Melting Her Wolf's Heart: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 9)

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Melting Her Wolf's Heart: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 9) Page 16

by Vella Day

  She moved closer and dragged a finger down his chest. “How impressed?”

  He tapped her nose. “Very, but not enough to say you can let your guard down.”

  “Don’t worry. Nothing will happen to me.”

  “I hope not.”

  “Would you miss me if something did?” She sucked in her bottom lip, and his wolf went wild. His balls drew up, and his pulse sped.

  Then at the thought of losing her, a strong ache nearly crushed him. “I’d more than miss you. I’d be tormented for the rest of my life.”

  She grinned. “You don’t have to go that far. Being sad is good enough.” Vinea winked, and his cock hardened further.

  When she looked up at him with her gorgeous green eyes, he could no longer hold back. Devon pulled her so close the pressure from her breasts heated him up from the inside out. Between the relief at her having lived, to knowing she could take care of herself, the tension that had been building all day finally let go.

  He ran his fingers across her jaw and then tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Cupping her neck, he leaned in close and whispered, “I want you, Vinea.”

  She turned her face and brushed her lips against his. Devon’s cock was on full alert, and it nearly exploded as their kiss became more heated and passionate.

  “I’m going to rock your world, Devon McKinnon.”

  “Show me what you got, beautiful.”


  “Get ready,” she said. “This time, I’m going to use my powers.”

  His brows furrowed. When she swept a hand over her body and removed all her clothes, his eyes widened. Devon reached out to touch her, but she shook her head.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, obviously upset.

  “Don’t move.”

  He cocked a brow. “Or what?”

  She gave him a sly grin. “Or I’ll put my clothes back on before you can even touch me.”

  Devon laughed. “I accept that challenge.”

  One minute she was three feet from him and the next, she was over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold. Vinea beat on his back and giggled. “Let me down. I wanted to suck on your cock.”

  With a quick swat to her ass, he growled. “Oh, you will definitely get to do that, but first I want to see you try to keep those screams, moans, and adorable little quick breaths to yourself.”

  He pushed open the bedroom door and dropped her on her back onto the bed.

  She propped herself on her elbows. “Try me.”

  “Don’t you worry, my little goddess, I promise I’m not stopping until you scream my name in pure ecstasy.”

  Vinea couldn’t wait. Devon toed off his shoes and removed his socks. As if he wasn’t interested in her naked body, he placed the items in the closet. Her mouth drooled in anticipation. He slowly unbuttoned his blue chambray shirt, and his stall tactics only served to make her hornier.

  She ran a finger around her nipple. “Need help moving along a little faster?”


  Spoilsport. Once his shirt was open, he unbuttoned his jeans, turned around, and dropped his pants down over his delicious ass. She so wanted to jump off the bed and bite him, but she didn’t.

  After he stepped out of his jeans, he eased his briefs down over his finer than fine butt.

  Okay. That was it. She couldn’t take the teasing any longer and had to finger herself in order to get some satisfaction. Wiggling her digit around, she searched for that spot Devon had discovered. She failed, but it was better than doing nothing. Damn man needed to hurry.

  When he was naked, he kicked his jeans and briefs closer to the door then turned around. “You’re an impatient little minx!”

  He stalked toward her with pure desire in his eyes. “What? I thought you forgot about me over here,” she said with a pout.

  “Oh I could never forget about you, but by all means continue.” He crossed his arms.

  “Like this?” she asked, pretending she wasn’t sure what he meant.

  Vinea removed her finger and dragged her juices over each of her nipples. His eyes turned amber, and the hair on his arms thickened. Keeping his gaze on her face, he placed one knee on the bed and leaned close.

  “Exactly like that, and now you will see how I do things.” He bent down and sucked her nipple so hard that her body arched up uncontrollably.

  Oh, she was so ready for that.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “I can’t take it any longer,” Devon said.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “This.” Devon ducked his head and sucked on her other nipple, sending spikes of heated pleasure through her.

  Never in all the years she’d lived, had she known sex could be this wonderful. Perhaps she hadn’t been the right person to mate others, when she herself had no idea what love and sensuality was about.

  Love? Is that what this delirious feeling was?

  It just might be.

  Vinea wrapped her legs around Devon’s waist and held him tight. She then grabbed his shoulders, dug her nails into his skin to make sure he was real, and dropped back her head. “Yes!”

  “You like that?” he asked in between tugs and sucks.

  She could no more deny it than she could turn to stone. “I more than like it. I’m ready now. Please Devon, I need you inside me.”

  “In due time.”

  So now he was going to torment her? Fine. If she had the chance to touch him, he’d be sorry. Vinea tried to reach between the two of them to grab his cock, but all she managed was to touch the tip.

  Devon brushed her hand away. The man was so controlling. With one strong nip of her nipple, he slipped downward, breaking her hold on him. She had no doubt that once he licked her, she’d crumble. Devon grabbed her knees and spread them apart, then swiped a tongue across her opening. She bucked up and clutched the sheets. Maybe it was from almost seeing him die that Vinea wanted to clutch every morsel of joy he threw her way.

  The next lick had her moaning with overwhelming pleasure. She so wanted to suck on his cock, but she was enjoying this too much to beg him to stop. It was when he slipped two fingers inside her and arched them up to that sweet spot that she couldn’t hold back any longer. An intense wave of erotic bliss swamped her, forcing her to gulp in more air in order to breathe. Then when he drew her clit into his mouth, her climax finally claimed her hard. Stars burst on the back of her lids, causing her to nearly black out.

  The bed bounced, and when she opened her eyes, Devon had twisted around, placing his cock close to her mouth while his lips were centered over her damp curls. Just as she was about to grab his thick shaft, he lifted her up and positioned her onto her elbows and knees so that she was straddling him, giving her better access to his large dick. Now that he was offering himself to her, she wasn’t going to waste this chance. It didn’t matter that her bones had almost melted after that last orgasm.

  Vinea grabbed his thick length again and drew him deep into her mouth. As much as she wanted to take her time and drive him crazy, her next climax happened a minute later. When she was around Devon McKinnon, Vinea had no willpower.

  Once she regained some strength after her powerful release, she swirled her tongue around his hard dick and bobbed her head, tightening her hold with each stroke.

  “Goddess that feels so good,” Devon panted.

  As if he wanted her to be as excited as he was, Devon flicked her sensitive nub back and forth, causing sparks of need to shoot through her, sending her into a spiral. For those few seconds, she lost focus and stopped moving. When he grunted, Vinea jerked back to the present and continued. Her pumping fist, along with her moans, seemed to encourage him even more. Not only did she want to swallow him whole, when he pressed on her most sensitive spot, he lit her up. Unable to keep from coming again, she lifted her head and sucked in a breath, letting the waves of passion wash over her.

  Devon chuckled. “Don’t think you’re done yet.”

  She hoped not.
“Can I have your cock inside me now?” She truly had no idea how these many climaxes would effect her. Would she be in a permanent state of arousal?

  “If I weren’t on the brink of shifting, I’d hold out for hours.”

  As if he could, though she kept that comment to herself. Devon twisted around, pressed his body against hers, and kissed her like she was the most important person in his life. A large chunk of her heart melted.

  “How about I get on top?” she asked. Vinea hoped that if she controlled the speed, she might be able to last longer.

  “If you think you can handle it.”

  She loved that Devon liked to play the macho man. Before he changed his mind, Vinea faced him and then straddled him. She grabbed his cock and placed it at her entrance. Before she slid down on him, she leaned over to kiss him, nice and slow and easy.

  Devon groaned and slid his fingers through her hair and tugged. His possessive attitude ratcheted her desires to the point where she might come again before she’d taken in all of him—and that wouldn’t do. She’d never live it down.

  When he demanded entrance to her mouth, she willingly opened up. The first taste swamped her, confirming that she had to have more. Then when Devon’s hands clasped her hips and coaxed her down onto his cock, Vinea let herself drop. Even though her slick juices eased the way, his width was almost too much for her. Pressing her breasts against his chest caused the slight change in angle, allowing him to enter her fully. Holy fuck, his cock was huge, but it felt so fucking good.

  “My turn,” he announced as he tightened his hold on one of her hips. “Stay still.”

  What—and not move? He had to be kidding. When he drove up into her, the heat was so intense that she wasn’t able to move even if she wanted to. Devon cupped the back of her head with his other hand and kissed her as if there was no tomorrow, and the thrust that followed nearly toppled her over the edge.

  His teeth sharpened, nearly cutting her tongue, but she didn’t care. She wanted him and that included his wolf too.

  “Vinea, Vinea.” He closed his eyes and drove into her so deep she nearly lost her mind.

  When his hot seed burned her insides, her orgasm swept in. She lifted her head and screamed his name. Minutes later, his grip slipped to her waist, and then he wrapped his arms around her.

  Stretching out next to him, she rested her head on his shoulder where they stayed cocooned in each other’s arms for a long time. “That was amazing,” she whispered.

  “I told you I would get you to scream my name.”

  Vinea giggled and nipped at his shoulder. “Don’t go getting a swelled head, mister.”

  “I’ll show you a swelled head, minx.” Devon arched his hips and nudged at her entrance again, causing her to moan.

  “I can’t get enough of you, Vinea.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?”

  Devon rolled on top of her, and with one strong thrust of his hips was fully buried back inside her. As they moved together, he licked the shell of her ear. “Yes, that’s a very good thing,” he whispered.

  Despite the euphoria racing through her veins, Vinea couldn’t stop that niggle of worry from pricking her heart that she had brought more danger to him. Perhaps she should stay away from Devon or maybe even leave altogether. She had come too close to losing him already. Whatever it took, she would make sure he was safe.

  Just as she was losing herself in her thoughts, Devon sucked on her nipple and brought her back to the present. He reared up onto his knees and grabbed her ass, pulling her up onto his thighs causing him to go even deeper. As he started to pound into her, Vinea forgot about everything as they became swept away in their passion for each other once more.


  For the next few days after the robbery at the Lake Steakhouse, Vinea was having a hard time concentrating at work, and that was bad. She was worried about Devon. He seemed determined—no possessed—to find out as much about the attack and robbery as possible. He’d told her he felt responsible for not doing more to solve these crimes. She tried to explain that if he hadn’t shown up at the restaurant when he did, the owner might have died. The police had shown up in time to save the man. Despite her logic, she failed to convince Devon he wasn’t to blame.

  Even though their lovemaking sessions at night were becoming increasingly more intense and sensual, no amount of prompting would get him to tell her what was truly on his mind. She suspected it had to do with his desire to return to Pittsburgh where his office was located, but she also believed he didn’t want to leave her alone in Silver Lake. Vinea had thought about suggesting she move to Pittsburgh with him, but there had been no mention of mating since that one discussion, so all Vinea could do was wait it out.

  At least until the Changelings made their move—if they ever did—she doubted he’d leave town.

  Last night, Devon didn’t come back to the guesthouse until after ten, and Vinea was a bit frightened. When he finally arrived, he told her there were some rumors about the Changelings shaking up some things, and he feared something bad would happen to her.

  If it were true that the Changelings planned to take out their revenge on her, being at Devon’s house might bring those beasts to him, even though he’d said they didn’t like being anywhere near the lake.

  “Vinea?” the cook at the café said. “You’ve been staring at the meatloaf for thirty seconds. Is something wrong with it?”

  She shook herself out of her malaise and smiled. “Not a thing! It looks mouthwateringly good.”

  The cook smiled and went back to flipping the burgers. Perhaps she should just move back to her trailer to give Devon some relief, but then she decided he’d worry about her even more.

  Dang. There just didn’t seem to be a solution.

  Needing to see a friendly face, she quickly finished her late lunch, and then went in search of Mr. Sanford, her favorite customer. Each week he came in on Wednesday and Friday around eleven for a late breakfast and would order a coffee and Danish every time. But on Mondays, he would show up promptly at four, and if she had a spare moment, she’d sit with him and shoot the breeze. It was nice to interact with someone who only judged her on her current actions and not on her past.

  Only today, he hadn’t shown up and that worried her. But he might have had a doctor’s appointment, so she didn’t think there was a need to panic, yet.

  When four thirty rolled around and Mr. Sanford still hadn’t come in, Vinea asked Marissa if she’d seen him, as they shared neighboring stations.

  “Not today, but two days ago he said he wasn’t feeling all that well.”

  The tension in Vinea’s shoulders increased. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I’d call him if I knew his number.”

  Marissa rubbed her arm. “He probably just lost track of time.”

  “Let’s hope.”

  Another customer, about sixty who she’d never seen before, sat down at one of her tables. “I gotta go,” she told Marissa. Vinea stepped over to him. “What can I get you?”

  “A coffee and a menu.”

  “Coming right up.” Once she delivered his drink, she was about to check on another table, when the man stopped her.

  “Miss, can I ask you something?”


  “I was supposed to meet Bill Sanford here at four, but I got tied up. He’s about five foot seven, short gray hair, and about seventy—”

  “I know him. In fact, he always comes in around this time.”

  “But he hasn’t been in today?”


  The man leaned back in his seat. “I’m worried about him.”

  “So am I.” She wondered how well he knew Mr. Sanford. “He comes in three days a week, and never misses his café time—until today that is.”

  The man sipped his coffee. “Maybe I’ll go over to his house and check up on him. We need to go over some paperwork.” The man nodded at his briefcase.

  “If you have no objections, I’d love to go with you t
o make sure he’s okay, but I don’t get off work for another hour.”

  “I can wait. I’ll chew slowly.” The man winked.

  “I’d appreciate it.”

  Right before Vinea’s shift was over, she called Devon and explained that she might not be home until closer to seven because one of her regular customers, Mr. Sanford, hadn’t shown up at the café despite having an appointment with someone. She feared he might be ill. Even though Devon rarely came home that early, she didn’t need him to worry.

  “Be careful,” he said.

  “Mr. Sanford is seventy. Nothing will happen.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you soon,” he said with a fair amount of cheer in his voice.

  “I can’t wait.” She meant that. Devon had gotten under her skin, and after they made love the first time, her body hadn’t stopped vibrating with a constant need.

  When her shift finished, she found the kind stranger. “I’m ready,” she said.

  “Do you want to follow me in your car?” he asked.

  “I would if I had one.” Darn. If he had business with Mr. Sanford, perhaps she shouldn’t interfere. And if he lived too far out of town, she could always say she’d walk home and then find a hiding spot before teleporting the rest of the way.

  “I’ll drive you.”


  He drove a fairly new black SUV. Before she slid in, she wanted to exchange at least one pleasantry. “I’m Vinea Summer by the way.”

  “Chad Acres.” He held out his hand, and she shook it.

  “Nice to meet you.” Once inside the car, she twisted toward him. “How do you know Mr. Sanford?”

  “I’m his lawyer.”

  It wouldn’t be polite to ask what Mr. Sanford needed legal advice about, so she kept quiet. Maybe there had been an issue with his wife’s death. Mr. Acres headed west, and when he drove past McKinnon and Associates, her body actually had a visceral reaction to being so close to Devon.

  “Are you from Silver Lake?” Chad asked.

  While she really wasn’t in the mood for small talk, it would have been rude not to answer. “No, I just moved here from Billard, Georgia a short while ago.” Vinea added an extra amount of southern twang to sound more convincing. “You?”


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