Give Me Wings

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Give Me Wings Page 1

by Joy Redmond

  Give Me Wings

  Joy Redmond

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, events, and locations portrayed in this story are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously.

  ISBN: 978-1530322367

  Second Edition

  Text Copyright © 2016 by Joy Redmond

  All Rights Reserved

  In loving memory of James Edward Littrell, Leola Williams Littrell, and Dale Edward Littrell

  Chapter One

  1940-Teddy and Rachel

  Teddy Randall was home on leave from the Navy. As he walked down Main Street, he remembered the many times when he and his brother Carl walked up and down the streets trolling for pretty girls. Now Carl was married, and his wife, Lou, had no use for Teddy, so he didn’t spend much time at their house though he sorely missed his brother. Carl was at work so Teddy decided he’d go out on his own. He was hoping to spy a pretty girl. He was horny.

  Teddy was muscular with large arms, a broad chest, and stout legs. People often said he was built like a Sherman Tank. Women of all ages found him irresistible. He exuded sex appeal.

  Suddenly, he spied a beautiful young girl walking beside an older woman carrying a brown shopping bag. As they passed him he was smitten by her long, shapely legs that clung to her skirt. Her sky-blue eyes sparkled. Her flowing, chestnut-brown hair hung almost to her waist.

  Teddy followed the pair into Woolworth’s, staying a few feet away, and watched them take stools at the soda fountain. They ordered sodas and when the soda jerk set one in front of the young girl, Teddy smiled and enjoyed the way she delicately slipped the straw between her full lips.

  After a few minutes, he strolled over and slid onto a stool next to the young beauty. He smiled. He couldn’t help but notice that she seemed to be instantly captivated by his mischievous blue-green eyes when he said, “Hi, I’m Teddy Randall.”

  She tucked her head, blushed and said, “Hi. I'm Rachel Winston.”

  He heard the older woman that was sitting beside the young beauty clear her throat as if she were irritated by the intruder.

  Rachel nervously squirmed on the stool. “This is my mother, Lula,” she said and her face turned crimson as if she were embarrassed.

  Teddy looked around Rachel, smiled, and said, “Nice to meet you, Lula.” He saw the woman stiffen and she glared at him with eyes as cold as steel. She merely grunted as if she wished he'd disappear.

  What a witch, he thought.

  They talked briefly as Rachel finished her soda. Then Teddy asked Rachel if she'd like to take a short stroll in Perry Park with him. When Rachel looked at her mother for approval, Teddy said sweetly, “I promise to have 'er back here in ꞌbout an hour.”

  In a stern tone, Lula said, “You'll have her back in thirty minutes, young man. I'll have my shopping done by then, so I'll meet you at the wagon. Rachel, don't be late. I need to get on home. And you know we've got a long way to go.”

  “We'll be there on time,” Rachel said, her face reddening, and it was obvious to Teddy that she was even more embarrassed now.

  Teddy took Rachel's hand, but she pulled it back. “Don't be scared. I ain't gonna bite ya,” he said with a chuckle. She's so different than any girl I've ever met. And she wears no makeup, but she doesn't need it. She's a natural beauty, he thought, and he had the urge to kiss her right on the spot, but he figured that ol’ Lula would have his head. That woman gives me the willies, he thought, as he walked toward the front door, Rachel a few steps behind. Teddy was sure he could feel Lula's eyes burning a hole in the back of his head.

  When they reached the park, they strolled over to the water fountain where large statues of cherubs had streams of water pouring from their hands into the large pool beneath them that was encased in a circular concrete wall. They sat down on the edge of the wall and Rachel twisted the hem of her dress.

  Teddy leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips.

  Rachel's face went crimson. “Please, people are watching,” she said, and looked around her.

  “Well, shit fire! Who cares?” he said, looking around. “I don’t think anybody is payin' attention to us.”

  Rachel gasped as if Teddy had dipped the cold water from the fountain and thrown it in her face, then she said, “Oh, my! I'm not used to that kind of language.”

  “Well, hell. I'm a sailor. We all cuss,” he said with a mischievous smile, and his eyes danced. “Didn't ya like the kiss?”

  Rachel reached into her skirt pocket, took out a handkerchief and twisted it into knots. “I've never been kissed before.” She paused, then tucked her head as she softly whispered, “But I sure did like it. It set me on fire. My insides are quivering.”

  “Good,” Teddy said. Then he wrapped his left hand around her tiny waist, placed his right hand on the back of her head, feeling her silky hair, then slightly bent her back as he placed a passionate kiss on her sweet lips.

  Rachel pushed him back, stood, and said, “I think we need to get on back. I'd die if Mother was to come looking for me. She'd have my hide for kissing a man.”

  “What?” Teddy said in disbelief.

  Rachel's face reddened and she managed to say, “I've been taught that a girl doesn't kiss on a first date, though I don't guess this is a date, but I don't know you.”

  “Well, that's the craziest shit I've ever heard. But whatever ya say. Would yer parents allow me to call on ya tomorrow? We'll make it an official date.”

  “I, er, I guess. I'll ask when we get back to the wagon. I'm sure Mother is waiting. But you can't call on me tomorrow since it's the Sabbath. You can come out Monday evening. I guess.”

  Teddy wiped his hand over his face, shook his head, and said, “Well, I don't know what the Sabbath has to do with anything, but I can wait till Monday. I reckon we need to get on back and I'll ask. And if she gives ya permission, I'll borrow my dad's truck and come get ya. We'll take in a movie.”

  Rachel clutched the front of her dress. “I'm not allowed to go to a movie house. We'll have to stay around my house. I'm sure Father will keep a close eye on us, so there won’t be any kissing or holding hands.”

  Teddy stomped his foot and yelled, “Well, I'll be a sumbitch! I've never heard of anything so stupid. What kind of a date is it gonna be just hanging around yer house? Shit. Maybe we need to forget it. I can tell ya, me and yer parents ain't gonna get along at all. And I don't even know where ya live. Just forget it!”

  “No, please,” Rachel said in a pleading voice. “We can walk around the farm and if we want to steal a kiss or two maybe we can duck behind the outhouse or the chicken coop. They won't see us.”

  “Fine!” Teddy said. “Where do ya live? This is all horse-shit to me, but I'll do whatever. I really wanna see ya before my furlough is over. I've only got a week, then I'm off to the Philippines.”

  “You mean you'll be leaving town? I can't stand the thought of that,” Rachel said, her eyes wide, showing a bit of fear.

  “Yeah, I'm in the Navy. I've got almost two years before I'm done with my hitch. I don't expect ya to wait fer me. I just wanna spent some time with ya before I leave.”

  “I'll wait for you!” Rachel quickly blurted, then blushed. “And I'll tell you how to find my house.” Rachel gave Teddy directions.

  “I can find it.” Teddy reached for her hand, but again she pulled back. “Yeah, I forgot. No touchin' in public.” He laughed. “I'll have ya loosened up in no time. Good God, yer like a cold stone.” He wiped his hand over his face again, wondering if she was worth his time, but there was something about her that he didn't understand, but he couldn't let it go. “Where's the wagon? I'm sure Lula is waitin' and fussin'.”

  “Probably,” Rachel said in a tone that plainly let Ted
dy know that she was put out with her mother too.

  When they reached the wagon three blocks up the street, Teddy couldn't believe his eyes. Two mules were just standing in place without being tied. It was as if they knew not to move until Lula slapped the reins. Lula was sitting on the buckboard, reins in hand, and Teddy thought she looked as if she could bite a ten-penny nail in two.

  Teddy assisted Rachel into the wagon and wondered if she'd push his hand away. She didn't, but he got another icy glare from Lula. “Here's yer girl. I'll be out to see 'er come Monday. You two have a nice day.” With that being said, he winked at Rachel, then jumped the curb and started walking down the sidewalk before Lula could protest. He took a Lucky Strike from the breast pocket of his t-shirt, reached into his jeans pocket, pulled out a Zippo and fired up. He took a long drag, blew smoke rings and smiled. That ol’ witch won't stop me from seeing her daughter. He hummed as he continued walking.

  Monday afternoon, Teddy drove his dad's old pickup out to the farm. He pulled into the lane that would take him up to the house. The lane went straight up a hill. He pulled into low gear, hoping the old truck would climb it. He bounced in the truck as he did his best to miss large holes. Some of them were more like gullies. “Shit fire! It would take mules to climb this steep hill. I hope I don't blow a tire.” The old truck groaned as if to say, ‘I’m doing the best I can.’

  Finally, he made it up the hill and parked in front of the old farmhouse. Just as he got out of the truck, Rachel came running out of the house. When she reached his side, he picked her up and swung her around in the air, then kissed her cheek.

  “No, Teddy. Put me down. Don't do that in case Mother and Father are watching – and I'm sure they are. They aren't too happy that I have a date. Come on in the house and meet my father, Eldon. He'll have to give his approval before he lets us visit.”

  “Is he a tight-ass like yer mother?”

  “Teddy, please watch your language. Don't dare cuss in front of them. He's strict and I'm sure you won't like him either, but you're dating me, not them.”

  Teddy didn't hold Rachel's hand, he merely followed her toward the house, where Eldon had stepped out onto the front porch, glaring through squinted eyes.

  “Father, this is Teddy Randall. If it's alright, we'd like to spend some private time together. I want to show him around the farm. But we'll be in hearing distance at all times.”

  Eldon didn't extend his hand. He spit a stream of tobacco juice into the front yard, then sternly said, “Rachel, you stay in hearing and seeing distance. And you have one hour!” He turned to face Teddy. “Then you'll take your leave. My oldest daughter, Nora, and her husband are coming for a visit, and Rachel will be in the house visiting with them. We have manners around here.”

  Teddy's face turned red with rage. He wanted to slug Eldon, but for Rachel's sake he said, “I'll take my leave in one hour.” I really wanna deck that sumbitch, and if he pushes me I will. Rachel can get over it. Or not. Them uppity shitasses think they're better than me. I might not be from a rich family and I don't have no education to speak of, but by God they ain't nobody better than me. I'll knuckle that ol' sumbitch's head if he don't watch it. And I'd like to slap that smug look off Lula's face. They just don't know who they're foolin' with.

  Chapter Two

  Teddy followed Rachel around to the back of the house, then toward the chicken coop. “If we’re behind it, we’ll be hidden from their prying eyes.”

  “It stinks like chicken shit out here,” Teddy said. “I don’t think I can kiss you with that gawd-awful stench!” He looked to his right and said, “Nice tobacco patch there.”

  “Yes, we’ve got a good crop this year. I spend a lot of time in the field suckering and pulling off worms. It’s hard work, but Father is just a poor dirt farmer and he can’t hire help. So, we all pitch in.”

  “Well it might smell better out in the tobacco field,” Teddy said, and spat on the ground, a habit he had that always got him a scolding from his own mother.

  “I'm sorry about the stench. I guess we should have gone out to the barnyard. We can go visit the cows and mules if you'd be more comfortable out there.”

  “Yeah, and we can climb up to the hayloft and have us a romp! Do ya think that ol' man will come out lookin' fer us? He's about to get my danger up, I tell ya,”

  Rachel’s eyes teared. “I'm sorry my parents are so rude. They don't usually act that way. I have no idea what they have against you.” She tucked her head. “Do I smell liquor on your breath?”

  “Yeah, I've had a nip or two. I like my whiskey. What about it?”

  Rachel cleared her throat and shifted on her feet. “That's why Father was so cold to you. He could smell the liquor. And he saw the pack of cigarettes in your breast pocket. He doesn’t hold to drinking and smoking.”

  “Why, that hypocritical ol' bastard. He don't believe in smokin' but he grows tobacco, and I saw the wad he had in his mouth. I'll smoke, drink, and cuss, and he can kiss my ass!” Teddy said and his face grew red with rage.

  “Please don't take it out on me. I have to go by their rules. And my religion teaches that those things are sins. I do my best to be a good Christian. And that's why I couldn't go to the movie house with you. They’re sinful places!” Rachel adamantly stated as she crossed her arms across her chest.

  Teddy gave a sarcastic laugh. “That's why I don't have no religion. Ain't no church or the horse-shit they preach gonna tell me how to live my life!”

  Rachel’s face went ashen, and no words were able to come out of her mouth.

  Teddy gave her one of his infamous, sexy grins, then gathered her in his arms and kissed her deeply. When he raised his lips from hers he said, “Do ya think that's a sin?”

  “No. I don't. And I know I'm being forward, but I really like it and your kisses send tingles through my entire body. It's like electricity is running from my head to my toes.” She took deep breaths as if she were trying to keep from throwing herself into his arms and kissing his handsome face off.

  “Well, the kissin' is just a start. C'mon, let’s go to the barn and I'll show you what comes after the kissin'. I'll make a woman out of ya!” he said, lifting his eyebrows up and down.

  “Oh, my stars! If you're talking about what I think you are, I can tell you, that's not going to happen. I'm saving myself for marriage. I also think it's a sin to fornicate.”

  Teddy stepped back and blinked his eyes as if he were in the middle of a nightmare. “What the shit is fornicate? I was talkin' about screwin'. Or another word that you'd probably faint if I said it. Shit, woman! I think maybe it's time to take my leave now. You people are out of my league. Not that you're any better than I am, I'll tell ya that much, but I ain't comfortable around yer kind.” He started walking back toward the truck, his jaw muscles flexing; another habit he had when he was riled.

  Rachel ran after him. “Please don't leave. We've got a few more minutes. I want to kiss you some more. I just don't want—” She tucked her head and tears ran down her face.

  “Ah, Rach, goshdammit. Don't start no bawlin'. I can't stand it.” He scratched his head and pulled on his right ear. “I've got a temper and I didn't mean to let it get the best of me, but all that religious shit gets my dander up. I don't see anythin' wrong with bein' human and doin' what comes natural.”

  Before Rachel could answer, Eldon came out the back door and yelled, “Rachel, where are you? You get back in seeing distance. Don't make me come looking for you!”

  “I'm gonna deck that sumbitch, I swear I am!”

  “Teddy, please. Don't start anything with Father. He just wants to make sure that I'm being a proper lady. Come on, let’s walk back around the house so he can see us. Then if you want we can go out to the barnyard. I think. Just give me a quick kiss first.”

  Teddy gathered her into his arms and deeply kissed her. He felt her body tremble and he wondered if she was going to go so weak in the knees that he'd have to carry her back around the house.
/>   Rachel teetered a bit, then said, “My whole body is on fire!”

  “Rachel!” Eldon's voice cut through the stillness of the evening.

  “Coming, Father.”

  When they reached the backyard, they saw Eldon standing on the back porch, holding a shotgun, aiming it at Teddy. “I don't like you, boy. Now, you get off my property and don't you ever come back. You forget you ever met my daughter!”

  Teddy walked up the three steps, pushed the barrel of the gun to the side, and stood a few inches from Eldon's face. “Don't aim a gun at me, you sumbitch. 'Cause if you don't kill me, I'll take that shotgun and ram it up your ass!” With that, he grabbed the gun out of Eldon's hand and threw it on the ground.

  Eldon took a step and Teddy blocked him. “If you pick it up, you'll eat it. I mean what I'm sayinꞌ!”

  Rachel screamed, “Please, Father. I love him!” She cried as she hurried up the steps.

  Eldon grabbed Rachel by the arm, and harshly commanded, “You get in the house. You don't know what love is. And if you think you’re going to hang around this lowlife, I'll chain you to your bedpost and that's where you'll stay until you come to your senses.”

  Teddy spat upon the ground. “If you ever touch her again, I'll pound you into the ground. I'm goin' on, but I'll be back. You better keep that gun loaded and when you do fire it, you better hope you're a good enough shot to hit me between the eyes. That's the only way you'll stop me. Ya hear me?”

  Eldon turned and hurried inside. Teddy could hear him still yelling at Rachel, telling her to go to her room.

  “For now I'll be goin'. Rachel is upset enough. But you remember what I said, ya tobacco chewin', shit-spittin' sumbitch!” he yelled.

  Teddy hurried to the truck before he lost all control and broke Eldon's neck. He fired up the old Ford and headed down the lane. “I'll fix him. He won't get the best of me. I'll be back tomorrow, then we'll see what happens,” he mumbled to himself as he bounced along the rutted lane. He reached under the seat, picked up a pint, unscrewed the cap, then turned it up and gulped until his eyes stung.


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