Uprising of the Exiled (Splintered Galaxy Book 2)

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Uprising of the Exiled (Splintered Galaxy Book 2) Page 36

by Eddie R. Hicks

  She began her descent through the storm clouds. Pockets of exotic gasses rose up all around her. A thunderbolt clapped not far from where she was. She’d have to watch those. One direct blast might be strong enough for her psionics to fail. Mist and thick clouds—there was nothing out here. Part of her wanted to give up and return to the Crimson Arrow. But every time that thought crossed her mind, she kept hearing a voice, her mother’s voice, coming from below.

  Noylarlie eventually slipped into a region free of clouds, with the exception of the thick layer above her, and another layer below…but she could barely see it because of its distance and lack of sunlight. There was an uncanny feeling about this place, something unnatural. The winds were nonexistent, temperatures were…comfortable enough for her to not worry about controlling it herself.

  Her thoughts carried her floating body into the clearing, admiring how the clouds, winds—everything seemed to have been forced to swirl around this place, rather than through it. Almost as if a shield were there, forming a spherical barrier, keeping everything out. And drawing her nearer to its center. She started to grin when she arrived there, for her hours of searching through the clouds of Jupiter finally ended. The red gem with a white glowing orb within it drifted dead center of the middle of this calm clearing.

  She touched it and instantly, everything around her changed. Another vision; at least she was awake this time. Noylarlie looked down and saw that she was standing firmly on top of water. Looking forward, she saw nothing else, but the darkened and cloudless horizon of some obscure world as stars hung over her head.

  “You made it at last, Noy.”

  That soothing voice—it could only be one person. Noylarlie spun around. It was Iolysta Frosttouch, her mother. Still looking elegant as she did the last time she had a vision of her with her soft blue skin and black hair, just like hers.

  “Mother…What is this? What is going on with me right now?”

  “You are finishing the work I started, fulfilling the will of the divine ones.”

  … … …

  ►► Ancient Temple, Paryo

  ► Uemaesce System

  Fahia led Kroshka and Eeladen down haggard stone steps into an underground temple. The structure they entered was…ancient, judging by the markings on the walls, old Hashmedai hieroglyphics. There were tiny candles lined up on the floor, next to the walls leading them to the various sections the temple.

  There were a few other Hashmedai inside, some of them with children. They all gathered around men wearing robes, robes that looked exactly like the ones Radiance monks wore…gold with orange stripes along the sides. The tops of their hoods depicted an image with three blue eyes. The three later entered a small empty room at the far end of the hall. Fahia stopped here and offered a seat for the two.

  “Normally we would perform a long list of background checks before letting outsiders get this far,” Fahia said. “But…I sense your intentions here are good. And young couples like you are our top priory for recruitment.”

  “Couple?” Eeladen said. Before he could say anything more, Kroshka stealthy jabbed him with her elbow. Fahia believing they were a couple was the perfect cover.

  “I did not know there were ancient places like this so close to the capital,” Kroshka said.

  “The capital was practically built on top of an ancient city,” Fahia said.

  “And no one knew of it for all these years?”

  “There’s a lot the empire kept hidden from its people,” Fahia explained. “Even the old governments that once ruled our planet before we ventured into space, agreed to hide a lot of our history from the masses.”

  “Such as?” Kroshka asked, not that she was particularly interested. She was quite certain that her teachings as a child were correct; father always wanted the best for the future heirs to the empire.

  “You probably noted the sheer number of people partaking of religious practice,” said Fahia. “The laws of our people always forbid worship of any kind of religion, now more than ever, thanks to the Radiance Union. But even before we encountered them, religion was considered taboo to many of us. Except our ancient ancestors.” Kroshka gave her a “go on” glance, and Fahia continued. “The gods, they visited us many years ago, long before they came to the Aryile people. But they were cast out by an evil force, and when they returned to the galaxy, they chose to visit the Aryile race instead and guided them, since the Hashmedai here turned their backs on the idea of worship. This was manipulation by the evil ones.”

  “Who are the evil ones?” Kroshka asked.

  “We don’t know. Many of those records were lost. This temple is the last bit of evidence that proves the gods were once here for a short time,” Fahia said. “What we do know is those evil minds have tainted the Radiance Council, forcing most of their people down a path the gods did not intend. We here at the Celestial Order follow the one true path the gods laid out for us.” Fahia glanced at the odd expression that formed across Kroshka’s and Eeladen’s faces as they looked at each other. “This must be overwhelming for you, perhaps if you stayed for my sermon tonight, you will understand better.”

  … … …

  ►► Edge of Aether Space

  “The gods?” Noylarlie asked. “You mean the aliens Radiance worships.”

  “They are not aliens by any means, Noy,” said Iolysta.

  “They don’t exist; religion is just a means to control the masses into acting the way you want them to.”

  “You believe once you die there is nothing afterward?”


  “Then why are we talking?”

  “I was, well…” Noylarlie paused and carefully considered her next words. “Part of me hoped you weren’t really gone, that you faked your death.” The dream she’d had back when she was being held prisoner by Radiance fueled that hope. “So you really are dead, then?”

  “I am, but I’m also not.”

  “I don’t understand, Mother.”

  “Noy, look around you. I’m here. I’m aware of everything that has happened since my execution. Who else but those with divine power could grant such a gift? Who else would allow me to remove that slave collar Karklosea had placed on you?”

  “Where is this place?” Noylarlie asked after realizing her mother as well stood on the surface of the water.

  “The name of this place is far too long to say. Hannah, however, calls it Aether Space,” Iolysta said, as the red glowing gem appeared between the two. “You’re here because of the power of the orb within the gem; it’s a conduit, linking normal space with Aether Space. It’s what Hannah uses to speak to you with your dreams, where all knowledge of the universe is held. It’s where the Celestial Order gets its directions to continue their campaign. And where the goddesses came from, waiting for their time to return.”

  “Wait, goddesses?” Noylarlie asked, looking away from the gem, back at Iolysta. “Don’t you mean gods?”

  … … …

  ►► Ancient Temple, Paryo

  ► Uemaesce System

  Fahia stood before a large crowd of worshipers in the central-most chamber of the temple. Larger candles, giving off their soft orange glow along the walls, lit the room. In Fahia’s hand was a large and highly decorated staff. At the top of it was sphere that glowed white as Fahia raised it in the air periodically. Kroshka’s head started to spin each time the staff was raised. The spinning and odd feeling in her head ended as her gem flashed randomly. There was a link between her gem and the staff…to what end, Kroshka couldn’t figure out. Eeladen and Kroshka stood with the gathering, unsure of what to do as they knelt down when Fahia began to chant in an unknown language. The worshipers all repeated after her in harmony.

  Ciah, fol’alra. Stoarior, Tym, ealix Livie.

  Ciah, fol’alra. Yo’ll menga.

  Ciah, fol’alra. Stoarior, Tym, ealix Livie.

  Ciah, fol’alra. Yo’ll menga.

  “A great moment is upon us, my friends!” Fahia preached.
“The reckoning is coming, and we will be tested.” One of Fahia’s arms rose in the air while her fingers spread far apart. “A messenger is coming, the truth will be unveiled, and the evil ones uncovered.”

  … … …

  ►► Edge of Aether Space

  Iolysta clasped her augmented hands together and looked at the gem that floated between Noylarlie and her and began to speak. “The gem that you are communicating with was once in possession of Himton and then later Jerut. They were both fellow Celestial Order members. There was just one problem. The gem was corrupt. The essence of one of the gods was within it.”

  “I thought the order worshipped the gods…how is that a problem?” Noylarlie asked.

  “The order thinks they do. They heard voices from the gems, yes, but it wasn’t the gods. They merely thought it was them. The truth is it was the goddess, Nivrui Aviuheart and Emelia. The original gems carried the essences of the goddesses; some of the gems made afterward were tainted with the essence of the gods, Stoarior, Tym, and Livie, the evil ones. This is why Himton was reluctant carry out his orders against the humans. The gods didn’t want the invasion of Earth to happen, the uplift of the humans, and the discovery of Hannah. This was the will of the goddesses, not the gods.”

  … … …

  ►► Ancient Temple, Paryo

  ► Uemaesce System

  Ciah, fol’alra. Stoarior, Tym, ealix Livie.

  Ciah, fol’alra. Yo’ll menga.

  Ciah, fol’alra. Stoarior, Tym, ealix Livie.

  Ciah, fol’alra. Yo’ll menga.

  The worshipers chanted once again with Fahia, and then she continued her preaching. “The evil ones will try to silence us soon! Only our prayers will protect us. Only our prayers will allow the messenger to arrive with new hope for the empire. Hope that will have the Hashmedai people see the one true path, and hope that will end the evilness of the empress and the evilness of the Radiance Council.”

  … … …

  ►► Edge of Aether Space

  “Thankfully, the humans aboard the command ship shattered this gem when the evil had linked itself to Jerut’s body,” Iolysta explained. “As a result, it wasn’t able to return, and the blast from the atomic weapon afterward sent the shards of the gem into space. It slowly reformed over the years, and free from the evil, it took refuge here, awaiting your arrival.”

  The gem levitated toward Noylarlie’s breasts. “What am I supposed to do?”

  “Open your mind, Noy, tap into the knowledge, and let it enhance your psionics.” As directed, Noylarlie shut her eyes; she felt the psionic force within the gem. It was…speaking directly to her. Enhancing her brain. “Attunement to this gem will grant you gifts far beyond what any psionic can wield, gifts that currently are being abused by the empress and her daughter, Kroshka.”

  … … …

  ►► Ancient Temple, Paryo

  ► Uemaesce System

  Ciah, fol’alra. Stoarior, Tym, ealix Livie.

  Ciah, fol’alra. Yo’ll menga.

  Ciah, fol’alra. Stoarior, Tym, ealix Livie.

  Ciah, fol’alra. Yo’ll menga.

  “Oh, Hannah, send us your messenger! Oh, Hannah, lead the humans to their one true path!”

  … … …

  ►► Edge of Aether Space

  “Wormholes can send you anywhere you wish in the universe provided you can visualize with your psionics where the entrance and exit to the wormhole must be—not an easy task, I’m afraid,” Iolysta said. “But I know you can create one to Paryo. You’ve been there long enough to know where in the galaxy it is.” Noylarlie’s mind transformation was nearly completed, and with that her attunement to the gem. Noylarlie saw Iolysta smile at her as she reopened her eyes. “Return to Paryo, my daughter, Danyal must take his place as emperor, Y’lin and Kroshka must be removed and their gems placed with someone else, for they have failed in their duty to bring about a new empire. Send a message to the Hashmedai people with the truth of what you’ve learned here. The celestial ascension will change the galaxy forever; ensure that the Hashmedai people are ready for it. More so than all other races. Become our messenger.”

  … … …

  ►► Crimson Arrow, Jupiter Atmosphere

  ► Sol System

  The vision ended, and Noylarlie was teleported back aboard the cockpit of the Crimson Arrow. Within her hands was the gem, its shimmering light was escaping through her fingers. The Crimson Arrow began to rock violently. She reconnected her psionic mind to the ship’s computer, and started to scan for the source of the rumble. She found it. A barrage of unguided human plasma missiles launched toward the Crimson Arrow from space.

  … … …

  ►► ESV John F. Kennedy, Jupiter Orbit

  ► Sol System

  “Confirmed actual, hostile target has been pacified,” Lieutenant Patrick’s voice echoed over the ESV John F. Kennedy, bridge speakers.

  The John F. Kennedy’s shipboard psionic, Gab Delakirnei, watched Captain Brigs step forward toward the central hologram that depicted a three-dimensional projection of Jupiter. A red dot within the upper atmosphere represented the Crimson Arrow, the fleeing Hashmedai ship they were ordered to track down and destroy.

  “Copy that, Eagle. However, we are still showing target remains,” Brigs said.

  “Probably interference, not to mention our range, sir,” Commander Cartwright said from his terminal.

  “There’s nothing else out here,” Patrick’s voice once again transmitted. “The Crimson Arrow has been destroyed.”

  “Very well then. Return to the JFK ASAP,” Brigs said. “Helm, lay in a course to the asteroid belt; take us out as soon as our birds dock.”

  “Aye, sir,” replied Ensign Jenkins.

  Brigs then added, “Inform the pilots from the Winston Churchill help is on the way. And let the fleet know of our recent efforts.”

  Additional chatter among the bridge crew commenced. It was of little importance to Delakirnei as he walked his tiny Vorcambreum body toward Cartwright, sitting at his station. He approached him from behind; delighted to see how fast his fingers danced across the keyboard.

  “Well?” Delakirnei whispered to him.

  “You are good to go,” Cartwright said, and then his finger hit the last key sequence for his hack. Data regarding the Crimson Arrow’s status from the John F. Kennedy’s databanks changed from target found to target destroyed.

  “Good job,” said Delakirnei, patting him on the side. “I’ll see you in the chapel for worship later.”

  … … …

  ►► Kashmar, Earth

  ► Sol System

  A small house on the outskirts of Kashmar, Iran, bore the marks of a long and deadly struggle. Gaping bullet holes, clearly shot by eWeapons painted the side of the aging home built during a time when humans knew nothing of aliens. The sight had Destiny cursing repeatedly under her breath as she, Jazz, Veloshira, and Eupiar walked toward it, hoping it was going to be a place of rest from the long walk out of the desert.

  Destiny drew her pistol and dashed over toward the main entrance under the cover of the night sky. It was unlocked, with bullet holes and shattered windows seen from all corners inside. This was not a good sign. This was supposed to be a safe house for the local HLF cell. Whoever the hell was inside during the attack clearly wasn’t feeling safe.

  As she entered, she saw dried human and Hashmedai blood splattered across the walls and floors. The blood next to the entrance suggested bodies were dragged out against their will—well, assuming they were still alive, that is. Farther in she saw overturned tables with half-eaten food and shattered teacups adding to the shards and debris on the floor.

  A TV was left on in one of the far rooms, an old-world one. The local news was playing; she couldn’t understand Persian languages, though it was irrelevant at this point. The pictures of people worldwide being led away in handcuffs, protesters, and…and a shot of the HLF base in flames from its icy bed told her what she needed to

  “Well now what?” Jazz asked, as he entered the room.

  “Looks like the party’s over,” Destiny said, pointing to the TV. “Radiance and the UNE found us.”

  A new broadcast of President Mariana Salamanca began to play. Jazz and Destiny listened in with interest while the TV shined its glow across them.

  “Today I bring to you all great news. News that will no doubt change our world once again, like how it was changed twenty-two years ago when the Hashmedai Empire tried and failed to bring about the extinction of the human race. The terrorist group that calls itself the Hashmedai Liberation Front, the very same group made up of Hashmedai soldiers, who pledged their lives to serving their empire, and pledged to burn our planet at the request of their empress. The very same group that manipulated our human brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, to betray their own kind and to betray the Radiance Union, who only wanted to help us live. This group, I’m happy to announce has been defeated as of today.”

  “Well that confirms that,” Destiny muttered.

  “Our brave military, with help of the Radiance Union, has tracked down and destroyed their main base of operations. As a result, their smaller cells around the world have been located and are currently being dismantled; supporters are being brought to justice. But this conflict isn’t over just yet. The Hashmedai Empire sent a scout ship to Earth earlier today, bypassed our defense grid, attacked our fleet, and fled. We all knew this day would come, when the empire would return to Earth to finish the job they started. Our alliance with the Radiance Union is stronger than ever, but it will take much more than an alliance to defeat the empire and to protect Earth, Mars…the solar system, and our new worlds we are building beyond. The five races of the Radiance Union are around today, because they are united, because they know that only that unity will keep them safe, and protect them from the empire and other dangers that exist in the galaxy. While we in the UNE are aware of how controversial joining the union is to many, we are also aware that if we are to survive, we must embrace the Radiance Union and what it has to offer. They will not force us to adhere to all of their polices, such as forced sterilization.”


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