Melting Her Wolf's Heart: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 9)

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Melting Her Wolf's Heart: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 9) Page 20

by Vella Day

  “Yes. I knew deep inside you were a good person, albeit immature and rather impulsive. I’m happy to say that you’ve seasoned now, though I have to give credit to Devon for helping you.”

  A slight smile lifted Vinea’s lips. “I’m seasoned. I like that.”

  Naliana looked down at her hands for a moment. “There are things you should know before you and Devon mate.”

  He planted a hand on Vinea’s thigh. “What’s that?” His voice came out harsher than he’d intended.

  “Vinea is an immortal, but if she mates with you, she no longer will be.”

  Injustice slammed into him. “But you’re mated to James and he’s immortal. How is that any different from what Vinea and I have?”

  “To save James’s life and give him immortality, I had to return to the light realm for good. Do you want Vinea to do that?”

  Conflicting emotions slammed into him. He looked over at her.

  “No,” she said before he could answer. “I want to stay here. With Devon.”

  “But we won’t mate. I don’t want her to make that sacrifice.”

  Vinea twisted toward him. “Like hell we won’t. Why would I want to live any longer than you anyway? It would be a terrible and lonely life.”

  While seeming impossible, his love for her strengthened. “I guess that settles it.” He faced Naliana. “Thank you for everything you have done to help both of us.”

  Naliana stood and opened her arms. “Can I get a hug before I go?”

  Vinea choked out a sob. Slowly, she eased to her feet, stepped around the coffee table, and then flung herself into her sister’s embrace. Her back heaved, and he hoped those tears were joyful ones.

  Naliana stroked her sister’s hair and rubbed her back. “Our parents wanted to let you know that you are welcome to visit any time you want.”

  Vinea leaned back, tears running down her cheeks. “Really? They want to see me?”

  “You are now the daughter they’ve always dreamed of having.”

  Vinea swiped a hand across her cheek. “I would love that, but I’d want them to meet Devon too.”

  “Perhaps that can be arranged.” Naliana let go of Vinea. “I should get back to James. We have so little time together as it is. I will always love you, Vinea.”

  “Can I ask one more thing?”

  “Of course.”

  Vinea looked at Devon and then back at Naliana. “Can a goddess and a shifter have children?”

  “I can’t honestly say, but I see no reason why not.” She smiled and so did Vinea.

  “I love you and thank you,” Vinea said.

  Not only had Naliana given her sister the wonderful gift of forgiveness, she’d given him much more. Devon stood. “Would it be totally inappropriate to ask for a hug too?”

  Naliana opened her arms and smiled. The hug that followed filled him with hope and acceptance. A second later, she was gone.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Devon gathered Vinea in his arms, his heart pounding. “What do you think?”

  She looked up at him. “I’m kind of in shock. Here I thought she hated me, when in reality my sister was only trying to help me.”

  Devon leaned back and lifted her chin. “That’s what life is about. Living and learning.”

  “I know your brother and friends thought I was evil for the longest time, but once I returned, you believed in me. Thank you.”

  He hadn’t the whole time, but he trusted her now and that was all that mattered. He dragged a thumb down her cheek. “What’s in the past should stay in the past. We need to discuss the here and now.”

  Vinea slipped out of his embrace and planted a hand on her hip, looking so adorable. “If you’re asking me if I still want to mate with you, the answer is a resounding yes.”

  His heart soared. “You’ll be giving up immortality if we mate.”

  She smiled. “Like I said, once you’re gone, there will be no reason to live.”

  Devon picked her up and spun her around slowly. “You’ve made me the happiest man.”

  Needing her to rest, he returned her to the sofa. Vinea grinned then straddled him once more.

  “Whoa. Let’s not be hasty,” he said. “You’re not at full strength. You were at death’s door a few hours ago.”

  “I’m a goddess, remember? I heal fast.” When she rubbed her bottom against his crotch, his wolf growled.

  “If you’re positive you’re healthy enough, I’d be happy to oblige.”

  Vinea swiped a hand down her front, and all of her clothes disappeared.

  He moaned, positive his eyes were glowing a deep amber. “Goddess, I love that trick.”

  Vinea practically giggled; a sound that seemed so incongruent with the sophisticated woman he’d first seen in the bar in Vermont. He definitely liked this free-spirited version better.

  “Really? I never would have guessed.” She looked down at his erection that was ready to burst through his zipper.

  Devon lightly slapped her ass. “Yes smartass, you make my body sing with pleasure. In fact, my wolf wants to eat you.”

  She laughed. “I’m no little red riding hood.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “You could be.”

  “I’m game.” She leaned over, and when she nipped at his lips, any control he had disappeared.

  Mate, mate, his bad boy wolf cheered.

  This time Devon was in total agreement. He’d always lived the cautious life, often quick to judge others. Now, he could see what he’d missed. If Vinea loved him enough to give up eternal life, he’d make sure to keep her happy.

  Vinea threaded her fingers through his hair, and when she grabbed hold, he couldn’t help but growl. Vinea was feisty, disobedient, and totally delicious—the opposite of him—but that was what made them so perfect together. “Kiss me,” he demanded.

  She smiled. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  “Since when do you need an invitation?” He loved bantering with her.

  “Are you giving me carte blanche?”

  That sparkle in her eyes meant trouble. “I am.”

  She swiped a hand down his body, and a moment later, he was naked too. “So much better.”

  He had to agree.

  Kissing him, she pressed her tits against his chest, and Devon had to work to stay in control. Fortunately, his wolf seemed to enjoy the foreplay enough to keep from expressing himself more fully.

  Devon’s hands roamed down her slim back to her delicious ass, his cock throbbing and pulsing. A second later, he had her on her back on the sofa with him nestled between her legs. “I have to taste you. Mind you, it is merely to determine if you are healthy enough for sex.”

  She laughed. “You are so full of shit, but I love you nonetheless.”

  “Remember that when I’m tormenting you with my tongue.”

  “What are you waiting for?”

  Devon didn’t need any more encouragement. The first swipe had him sucking in a breath. Her sweet taste and lemony scent seeped deep into his soul. This was his mate, the woman he needed and wanted.

  She grabbed his shoulders and lifted her hips. One thing he had to say about Vinea was that she wasn’t shy. Devon slipped two fingers into her wet opening and then closed his eyes, needing to center himself for a moment. He wanted to sink his cock so deep into her she’d taste it, but he also needed to bring her to the brink first.

  Vinea moaned and groaned, clawing at the sofa. “Please, Devon.”

  Wanting to please her, he stopped then stood up next to the sofa. Stepping close, he leaned over so that his cock was within her grasp. Vinea lifted up on her elbows and drew him deep within her mouth. Dear goddess in heaven, the woman would be his undoing.

  Twisting around, Vinea pressed her shoulder against the sofa, freeing one hand. She grabbed the base of his cock, and when she pumped her fist, he had to grab her wrist. “Easy. I’m so ready.”

  “So am I!”

  “Me too!” his
wolf joined in.


  All of the ill effects from healing Devon disappeared the moment their lips met. The man seemed to have a healing magic all his own—or else her body was so in tune with his that she was able to draw on his strength.

  Devon grabbed her by the waist and lifted her off the sofa. Needing full body contact, Vinea wrapped her legs around his waist. As she pressed her opening against his hard cock, lust and total bliss blasted her. She held onto his shoulders and kissed him back—hard. Holy goddess. Lustful shards sizzled up and down her spine, igniting her core. What this man did to her! Here she’d spent hundreds of years in the dark realm, unaware of what real passion was all about. If only she’d listened to her sister early on and tried to reform, she might have had this sooner. Then again, if she had, she might never have met Devon.

  With their tongues tangled, he walked forward until her back met the front door. The wood gave her enough support for her to use her arms to touch his delicious body. Devon moaned, and she increased the speed of their mingling. Her senses became so heightened that when her hard nipples rubbed against his chest, she nearly shattered.

  Devon broke the kiss and moved back a half step. He then lowered his head and sucked on her tits. “I need these,” he mumbled.

  Joy. Bliss. Elation. That first lick had her nearly coming apart at the seams as endorphins mixed with hormones and zinged through her. “Don’t stop,” she begged.

  She clawed his broad shoulders as he tugged and pulled on each of her sensitive nipples. Dropping her head back, she opened her mouth to suck in more air, needing the oxygen. On the next tug, she pressed her feet against his thighs and ground against his erection, the added pressure pushing her over the edge. Her fiery climax claimed her a second later. She gasped as she let the total bliss of pleasure wash over her.

  He lifted his head and kissed her with more passion than she thought possible. Having someone as wonderful as Devon want her this much was almost more than she could comprehend.

  Needing more of him, she plunged into his mouth, swirling her tongue around his faster and faster. He matched her fervor. Devon then slipped a hand between them and a second later his cock was at her entrance. Excitement soared. As soon as he let go, she lowered her hips and encompassed him, causing bolts of electricity to light her up from the inside. Devon grunted, and the hair on his face roughened.

  “I need you, Vinea,” he ground out.

  “Not more than I need you.”

  Between his hands supporting her butt, and the door preventing her from falling backward, she fucked him with abandon. She might be giving up a lot by mating with him, but she was definitely coming out ahead.

  Every thrust sent her higher, until she was in a frenzy of excitement. Fire burned deep inside her as Devon lowered his lips to her neck. The time had come for them to fully mate, and she exploded with ecstasy.

  “Yes, Devon. Mate with me.”

  “Oh, Vinea.” As he dragged his lips across her neck, his teeth sharpened, and she tried not to tense.

  For hundreds of years, she had watched couples mate from afar. Now it was her turn to experience that wonder first hand. When he sunk his teeth into her, her world spun. Colors crisscrossed the back of her eyelids, the air seemed lighter, and every nerve ending caught fire. With the next thrust, his cock expanded, filling her so completely that her orgasm claimed her hard. Waves of erotic bliss swamped her, and she let out a high-pitched keen.

  Devon lifted his mouth away from the area where her neck met her shoulder and licked away the drops of blood. He then clamped down on the sensitive shell of her ear, whispering words of love. As much as she never wanted to leave his embrace, eventually Vinea’s legs slipped down to the floor. Weakened from the most powerful event of her life, Vinea held on tight.

  “I don’t ever want to let you go,” he whispered into her ear.

  “Then don’t.”


  The next day, Vinea asked Devon to drive her to Mr. Sanford’s house. She wanted to see for herself that the old man was okay. Before she went, she stopped at the café and bought him a cherry Danish—one of his favorite pastries.

  The only difficult part was coming up with an explanation to her boss about her absence. She told him she hadn’t been at a party up at the hill, but rather she’d been ill. Vinea told him that she’d agreed to housesit for someone who was on vacation. She must have eaten something that caused an allergic reaction and had passed out. It was why she hadn’t called.

  “That’s why I was so frantic when she didn’t return,” Devon said. “She hadn’t mentioned she would be at a friend’s house.”

  Thankfully, Devon had agreed to go along with her story. Lying was distasteful, but there was no way she could explain about the Changelings wanting revenge!

  “I’m so sorry,” her boss said. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  “Me too.”

  “Are you coming back to work?”

  “I’ll be here tomorrow.” How long she’d stay in town, she didn’t know. That conversation would have to wait until another time.

  When they arrived at Mr. Sanford’s house, she was thrilled he was home.

  “Come in. What a nice surprise! I was worried when your fellow here came looking for you.”

  Unfortunately, she had to give him the same story she gave her boss about being ill. “But I’m fine now.” She handed him the Danish. “I thought you might like this.”

  Mr. Sanford’s face glowed. “You are too kind. Can I get you anything to drink?”

  “We can’t stay long, but a glass of tea would be wonderful.”


  After a loving talk with Mr. Sanford, they returned home. Devon had contacted Izzy who had spoken with someone about possibly removing the curse, and she was on her way over now.

  She was expected any moment, and Vinea was beside herself with worry. She had no reason to be. Mr. Sanford was alive and well, and yesterday’s lovemaking had been nothing short of amazing. Then there was Naliana’s visit. Topping that was mating with Devon. Never in her wildest dreams had she believed anything that wonderful was possible—especially given all the bad things she’d done in her life. Second chances truly existed.

  She should be bouncing off the walls with joy, but meeting with this witch could alter her life. “Where is she?” Vinea asked, her voice shaking.

  Devon stepped behind her and rubbed her shoulders. “Don’t worry. Izzy said Ophelia will be here soon.”


  Devon stilled. “Why? Do you know her?”

  She glanced off to the side for a moment then shrugged. “I doubt it. It’s just that I vaguely remember having an aunt Ophelia. That’s all.”

  “Well, this woman is no goddess.”

  Vinea spun around. “Why is she coming here though? Izzy said that people always met with the town’s most powerful witch in the woods near Izzy’s old house.”

  He stroked her cheek. “She is coming here because you’re special. I bet it’s not every day that she gets to meet a goddess.”

  She didn’t feel special. “At the moment, I’m hardly different from any other person on earth. I can’t teleport or become invisible anymore.” Not to mention she was no longer immortal. The concept of death, however, had yet to sink in.

  “That’s only temporary. Even if she can’t remove the curse, you’re still a goddess to me—a very special and sexy one.”

  Vinea loved Devon for trying to cheer her up. “Yes, I can dress and undress both of us and yes, I am able to freeze time, but that’s all.”

  Devon wrapped an arm around her waist. “You were a goddess last night in bed.”

  That made her smile. “I’m not talking about sex.”

  He leaned over and nibbled her neck, right where he’d bit her. “Why not? It was great, wasn’t it?”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “More than great, it was wonderful, fantastic, and stupendous.”

  Before she had the cha
nce to enjoy him again, a knock sounded, and she stiffened.

  “I’ll get it,” Devon said.

  A moment later, a wizened old lady in a long black dress walked in. She was thin to the point of gauntness, yet seemed to possess great strength at the same time. A tightness vibrated in Vinea’s chest, and it took her a moment to recognize it. “You are a goddess!” Vinea said with awe. Other than her sister, she hadn’t run into anyone from the light realm.

  Ophelia glanced toward Devon. “Yes, my dear, but I would appreciate it if you keep that secret to yourself. Only Izzy and her mother know of my heritage. No one else.”

  “Of course.” There was something about this woman that almost looked familiar, but given that she appeared to be close to one hundred, it was probably just wishful thinking that she knew her.

  Ophelia looked over at Devon and the light streaming in from the outside silhouetted her face. The strong nose and high cheekbones gave it away. Her pulse soared, and her heart pounded in her chest. “Aunt Ophelia?” Vinea blurted.

  The older woman faced her. “You recognize me, dear?”

  “Yes. You and Mom have the same heart-shaped face.”

  Vinea swore the older woman blushed. “Thank you. I hadn’t wanted to say anything since you haven’t seen your mom in so long.”

  Without another thought, she embraced her. “It’s okay. Please sit down. We need to catch up.”

  Devon slipped into the kitchen, probably to make some coffee and to give them privacy. Vinea sat next to her and clasped her aunt’s hands. “Tell me why you’re on earth?” Vinea asked.

  “It’s a long story, I’m afraid.”

  “I could use a long story. I’ve been starved for family news for a long time—that is until Naliana visited me yesterday.”

  “Yes, she told me. Like your sister, I volunteered to come to earth when it was in need of some guidance.”

  “Guidance for what?” Vinea always believed the gods of the light realm were all-knowing and all-wise.

  “Rumor had it there were more than the two realms hovering nearby, and some of the gods worried they might not be friendly.”


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