Melting Her Wolf's Heart: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 9)

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Melting Her Wolf's Heart: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 9) Page 14

by Vella Day

  EmmaLee’s eyes widened and she ran to Vinea. The hug that followed was wonderful. “I can’t believe you came!”

  “I don’t like to make a habit of it. I imagine if Devon found out, he’d be upset, though I’m not sure why he should be. I’m probably safer in Billard than in Silver Lake.”

  “It doesn’t matter what he thinks. You’re here now.”

  Vinea leaned to the side to get a better look at her friend’s face. “Is that a bruise?”

  EmmaLee placed a palm over her cheek and averted her gaze. “I fell.”

  Vinea grabbed her friend’s hand, led her over to the sofa, and sat next to her. “You don’t need to lie to me.”

  “Fine, Slater was mad because I wanted to work on my research instead of going out. He took off and got drunk. At two in the morning, he came over looking for some action.”

  “And when you told him to get lost, he got mad.”

  EmmaLee nodded. Trying to convince her to leave the sorry sack always fell on deaf ears. “You could move to Silver Lake. I bet my boss could find a few shifts for you to work. You could even share my trailer if you don’t mind sleeping on the sofa.”

  She shook her head. “You are so sweet, but I can’t leave until I finish my master’s thesis.”

  “Are you sure that’s the only reason?”

  She blew out a breath. “Fine, I like Slater, too. There’s something about him that draws me in.”

  While Vinea felt the same way about Devon, at least her mate was noble. Even if he became angry, he’d never harm her. That level of confidence meant the world to her. “If you ever change your mind, let me know.”

  Vinea spent another hour there, but then it was time to go. “I need to get back. Remember, you can always call me, and I’ll be here in a heartbeat.”

  EmmaLee’s eyes shimmered. “Thank you. You don’t know how much that means to me.”

  After one last hug, Vinea teleported back to Silver Lake. To her delight, she returned to her living room. Too often she bemoaned the fact that she’d lost most of her powers when the gods in the light realm had kicked her out. She should be thankful they’d left her with the ability to move about so freely.


  Devon paced his living room. He should have insisted that Vinea stay with him. On the way home from the office, he’d stopped by her place, but she wasn’t home. After checking the café, he was told that her shift had ended hours ago. So where the hell was she? If she decided to spy on the Changelings, he’d tan her ass. Putting herself in danger was plain stupid, especially since Brother Jacob and John Ernst could recognize her.

  Even though she had agreed not to visit the Changelings, he wouldn’t be surprised if she decided to scope out the Lake Steakhouse. Technically, she wouldn’t be disobeying him if she went there.

  He shook his head and couldn’t help but smile. Her need to be useful seemed boundless. She might even have decided to hover over the restaurant patrons and listen in to their conversations to see if they were discussing anything of value. If Vinea reappeared by mistake, people would freak out.

  Vinea, Vinea. Where are you? Yes, he understood she wouldn’t answer, but someday she’d be able to.

  The restaurant would be closing in a few minutes, which would be the perfect time for her to learn the exact movements of the manager. Devon wouldn’t be surprised if she figured out how the Changelings plan to rob the place. Because she had the ability to fly above the restaurant and nearby establishments, she’d be able to find a good location for the Changelings to hide, or possibly to get off a quick shot.

  Devon needed to stop her from investigating on her own. Believing that if she saw him, she’d make an appearance, Devon grabbed his jacket and headed out. When he arrived, the restaurant lights were out, enabling him to park directly in front.

  Deciding to check out the back of the building, he trotted down the side alley. The light above the back parking lot flickered then dimmed. Man, the town really needed to keep up with maintenance. Despite his shifter eyesight, he still relied on lamps.

  He was close to the rear entrance when he sensed three shifter signatures. He froze, his heart beating way too fast. The manager was human, so it was possible some Changelings were there to case the joint.

  Devon debated turning around and checking the back from a different angle when the rear door creaked opened, and the manager exited alone. Part of him wanted to rush up and warn him, but if the Changelings were watching, it might cause an attack. Kalan and Connor had discussed with the team whether to warn the manager about the possible theft, and they decided it would be better if the man acted naturally. Tomorrow night, the cops would be surrounding the place, keeping the manager safe.

  Two men appeared from out of nowhere wearing masks. Oh, shit. Had the date of the robbery been changed to tonight? He swept the area looking for Vinea, but if she were invisible, he wouldn’t see her.

  A shout sounded, drawing his attention back to the action. Devon was less than fifteen feet from the men, and it was only a matter of seconds before they sensed him. As carefully as he could, Devon slipped his phone out of his pocket, and just as he was about to text Kalan to send reinforcements, sharp teeth dug into his shoulder. His knees buckled, and the phone went sprawling. Fuck.

  He’d not survive if he didn’t shift. Without thinking of the consequences of showing himself to the manager, Devon fell forward the moment the wolf released his grip. With two feet between them, he shifted, spun around, and attacked.

  A gunshot sounded and Devon waited for the pain to sear his body, but the only ache came from where his attacker had swiped a paw across his snout. Concentrate.

  If he was going to win, he needed to conserve his energy. Out of the corner of his eye, the manager dropped to his hands and knees, crying out in agony. One of the two men ran off and the second one raised his weapon and took aim—right at Devon.

  Another shot sounded, and this time the pain to his leg nearly immobilized him. The wound wouldn’t kill him, but his inability to fight two wolves would.


  After seeing EmmaLee and talking about how wonderful Devon was, it made her want to be with him even more. Devon McKinnon really was kind, focused, and gentle, if not a bit pigheaded. He was understandably troubled about her, but with time, she could help him find his own light.

  She debated calling him to say she’d changed her mind about staying apart and asking if he would like some company for tonight? Wanting, or rather needing to see him, she decided to pay him a surprise visit instead. She quickly changed into black jeans and a white mohair sweater that hugged her body. Knowing how much Devon liked to remove her underwear, she picked a matching black lace set with extra bra padding that would drive his wolf crazy.

  Not able to keep away from him any longer, she nodded and seconds later appeared in his living room. While she was happy with her success at landing in the right spot this time, she was dismayed to find his place dark. Damn. He wasn’t there. Where could he be at eleven at night? He wasn’t the type to party—unless he was trying to drown his sorrows at the pub. Was he missing her that much? For a brief moment, a shot of joy entered.

  Focus. Look for clues where he might be. A quick check outside confirmed his truck was gone. The robbery wasn’t until tomorrow, so he didn’t need to be at the restaurant until then.

  Needing some light to see if she could find something, she stepped toward the door to locate the light switch when a strong ache swept through her, nearly doubling her over. What the hell was that? Sure, she could feel someone else’s pain, but only when she was touching them.

  Devon’s in trouble.

  Vinea wasn’t sure if someone communicated with her telepathically somehow or if she’d just thought those words, but right now, all that mattered was that it might be true. Vinea had to help him.

  Not knowing for sure where he might be, she first teleported to McKinnon and Associates, landing in the hallway a few steps from his office.

The overhead lights flicked on, and she rushed toward his door. Not bothering to knock, she twisted the knob, but found it locked. Given the pervading silence in the building, no one else seemed to be around. Damn.

  Next, she appeared about a block from McKinnon’s Pub and Pool. If it wouldn’t have caused a stir, she would have landed inside the main building. After becoming invisible again, she floated inside and searched both the main room and the poolroom. He wasn’t there. Now what?

  She couldn’t imagine why he’d go to the Lake Steakhouse, but perhaps he wanted to check it out before tomorrow’s robbery. Having exhausted all other options, she once more aimed for an area out of sight of people. One second, she was surrounded by music and laughter, and the next she was in the middle of a horrible wolf fight behind the restaurant.

  She froze at the horror unfolding in front of her. Growls, coupled with gnashing teeth filled the air, and her stomach sickened. While she’d never seen Devon in his wolf form, she had no doubt which one he was. The two wolves attacking the lone wolf had red glowing eyes—Changeling eyes. But the most disturbing difference was that Devon was covered in blood.

  Her protective mechanism shot into gear. “Stop!” she screamed.

  Both attackers halted their assault and glanced up at her, giving Devon a few seconds breather. He darted out from between both of the wolves, turned around, and charged. She wasn’t even certain he’d noticed she’d arrived.

  As he tore at the black and gray wolf, her breath lodged in her throat. Vinea had to help. But how?

  She searched her limited talents. Just as she was about to disappear and smash a rock over one of the attacker’s head, she spotted a gun on the ground. While she’d never shot anyone before, she figured if she hovered close enough she wouldn’t miss.

  Vinea rushed over to the weapon and as she bent down to pick it up, one of the wolves charged her! Crap. One second she was visible, and the next she wasn’t. The wolf froze and looked around, justifiably confused.


  She grabbed the gun, aimed, and when she pulled the trigger, she swore her heart stopped. The wolf that’d come after her jerked, stuttered backward, and dropped onto his haunches, blood dripping down its side. Even if she unloaded the whole clip into him, he probably wouldn’t die, but it would slow him down. Only then did she notice a man lying in a pool of blood on the steps hidden by the shadows. He wasn’t moving. Devon yelped as the second wolf clawed at him. As much as she wanted to help the poor man, Devon needed her more.

  Her heart lurched. Devon’s right hind leg appeared broken and his snout was a bloody mess, but now the other wolf wasn’t in much better shape. She raised her arm again to take aim, but the two of them were twisting around too much for her to be sure she’d hit her mark.

  Vinea might never have killed a shifter before, but she knew that the neck was the most vulnerable spot. More snarls and grunts rent the air and she floated closer. She pressed the weapon against the second wolf’s neck, but her finger wouldn’t move. Before she’d been cleansed, she never thought twice about killing. Now she was different, making the decision a difficult, but not impossible one.

  Devon needs me.

  She closed her eyes and pulled the trigger. Her stomach soured, and the shock caused her to instantly return to her visible body.

  When she opened her eyes, both Devon and the wolf she’d just shot had collapsed on the ground. Vinea dropped the gun and knelt next to the man she was fast falling in love with. The first wolf she’d shot lay quivering on the ground, no doubt trying to heal, but she’d shoot him again if he tried to harm Devon.

  She placed a hand on Devon’s flank. “Devon, are you okay?”

  She knew he wasn’t able to answer, but she had to ask. Sirens sounded in the background. Oh, shit. Having no time to think through the options, she slipped her hands under his body and lifted him up. He was heavy, but she was strong. She hadn’t figured out exactly what to do, but she was convinced their best option was to get out of there.

  With Devon’s wolf pressed against her body, she ran down the alley, keeping as close to the building as possible to avoid being spotted. When she neared the street, she set him down the moment she saw his truck. Damn. She needed his keys. “Stay here.”

  Given his condition, he wouldn’t be moving. Once more she disappeared, located his clothes and keys, and returned with them. Thankfully, due to the late hour, few cars were on the street. Once the coast was clear, she rushed to his truck and opened the door. Her white sweater was coated in blood, but she hoped no one would stop and ask her questions.

  With the sirens fast approaching, she returned for Devon, gathered him in her arms, and rushed him to the truck. Not wanting him to move about during the drive back to his place, she put him on the floor and then jumped into the front seat.

  No sooner had she taken off than two police cars stopped in front of the restaurant. Most likely someone had heard the shots and called it in.

  As Vinea turned out of sight, she glanced over at Devon, who didn’t appear to be breathing. Dear goddess, please let me help him.

  Chapter Sixteen


  When Devon roused, the first thing he noticed was that his pain was gone, which made no sense. The second was that his opponent wasn’t trying to kill him. What the hell had happened? He opened his eyes and recognized the dark outline of his bedroom. Confusion assaulted him. How had he ended up here if he was still in his wolf form?

  Vinea! A soft snore erupted beside him, and he rolled over. Her breath was shallow and rapid. Oh, shit. She’d healed him, but at what cost to herself?

  Heart pounding, he changed into his human form and gently nudged her. “Vinea?”

  He didn’t like that she’d made such a sacrifice. She might have died—and still might. Acid burned in his gut at that terrible thought. Maybe she didn’t know that given enough time his wolf would have taken care of his injuries.

  The memory of the fight flitted in his head, and he vaguely recalled seeing someone arrive just as the two of the Changelings were attempting to tear him apart. It must have been her. One moment she was visible, and the next she was not. A second later, a shot sounded, and the stronger of the two wolves dropped to the ground. After that, he remembered nothing, other than the incredible weakness and violent pain.

  Devon stilled for a moment, trying to detect if anyone else was in the house. Had she carried him to his truck by herself? She must have since he doubted he would have been capable of moving on his own.

  There was a lot more to Vinea Summer than he realized—strength, determination, and loyalty.

  He nudged her once more, but when she didn’t respond, his adrenaline surged. Devon had to find help for her. Needing to call Missy, he eased out of bed. Crap. When he shifted, all of his possessions, including his cell, were strewn behind the restaurant. Guess he’d have to go over to his parents’ house and call from there.

  Vinea must have cleaned him up because only small patches of blood remained on his chest and arms. After dressing, he rushed out of the bedroom. On the dining room table sat his torn clothes—and his phone. Thank goddess for Vinea.

  Fortunately, Lexi had insisted on adding every phone number he’d ever need in his phone—including that of the local healer, Missy Berta. Just as he was about to call her, Vinea moaned, and his protective instincts shot into high gear. Devon rushed back into the room and flicked on the light next to the bed. Her eyes were open, and she was trying to sit up.

  “You need to rest,” he said, sliding onto the bed next to her.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  Was he okay? “Don’t I look good?” He smiled, hoping to calm her fears.

  “Yes, and I’m glad.” She closed her eyes again.

  He placed a hand on her forehead, and the heat nearly burned him. While he didn’t know much about medicine since his wolf did all the healing, he knew enough to know that he needed to cool her off. Once she was strong enough, they would talk.

  No sooner had he placed an ice pack on her forehead than his cell rang. It was Kalan. He dreaded learning how much he’d fucked things up by going over to the restaurant. The owner might not have been shot if Devon hadn’t shown.

  While he wasn’t sure if the two wolves had lived or died, he could only hope that shifters happened upon them. No telling what the humans would think.

  “Hey,” Devon said.

  “It’s Kalan. Sorry to bother you, but I wanted to let you know that the Lake Steakhouse robbery went down a few hours ago. Apparently, the Changelings had a change of plans.”

  So he hadn’t learned what had happened exactly. “I know.”

  Devon explained why he’d been there. He also told Kalan how he’d seen one of the three masked men shoot the owner and run away with the cash.

  “Why the fuck didn’t you call me?”

  “Because I just woke up a minute ago after nearly dying in the attack.” Devon explained how one wolf had attacked him from behind, and then the second man shifted after shooting him. “I was in a fight for my life.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Now I am. Vinea healed me, but she’s in bad shape.”

  “They attacked her?”

  He didn’t have time to discuss her abilities and what she’d done. “No. She healed me by taking away my pain as her own.”

  “I’d heard she’d healed Rye’s son.”


  “What happened to the other two wolves?” Kalan asked.

  “The men weren’t there when you arrived?”

  “No. Only the owner was there. He’s in the hospital now in critical condition, but we doubt he’ll make it.”

  Damn. “Did you see any sign of a fight?”

  “Hell, yeah! It looked like several men had bled out.”

  Devon explained to the best of his ability what Vinea had done. Only then did Devon realize that both of the men could now identify her as someone who had tried to kill them—assuming they were still alive. He wasn’t worried about himself. The McKinnons and the Changelings had gone head to head many times, and everyone was still healthy. It was Vinea who was in danger because of him.


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