Arrow's Hell

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Arrow's Hell Page 14

by Chantal Fernando

  He hangs up, leaving me cringing at the phone.

  I sit on the curb, lifting my head when I hear the sound of rumbling motorcycles about ten minutes later. I can just imagine the lecture I’m going to get from Rake, about how all of this could be avoided if I just lived at the clubhouse like he wanted. Resigned to my fate, I stand as Rake and Arrow approach, both wearing identical scowls on their faces. Arrow lifts his hands to me as he walks up but drops them at the last second. Rake pulls me into his arms as Arrow watches, staring at my face. He looks like he wants to touch me badly but can’t because of my brother’s presence. I know the feeling, because I want to be in his arms too.

  “You okay?” he asks me, our eyes connected. I nod.

  “I’ll go in and check it out,” he says, giving me a gentle look before he walks in the direction of my apartment. Rake and I follow behind and watch as he disappears inside my apartment.

  “Fuckin’ hell, Anna, you’d be safe if you weren’t so stubborn and just stayed where you belong.”

  “Don’t start, Rake,” I mumble, staring at the door, waiting for Arrow to reappear. When he does, he’s empty-handed.

  “Place is a wreck,” he says. “Doesn’t look like anything is missing though. Lock’s broken.”

  Probably because I had nothing of value to steal. Luckily Lana wasn’t over, since she has a key and drops by whenever she feels like it. A key I actually gave her, unlike my brother.

  Arrow removes his leather jacket and places it over my shoulders. “You look freezing, Anna.”

  I sigh. “It’s been a long day.”

  “I can see that. Come on, I’ll help you clean up the place,” Arrow says, leading me inside with an arm around my shoulder.

  Sweet, so fucking sweet.

  “Thanks,” I sniff, walking into my home. Arrow removes his arm as we step into my kitchen and I take in the disaster that is my apartment.

  “Fuck! Shouldn’t I call the cops?” I ask.

  “No cops,” Rake says. “Unless you want one of us to get arrested.”

  I roll my eyes. “You guys can leave then, you haven’t done shit. I’ll call the cops.”

  “They aren’t going to do anything, Anna,” Arrow says. “Let us handle it. Don’t worry, all right?”

  Sighing, I turn around to see Arrow and Rake having a silent conversation I’m obviously not meant to hear. Or in this case, see.

  “What?” I demand. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Nothing,” they both say at the same time, trying to look innocent.

  And failing.

  I point my finger. “Don’t fuck around, tell me what’s going on.”

  I’m ignored.

  “Call in the women to help,” Arrow tells Rake. “It will be quicker, and Anna looks exhausted. She doesn’t need to be doing this shit.”

  Rake grins. “Shall I call Jill?”

  I grit my teeth together. Why is that woman’s name still being said?

  “Fuck Jill,” Arrow replies. “I was thinking more along the lines of Faye and Jess.”

  “Oh,” Rake replies, deflated. “The old ladies.”

  We really don’t have the time for this. I step into my living room, to see the place trashed. Everything is turned upside down, though I can’t come up with one reason why someone would do this. I clearly have nothing of value; they can see that. Tying my hair up in a messy bun, I quickly step into my room and change into some dry clothes, then start to arrange the place. Faye and Jess drop by, along with Tracker and even Allie. I appreciate the help. It takes two hours before everything is back in place. Arrow opted to help me put my room back together, and I literally cringe when he starts snooping through my drawers.

  “Arrow, can you stop?” I ask, scowling at him as he opens my panty drawer.

  “Just making sure everything is in working order.”

  I don’t even know what to reply to that.

  “You know you’re coming back to the clubhouse tonight, don’t you?” he says casually, pulling out a pink thong and stretching it between his fingers.

  “No, I’m not. Everything is fine now. I can stay here. And I can see you still haven’t spoken to Rake.”

  Rake walks in just after I say those words. “We’ll get this sorted out, then Arrow and I are going out later tonight.”

  “Going out where?” I ask. “And I’m not moving back to the clubhouse full-time, but I’ll stay there until whatever this is is sorted out.”

  “Fine. For now, that works.”

  “Where are you going out?” I ask again.

  Rake grins. “Strip club, having a couple of drinks.”

  The look I send Arrow is judge, jury, and executioner.

  He flashes me an apologetic look and mouths the word later.

  “Fine,” I mumble.

  I have other things to worry about right now.

  * * *

  Faye sticks her head through my door as I’m finishing off my room. “Anna, let’s go out tonight. I heard the men were too.”

  “Sounds good,” I tell her. No way I want to sit at home while Arrow is out at a strip club.

  I see Faye grin mischievously, her gaze darting to Arrow before landing back on me. “You need to get laid, and I think tonight should be the night.”

  My eyes widen.

  The shit stirrer.

  I smile innocently at both Arrow and Rake, playing along. “I know just what to wear.”

  Rake scowls at Faye while Arrow stares me down, his eye starting to twitch a little.

  Yeah, he doesn’t like that idea much.

  “Faye, don’t say my sister’s name and ‘get laid’ in the same sentence ever again,” my brother groans.

  Faye raises an eyebrow. “The things I could tell Anna. The things I’ve seen!”

  Rake grabs her and covers her mouth with his hand. He looks up. “Arrow, meet you out front. Faye will take you to the clubhouse, Anna.”

  He walks backward with her, probably going to give her a talking-to.

  Arrow kisses my brow. “I’ll be in your bed tonight, Anna.”

  “That spot might already be taken tonight, Mr. Arrowsmith,” I reply, a smug smile playing on my lips.

  Arrow surprises me by grinning. “We both know that won’t be the case, darlin’.”

  Cocky bastard.

  A quick kiss on my mouth, and he’s gone.


  FAYE walks back from the bar with two shots in her hand. Sin stands at the corner, watching his woman, a hungry look on his face. The two of them are an amazing couple, strong and so very in love. I’d spent a little time with their daughter this evening too, and Clover was a treat. She’s a bright, witty five-year-old and I could tell she was going to be an absolute stunner when she was older. She even told me how her uncle Arrow sneaked her strawberry candy.

  I glance around Knox’s Tavern once, then look at Faye as she hands me a shot glass. This wasn’t exactly how I pictured the night going, but I just pretend our every move isn’t being scrutinized and try to enjoy the drinks.

  “I love this song!” Faye calls out, doing an exaggerated grinding move that has me laughing. She drags me to the dance floor, and it’s not long before her man is there, grabbing her by the hips and looking like he wants to fuck her right here on the dance floor. I head back to the bar, feeling like a third wheel, and sit in front of Reid.

  “When you getting your ass back to work?” he asks.

  “Why?” I reply. “Do you miss me?”

  He grins and pours me another shot. “I just don’t want to have to train anyone else.”

  I roll my eyes. “You love me. Admit it, Reid Knox, badass MMA fighter. You luuurvvve me.”

  He pulls the shot back. “On second thought, maybe you’ve had enough.”

  I lean closer. “I have a question. What do you know about that Talon dude?”

  Reid seems to know everything about everyone.

  His eyebrows raise. “Talon?”

  “Wild Men
Talon,” I explain further.

  Reid studies me for a few tense seconds. “I know that no one will be happy you’re asking about him.”

  I shrug. “I’m curious. He wasn’t a bad guy—you know, kidnapping aside.”

  Reid scrubs a hand down his face. “So happy you’re not my sister.”

  I gape. “Why does everyone keep saying that?”

  “Maybe because you’re a troublemaker,” he suggests.

  I pout. “Where’s Ryan? He’s nicer.”

  He chuckles at that. “It’s his wedding anniversary, so he’s out spoiling his wife. How’s Arrow?”

  I narrow my eyes. “What about Arrow?”

  He doesn’t reply, just gives me a How stupid do you think I am? look.

  “Does everyone know?” I grumble.

  “Everyone except Rake.”

  Okay, that makes me feel like total shit. I don’t want everyone except Rake to know. Rake should be the first to know. Even though Arrow and I haven’t really made anything official and won’t until Rake knows, it still feels wrong, and I don’t like it. Arrow better talk to Rake tonight. Surely the strippers will have him in a more amicable mood. Arrow should buy him a lap dance or something.

  “Nothing is going on . . . yet,” I evade.

  “You better be back here tomorrow night,” Reid says, changing the subject, which I appreciated.

  “I’ll be here,” I tell him. “I actually like working at this place.”

  “Well, lucky me then,” he says with a smirk, then walks off to serve a customer. When someone wraps their arms around me from behind, I elbow them in the stomach out of instinct.

  “Ouch,” Tracker says, lifting up his shirt and rubbing his hand over an impressive set of abs.

  “Like that hurt,” I say. “You just want to show off your sexy abs.”

  He smiles and puts his hand out. “It’s nice to be appreciated. Want to dance?”

  I give him my hand. “Lead the way.”

  We enter the dance floor and Tracker immediately pulls me into him. I raise my eyebrow at his apparent lack of boundaries, but he just flashes me a boyish grin and starts to dance.

  “Where’s the old ball and chain?” I say into his ear so he can hear me.

  He waves his hand in the air dismissively. “Fuck her.”

  I shake my head and start to move in sync with him to the music. Tracker turns out to be a good dancer. He moves his hips in a bump and grind that has me seeing exactly what Lana sees in him.

  Holy hell, he’s sex on a stick.

  One minute I’m pressed against Tracker, the next minute I’m pulled away from his body and pushed behind Arrow. I hear Arrow angrily say something to Tracker, a lot of swearing involved, and then he’s dragging me out of the bar by my wrist.

  “What the fuck happened?” I ask when we’re standing by his bike, lifting my hand to touch his swollen cheek.

  He moves his face away. “While I’m with your brother, trying my fuckin’ best for us to be together without losing him, you’re here, pressed up against another one of my brothers?”

  Okay, he’s angry.

  And even though it was an innocent dance, he does have a point.

  His chest is heaving up and down and the look he’s giving me makes me want to cringe.

  I need to apologize.


  “You better be worth all this shit, Anna,” he says through clenched teeth. “Mary would have never—”

  My gasp stops him in his tracks. I can’t fucking believe he went there. I just can’t.

  “Well, unfortunately, Arrow, Mary isn’t here,” I snap, my chest tightening. “But I am. I was sitting alone and Tracker asked me to dance. As a friend, so I wasn’t bored out of my mind. You’re the only one I have eyes for, even though you’re usually a dick! You know I would never even think about being with someone other than you. I’m fuckin’ crazy about you!”

  His mood instantly changes, lightening the air around us. “Anna, I—”

  I hold up my hand. “I’m going to try and enjoy the rest of my night.”

  “I told Rake,” he says. “He wasn’t happy. In fact, he was fucking pissed. He’s probably on his way here now to grab you.”

  My head falls back against my neck. “Can you just take me home, please? Or shall I call a cab?”

  He nods, rubbing the back of his neck. “You’re not taking a fuckin’ cab, Anna. Can you hold on, or have you had too much to drink?”

  “I’m fine,” I tell him, staying silent as he puts the helmet on me and helps me onto the bike.

  Mary would have never . . .

  That’s what it all comes down to, doesn’t it?

  I’m not Mary; I’ll never be Mary. She’s gone, and I’m here.

  I just hope he sees that before it’s too late.

  * * *

  Arrow doesn’t take me home.

  He takes me back to the clubhouse, where I ignore him, have a shower, and slide into bed. He stands in front of the bed, watching me while I try to pretend like he isn’t there.

  “I didn’t mean it,” he says into the silence. “I shouldn’t have said it. I mean, it’s messed up of me to compare you two, I know that. It just slipped out.”

  I pretend to sleep, and after a few moments he leaves the room.

  When I wake up the next morning, I realize Arrow never returned to my room, and for some reason that annoys me. After I’m dressed I walk into the kitchen to see Arrow and Rake standing there, face-to-face.


  He spins to me. “Anna, what the fuck?”

  I shrink into myself. “Can we talk alone, please?”

  “We will talk after,” he says, staring at Arrow, who is a little taller than him, and bigger built, but Rake is scrappy. Like me, he had no choice but to be. “Arrow and I are going to sort some shit out in the ring, aren’t we?”

  Arrow nods but doesn’t look happy about it like Rake does.

  Sin storms into the kitchen with Faye on his heels, sends me a scowl, then demands, “Church, now!”


  Everyone with a penis disappears into the club-only room while the women stand there with curious expressions on their faces. Then, one by one, they all turn to stare at me.

  I shrug, feeling helpless.

  Faye and I sit down on the couch, waiting to see what happens next.

  “What happened?” she whispers.

  “Arrow told Rake last night. Rake didn’t take it very well. And I think your husband is just angry that I’m getting in between his club members.”

  Faye doesn’t bother to deny it.

  I see her biting her lip. “What?”

  “Nothing, it’s just . . . This is so out of character for Arrow. And kind of . . . hot.”

  I purse my lips. “Seriously?”

  She smirks. “What? I’m still a woman, after all.”

  I roll my eyes at her, my focus back on Arrow. I am still mad at him over the Mary thing, but this is a time where I need to have his back. I should be in there with him; we got into this together.

  What feels like an hour later but is actually fifteen minutes, the men all walk out. Arrow and Rake beeline to me straightaway, and I gulp at the expression on their faces.

  Both of them are not fucking happy.

  “Anna,” they say at the same time. I stand and look from one to the other.


  Sin walks up behind them and stares me down. “You caused this, so you’re going to watch.”

  I gape. “I caused this? What the fuck, we aren’t in the Middle Ages! What I do and who I do it with is my business and mine only.”

  Arrow leans down and whispers in my ear. “Calm down, Anna. Rake and I are going to fight it out. I need you to hold your shit together right now. Can you do that?”

  I nod, then turn to Rake, who looks even more pissed off now.


  I put my arm on my brother’s shoulder and give him my best puppy-dog look
, which usually works on him.


  Wow, he’s really angry.

  “I’m sorry, Rake. I don’t want to hurt you, but I can’t seem to forget the bastard.”

  He looks at me then and sighs. “I wanted better for you, Anna.”

  I swallow hard at the disappointment in his eyes. “You wanted me here with you in this lifestyle. Please don’t be mad now that I’ve decided to be a part of it.”

  “Fuck,” he curses, then kisses me on my forehead. “He hurts you and I’ll kill him. Slowly.”

  “So you aren’t going to fight?” I ask, hearing the hope in my voice.

  Rake smiles slowly. An evil glint in his eye that sends a shiver down my spine.

  “Fuck no, I need this.” He looks down at me. “And stay out of it, Anna. You wanted to be a biker’s woman—now sit here, bite your tongue, and let me take what I’m owed.”

  My eyes widen. Rake has never spoken to me like that in my entire life. I step away from him, not seeing my brother, but Rake—the club member. Arrow wraps his arms around my waist from behind and spins me around. Then, with everyone watching, his mouth settles possessively on mine.

  Point made.

  I’m his, and he’s mine.

  And now everyone knows it.


  DREAD fills my stomach as Rake and Arrow face each other. Why do these men have to act so barbaric? And screw Sin for making me watch it. Arrow pulls off his T-shirt, exposing his smooth, toned chest, and I perk up a little. Faye sends me a knowing smirk before her gaze returns to the two impressive men, staring at each other, waiting for the fight to begin. Rake pulls his shirt off as well, and they both face away from me, talking to Sin. I stare at the dragon tattoos on their backs, both staring at me.

  These men live by their own rules, and there is nothing I can do about it. If I want Arrow I know I can’t change him. I have to accept him as he is, and I do.

  That, however, doesn’t mean that I will stop being me. It just means that I have to think before I speak.

  I’m trying.

  Arrow looks over at me just before they get the go-ahead from Sin to start. He lets Rake hit him once, square in the face, then says something to him in a low tone. After that, he gets into the fight. I close my eyes as I hear the sounds of flesh hitting flesh, knowing that, to me, it doesn’t matter who wins this fight. The two men I care about the most are beating the shit out of each other, and all I can do is sit here and let them act like idiots. I hope after they work off all this aggression, Rake can forgive Arrow and let it go. This isn’t the olden days, where he needs to defend my honor because some man took my innocence. Arrow and I haven’t even had sex yet. I look up to see blood dripping down my brother’s face and Arrow’s lip cut open once more. I shoot Sin a dirty look, but he just grins at me.


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