Desirable CEO

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Desirable CEO Page 10

by Andrew Davis

  They continued talPotter and when Chase said

  I was also a little angry but I do not know why, I glanced at others and they were also angry. Soon we reached Uncle J's house and we all got out the moment the car stopped.

  I was furious!!

  "Willaim!" she called out.

  "What?!"I said too harshly. "Why are you acting this way?" She asked angrily, her eyebrows creased together. "What way?"I asked matching her expression. "Don't play dum with me,William, you know what way."She was now glaring at me.

  "No, actually I don't."I glared at her. I knew exactly what way she was talPotter about but I want her to figure it out for herself.

  "What is wrong with you!"She yelled and I groaned and did the most unexpected thing but I couldn't help it...

  I grabbed her face and crashed my lips onto hers. She struggled but I just tighten my grip on her. I kissed her so hard to get rid off my anger but it didn't work so I kissed her harder and she let out a little moan... "What is wrong with you!"I yelled at him. I was frustrated with him and the fact that he was playing dum with me, I got even more angry with him.

  He let out a groan and before I realised what was happening, he crashed his lips onto mine... He kissed me so hard that it made my knees weak, I wrapped my hands around his neck because if I let go I was sure to fall. I had never been kissed like this... that it made my knees weak. He kissed me harder and I let out a little moan and when I did, his tongue made its way into my mouth and before I knew it... I started to kiss him back!

  My mind shouted to stop but my body disobeyed it's commands. His hands made its way to the back of my head and he tilted my head up to get a better position and my body let him. I pulled back for air and he did the same. I was breathing heavily and he too. His crystal icy blue eyes were so dark it almost looked like the night sky. When our breathing returned to normal, he was the one to speak first.

  "I do not regret and I am not sorry for kissing you, Helen."He said sincerly yet there was a hint of devious in his voice, his eyes still so dark.

  "But I do, William."I said. I was internally fighting with myself for letting him kiss me. When I kissed him back, it was like letting him into my heart and giving him the power of hurting my already broken heart... "Helen, I know you have feelings for me otherwise you wouldn't have kissed me, you would have just pulled back and slapped me like the first time."He said seriously. "I do not have feelings for you, when I kissed you, I was thinPotter of someone else..."I trailed off and for the first time a look of hurt flashed through his icy blue eyes but he quickly hid it away with an evilish look.

  He came closer to me and whispered in my ear."I don't care if you were thinPotter of someone else, I really- really..."he took a long breath of my scent. "enjoyed kissing you and I know you enjoyed kissing me too." I could feel his hot breath on my skin, he kissed my ear and then my cheek. He smirked at me before walPotter into the house...

  I walked into the house and went straight to the gym to let go of some of the frustration I was curenntly feeling.

  Anthony, Eric, Dylan and I were the only ones at the bar, drinPotter a couple beers and just talPotter... "Did you see Will's face when that guy called Helen?"Dylan asked joPotterly.

  "I felt sorry for that poor steering wheel, when he said that he loves her and she loves him"Eric looked some what sympathetic yet teasingly.

  "What happened earlier with Helen and Will?" I asked. I only knew part of the story... "You know Will dumped Helen in the pool. Now after that things got a little..."Anthony trailed off."Let's say heated. They were just playing and when Helen backed up and got jammed between the wall and William, Will kissed her-"

  "He kissed her?!" We shocked, we didn't know that he kissed her, I thought they had a fight. "he said that something came over him and he kissed her but she was not acceptable of this, so she pushed him away and gave him a thundering slap."Anthony continued.

  "That's why his face was red." Dylan said in a '

  Just when I was about to say something... William walked in with a very fimilar look on his face...a look that said the devil has awoken from it's slumber... "So what happened?"Anthony asked curiously.

  "Something..."William said with a smirk and a shrug.

  "We know that it's more than something, because we just got visited by the devil when he walked into the room."Eric said with a raised brow. "I kissed her-"We cut him off.

  "Again?!" we said in unison.

  "But this time, she kissed me back."He said with a deeper smirk and a devilish look.

  "What?!"We were all surprised! Helen doesn't seem like the type to give into anything, for all we know she is very commanding, fiesty, scary at times and she is known as the

  I was in the gym when my sisters and Selene walked into the gym.

  "Helen"Selene called, when I looked at her abd she had tears in her eyes, we automatically went into each others arms.

  "I am so sorry,Helen."She said hugging me tighter and I did the same. "No, you don't have to be Selene, you actually did me a favour, I have to face this no matter how much it hurts or gets me angry."I said and for the first time I was able to show true happiness, no matter how much I go through my sisters and my best friends always seem to make me extremely happy to the point where I can't hide it anymore.

  "I love you Helen, my best friend and my sister."She whispered.

  "I love you too Selene."I said andwe stayed like that for a few seconds until I broke the hug. "I think we need some serious girl time."I said with a smirk, glancing at Anabiah and Evelyn. "SLUMBER PARTY!!!"They squealed and started jumping up and down. "First things first, the drinks."Selene said. "They can't have Selene...but maybe non-alcoholic."I suggested. "That's fine as long as we are going to have fun."Selene was beaming with happiness.

  So it was settled, we...and I mean two 25-year-olds and two almost-16-year-olds, are going to have a slumber party in the living room. We got our pillows and blankets ready and the 'drinks' and some snacks and placed them on the coffee table. Anabiah and Evelyn choose a few games we could play and since it was around 7pm and everyone must be tired.we basically have the whole downstairs to ourselves.

  "Let's get this party started bitches!"Selene whispered yelled so she doesn't wake anyone up. I cleared my throat loudly and she replied with a

  "Oh sorry."She said sinPotter down into the couch.

  "It's okay, I got us a few somethings."I said with a smirk and took out the case of beers that I found in the cupboard. "Yes, I knew you wouldn't do that to me!"Her faced lit up when I handed it to her.

  It was about 7:30pm when we just finished playing most of the games, we had the music channel "

  We stood in front of the tv and my sisters who were just giggling at us. Our hair was open and we were jumping up and down to the beat of the music, singing at the top of voices. I think the beers were getting to us.


  Anabiah and Evelyn started clapping and cheering for us and we just sang louder...

  We were so into the song that we didn't realise that we had a few extra viewers.

  Franklin and I were going to sleep when we heard someone downstairs we went out of our room and walked down the hall to see Linda. Harry and the boys already there. "So your'll must have heard the commotion downstairs"Harry said.

  "What is going on?"Eric asked his eyes red, he probably was sleeping.

  "Helen, Selene and the girls are having a slumb-" He was cut off when someone started singing. "Oh my!!!"Linda exclaimed.

  "What?"I asked and everyone looked at her. "T-That's Helen singing!"Her eyes widen in surprised. We all listened carefully at who was singing... '

  "It is Helen!" I exclaimed and we all rushed downstairs but we stopped at the bottom of the stairs when we saw Helen and Selene dancing and singing. "She looks so happy..."Linda said softly with a distant look in her eyes.

  "Just like old times..." Harry said looPotter at his daughter with a fatherly look.

  "I didn't know Helen could sing."Sebastia
n said from behind me.

  "How would you even know if she could sing, you idiot!"Anthony whispered yelled at Sebastian. "Shut up all of your'll!"Franklin glared at the boys.

  Helen looked so young and vibrant when she sang, her voice was harmonious.

  I have never felt this good from last year february. It was really fun and it gave me a good feeling that I can not describe. The song ended and my sisters were cheering for us.

  "Again, again!!!"They yelled jumping up and down the couch.

  "This is the last time and since I love you Dex, I will do it one more time for you babe." Selene said a little clumsily.

  "Who's Dex? I am Anabiah."Anabiah said with a confused look.

  "Aww baby, don't break up with me, I love you...this much."Selene must be really drunk as she held her arms out showing how much love. "Selene, I didn't know you had a boyfriend?"I said laughing. How many bottles did we have?! "Of course I have one,Mr Snuggles! He is sitting right there!"She pointed to Evelyn.

  "How much did we drink?"She asked counting with her fingers.

  "How must I know?"I said shrugging my shoulders.

  "Never mind, lets put on the show, we don't want to keep my boyfriends waiting."She said and waved at someone who was standing by the staircase.

  "Boyfriends? What about Dex?"I asked frowning.

  "I dumped him, they are my new boyfriends." she smiled and walked up to the person standing by the staricase and I walked up behind her.

  "Aww baby, I missed you!"She yelled and threw herself on the person, maPotter them look at her in suprise. "What happened to the two of you?"I knew that vouce anywhere. "Anthony, I didn't know you were dating Selene?!"I looked at him in shock. "How much did your'll drink?" Someone asked but he sounded so much like Uncle Franklin. "This much!"I said holding my arms out and grinning at the person. "Oh god!"Another person sighed and put their hands on their head.

  "Your'll two are some really crazy people."Someone chuckled and I think it was someone who sounded alot like Sebastian. "Aww baby, I love you soo much!"Selene yelled and kissed Anthony on the cheek. "Your'll are going to wake up to killer headaches."Someone who sounded alot like William chuckled. "I love you sooo much, Chris!!"I yelled and kissed the person who sounded a lot like William. Somebody gasped but I didn't let go of him, hugged him and then everything went black... Chapter 20:Just like old times...

  I woke up to an irritating beeping noise. I opened my eyes but closed them quickly due to the brightness of the room, I opened them again, slowly adjusting to the brightness.

  I sat upright from the couch and rubbed my eyes. I glanced to my left to see my sisters sleeping amd my right to see Selene passed out on the floor, herself tangled up in the blankets. I looked around and saw my phone flashing and beeping indicating I had a reminder, so I picked it up and entered my password and a pop up came up saying that I had a meeting with Mr and Mrs Harrington tomorrow night at 8, and that I had to meet with the party planner for Isa and Eli's party which is in just 1 and a half months time.

  I groaned at how stupid I was to forget about this, I never forgot anything especially concerning business matters.

  I walked to the kitchen, to get a drink of water, to help calm myself down. When I got there I saw Robert ( "Good morning Miss Helen."He greeted with a smile.

  "Good morning Rob"I smiled back. Things seem different but I could not exactly put my finger on it.

  I walked to the cupboard and got out a cup and took out the water from the fridge and poured myself a nice cool glass of water. I drank it and the headache I was feeling just seemed to melt away and I felt refreshed.

  I went back to living room but not before I got a tall glass of water and two aspirins for Selene. From the two of us I could handle alcohol and not matter how much I drink I would only get a slght headache the next morning unlike Selene who would get a throbbing headache.

  I placed the glass of water and the aspirins on the coffee table and went up to my room to brush my teeth and have a shower.

  It didn't take me long to have a shower and dress up in dark jeans and a white tank top-like shirt with lace for the ruffles and a pair of white levi's.

  I tied my hair into a loose decent looPotter bun and made my way downstairs. I went to the living room to see Selene awake and had drank the water and taken the aspirin. "Good morning"I greeted softly, just in case her head was still paining.

  "Mornin'... What happened last night?"She asked rubbing her eyes.

  "I have no-"I was cut off.

  "Your'll sure as hell wouldn't want to know."Sebastian smirked sitting on the couch. He was dressed in a some jeans and a black

  "That bad?"I asked sitting down next to him.

  "I rather not say because God knows that hell will be uleashed."He chuckled and it got me slightly worried because we could have done stuff that we would have never done.

  "Ok, just tell us this one thing... Did we do anything that would send the cops chasing after us?"I asked what if we did... "No, Chrissy, we can't go back to jail!"Selene yelled terrified.

  "Relax Selene, that was only one time and it was by accident."I said putting a hand on her shoulder.

  "But still one night in jail can affect a person."She said and I noticed that Sebastian had gotten really quiet, so we glanced at him and saw that he had a shocked yet terrified expression. "Y-your'll went to jail?!" He stuttered and we decided to have a little fun with him.

  "Yes, apparently we were "accused" of murder."Selene stated putting air quotes of the accused.

  "Just because these girls pissed us off so we just "massaged" their necks" I said putting air quotes over the massaged and grinning at him evily. He gulped and we just laughed at him.

  "Relax, Sebastian, we were just joPotter but the jail part and the murder was real."I said seriously.

  "Okay, your'll are some creepy chicks."He smirked at us, just then William and Anthony came down and when they looked at us, they had this weird expression and Sebastian started laughing, maPotter me raise an eyebrow at him.

  "Oh if your'll only knew what your'll did last night..."He trailed laughing again.

  "Just tell us!"Selene yelled at him.

  "Ok ok, Lets start of with how Selene claimed that Anthony was her boyfriend amd kissed hin on the cheek and kept hanging on him-"He was cut off by Selene's yelling.

  "What?! Oh God!"She said slapping her hand on her forehead. "And lets not forget about Helen, who thought William was some guy named Chris and kissed him on the lips."He said smirPotter at me. "Wait Chris... As in Chris what the guys used to call you in high school and Varsity."Selene asked me. "How must I know?!"I sighed in frustration.

  "I guess you right."Selene sighed.

  "Wait-wait the part with me kissing William.What happened after that?"I asked feeling so stupid that I kissed him.

  "You passed out."William interjected.

  "May I speak to you in private."I said with no emotion. I really need to sort this out, has just become a huge problem...

  "Yes."He said looPotter at me with such desire but luckily no one noticed amd I took him into the library. I let him go in first and closed the door behind me. He stood in the middle of the room smirPotter at me, I groaned internally. "Look, whatever you think about that kiss, it does not mean anything and to begin with I was under the influence of alcohol so it does not fall under any meaning."I said bluntly getting straight to the point. He just gave a deep humorless chuckle and came closer to me, his eyes dark.

  "Oh really now baby?"He said smirPotter. I feel like I don't know him, its like the devil is standing in front of me and not William Alexander.

  "Do not call me that."I glared at him deadly but he just came closer to me.

  "But I want to call you that, babe" He smirked and when he came close enough he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to his rock hard chest, trapping me.

  "Let me go!"I struggled in his hold but he just tighten in his grip, maPotter me look like an ant in front of his big built.

blankly said.

  "Why are you doing this to me! Can't you just leave me alone!"I was angry yet exhausted fron all that struggling. It just irrtated the guts out of me just being in his presence, imagine what this does to me. "Because I want to."He said with that same monotone.

  "I will scream if you don't let me go."I threatened, I couldn't move any of my limbs so I could not hurt or injure him and I just went with the first thing that came to mind. "And I will kiss you senseless if you do."He countered with a smirk. "A-"I parted my lips to scream but instead his lips crashed down on mine.

  It was a whole lot different from when he kissed me last night. It was more desirable yet it had the same roughness and something else... My lips parted to take a breath but he used this as an opportunity to slip his tongue in and dance with mine. I was blank, completely lost but when my senses kicked in, I pulled back and felt too furoius to slap him knowing that he will still do this no matter how many times I slap him.

  He eyes were still so dark with desire and something...different but I could not make it out. I was furious and tired of him, it just irritated me, there is no words to explain how I feel rough this moment. "What? No slap, no kick, no punch?"He smirked and raised one eyebrow.

  "If I did any of that, you would just continue with this nonsense."I said in an exasperated tone. "Aww, don't say that sweetheart."He said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

  "Were you like this when you were younger? Don't learn from your mistakes."I asked, crossing my arms over my chest and raising an eyebrow.

  "Maybe, maybe not?"He stated with an evil grin. "I want to know something..."I started and when he raised and eyebrow at me I continued."Who the fuck died and gave you the right to kiss me whenever you feel like it?"This question was dying to come out but really now, when did he get the right or should I say "permission" to kiss me, cause the last time I check I didn't give it to him.

  I just realised that he never respond but when I looked at him it looked like he was sarcastically thinPotter, luckily he never noticed the debate I had with myself. "The answer to your question would be when you kissed me back and I know you enjoyed it just as much as I did."He stated smirPotter. It was like he could read my thoughts which was nearly impossible, I was never known to be an open book but this man in front of me can seem to read me.


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