Desirable CEO

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Desirable CEO Page 5

by Andrew Davis

  After that, we just talked about Anabiah, Evelyn and the boys before going and getting ready for dinner. I glared at the 5 men standing infront of me and when I was just about to shut the door in their faces, he put his hand up stopping me from closing the door. "What do your'll want!!" I yelled, glaring at them.

  "Helen, we just-" Anthony spoke up but I cut him off.

  "Your'll just, just what! Don't your'll have jobs to do than coming here!" I said in annoyance, I don't know why I am so angry but as I said before just being in their presence puts me in a bad mood. "Helen, just hear us out." Sebastian said a bit irritated.

  "Tell me why, why should I, Sebastian." I said with a raised brow.

  "We didn't mean to hurt you." William said.

  I snorted, "I am not hurt at all, I don't get hurt over silly things." I said bodly.

  They just stared at me after a brief second. I spoke again.

  "If your'll don't have anything else to say, I would advise your'll to leave before I call security to escort you gentlemen out." They just looked at me with an expression I did not understand. They were hesitant to leave but left after I threatened again to call security. I shut the door and went back to my seat on the sofa and wondered why I was so irritated, whenever they were around and why I was so angry over their stupid, little bet, maybe Selene will know.

  As we were walPotter down the hallway.

  "Why did your'll have to make that fucPotter bet!" Anthony said, pissed off.

  "Exactly, now she hates all of us!!" Dylan said throwing his hands in the air in anger. "Thanks a bunch, William and Sebastian." Eric said sarcastically.

  "Look we were just having some fun, how are we supposed to know that she will find out!" Sebastian shrugged with his eyebrows creased together.

  "We were fucPotter jackasses, for doing this to her." William said in a whisper. They reached the elevator, just in time when the doors opened with a beautiful woman around Helen's age maybe younger, came out and froze when she saw them. Sebastian smirked at her, she scoffed and walked away.

  They got into the elevator and called their mother telling her that they will not be coming for dinner. Once they got out of the building, they went to the bar to get their minds off things for a while. I was just lying on the sofa, when I heard a knock on the door a few minutes after they boys left, I got up and prayed that they weren't here but when I opened the door. I was relieved it was just my bestest friend in the whole world, Selene.

  "OMG! Helen!" She yelled, grabbing me into a hug and I hugged her back.

  "How are you, Sel?" I asked after she let go of me.

  "I am awesome, but I can clearly tell that you are not. What's with the anger vibe?" she said walPotter in and plopping herself on the sofa and I went and sat next to her.

  "Wait before you tell me, what's got you in a sour mood, I need to tell something." She said impatiently, I just nodded and let her speak.

  "Okay, so I cam here early so I could spend more time with you." she said taPotter off her shoes, bringing her legs up on the sofa and crossing them. "I walked out of the elevator and you will not believe who I saw!"

  "Who?" I asked.


  "That is what happened." I said when I was sure, she was finished.

  "What do you mean... Ohh! I get it!" she finally got it.

  "But what happened?" she asked creasing her forehead in confusion.

  "I am pretty sure you know all about their parents and my parenst and the beach trip we went on yesterday." "Yeah, I know." she replied.

  "Just, last night I found out that they made a bet on me-" She cut me off.

  "OMG!! For real! What was it about?" she said shocked.

  "Yes, they made a bet on who could get closer to me by Friday and today Sebastian came in my office around 1 or 2 and brought coffee, then William came and took me out to lunch and while we were there, I decided to tell him that I knew about it, if you were there you will be laughing at the look on bis face!it was priceless!" I said. Knowing my best friend, she will laugh at anyone and everyone no matter where she is, I remember in high school, how we should start laughing for no reason and the teachers should think we were mad or high!

  "God, Chrissy. Trust you to do these kind off things." She laughed and I couldn't help but laugh but this was a geniune laugh, I couldn't help it, she is my best friend and even though she knows about the stuff that happened to me.

  "Back to the point, Sel" I said gaining back her full attention.


  "I don't know why but whenever they are around me, I just get so irritated and I don't know why and with the bet, I don't know why I am so angry about it."I said looPotter at my friend for help. "Maybe because they remind you of him..." She said, and I snapped my head so fast in her direction that I could have gotten a whiplash.

  "What?" "I mean think about it, he is a billionaire, he is good-looPotter, well built body, a playboy and he is well known." Realisation hit me like a bus. My friend had a point they are just like him, he is even the CEO of a company that produces medicine.

  "Maybe but why am I so angry about this whole fucPotter bet shit." I said. "That I am not too sure, maybe it's just a girl thing because most girls especially me hate when people bet on them or about them." She is truly the bestest friend in the whole world, she can help me solve my most difficult problems.

  "I guess you are right." I said with a small smile.

  "So where are the guys?" she asked laying her head back on the sofa.

  "I don't know, maybe at work, I never call them"

  "Well, it's time to call them and go out tonight since you promised to us that we will go to our usual spot." she getting up and handing me my phone.

  "Fine but what if they don't want to come?" I said taPotter the phone.

  "Oh come on! This is Chase and Matthew,we are talPotter about! They will do anything to have some fun!" "I guess you right."

  "I know, that is why I am your best friend." she said flipping her shoulder length brown hair. "Oh please!" I said and looked through my contacts until it came to Chase's number and pressed the ' "Heyy, Wassup!" He yelled exciteld. "Hey, want to-" He cut me off. "Wait, Matt wants me to put you on speaker." "Heyy." I heard Matthew's voice. "As I was saying, do your'll want to join Selene and I for a night out?" "Yes! Be ready by 7, we will come and pick your'll up." Matt yelled. "Okay, bye." I said, hanging up. "So lets go get ready!" Selene yelled and yanked me off the couch and dragged me to my bedroom. After picPotter out an outfit to wear, we got showered and dressed and did our makeup.

  Selene wore a sleeveless sky blue sparkly dress which comes just above mid thigh and paired it with black strappy sky high heels and a matching clutch. I wore a long sleeve black fitted dress which came just above my knee and paired it with silver and black flats and a matching clutch.

  We were ready by 6:45 and went to lounge amd sat on the sofa, waiting for Chase and Matt. At exactly 7pm, Matt texted us that they were here and to come to the lobby. We walked out of the apartment but not before locPotter up and made our way to the elevator. When we reached the lobby, we saw Chase and Matt waving for us. We walked over to them and said our greetings and we all jumped into Chase's black mercedes c-class. We were talPotter and laughing when we joined the main road.

  "Your'll look gorgeous!" Matt said turning back to face us. "Your'll don't look too bad yourself." I said earning a wide grin from him. Matt wore a white v-neck shirt with a black leather jacket and dark jeans and black sneakers and Chase wore a black button up shirt with dark jeans and black and white sneakers. You will never think that these two are lawyers worPotter for their father's firm, you will think that they are badboys because of their intimidating height and built, and that dangerous air that surrounds them, but once you get to know them better they are very good people with a kind heart and their over-protectiveness, Oh I forgot to mention that they are really hot with their perfect brownish, blonde hair and captivating green eyes, perfect jawline and high cheek bones, the
y just screamed cute but dangerous, because of this they were really an attraction to the ladies, but not us.

  The rest of the drive was filled with talPotter and laughter. When we reached the club that Chase recommened, we got out of the car and the sound of loud music and alcohol and sweat filled my senses, maPotter me regret coming. I am not the type to go to clubs and what not, but I go anyway for my friends they really know who to have and show a good time. Selene latched arms with me and walked to the entrance with the Chase and Matt in front of us.

  As soon as we entered the club, Selene and I were deafened by the loud music, Matt and Chase put their arms around our shoulders and made their way to a booth in a quieter part of the club. Where we were seated we could see the dance floor and the bar.

  We ordered our drinks and talked for a while and soon Chase and Matt left to go and find them some girls. After they left, Selene and I went to the bar and to get more drinks.

  After we left, Helen's apartment. We came down to a popular club that Anthony and Sebastian comes to. We were drinPotter by the bar when Sebastian, Eric and Dylan left with some girls, so only Anthony and I were left by the bar.

  "Relax Will, we came here to just chill out and get our minds off things." Anthony said downing his glass of whiskey and ordering another one. "I don't know Anthony, she will never forgive me." I said swirling my glass.

  "Will, Can I ask you something?"


  "Do you have feelings for her?"

  "I don't know... It's just that whenever she is around I have this... this feeling to protect her and- and care for her, and I don't know how to get rid off this feeling." "Oh William, you do have feelings for her but I don't think you should tell her, she just needs time." "I guess you are right Anthony."

  I turned around and gazed at the dance floor then my gaze drifted off to the entrance and there was, Helen in a gorgeous black dress that fitted her just perfect. I felt this weird feeling in my stomach when a guy put his arm around her shoulder and walked to a booth with a girl that looked really fimilar and another guy with his arm around her and joimed them. Was that her boyfriend?! That thought made my insides twist and made me glare at them. Anthony must have noticed my change in mood and followed my line of sight and nearly choke on his drink when he saw Helen. He grabbed my arm and led me out of the club, probably knowing that I will do something I might regret later.

  As I walked to the bar with Selene, my gaze fell on a dirty blonde head, just looPotter at the back of his head, I knew who it was. William was walPotter-no- it looked more of being dragged out of the club. I stared at his retreating form until it exited the club.

  Selene and I drank for a while and was just talPotter and laughing, soon it was time to go after, we found Chase and Matt, we all left luckily we were not that drunk so we would not suffer from any hangovers tomorrow.

  Chapter 11: The Reunion

  What is that irritating beeping noise!! Urgh! Someone please make it stop!! "Helen! Answer your god damn phone!!" Selene yelled throwing a cushion at me. How did we end up sleeping on the couch, all I can remember is that we were watching a couple movies, guess we might have passed out on the couch.

  I groaned and grabbed my phone on the coffee table and answered it without checPotter the caller ID.

  "Hello?" I asked still foggy from my sleep. "Hey hey Helen!" A very familar voice boomed through the phone.

  "Alex?" I said a bit surprised, when I said her name Selene got up so fast that I was sure she would have hurt her neck. "Yes! It's me and I am back in New York! Can I get a what-what!" Alex said excited, I was so happy that my other best friend was back in town, I haven't seen her since university, she left for Europe during the first year before we met Chase and Matt.

  "That's so awesome, why don't we all meet up for lunch." I asked her.

  "That's great! why don't we go to that cafe we all used to go to?"

  "That's a super idea!" Selene yelled.

  "Ok so it's a deal!" I said ending the call.

  We got ready for work and after calling Selene's driver to come pick her up, we said our goodbye's and left for work. When I got to the office, I asked Minnie to clear my schedule for lunch.

  "Minnie, do I have any meetings for the day."

  "Yes, Miss Potter, you have a meeting with the Alexanders in 45 minutes and then a meeting with the board members and then you are clear for the day." My happy buzz that I had going on from the thought of seeing my best friend again was crushed when I heared that I will be seeing the Alexanders again but I have to be professional and play it cool which is not a problem for me.

  "Okay Minnie, can you prepare a meeting room for the meeting with the Alexanders?" I asked her and she replied with a "

  I arrived earlier to the meeting and discussed a few things with Minnie before the meeting started in about 3 minutes. We soon heard a knock on the door and with a '

  I stood up from my seat and greeted them. "Good Morning gentlemen, this is our first meeting of being business partners and I would like to discuss the basics of our partnership." I said in a cold professional tone, I swear I heard William scoff. What is his problem? Yet again, maybe I was hearing things.

  The meeting dragged on, until we were interupted with my secretary Lara sticPotter her head in the room.

  "Sorry to interupt you, Miss Potter but there is a Chase and Matt Wilson here to see you along with your sisters." She said looPotter apologetic. "My sisters, why are they here? They supposed to be in school!" I said furrowing my eyebrows together with my voice with a hint of anger, which made my sectary flinch. Maybe I was too angry? "Please excuse me gentlemen, I need to see to this problem." I said and they just nodded their heads. I walked out of the room frustrated at the idea I was interupted and my sisters not being in school! Luckily the meeting room was not to far away from my office lobby.

  When I walked up to the secretary's desk, I instantly glared at Chase and Matt, who had a smug look on their faces.

  "Don't your'll have jobs, that your'll see the need to come and disturb me at work!" I yelled at them, maPotter almost everyone on the floor stop and stare at us.

  "Whoa, there Helen, we are sorry for-"Matt started but I cut him off.

  "And your'll brought my sisters here too! News flash, they need to be in school!" I yelled a little softer this time.

  "Okay, okay. We apologise for everything but this is really important." Chase said holdling his hands up in surender.

  "What do your'll want." I said more calmly.

  "We actually came to aak about the songlist for the party." Anabiah said and Evelyn handed me a list of songs. "We are in charge of sound and music, so we have to know the songlist that will be played." Chase said. "May I ask, who put your'll in charge?" I asked with a raised brow.

  "Well, that maybe have been your us." Evelyn said a little guilty and gesturing for Anabiah and her self.

  "Fine, since it is your birthday after all, I will agree with this silly idea of having Chase and Matt in charge of music." I said while pinching the bridge of my nose and giving them a litlle smile. "Hey! We are standing right here!" Chase and Matt pouted.

  "What will I do without your'll?" I said with a chuckle.

  "You would probably be one of those ladies that are actually in their twenties but act like their so old and don't know how to have fun!" Matt said with a silly grin on his face. "That is why you have us as best friends!" Chase said gesturing towards him and Matt. "Don't be so full of yourselves!" I said a laugh.

  "Ouch! Your words hurt our poor little hearts." Chase and Matt pouted holding their chest, like their heart is in pain.

  "Drama queens." I muttered and showed them to the elevator and walked back to meeting room, I didn't realised that I spent 5 minutes talPotter those idiots. I walked to the meeting room following Helen's secretary, I was still a little pissed off from last night and my mood still hasn't changed, I noticed that Sebastian, Eric and Dylan were a little moody, probably because of hangovers, I told t
hem not to drink too much but they don't listen!

  We reached the meeting room and the secretary Lara, whose name I just remembered knocked and soon we heard Helen's melodous but authorative voice saying '

  We entered and took our seats, I don't know why but Helen was a lot colder that usual which only angered me more, I don't even know why but it just did. Helen was talPotter but was interupted when her secretary Lara stuck her head in the room and said that there was someone named Chase and Matt here to see her as well as her sisters. Who was this Chase and Matt, her boyfriend and his friend!? Is it that same guy, she was with at that club?! The thought made me angrier! Helen asked she could be excuse and the others nodded maPotter me nod.

  She walked off, clearly angry but I do not know what about. She walked to the secretary's desk, thank god the room had glass walls allowing us to see her and the two men and her sisters. She yelled, maPotter us jump in our seats, we were only about a few feet away so we could hear theur whole conversation. When I got a glimpse of the men and saw that it was the same guys from the club, it made my blood boil! I just stared at them but mostly at Helen. The was a part of their conversation that extinguish my anger when the guy who, I picked up to be Chase and the guy who was with Helen said '

  "She's available, bro." He said with a smirk, maPotter ne smirk as well.

  Helen walked in and the meeting continued. Soon the meeting was over and we said our goodbyes, this time not being as moody as we were before.

  After meeting with the board members, I called Sam and drove to the little cafe that held so much fun and embrassing memories of my high school and varsity years.

  We came to a stop and Sam opened my door and I walked into the cafe. The smell of freshly baked pastries and coffee filled my senses.

  I walked to booth in the little corner at the back of the cafe and was startled when my best friend Alex practically jumped on me and pulled me into a tight hug. "OH MY GOSH!" She yelled

  "Look at her butt!" Selene filled in, maPotter me laugh.

  That's is just like old times. It feels so good to be here with my best friends in our favourite hangout!


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