thought it would be. Now we just have to let them know they're magical as well and work on teaching them to protect themselves."

  "That's not going to be easy." I twist my lips. Nothing is ever this easy. I'm sure the other shoe will drop. I just hope it's after they get a few days to breathe and process the whole thing.

  "I know it's not. But they need to know. And it could prevent something like this from happening again. I'm sure evil douchebag over there has friends who want the stones as well."

  "True. We need to find the other stones too. I wish we had pictures or something." I sigh.

  "Mom's going to dig some up and the sales receipts tomorrow so we can track them down and get them back. She used to take pictures of everything she sold, so there should be some pictures included. Hopefully it will be quick work and we can get Beck some answers on his siblings and then destroy the stones once and for all."

  "Yeah, we don't want the mages to go after anyone else because they think they've still got dragons in them or something." The floor above our heads creaks and both Jem and I look upward. Footsteps shuffle and Ann appears at the bottom of the steps. She takes in the scene in front of her and nods.

  "Good. You've got him secured." She walks forward, placing her hand on the lock on the door to the cell. "I'm going to add my own layer and then I want us to channel together and create a layer with our powers combined."

  Jem and I nod, and Beck steps back from the cell, his eyes weary as Ann works her magic.

  "We would never harm you, Beck." I place a hand on his arm to soothe his nerves.

  "I know you wouldn't harm me, mate. It's just a reflex. I haven't had the best experience with witches." He rubs his large hand up and down my back and warmth spreads through me at his touch.

  "We’ll just have to change that then." I smile up at him.

  Ann finishes up her spell and I step out of Beck's embrace, the action harder than I would have thought. It's like I'm stuck to him with glue, and as I try to pull away, something's pulling me back, unwilling to let us separate completely.

  Ann, Jem, and I form a circle, holding hands, and we all let go of the reins on our energy. Wind picks up in the room as our power crackles through the air like an electrical current. Together we focus our thoughts on the lock and the cell as a whole. The bars of the cell shake, metal clanging as the magic infuses them. Each bar glows a deep red before reverting back to a plain iron color.

  One by one we ground ourselves, sending the excess magic back into the earth and thanking her for allowing us to use her energy. I crack my neck, trying to relieve the built-up tension there. So much magic in one room is a potent and powerful thing and not something that we do often as it would upset the balance of nature. But in this case, it's necessary.

  "Well, if he escapes that, we deserve whatever he throws at us." I crack the joke hoping to lighten the mood. Ann and Jem guffaw and Beck cracks a smile.

  "We should all get some rest, I think. We've got a long journey ahead of us." Ann looks pointedly at all of us in with her best mom face.

  "I am so ready for that."

  "Me too," Jem adds.

  "Do we have
a plan on what we're going to tell Emma and Zoey? I'm assuming they have dragon blood as well and will need to be taught to protect themselves. Did you get any magical vibes from Emma? She's an adult, so either she's dormant or she was never told," I say.

  "I think they're both dormant. Although Zoey was throwing off some energy. Probably in reaction to what happened. Emma seems to be very subtle with whatever magic she has. She probably chalks it up to mother's intuition." Ann leads the way up the stairs, all of us following her like good little children. "I'll speak with her one-on-one tomorrow and explain things. For now, I think it would be best that they stay with us, protected while they learn and while we collect the rest of the stones."

  "I can help you teach the young ones. I was teaching my younger brother, Jagger, and my little sister before we were captured." Beck perks up at the mention of his youngest siblings and I lean into his side, the need to feel him against me something I can no longer ignore.

  "That would be great. For now, let's get some sleep. Ivy, you're staying here?" I nod. "Your suite is just the way you left it. You know where the clean sheets are."

  "Got it." I kiss Ann's cheek as I pass her. "Thanks, Mom. Night!" I tow Beck behind me, his hand in mine as we head up to my suite. One perk of having a giant mansion? Everyone has their own suite of rooms. Bedroom, sitting area, giant bathroom, and kitchenette. When I first moved in, I was afraid to sit on anything, afraid I'd ruin it. I quickly learned that Ann was nothing like my biological mother and wouldn't attack me for any small mistake I made. She let me be a kid, and she taught me everything I know.

  With every step closer to my rooms, I feel desire winding its way through me. Being alone with Beck and a bed has been a thought in the back of my mind all day. I pick up my pace until I practically burst through the doors. I pull Beck through and slam them behind us.


  Chapter 6

  Beck palms the back of my head, turning me and shoving me against the doors, my back hitting them with a thud. I don't care. All I care about is getting his hands all over me. His mouth captures mine in a punishing kiss. Our tongues wrap together, our breathing mingled. I rip at the shirt he's wearing, wanting to feel his bare skin against mine.

  I break from our kiss and draw in a breath. "Off. Take it off."

  Beck nips at my lower lip, soothing the sting with his tongue. He rips the fabric in half before reaching for my shirt and doing the same. Our arms tangle when we both reach for each other at the same time. Beck growls at me, gripping my wrists in his strong fingers and pushing my arms above my head.

  I wiggle against him. "I want to touch you too." I look him over with my eyes. Every dip and valley of his muscles. They probably designed some of the god statues with him in mind.

  "You will, mate." He runs his lips down my neck, stopping to lave at the mark he left when he first placed a claim on me. He looks over his shoulder. "Where is the bed?"

  "Around the corner." I nip at his jaw, enjoying the rough texture of his stubble against my kiss-swollen lips.

  Beck drops his grip on my arms and hoists me up. I wrap my legs around his firm middle and thread my hands in his hair, the soft locks a harsh contrast to every muscled inch of him. The backs of my legs touch something soft and Beck's weight settles on top of me. His hard length pushes against my cleft and I moan, the sound echoing through the room.

  "I need you inside me, Beck. I can't wait any longer." This hunger inside me, this ache, it's like he's set fire to every fiber of my being and the only way to put it out is with his touch.

  He doesn't answer me, only reaches for the zipper of my jeans, pulling back when it gets caught in my panties. He grips the fabric at my waist and I lift my hips when he pulls, shimmying my way out of them.

  Beck leans back, his gaze taking in every inch of my naked body. "I could not have imagined a more beautiful mate than you, Ivy."

  I blush, warmth spreading to my cheeks at his words. "You're pretty handsome yourself, big guy."

  Beck places his hands on my knees, pushing my legs apart until my center is bared to him. He licks his lips. "I can see your desire for me, mate. I want to lick up every drop."

  I nod, my breathing coming in pants. "Yes." I hiss the word as his fingers make contact with my needy flesh.

  He drags his finger from the bottom of my slit to the top, stopping to circle my clit. I push my hips toward his hand, wanting more of his touch. He pulls back, gripping my hips and pushing me farther up the bed, until my back rests on the pillows, and then he lies on his front, his face just above my mound. He parts my folds with his fingers, blowing out a breath of cool air. I shiver at the contact, the foreign sensation tantalizing my senses and ramping up my desire further.

  "Sex with you is going to have its perks, isn't it?"

  His lips twitch. "What is it you say? I've got a few tricks up my sleeve, little witch." His tongue flicks out and my head goes back against the headboard. He takes his time exploring every inch of me with his wicked tongue until I can't keep still and I can barely stand the pleasure. He pushes my hips into the mattress, keeping me where he wants me. I'm at the mercy of the pleasure he's giving me and it's a constant stream of ecstasy I don't want to escape from.

  "Beck, I need you inside of me. I can't take it."

  "You can take it, mate. Come on my tongue. Let me taste your release."

  I whimper, so close to the edge I'm teetering between letting go and holding on.

  "Give it to me, Ivy." Beck presses two fingers up inside my pussy and the sensation of his cool fingers and his tongue on my clit set me off. I cry out.

  "Beck! Yes!" Waves of euphoria crash through me and I undulate against the bed, riding them out, struggling to pull in a breath. "Holy fuck, yes." I fist handfuls of sheets in my hands, anchoring myself to the here and now as much as I can as I fly through the clouds. Beck flicks his tongue against my nub, once, twice, and a third time, before rising up from his place between my legs, pushing the band of his sweat pants down, and angling his cock at my entrance.

  "We're not done yet, mate." He teases the tip of his dick against my swollen lips and my hips jut forward, following him as he retreats. Beck frames my face between his hands and peppers kisses all over my face. "Ivy, look at me."

  I try to focus on his crystal-blue gaze, blinking a few times until I'm grounded in the here and now. "What is it?"

  "When we join, you will feel an icy sensation and a mate mark will appear. I just don't want you to startle."

  "Ice and a mate mark. What's a mate mark?" I lick my lips, my craving for Beck less than sated after my orgasm. "Will it hurt?"

  "It might sting. It will be my personal brand appearing on your skin. I can't know where it will appear though."

  "So long as it's not on my face, I don't care." I press a hand to his hip, trying to push him forward into action.

  "Are you ready to be mine forever, Ivy? You can't undo this."

  "I don't want to undo it, Beck. Claim me. Mark me as yours for everyone to see."

  Beck nods, his gaze moving to where his cock hovers just inches from my dripping pussy. Slowly, he pushes forward, his girth spreading me open wide. I watch as each rock-hard inch of him disappears inside of me, the icy feeling he mentioned a foreign sensation but not unpleasant. It's like his dick is nine inches of warm velvet wrapped around cool metal. He bottoms out inside of me and reaches down to pull my thigh up over his hip.

  I bite my lip and moan.

  "Your pussy gloves me like it was made for me." He puffs out a breath before he begins to move. Slow and powerful at first before speeding up his pace. Each thrust of his hips applies pressure to my clit, the little spark of pleasure on each stroke sending lights flicker behind my eyelids as they flutter closed.

  "More, Beck, more." I wrap my other leg around him, locking my ankles at the small of his back, the action pushing him just a little bit deeper, stealing the breath from my lungs.

  "I'll give you more, mate." Beck leans down and
laves his tongue on the ice-hard tips of my nipples. First one and then the other before he smiles devilishly. His eyes change from crystal blue to a light grey and he blows out a breath toward the wet pebbles. Frost forms on them from the cool burst of air and goose bumps roll over my entire body.

  "Holy shit." I watch as the frost melts against my hot flesh, droplets of water sliding down the sides of my breasts. Beck repeats the blast of cold air over and over again until I'm tensing in anticipation at each breath, the sensation at my nipples a direct line to my center.

  "Every time I tease your pretty nipples, you clench this tight pussy around me, mate."

  "Mmhmm, yeah," I mumble nonsensically at him, my brain complete mush until he speeds up his pace again and my legs start to shake. "Beck…"

  "I know. I'm right there with you." He grips my hips, hard enough to leave marks, and grits his teeth. "When I come, the mate mark will appear. I must stay inside you until it completes."

  I nod, a frisson of worry shivering up my spine. It's quickly replaced with a barrage of pleasure as his cock tunnels inside me. "I'm gonna come, Beck."

  "Good. Come for me. Accept me as your mate."

  I explode around him, screaming out his name, my nails digging into his back. My mind blanks and euphoria radiates outward from my pussy to the tips of my toes up to the strands of my hair.

  "Squeeze me with that pretty little cunt, Ivy. Yes." He groans as he comes with me, his come warm inside of me.

  A burning sensation yanks me out of my bliss earlier than I'd like and I hiss in pain. "What the hell?" I crane my head to the side, trying to look at my shoulder and just above my breast. Slowly, a swirling design forms. It's dark and thick, stretching from my right collarbone, across my shoulder, and down my arm.

  "Beck, it hurts." I clench my jaw.

  "I know, mate. I can't move." He peppers kisses on my face, whispering sweet words into my ear as each new swirl of the pattern slices through my skin like a fiery kiss of frost. I hug Beck to me with my other arm, holding him as I ride out the pain. Finally it ends and I whistle out a breath.


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