Wolf's Promise (Caedmon Wolves)

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Wolf's Promise (Caedmon Wolves) Page 6

by Ambrielle Kirk

  After eating a few bites of the apple pie mix, she asked, “What happened to the tribe after that?”

  “They flourished again.” He put his empty packs on the ground. “It is not known whether the wolf came with powers or if it was something the gods gifted to Markus in the process. But most know that wolves can travel great distances and at impressive speeds. With adequate food supply coming in and the ability to scout shelters before a storm, the tribe grew confidant and stronger. There is a ceremony to honor this event as well as the legend of Markus Caedmon once a year during the Wolf Moon. His followers and those that wished to join the tribe would embrace the wolf spirit of Caedmon. Although they weren’t gifted to shift between man and wolf like him, each of them were given more strength, stamina, and some powers. To this day only those born of Caedmon blood can shift.”

  “This is amazing.”

  “It is.”

  “You’re Caedmon, then?”

  He nodded. “I’m too far removed from the history tree to be considered Caedmon royalty, but I am Caedmon, nonetheless.”

  She drew her knees up against her body, and wrapped her arms around her legs. “It sounds like humans are a part of the tribe.”

  “The tribe is now called a pack since we are made up of wolves. Caedmon Pack. Back then the Pack grew stronger by strengthening the bloodlines. This can only be done by bearing children who descend directly from the original Caedmon family.” He poked at the logs in the fire pit again. “As for humans with the Pack, each succeeding Alpha had their own agenda. Old rules were replaced with newer ones. Soon the human followers were outnumbered, and they no longer had a voice. One of our past leaders enacted a rule that cast out all humans, forbidding any relations with them.”

  “Caedmon existence has been kept a secret.”

  “Yes. Over the years, we’ve had groups of wolves branch off to form their own pack, but we Caedmon are still one of the strongest packs around.”

  “I would like to know more. Tell me something else about them.”

  “We’re both tired, Selene.” Nick moved closer to her until their bodies were touching. He felt extremely warm as he slid his arms over her shoulders.

  He was right. She could barely keep her eyes open, but she was still curious about the Caedmon. “I’ll be gone tomorrow. I want to know more about the powers. Will you have enough time to tell me before I leave?”

  “Of course.” He spread out another blanket and laid it across them.

  Although Selene was out of her comfort zone and hundreds of miles away from home, she felt safe within this cave and with this man who was also a wolf.

  “Thank you, Nick,” she whispered.

  “For what?”

  “I think you know.”

  He’d saved her and encouraged her to escape when all her hope had faded.

  “We have each other to thank.”

  Chapter Eight

  Nick slowed his pace as they neared the gas station. A feeling of hopelessness consumed him. Selena had to leave. It would only be best for her. The longer she stayed with him the more he grew on her. Ever since the night she was thrown in the cell with him, his wolf seemed to have complete control over. If he didn’t let her go now, he feared that it would be to late down the road. She’d been thrown into the height of Caedmon Pack rivalry, and suffered at the hands of the man who wanted to see a legacy destroyed. Even though she worked with clients whose very lives were literally on the line on a daily basis, he could tell she’d never experienced this level of danger.

  The yellow cab he’d called using the cell in his pack was already parked near the gas pump waiting.

  Selene stopped walking. “I…this is the same gas station I came to just before my car accident.”

  “It’s the town gas station. The only one for miles.”

  She turned to face him. “Nick, I wish we could have talked more. Not just about your Pack, but about you too.”

  Despite the urgent circumstances, they’d made the best out of a bad situation. He wanted to learn more about her too, but hated that she would have to bring him into his dysfunctional world to do so. “You have my cell phone number, and I have yours.”

  “You promise to call me?”

  “You know I will.” He stroked the side of her face, and slid his thumb over her dimple. “When things die down here, I’ll be free to roam. There is too much going on in my world right now.”

  “I can only imagine,” she whispered.

  Nick slid his back pack off his shoulder and handed it to her. “What’s left of the freeze dried food…to take back as souvenir. There’s some cash as well in the bottom.”

  “Thank you.”

  He took her hand and grasped it tighter. Why was this so hard? He’d just met the woman. Barely knew her. Yet, he felt like if he allowed her to ride off into the sunset that his world would come tumbling down around him.

  “Selene, you should go now.”

  “I know.” She looked at the cab, and then back at him. “You never told me about your powers.”

  He smiled. “Well then I know you’ll definitely call me.”

  “Not fair,” she teased, and began walking toward the taxi.

  Nick followed. “Be careful, Selene.” He nodded to the driver, who was an old family friend, then turned back to Selene. “Call me when you reach the train station. As soon as we find your car…if we find it…we’ll contact you.”

  “I’ve had that Honda for seven years. It was time for a new one anyway. The clothes, my laptop, and other belongings, I can replace. But I can’t replace my life. Thank you again, Nick. No matter what you are, you do have a good heart.” Her palm left the side of his face. She turned to open the door and tossed the pack on the back seat. “I’ll have to come up with a story though about how my car came to be wrecked in this town.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You never did tell me the reason you came here.”

  She smiled sweetly. “That way I know you’ll definitely call me.”

  “See you later, Selene.”

  “Bye, Nick.” She slid on the backseat and he shut the door.

  He walked up to the driver door and handed the Nash, the driver, his fare and a tip.

  Nash didn’t waste any time as he pulled off.

  Nick looked after the yellow taxi cab as it began to pick up speed and merge onto the main highway. He stood there so long that the dust fanned over his face. He swallowed down the lump in his throat, and walked toward the door of the small station.

  The chimes hanging over the doorway rung as he came inside.

  “Nick, man. Long time no see, bro. What have you been up to?” Charles greeted from behind the cash register.

  “Nothing much, Charles. How’s the mate and pups?”

  “They’ve turned me into a slave.”

  They both laughed.

  “What brings you up here?” Charles asked.

  “I planned a mountain climbing trip to seek solitude and get my head together. It was cut short by a band of cowards.” Nick grimaced, thinking about the way Darius’s men had tied him up with the ropes to overpower him.

  Charles leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Have you heard the rumors around here?”


  “Nothing ain’t the same no more, man. You’ve got Darius and his followers threatening a whole bunch of town folk.” Charles frowned. “That wolf has been up to no good.”

  “It’s precisely why my retreat was halted.” He grabbed two boxes of beef jerkies from a nearby shelf. “I need to get back to the village. I should warn you and any others to stay on this side of the property line until things are handled.”

  Charles shook his head. “As soon as we thought we had stopped that bastard…”

  The door chime rung again. Nick didn’t think to look up until he got a whiff of a familiar cinnamon fragrance. Selene…

  His head jerked up, and he focused to find her standing at the door. Even dressed down in his oversized clot
hes, she took his breath away. Although it wasn’t just her beauty that astonished him; her very presence affected him in ways he’d never imagined.

  When their eyes met, he knew in that instant why she’d come back. He dropped the jerky on the counter, quickly crossed the distance between them, and embraced her.

  “Nick, I couldn’t leave. I don’t know why, but…” her words rushed out of her.

  “I know. You don’t have to say anything.”

  He slid his palm behind her neck and grasped her about the waist with the other. She had a small frame, but her rounded hips had him thinking about the naughty things he wanted to do to her. Selene would fit perfectly to him. There was no doubt in mind.

  He had to know—just had to find out how she tasted.

  As Nick pulled her closer into him, she lifted her chin, and her delicate mouth parted. He bent and took her lips gently at first, testing her. Their lips glided against each other’s effortlessly. The feeling that rushed through him was heavenly. His taste buds seemed to pulse as he basked in the taste of cinnamon and honey.

  Selene made no efforts to pull away and even placed her palm against his chest, grabbing at the fabric of his shirt. Tilting her head, he deepened the kiss, pressing firmly into her lips. She felt smooth like satin, and gentle like water. Their tongues finally touched and white hot passion seared through his chest. Her thighs molded against him when she pushed her body to his. He wanted to take more of her. He wanted to give—needed to give her what she desire.

  Nick set a slow, sensuous pace for the kiss, sipping at her plush lips. Her scent, her taste—everything about her—was addicting. Something rippled beneath his skin and his wolf spirit pulsed erratically within his veins. Her body became pliant in his arm, and he held her tightly to him.

  Charles cleared his throat behind them, and they jumped apart.

  “Um, sorry to interrupt, but if you two need a room, there’s a bed and breakfast about a mile or so up the road in case you’ve forgotten.”

  Taking Selene by the hand, he threw some money on the counter, grabbed the jerky, and exited the store. The cab was still waiting, and this time he got inside with her.

  “Are we ready this time?” Nash glanced at them in the rearview mirror, impatiently drumming his fingertips on the steering wheel.

  “Change of plans,” Nick said. “Take me home.”

  He glanced over at Selene. She had the tips of her fingers pressed to her lips, a look of puzzlement on her face.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she whispered.


  Selene stared back at her reflection in the mirror. On the outside, she was the same. On the inside, she felt like a changed woman. She touched her lips again. Every time she thought about how Nick had kissed her, she experienced a tingling sensation there. In all her twenty eight years, no one had ever held and kissed her like that.

  After what had happened to her at the hands of the scarred faced man, she appreciated her life more. She’d certainly learned her lesson. She would never skip town without telling anybody again. Anything could have happened to her. She could have been dead…probably would have been dead if it weren’t for Nick.

  She had felt guilty for making the taxi driver turn around, but intuition told her to stay. There was something more than his irresistible laugh that intrigued her. Something about being in his presence calmed her soul and warmed her heart.

  Selene exited the bathroom and walked out into the main area of the cabin that Nick called his home away from home. He was a puzzle, and the same curiosity that had got her into trouble a couple days ago now emerged again, eager to learn more about the man and the wolf.

  The layout of the cabin was open with the only closed off section being the bathroom. There was a tall folded divider marking off the sleeping area where a dresser, a nightstand, and large four poster bed sat. It had an extremely small galley kitchen, but it was complete with stove, counter space, and mini refrigerator. The largest section, of course, was the living area.

  Nick was standing in front of the fireplace. His hand was rested on the mantle and he appeared to be glancing down into the flames. He straightened and looked up at her. His gaze lingered on her for what seemed like minutes. “How are you feeling?”

  “Much better after the shower.” She came to stand in front of a sofa. Taking a seat, she curled her legs up under her.

  “I called a good friend of mine, Devin. He’s invited us to have dinner tomorrow at his home. His mate may have something you can wear in the meantime.”

  “I appreciate that.” She looked down at the pair of sweatpants she wore. They were comfy, but it took her a great deal of rolling at the waistband to keep them up on her hips. “When my car is found, I can repay you for it all.”

  “There’s no need.” He pushed himself up off the mantle and came to sit next to her. “I wish we’d met under better circumstances.”

  “I’m just glad we met…when we did.”

  He smiled.

  “You were saying over dinner that your pack has a new leader and that there is rivalry.”

  “Yes. After Devin claimed the title, those who were advocates of his opponent separated themselves from the pack. And if you haven’t figured it out already, the wolf that held us is called Darius.”

  “So you were held prisoner for being an enemy?” she asked.

  He nodded. “He seems to think he owns the land where they captured me. But the history with Darius and I go way back. Even before he was banished from the pack, we held a serious grudge.”

  “A grudge?”

  Nick dropped his gaze to the floor. “Over a silly dispute.”

  “What did he want from you?”

  “He probably wanted to get Devin’s attention more than anything else,” he said. “Did Darius tell you why he held you captive?”

  Selene swallowed the lump that suddenly rose in her throat. “He attacked me.”

  “Attacked you how?” His seemed to hold in his aggravation, but the sound of his voice was angry and forced.

  “Apparently, his wife cannot have children.”

  Nick shook his head, his forehead creased in confusion. “Why would he keep you against your will?”

  “He tried to rape me and said I would carry his child.”

  Nick shot up to his feet instantly. “You’re kidding, right?”

  She shook her head slowly.

  “That snake!” He clenched his fists hard against his sides, and the veins rose on his neck. When he turned to her, his fangs were barred. Upon seeing her state of alarm, he took deep breaths and his irate demeanor subsided. “Did he hurt you?”

  “I was thrown in the cell with you for refusing and lashing out. If he was going to do that to me, it wouldn’t have happened willingly or easily.”

  “I’m sorry this happened to you,” he said, returning to the seat beside her. “He will pay for this.”

  “We’re free from being caged like animals, that’s all that matters.”

  He cringed.

  Suddenly, she realized what she’d said was uncalled for. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “No, I am an animal. There’s no changing that.”

  Selene took his hand in hers. “Tell me about the powers of the Caedmon.”

  He leaned back in the sofa. “Some of us are stronger than others, depending on how far removed one is from the founding tribe. The ability to shift at will is a given. Heightened agility, strength, endurance...”

  “So you shifted at will to save me.”

  “I don’t think I could have remained in human form even if I tried. The downside to having a wolf spirit is that sometimes they take charge. Not only did I want to protect you, but so did the wolf.”

  She turned his hand over and traced the dark lines on the inside of his palm. “You barely know me. Why not just leave me? You killed two guards to save me. Won’t that cause more of an uproar between Darius and the new leader?”r />
  “It was bound to happen, Selene.” He shook his head. “From what I learned, Darius had plans to cause mayhem before you were captured. Even before I crossed the property line.”

  “What were you doing out there anyway?”

  “I thought it’d be refreshing to bring back some good memories for a change. I’d climbed the mountain before as a young boy with my father. We’d sit on the mountain top for hours waiting for sunset and then sunrise. He’d tell stories and I’d listen. I missed him. I missed that kind of company.”

  “Watching sunset and sunrise must be beautiful. Something I’d love to see.”

  “It is. I’ll take you one day…whenever you are ready to face your fear of heights.”

  She smiled, and brought his palm to her cheek. It didn’t bother her that he was also an animal. There was a wolf inside, but from the very moment they’d met he’d been nothing but gentle with her. Plus there was this urge that she kept having. An urge that had never surfaced before for any man.

  “I want you to kiss me again,” she said.

  “You do?”

  Her face grew warm. What had gotten into her? She’d never demanded a man kiss her before. “I liked it before. I want you to do it again.”

  Nick grabbed the small of her waist and drew her closer. “You are addicting, Selene.” His mouth was inches away from hers.

  “So are you,” she whispered.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She swallowed. “I trust you not to.”

  He picked her up and brought her to sit on his lap with her legs straddling his thighs. She grasped the lean biceps on his forearm, letting her fingertips massage the muscles. Her breath came unevenly, and she felt as though didn’t have enough of it. Perhaps it was the adrenaline rush that surged through her whenever he looked at her. Or maybe it was the way her skin tingled when he touched her. Whatever it was, she craved the feeling. She didn’t want it to end.

  As soon as his lips met hers, an icy molten sensation spread up her spine. His hands were at her back, stroking her, and pulling her closer. He took her mouth softly, again and again until she parted her lips. She ran her tongue along the seam of his lips before offering it totally. He tasted of fresh rain, and smelt like pine at the onset of spring. Their tongues danced feverishly, and their breaths came in pants.


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