Relics and Runes Anthology

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Relics and Runes Anthology Page 150

by Heather Marie Adkins

  His eyes scanned the crowd, taking in the gorgeous women dressed in their finest. His gaze fixed on a redhead and a blonde woman. Maybe he needed to stop thinking of Sera as his wife and move on.

  Dressed in short, low cut black lace dress with her long hair clipped back, Sera looked ethereal as she moved down the steps with Liana.

  Bastian’s mouth fell open.

  “Well, the blonde is enchanting, isn’t she?” Garrett remarked. “I knew she was pretty, but now she looks…”

  “Stunning,” Bas breathed.

  “You’re not sleeping with her, are you?”

  Bas glared at him. “No, you know the rules.”

  “Ah yes, hunters can’t do other hunters.” Garrett smirked. “Luckily those rules don’t apply to me.”

  Bas gripped his brother’s arm, making Garrett’s eyes widen. “Hey, listen. Sera is…” Is what? He wondered. She’s not mine anymore, not sure she ever was. Not really. There’s always been a wall between us that she’s never going to let me get through.

  “I’d take your hand off me,” Garrett hissed. “Father will make you suffer if you humiliate him again.”

  Bas gritted his teeth. “Stay away from her. She’s not worth the trouble, believe me.”

  Garrett grinned. “I love a challenge.”

  Bastian’s gut clenched at thought of Garrett with Sera. It sickened him. Garrett had a rough reputation with women, he had been accused of rape once before, but it had been swept under the rug by Anton.

  A beautiful brunette in a dark blue halter dress sidled up to him. Bas stood while she chatted away, not hearing a word she said as he watched Sera laughing with Garrett. Oh, for the love of all things holy, she couldn’t be falling for him, could she?

  Bas went in search of a stronger drink but before he could find another server a tall curly haired blonde woman came up to him. With her crystal blue eyes and voluptuous figure, she drew just as much attention as Sera.

  “Mel,” he said, recognising the former prostitute.

  “Bastian, it’s been a long time.” She grabbed the collar of his shirt and smacked her lips against his. “I’ve missed you.”

  Maybe this was just a distraction he needed.

  While Mel chatted away, Bas continued to watch Sera with his brother. Sera had never laughed so much, could she really find Garrett that funny? He sipped his drink, vowing to keep an eye on them the rest of the evening. He wouldn’t dare risk letting Garrett hurt her. That’s all it was, keeping an eye on a friend and teammate. Nothing more.

  “Bas, fancy a dance?”

  He hadn’t heard a word Mel had said, her voice became background noise. “No,” he snapped. “I don’t dance.”

  Mel drew him in for another kiss. “Come.” She grabbed his arm, dragging him out into the hallway away from Sera.

  Bas pulled away from her, straightening his jacket. “I can’t. Sorry but you just don’t do anything for me.”

  Mel’s mouth fell open. “What! You never said that after your father’s birthday.”

  Bas wiped the lipstick of his face with the back of his hand. “Yeah well, once you’ve had it there’s no point in going back for more.”

  Mel slapped him around the face. “You bastard! You’ll be sorry for that.” She stormed off.

  Bas rubbed his cheek. Guess I deserve that.

  A couple laughing moved past him. Sera and Garrett. Her smile faded when she saw him.

  “Something wrong, Bastian?” Garrett arched an eyebrow. “Thought you’d found your bed mate for the night.”

  Bas snorted. “The night is young.” His gaze roamed over Sera, but her face betrayed no emotion as usual. Guess I was wrong about her feelings. He glowered at her. “Don’t be late for the dawn patrol. You’re still in training.”

  Sera’s lips thinned. “I won’t be.” She glared back at him. “Maybe you should find someone else to keep you company for the night.”

  “Maybe I will,” he snarled back.

  Garrett glanced between them, frowning. “Come, Sera. Let’s take a stroll around the grounds. It’s a beautiful night.”

  “Actually, I’d like that drink you offered.” Sera hooked her arm through Garrett’s. “Shall we go? I’m sure Bastian has better things to do.”

  Garrett chuckled. “Indeed. Good night, Bastian.”

  Bastian wanted to charge after them, but Sera had made her choice. He’d have to live with it.

  Sera let Garrett lead her into his room. He made a move to kiss her, but she pulled back. “Shall we have some wine first?”

  Garrett grabbed a bottle. “Was there something between you and my brother?”

  She snorted. “Of course not. He’s insufferable!”

  Garrett chuckled and poured the wine for her. “Indeed.” He raised his own glass. “Here’s to us…”

  Sera screamed, splashing wine all over the carpet.

  “What?” Garrett demanded.

  “I thought I saw someone on the balcony.”

  “I’m sure it was nothing, probably just a shadow.”

  When he turned around, she hit him with a stunning spell. He fell into her arms when she moved in front of him then dragged him over to the bed. Next, she mixed the powder into his wine and poured it down his throat.

  Sera removed the key from his jacket. “Sorry, Garrett. You’re so not my type, and I have much more important things to do.”

  She took off her heels, slipped flat shoes on and hurried out. Speeding towards Clara’s room she was stunned to see Bas there. Damn it, damn it. I shouldn’t have left my things there. Sera muttered a curse, and then headed inside the room.

  “Sera!” Clara cried.

  Bas blinked at her in surprise, jaw tightened. “That was fast. Thought you and Garrett were having a drink?”

  “I changed my mind.” She grinned at Clara. “Hi. Sorry I can’t stay.” She kissed the girl’s forehead. “I just wanted to say good night.” She glanced at Bas who said nothing.

  “Night, Sera. Will you come play chess with me tomorrow?” Clara gave her a hopeful look.

  Sera froze. After tonight she’d never see Clara again. “Soon,” she said. “Bas and I get very busy.”

  Clara pouted at her brother. “You’ll let Sera come play with me, won’t you, Bas?”

  Bas scowled at Sera and said, “If Sera isn’t busy playing with someone else, yeah, of course.”

  Sera curled her fingers behind her back to levitate her bag and fling it across into the hall. It landed with a thud.

  “What was that?” Bas frowned, glancing over his shoulder.

  “Probably a drunk party guest. Night then.” Sera retreated to the hall, hooked her pack over her shoulder, trying to pull a glamour as she went.

  “Sera?” Bas called. “Wait!”

  “What?” she demanded, her glamour falling away.

  “I just wanted to apologise for earlier.”

  “Fine, apology accepted.” She turned to go.

  Bas grabbed her arm. “Did Garett hurt you?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “No.” Please just go away. I need to go, I don’t have time to chat and you’re making this even harder for me to do.

  “Good, because he’s not a good man.”

  Bas, please just go away and shut up!

  “As you can see I’m fine.” She tried to pull her arm away, but he wouldn’t let go.

  “Listen, about earlier…”

  Sera had to do something to shut him up. She pulled his head down, kissing him, hard. Bas’s eyes widened but he pulled her closer, deepening their kiss.

  She pulled back. “Bye, Bastian.” She turned and ran before he had a chance to react, ducking into another passage and pulling her glamour back up. To her relief he didn’t follow.

  Sera checked the hall to the vault, unguarded just as planned. She unlocked the outer door and got to work on the second door. After keying in the code, she added the blood Liana had left for her and turned the key she’d taken from Garret. The door clicked open.<
br />
  Heart pounding, she slipped inside. Boxes, cases of jewels and precious artefacts filled the room. She’d kill to look at them all, but she had only moments to stay there. Casting out her senses, she scanned the entire room for the keystone. Energy hummed from the back of the room where a wooden box sat on shelf. She had to hurry, guards still swept this floor.

  She approached the box, feeling static crackle against her skin as she reached for it. Anton would have protective spells in place. This would be the tricky part. Pulling out a vial out, she sprinkled a powder over it, using her air magic to disperse it. The box flashed, not a good sign. She gritted her teeth, muttered mage words of power.


  She tried again. Still nothing.

  “Any luck?” Liana crept through the doorway.

  “No, the wards are strong.”

  Fire formed in Liana’s hand. “Here, dragon fire can burn through anything.”

  “No, destroying it might trigger its protective spells. Go keep watch outside. I can handle this,” Sera said. “If you hear any guards make a run for it.”

  Liana scowled. “I’m not leaving you behind.”

  “Just go.” She waved her hand in dismissal. Liana nodded and disappeared again.

  Sera tried another spell.

  Sera, guards are coming, get out of there! Liana called.

  Sera grabbed the box. They’d worry about trying to get the stone out later. She yelped as heat seared her hands.

  Sera! Liana screamed.

  Go, get to safety. I’ll be right behind you.

  Hands glowing with light, she shoved the box inside her pack. She ran from the vault, hearing the sound of running footsteps. Leaping onto the window ledge with wings out, she jumped and soared into the night sky.

  Li, I’m out. I’ll meet you at the lookout point. I’ve got the stone.

  Good job, on my way, Liana replied.

  Rain began to pelt down on her, but Sera only felt a rush of exhilaration as she whizzed towards the ruined tower. She’d done it, she had the stone. The mission was finally complete.

  Now she and Li had to get out of Elmira before anyone came looking for them. They’d be hunted but they’d be safe once they reached the Ashran’s base.

  Sera landed on the balcony, brushing her dripping hair off her face.

  Sera, Bas is headed up the steps of the lookout! Liana said. You have to go. Hurry, ada!

  She looked down at her scalded hands. Light glowed over them as she forced them to heal. She shoved her pack into the corner, casting a glamour and a protective ward over it. I’ll distract him, wait for me, she told Liana.

  “Sera.” Bas’s eyes widened as he walked in. “What are you doing here?”

  “I could ask you the same thing.” Her eyes narrowed. “Bas, you can’t keep following me.”

  “I didn’t. I came here to clear my head. What are you doing here?” he retorted.

  She sighed. “I needed to clear my head too.” She pushed past him, moving out onto the balcony.

  “Wait, you can’t keep running away from me.” He took her hand.

  Sera pulled her hand away again, feeling the unwanted tingling sensation again. “Bas, it can’t work between us. You know that. We were just kids who didn’t know what they were doing.”

  Guards are everywhere. Sera, we need to leave now, Liana said.

  “I’m not asking you to marry me…”

  “We already did that, remember?” she muttered and said. “That wasn’t real, we were just stupid kids then.”

  “Were we? Because I…”

  “What, Bastian? What do you want from me?” She put her hands on her hips. She knew she needed to get out of there, why couldn’t he just leave?

  “You. Just you.”

  Ada, I’m about to be discovered. We… Liana’s voice trailed off.

  Go hide. I’ll be right behind you.

  Sera shook her head. “You don’t even know me. You never did, not really.”

  “Then let me.” Bas ran a hand down her cheek. “I heard what you said when you were dying so don’t pretend you didn’t.”

  Sera muttered a curse. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not a hunter, I quit.”

  “What are you talking about?” he demanded. “Sera, for once will you just be honest?”

  A bolt of blue energy hit Bas in the back of the head, knocking him to the floor.


  McGregor appeared in the doorway. “You!” he hissed. “Don’t move! Where is the keystone?”

  Sera tried to make a dash for the balcony, but something held her in place. He’d used higher magic, power rolled off him in waves. Way too much power for one person to possess.

  “You’re the one who’s been using the wraith,” she gasped. “You killed those people for their power.”

  McGregor smirked. “Clever girl, I knew you were trouble. I just didn’t realise how much.”

  Sera raised her hands, fingers flaring with power.

  McGregor aimed a fireball at Bastian. “Surrender now or he dies.”

  She glanced down at Bas and lowered her hands.


  When Bas woke up his head pounded so hard he’d wondered what the hell he’d drunk as he found himself slumped over his dining room table. What the fuck had happened?

  “About bloody time,” Niall said, making Bas wince.

  “No so loud. I feel like I’ve been hit by crane.” Bas clutched his head

  “Bas, the world has gone to shit. Sera has been arrested.”

  Bas shot up, stomach recoiling. “What? Why? When?”

  “McGregor says she attacked you last night after you caught her trying to escape with the keystone.”

  “What! No way, she wouldn’t do that. They must have been a mistake.” He rubbed his throbbing skull.

  “The keystone was in her bag. You were unconscious when McGregor found you,” Niall told him. “Sera is fey.”

  “I don’t believe it,” Bas snapped. “She wouldn’t do this.”

  “I saw her myself when they were leading her to the tower. She’s got bloody wings, Bas.”

  Bas ran a hand through his hair. “Where is Li?”

  Niall shook his head. “Don’t know, they’ve got guards out looking for her. Your father thinks she’s involved too. She’s wanted for questioning.”

  “I’ll get to the bottom of this.”

  Bas stormed off to the tower where all prisoners were taken. He pulled off his tie. He knew he looked like crap but didn’t care. All that mattered was finding Sera and finding out what the hell had happened. His mind racing, Bas headed towards McGregor’s office where a guard blocked his way.

  “Move,” Bas snapped.

  The guard shook his head. “I can’t do that, sir.”

  Bas glared at the other guard, eyes hard. “Last time I checked I’m the prince’s son. Now move the fuck out of my way.”

  “I can’t. McGregor ordered me to not let you in.”

  “What!” Bas shoved the man aside and barged into McGregor’s office. “Where is she?”

  McGregor’s eyes narrowed. “Locked up where she belongs. You’re not allowed to see her.”

  “Last time I checked, I still outrank you, old man.” Bas crossed his arms.

  “The order didn’t come from me, it’s from your father. No one outranks him – not even you,” McGregor snapped. “You’re the victim in this, you can’t be involved.”

  “She’s my teammate, I have the right to see her. She won’t attack me, I know she wouldn’t.”

  McGregor’s lips thinned. “Stay out of this, Bastian. She had the keystone with her and you were knocked unconscious when you confronted her,” the chief said. “She’ll be questioned then—”

  His jaw clenched. “I never confronted her about the keystone.”

  “Then why were you up there with her?”

  “Personal reasons which are none of your damn business.”

  “This is exactly why you’re not to go a
nywhere near her. You don’t know what kind of magic she’s used on you. You’re emotionally involved.”

  Bas spent the next half-hour arguing with McGregor, who demanded he undergo tests to see what magic Sera had worked on him. What bollocks. Sera wouldn’t have needed to use magic on him. Hell, she’d been so damn resistant. There had to be an explanation to all this. As for her being fey, well, he wouldn’t believe that until he saw it with her own eyes.

  Bas stormed up to the cells, prepared to stun any guard who got in his way. Thankfully no one opposed him. McGregor mustn’t have got the order out yet. He stopped outside the hell, peering through the narrow bars. His heart stopped. Inside Sera sat on a mental metal bunk. Her long hair fell in loose waves, her skin pale. Huge wings stretched out behind her changing from pink to pale blue and back again.

  She’s fey. He couldn’t believe it, he didn’t want to believe it. Now everything all made sense. Everything. All the secrecy, the strange behaviour.

  Bas yanked the door open, still unable to believe his eyes. Sera looked up, her green eyes smudged with dark circles. “So it’s true then.”

  “Bas, I can explain.”

  “Explain what, Sera? You’re a fucking fey!” he thundered.

  She flinched, wings drooping so they almost turned invisible as she nodded. “Yes, I am but I didn’t attack you.”

  “Why should I believe you? You’re a liar, a spy!”

  “I took the stone yes, but I never attacked you. McGregor did.”

  Bas gave a harsh laugh. “Why would he do that?”

  “Because he uses higher magic. He is the one he summoned the wraith. Scan him yourself,” she said. “See. You heard his voice on that trap when we were at the ruins.”

  “Did you use magic to seduce me? Even when we were kids? Was I just part of your plan?”

  “No, I never used magic. I told you it couldn’t work between us.”

  “Guess you were right.” Bas turned to go, avoiding her gaze. He couldn’t look at her, if he did it would mean seeing the sadness in her eyes and that would break him. Anger he could deal with. “You know the price of treason, don’t expect anyone to come rescue you.”


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