A Master For A Desperate Slave

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A Master For A Desperate Slave Page 7

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  Finally, the beating stops and he moves in behind her.

  The room where they play is filled with voyeurs taking pleasure in their scene. They watch in awe as he lays his hand upon her back, stroking her gently, and then whispers something in her ear. They strain to know what he says, but he speaks too softly now.

  “You’re ready to cum, aren’t you?” he asks.

  “Uh-huh,” she answers, even as she feels the frenzied peak of her sexual ascent begin to fall away. It pains her when he denies her, and an unwanted grimace appears on her face.

  “You want to beg?” he asks. This is said a little more loudly; because it’s something he wants the crowd to hear.

  “Yes, sir,” she answers.

  “Then tell me what you want, Colleen.” He grabs her disheveled red curls and pulls her head back so the crowd can see her lips.

  “I want to cum, sir, please.”

  “You must do better than that!”

  “Please, sir, if you’d be so kind, so gracious as to allow me this bit of pleasure…”

  “Then what will you do?”

  “I’ll serve you, sir, as you require, anything you desire of me I will do.”

  He lets go of her hair and gives her ass a firm smack. “You say that so easily,” he says, as if he’s planning to deny her once again, and yet after giving her bottom a squeeze, his hand slips down to where he finds the juicy warmth between her cleft.

  One touch of his fingers, and desire flashes through her. This simple stimulation, his careful fingering is all she needs to return to that crest between her rising need and the wild orgasmic swell of completion. She’s aware that at any moment he may cruelly order her to quell her inner beast and back off, but this time he is truly kind. His fingers move a little deeper, inserting themselves into her pussy. Her inner muscles clench, she pants heavily while holding back, waiting for permission.

  “Cum, my love,” he finally says.

  And she’s free now. A shower of sensations rains through her body and her cumming cunt grovels shamelessly on his hand, taking every bit of pleasure he will allow. He thrusts his fingers inside her hole, feeling her response all through his body. He takes her flying for several minutes and then, with a benevolent spirit brings her back to the planet, the dungeon, the room where she is pilloried.

  When she opens her eyes, she gazes at his face. And though a dozen people watch the two in wonder, the only one she sees is Ben.

  “Have your ass greased and ready for later, slave,” he says, his voice colder now.

  “Yes, sir,” she answers, understanding what that means.


  It’s late, nearly 2:00 am when they finally find themselves in his bed and it’s now his turn for sex.

  He moves in against her from the rear, spooning her gently, although he has more in mind than just comfort. He wraps his arms around her, kisses her neck, her cheek, her ear. He blows in her ear with a hot breath that smells of the cappuccino they drank an hour ago. One hand fingers her tit and gives her nipple a terrific pinch. She yips briefly, then slides right into the feeling. The redolence of her body has his erection firm.

  Her ass is greased and ready, just as he ordered. And now, he parts her bottom cheeks and raises one leg slightly to allow him in. His randy erection slips right through the often-tight barrier of her anus, smoothly gliding into the rear portal.

  She utters a little scream, which he silences with a simple, “Hush!”

  “Yes, sir,” she quietly answers. She’s getting dreamy now as he begins to move inside her body.

  The deeper he thrusts, the more she seems to open, the more she draws him willingly inside. This is serving him, fulfilling the promise she made while begging for her own sexual release. She knows he’ll use her hard.

  He gathers force and speed as his momentum builds, as he holds her tightly to him so she’s locked by his strong arms and supported by the muscled chest at her back.

  “Hmm, yes. Ohmigod, yes!” she starts to cry.

  Harder, he fucks her asshole harder. “That’s it, bitch!” he grunts.

  “Mmm, Oh, yes, yes, yes, do it hard!” her cry becomes a shout.

  He’s completely inside her now, with his cock drilling so deep that his groin is pressed against her soft ass cheeks and they feel like one body not two. She can feel his erection pulse as it thrusts. He gives her nipple a painful twist and gnaws at her neck.

  “GAWD, YES, MORE!” She practically screams, while he groans behind her.

  Feeling the end near, she pushes back against him.

  “YES, YES, YES!” is all she can say, over and over, “YES, YES, YES,” until she’s almost choking on the word.

  Ben moans deeply, while the two move in a hard unison, thrusting, grinding, shoving back and forth in a frenzied rhythm. This is not sweet lovemaking, but hard ass-fucking pleasure.

  “Dammit!” he swears, “Dammit, bitch, yes!!” These are his only words as he cums in her ass. She feels each shooting spasm of hot spunk ejaculating deep into her entrails.

  She is delirious now while her belly, ass and cunt are on fire.

  For a time, after his cum has passed, they lay motionless, as if they could remain like this forever. Finally, his spent cock starts to dwindle, and as it pulls from her ass, he turns her around and pushes her face down to the head of his prick.

  She knows she’ll clean it—she prepared for this too, having washed herself carefully when they arrived home. All she tastes now is the sweetness of his cum and the slightly tinny taste of her behind. Before she finishes, he turns her around and opens her thighs. His tongue goes for her swollen clitoris, lapping it furiously until she cums again with a grateful sigh.

  “Ohhhh, my, thank you, sir.” She sighs quietly after a long tired silence.

  He rolls over and moves in close, whispering, “And this time you might have actually earned it.”

  Despite their closeness, Colleen feels something distant in Ben’s demeanor. Yes, it’s exactly as she feared. Just one day with Dana Ransom, one day amid his old environs and she feels the change in him already. It would never show on the surface, but at moments like this, Colleen goes deeper than the skin, than flesh and bones, to the essence of the man inside his heart. So bittersweet is the longing that comes with a true love lost. Dana was his true love and now he’s gone back to her.

  She can’t forget that fact. As an interloper arriving just when the tempestuous relationship fell apart three years before, the sensible redhead knows what was staring her in the face the moment she laid her eyes on him at the airport. It will only be a matter of time before that old connection renews, if it hasn’t already. Oh, he’ll deny it; he’ll probably get angry with her if she raises the issue. He might even beat her for doubting him. Ben is a loyal man and will attempt to be loyal to her to the finish. But for just a few seconds in this open-hearted moment of sexual aftermath, she can feel the whisper of a change. It’s real, not something she imagines.

  “You’re ready for sleep?” she asks. Of course he is; he’s almost snoring now. But she wants to hear his voice.

  “Yeah, I’m tired. It’s been a long day.”

  “But a good night,” she adds.

  “Yes, you’re right, a very good night.” He holds her as he drifts off, and when it’s time for her to sleep, she slips from his grasp and snuggles in with her bottom against his hip. They are still joined for now.

  Chapter Six

  It seems hotter than it should be this time of the year, but home is cool, the air still. After my terrible day, I might be able to think here. But first I’ll cry.

  I’ll cry to get rid of the tension, cry to banish my raw emotions, cry for the memory of what I lost, cry for the broken hope.

  Jeezus! How am I doing to stand it day after day with Benjamin Hunter!

  With my tears finally over, I go to the kitchen and grab some pretzels, a hunk of cheese and a can of Coke from the fridge. Plopping down on my living room sofa, I ponder the meaning of l
ife and impossible things like Benjamin Hunter returning to what I thought was my sacred domain.

  He came back. That’s almost impossible to believe. I should be angrier than I am, but there’s an odd calm about me now that the tears are over. Relief. I think I feel relief; I should. After all, he’s going to be my savior at work. I need the help, and dammit, Tyler was right, he’s the best one for the job.

  But there’s a terrible feeling in my belly—been there for several hours. It must be the memories colliding there, and what better place than the heart of my sex where we related so well.

  I lay back against the sofa pillows; they’re smooth and cool against my hot skin. Yes, I muse to myself, it’s only natural that I need to get off now, get him out of my system, away from my thoughts, off my mind and out of my body. Yes, Benjamin Hunter, this is what I need to do! I’d shout, but the neighbors would probably hear.

  As I hike my skirt, my fingers move in familiar territory, relishing the arousal I’ve contained all day. Of course, he can still turn me on with his muscled body, the good looks and the stare that screams his Domination. I don’t have to love him. I don’t have to want him or need him. God forbid. Of course not, Dana, don’t be stupid!

  I try to think of Locksley as I masturbate, but my mind keeps going back to Benjamin and how it used to be.

  The memories come to me as fast as I push them away, until suddenly the scenes of my submission become all too real. I’m there even now, in one of many moments when he forced himself on me and I gave in. Giving in is what I do.

  I remember clearly, backing off in fear, trying to push him away, but he was pushing forward as if he had a right to have me. He said I needed to be punished. He accosted me in the warehouse, came up to me from behind with his fury pouring from his being. I’d managed to slip from his hands once that day, and I knew it would be tough a second time. We were alone after hours. Alone in the warehouse—what better place? Silence crept from every corner of the building. I could hear his breath and mine. It was too late to escape, when he clamped his hand over my mouth. And maybe by then I didn’t want to be free of him.

  My heart beat heavily while a constant thud of fire throbbed between my thighs.

  He pushed me to the concrete floor and planted his boot firmly on my back.

  “Kiss it!” he ordered.

  “Kiss what?” I asked.

  He pressed down a little harder. It was difficult to breathe. My mind swam with fear but my pussy was responding nicely, just as he knew it would.

  “My boot, the toe of my boot,” he growled. “Lick it with your tongue, kiss away the dirt, slut.” Slut spoken like a dirty word.

  My head turned enough to locate his left boot and my tongue responded while I was still trying to make up my mind if I’d obey. Licking the surface was not as distasteful as I thought it would be, although the smell of shoe polish flooded my nostrils. I tasted leather and little more.

  “Now turn around and lift your skirt,” he said.

  The skirt was the kind that Benjamin liked best. Short. Tight. Already hiking up my hips and exposing my naked cunt.

  Just as I was about to do as I was told, I heard some shuffling in the warehouse. Fear seemed to zap my ability to move. I was frozen stiff. Benjamin finally had to kick me to get me going again, and then I scrambled around as ordered.

  “Now back in with that hot cunt and fuck my boot,” he said. His voice was as seductive as it was cruel.

  While Benjamin’s invited guests moved in close to watch, I raised my bottom enough to search for the toe of his boot with my open crotch. He didn’t make my effort easy. He backed off a few feet and sat down on a crate, waiting while I crawled backwards on all fours. Though I didn’t see it for myself, I could sense the smirk on his face as he watched my pitiful show. But he had me, he knew he had me. He had me groveling like a little pleasure beast, needy and so wanting that I’d do anything to get myself off. Not only that, he counted on that sexual ache of mine to entertain him and his troops. After a humiliating minute, I finally found the target I was searching for. I pressed my wet pussy against the toe of his boot and ground my hips into the firmness, feeling it massage my clitoris. The results were spectacular—I was ready to cum.

  Oh, I wanted more of something inside me and that was hardly possible. A dildo, a stick, even a hand would do much better than the toe of his boot, but I let the boot suffice and hoped it would get me back in his good graces with my nasty show. Cumming, that was all I cared about, and I was drifting toward that end, ready any second to let the orgasm crash my body.

  But no! Not this time… not with the way I bitched and moaned earlier in the day when Benjamin asked me for a blowjob in his office. Without warning—he got his revenge—he jerked the boot away, reached down and pulled me up, pushing my face into his lap. By then, he had enough cum stored up to choke me. I gave him head, while his sleazy friends looked on, and finally, after I swallowed all he had, I sat back and wiped my face.

  “That’s better, Dana,” he said. “Now back on the floor.”

  It didn’t take long to realize what he had in mind. I was praying fervently, hoping he’d get me off, but the punishment for my earlier denial of him wasn’t over. Turning me over to his friends, he said, amusedly, “Use her; she needs it.”

  ‘Use her, she needs it.’ The words keep coming back to me, haunting me, taking me back to the warehouse and that day. As my finger rubs my clit and I poke my wet and raunchy snatch, I hear him say it again… ‘Use her, she needs it.’

  There were three of them; one with a dildo, one with a thick zucchini, the third with a fat fuck-club that’s used to open asses wide—it’s considered virtual torture, at least how I’d seen it used in a public dungeon.

  I shrank in fear as I gazed around, but Benjamin just moved to my bowed head and pushed my face back down to the cold concrete. My lips met the surface; I couldn’t be anymore lowly bowed. While my lover, my partner, my Dom kept me immobilized with his foot, the three men crouched around me and began to work me hard. My ass and cunt were bored by the dildo, the zucchini and the fat fuck-club. I thought I’d die—but I also knew I’d eventually cum. The humiliation pained me, hot tears pouring from my eyes, yet my traitorous body urged them on. It was loving it too much to stop.

  Very briefly, there was a moment when I struggled with their abuse, when it seemed absurd and vile. I wanted to rise up and throw them off, run screaming into the night outside.

  Benjamin sensed the rebellion right through that damn boot and he shoved his foot against my back so I understood I’d not be going anywhere.

  “Don’t lie to yourself, Dana,” he spit out. “You know what you want.”

  I couldn’t lie; my body wouldn’t let me. My hips rolled, I mewled low but enough so they could hear. I hoped the demonstration itself would be enough to satisfy the man. But of course, it wasn’t. Benjamin always wanted more.

  “Tell us what you want, Dana,” he said.

  I could hardly speak so I ignored the order.

  Benjamin wouldn’t have it. “Tell us, Dana, spit it out.”

  “Oh, can’t I please…” I started, but before I finished, his foot bore down so hard, I thought I’d break in two.

  “Yes, yes, I want it!” I screamed.

  “What’d that?” Benjamin snapped.

  “I want you to fuck me!”

  “How? How do you want to be fucked, Dana?”

  “Fucked hard, sir.”

  “In your ass, huh?”

  “Yes, in my ass!” Those hateful things gave me chills all over. I was on the verge of cumming. Both my holes were filled and the men worked them hard, thrusting their terrible tools in and out, again and again, over and over until I thought I’d die…

  Yeah, and look at me now! Back in real time, I’m doing the same thing, cumming … cumming on my juice-soaked fingers, stabbing myself with the long, hard neck of a beer bottle I’d plucked from the coffee table beside me. It’s wave after wave of orgasm, clenc
hing, tightening, my belly heaving. I’m moaning, thrashing back and forth on my sofa, looking up through the haze of my bleary mind, expecting Benjamin to be standing over me, having taken me down below myself where my real desires lie, in wait.

  Locksley’s never done this in the flesh, but Benjamin Hunter comes back for just one day and in my mind, it’s as if he’s never left and I belong to him. Dammit, he has the power to screw with me, as if he never stopped.

  It wasn’t long after that night in the warehouse that we had our fatal break-up. I remember now, as the pleasure of my masturbation subsides, the weird afternoon in the office when I refused to be caned. I was so afraid of myself, so afraid of losing myself in Benjamin, of diving so deep into my reckless passions that I could never retrieve myself. Was that possible? Would that have happened? And if it had, would it have really been so bad?

  Look what I have now? Locksley. He pales next to Benjamin Hunter.

  I was good with a lash, still am. I can take it hard. And I love what the pain brings me and what I become for a sadistic man. It’s all about sexual pleasure, isn’t it? Or is there more? My dreams, my fantasy once had me groveling in abject surrender to Benjamin Hunter. My cunt orgasms at the thought. But I ran from it every time, frightened for myself, for him, for what we might to do each other.

  I live in my head and my feelings, in an inner world populated by too many ideas and too much emotion. I have a testy spirit; it’s hardly a gracious one. I’m quirky. I’m cute. I’m also damned demanding; every lover I’ve had has told me so. But I can be gracious and loving and a real joy—once the demons in me have their say.

  Oh, then, I’m peaceful. Sweet as lamb. Benjamin could quell the beast in me better than anyone. But still, I sometimes wonder if maybe he created my surrendering beast to answer the dominant brute that hides inside his soul. I wonder.

  It’s been a long day. I need some rest and thankfully, it comes easily. As soon as I lay my head on the pillow, I close my eyes. I think I’ll sleep.


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