Reigning Hearts

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Reigning Hearts Page 4

by Candace Osmond

  “Don’t count on that,” Patrick put his arm around his wife’s waist and pulled her in for a squeeze. “Me and the guys placed bets on how long you’ll be in tears.” His grinned irreverently, and in his smile, Cian saw his own.

  Eadlyn smacked her husband’s chest and laughed but his joke had its desired effect. She’d stopped crying. With a sniff and a trickle of magic, she refreshed her makeup and hair then lifted on her toes for a kiss.

  Cian watched his parents’ easy affection for one another with a smile and thanked whatever powers that be that he was marrying Ashlynn today. He was going to spend a lifetime making her smile like his father made his mother smile.

  The door opened and a woman, closing in on seventy with a long slim body and a twinkle in her eye, poked her head in. “We’re ready for you,” she announced with a grand sweeping gesture that belayed her years.

  “Thank you, Belladonna,” Eadlyn said gathering up an exceptionally small purse that held tissues. “You’ve done a marvelous job throwing this all together so quickly. Thank you.”

  The wedding planner nodded graciously. “It’s what I do.” Then she swept out the same way she’d come in, with flare. Cian chuckled and wiped his sweaty palms on the front of his navy-blue designer suit.

  His heart skipped a beat. It had been doing that all morning, Cian thought as he tried to calm his breathing. There was little use, though, he was an absolute wreck and not because he was afraid. No, the exact opposite in fact. The only thing he wanted in this world in this moment was Ashlynn in his arms, wearing his ring, as his wife.

  But he was afraid.

  Not for the wedding or the marriage, or even the ruling power over their people that would come with their union. He was terrified that Serena would choose today of all days to enact her revenge on them both. This wasn’t like Masilda’s funeral, where they’d set up guards at every possible entrance, although they’d still employed guards to watch over the grounds. But the horrific truth was that if Serena wanted to ruin today for them, gods, if she wanted to destroy them all in one fell swoop, she could do it with the spell she’d stolen from the grimoire. A single wish with uncertain limitations if any at all, she could destroy more than their lives if she chose.

  She could destroy the world.

  Cian blew out a slow breath and focused his mind on the present. Today, he would marry his best friend and, together, they would become the clan’s leaders. Today, everything would change. An excited flutter replaced the heaviness in his chest and a smile lifted his lips.

  “I’m ready.” He reached for his mother’s hand and lead her outside into the brilliance of the midday sun.

  His eyes widened as he tried to take in the extent of the transformation. He’d grown up in this backyard, played soccer here, rolled in the grass here, but never in his entire life had he ever seen it look like this.

  It was like stepping into Faerie, he thought, remembering the picture books his grandmother had read to him when he was a child before she’d passed. Slim silver posts had been secured into the lush grass at intervals and fairy lights had been hung between them. Lush florals dripped from the lights, scenting the air with a delicate perfume, while the soft sound of a harp played in the background.

  At the end of the aisle his father stood, watching him escort his mother, the High Sorceress of their clan, to her seat with eyes that looked soft with tears. Cian clenched his jaw and shot his father a look that warned him to “toughen up” because he was afraid his own emotions might spill free at any second. He blinked a few times to clear his sight and walked his mother proudly down the aisle.

  The guests murmured quietly, respectfully, as they waited for the moment Ashlynn would step into sight and walk down the aisle, towards him. A flash of pure joy travelled the length of Cian’s skin and zipped back to his heart at the thought of seeing her soon. His breath hitched.

  “Remember this moment,” Eadlyn murmured, squeezing Cian’s arm as she glided down the aisle beside him. “When you’re tired or when you’re fighting, remember this moment and never forget to talk.” She turned and pressed her lips into Cian’s shoulder, washing him in a renewed wave of emotion that he had to blink back.

  At the end of the aisle, Cian turned to his mother and took her in his arms, careful not to crush her dress or hair. Her arms came up around his neck, gathering him close, and hot tears fell on his exposed skin. Her muffled words, “I love you more than life,” vibrated through to his heart.

  He squeezed his eyes shut but couldn’t contain the tears that kept welling anymore. With as much dignity and masculinity as he could muster, Cian wiped his cheeks dry and walked to stand before the flower adorned pergola to wait for his bride.

  The soft lilting sound of harps shifted a moment later, fading out as some silent signal was made. Off to the side of the garden grounds, a young woman lifted her crystal-clear voice over the sound of quiet gasps and began to sing a Celtic wedding song.

  Cian’s mind went blank the moment he saw Ashlynn. She glowed, just as she had the first time he’d seen her in the forest, only this time it was less magic, more love. She looked like the Princess she actually was, no, she looked like a Queen.

  Lace covered her body, dipping down between her breasts and fitting snug to highlight her narrow waist and curve of hip. Cian was mesmerized as he let his gaze trace every detail of his bride, trying to commit the moment to memory. He wanted to be able to close his eyes and see her like this for the rest of their lives.

  The dress was a soft creamy color that made her skin radiant. It looked as if it had been made for her, as if someone had seen into Ashlynn’s mind and picked a dress that spoke to her past, her present, and their future together.

  Her bright auburn hair had been curled in loose waves and hung down her back, just as he loved it most. No veil covered her glorious mane, that wasn’t a Celtic tradition. Instead, she wore a rosy golden circlet that sat atop her head like a crown, designed with delicate leaves that dripped with crystals that caught the light to create a halo around her head.

  Cian’s misty gaze fixed on Ashlynn’s as Faith walked her slowly down the aisle. In her eyes Cian saw mixed emotions; love, desire, trust, but also sadness and regret and he knew she was thinking of her parents. He thought back to how it had felt to hold his mother in his arms and embrace his father on a day that would shape his entire life. His heart ached that she would never get the chance to know that love.

  His hand lifted as she approached, floating through the air as if someone else controlled his muscles, and took her outstretched fingers. The world ceased to exist outside of that simple connection, and his skin tingled as her magic flowed through her and into him, drawn out of her soul by the emotions he could see swelling in her gorgeous eyes. Cian wrapped his fingers around hers, squeezing lightly, and lifted his other hand to gently wipe a tear from Ashlynn’s cheek.

  His father began to speak, addressing their guests, but Cian barely heard him. He was caught in the moment with Ashlynn, lost in her eyes, in her heart, in the thought of their future together. He’d dreaded his wedding day with Serena for so long that being here, with a woman he actually cherished, was overwhelming. His entire life had been laid out for him, filled with duty and honor, but it had been something he accepted, not looked forward to. When Ashlynn had stepped through time into his world, that had changed. His future had opened up and joy had replaced the nothingness he’d felt every day.

  “Son,” Patrick’s voice sounded amused as he touched Cian’s arm, pulling him back from his thoughts.

  Cian turned his head as if in a dream to look at his father. “Sorry,” he said with a smile, “what did you say?”

  The audience tittered with warm laughter. When Cian looked back at Ashlynn, he saw that laughter had replaced the sadness, and was glad.

  “I was asking your bride is she was ready to read her vows.”

  Cian blinked in surprise. He’d missed half of his own wedding, apparently. A frown creased his brow a
s he worried that he’d ruined the most important day of his life but it smoothed out when Ashlynn squeezed his hand and looked deep into his eyes. The silent message she sent soothed his nerves.

  He started to reach into his pocket for the vows he’d copied, but stopped short. He knew the words intimately. They were seared in his mind and on his soul. Ashlynn didn’t know, yet, but he’d found her vows several days ago when he was looking for a trinket she’d been working with to focus her new powers. He’d rummaged through her drawers, looking for it, and had found the sheet of paper tucked under the amulet. Before he’d realized what it was, he’d read through part of it and then hadn’t been able to stop himself from finishing. It was beautiful, honest, and raw, and a part of the time she’d come from. Cian had taken a picture of the page and reached out to Faith in the hope the Seer’s long memory would provide insight. She’d explained that it was the traditional Celtic vows of Ashlynn’s time, words meant to be shared between man and wife as they pledge their love.

  Ashlynn passed her bouquet to Patrick and turned to take both of Cian’s hands in hers. She took a deep breath that made her shoulders rise and fall, then began the traditional Celtic words.

  “You cannot possess me, my love, for I belong to myself.

  But, while we both wish it, I give you that which is mine to give.

  You cannot command me, my dearest, for I am a free person.

  But I shall serve you in those ways you require and the honeycomb will taste sweeter coming from my hand.”

  Cian freed a hand from her grasp and lifted it to her lips, stopping her vows and bringing a look of surprise to her widened eyes. Then his voice replaced hers and he continued where she’d left off.

  “I pledge to you that yours will be the name I cry aloud in the night,

  And the eyes into which I smile in the morning.”

  A soft gasp escaped Ashlynn’s lips and tears filled her eyes, spilling over onto her flushed cheeks as she realized what he’d done. Cian swallowed the lump in his throat and continued.

  “I pledge to you the first bite from my meat, and the first drink from my cup.

  I pledge to you my living and dying, equally in your care.”

  He dipped his head and placed her hand over his heart, knowing she’d understand and follow his lead. Her voice lifted to join his as they finished together.

  “And tell no strangers our grievances.

  This is my wedding vow to you.

  This is a marriage of equals.”

  Soft sniffles and some louder sobs were the only sounds in the garden as they finished and stepped closer together as one. Cian’s awareness of their guests and the world around them disappeared again as Ashlynn filled his universe. He drew her closer, moving his arm around her waist to lift her against his chest, and laid his trembling lips on hers.

  Everything he felt moved through him, swept along by his magic, and into that kiss. Ashlynn’s lips opened beneath him, adding her sweet magic and the rush of new magics still uncontrolled within her to the mix. It swirled around them, locking them in a mystical cocoon of warmth and beauty. Cian felt his soul reach out to hers and found her waiting and open.

  Thunderous applause and cheerful whoops disintegrated their little bubble, bringing Cian back to reality. He swept one hand behind Ashlynn’s waist and another at the nape of her neck and lowered her back for a crowd-pleasing kiss. Her laughter echoed against his lips as they came back up for air.

  “My husband’s a show off,” Ashlynn murmured with a chuckle as she pressed her lips to his once more.

  Warmth flooded through Cian’s veins at the term. It sounded like the sweetest term of endearment from her lips. He tucked a rogue curl behind her ear and whispered, “Anything for my wife.”

  The rest of the ceremony was a blur as they signed the documents that would make their union legal and had it witnessed by friends and family. The real ceremony, the one that would link them as one spirit and bestow the power of their clans upon them, would happen that night when the moon rose high. Cian held his bride’s hand while he received endless claps on the back, hugs, and words of congratulations. By the time Belladonna announced the meal was ready, Cian’s face hurt from smiling and his stomach was growling. The smell of steak, shrimp, and garlic mashed potatoes almost made him groan. He tugged Ashlynn in for another kiss then hurried her along to the head table.

  As the sun sank lower in the sky, an itch began deep in Cian’s chest and moved over his skin. He laughed with friends, danced with his devastatingly gorgeous wife, filled with emotion over the fact that she was now his wife, all the while feeling the pull of what would come at midnight.

  When Patrick stood up and cleared his throat, their guests went silent and all heads turned to give him respect. Cian took in the proud set of his father’s chin and swallowed the lump in his throat. Once more, he wondered if he’d ever be as good a leader as his father and promised himself that he’d never stop trying.

  Eadlyn joined Patrick a moment later, her hand reaching for him automatically. Vibrations of nerves and excitement travelled through Cian’s fingers.

  Then came the words Cian had been waiting a lifetime to hear.

  “It’s time.”

  Chapter Six

  Ashlynn’s chest filled with warmth and love as she held Cian’s hand and nestled at his side. They stood together and watched everyone busy about, getting things ready for the next stage of their wedding; the joining of the two final clans.

  But something felt – wrong.

  Her powers were magnifying inside her. Flooding in through the gate she’d accidently left open, the guards she let down amongst the overwhelming joy that filled her after sharing their vows. Those ancient words from her time, coming from Cian’s mouth and straight to her heart, had melted away at everything else.

  Leaving her vulnerable.

  Ashlynn swallowed hard against the sudden tightness in her throat and willed her powers to calm, but it was no use. They ran rampant in her veins and she could feel heat reaching the surface of her skin. Carefully, she shook her hand from Cian’s grip and stepped backward. No one noticed her retreating. Except Cian.

  He spun around and looked at her worriedly. “Where are you going?”

  Ashlynn’s cheeks filled with heat. “I just have to go to the lady’s room for a moment.”

  He quirked an eyebrow skeptically “Okay. Hurry back, though. The ritual’s going to start soon.”

  She nodded and held a smile, unsure if she was fooling him, and sped off toward the washroom. Thankfully, no one was in there and Ashlynn locked herself in the furthest stall.

  Planted firmly on the closed toilet seat, she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths then reached into her reticule to pull free the crystal ball that Faith had given her. She had used it before the wedding, in hopes it would store enough of her powers to get her through the day.

  But as the moon hung high in the sky and the excitement of this wonderful day poured down over her, the joy took precedence over everything else. Allowing her fledgling powers over the five elements to run free. Compounding inside of her until it was bursting to be released, stretching underneath the surface of her skin.

  She sat on the toilet seat and held the glass ball in both her hands as she rocked back and forth, willing her mind to take control of her body once more.

  But it was no use.

  Her breathing quickened as her fingers warmed against the surface of the orb, melding together as her magic flowed through her veins and funneled into the ball. So much had built up, more than ever before, and it took all her strength not to crush the orb in her grasp.

  “Ashlynn?” a voice broke through the thick air of the room and reached her ears. Cian.

  She heard the bathroom door close and footsteps enter.

  A cold sweat broke out all over her body as she cut the tie of magic she held to the orb. Her eyes watered over. “C-Cian, what are you doing in the women’s bathroom?”

  His f
ootsteps came to a stop right outside the stall. “Checking on you. It's been a while and they’re all ready to do the ritual.” He paused and she could hear the hesitation in his tone. “Are –you? I mean, do you want to?”

  Ashlynn’s chest squeezed at the thought of her beloved thinking she was scared or didn’t want to rule their people together. After all, they’d been through, how could he think she was having second thoughts now? Of all days.

  After a few deep breaths, her mind cleared, and Ashlynn knew she had to tell Cian about the forest, the orb, and her ever-growing powers. She stood and held the orb tightly in one hand as she released the latch on the stall, letting the metal door swing open. He regarded her with worry as she took in the sight of her. Crazed, sweaty, and clenching a strange crystal ball.

  “Ash, what’s going on with you?”

  “M-my powers, the gifts your – our people have given me,” she smoothed a hand over her belly, “the baby -”

  “Is the baby okay?” he quickly asked, eyes wide with fear.

  “Oh, yes, yes, she’s fine. Just – strong.” Ashlynn swallowed nervously. “I think – I’m almost certain it’s Masilda.”

  His brow pinched together. “What?”

  “The baby. Part of it, and I’m not sure how much is Masilda’s soul. Her power lives in me and the baby is acting like some sort of filter. I’m having trouble keeping control over it all. My own magic, the baby, the new power your family has bestowed upon me. And now tonight, we’re to join the two clans and I’ll be given even more. I was worried…”

  Cian’s hands reached out to take her in his arms. He entered the stall completely and shut the door behind him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Ashlynn shrugged as a single tear fell down her cheek. “I didn’t want to cause any distress to you. You’re already risking your life nearly every night in search of Serena.”


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