Between Darkness and Light Trilogy

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Between Darkness and Light Trilogy Page 21

by Brianna Hawthorne

  “Hmm. And you are?”

  “Whomever and whatever you would like me to be.”

  “Then come into my parlor, Jean-Luc.” After a pause, yet another set of footsteps approaches from the distance, decidedly female sounding, but not so bold as those that went to Nero. Casanova opens his door.

  “Oh my.”

  “Lord, I noticed earlier that you seem… lonely. Let me ease your cares this night.”

  “There is only one woman for me now, lass, and you are not her.”

  “But she is out of your reach, while I am not.”

  “Time will tell, and I am willing to wait.” His door closes and the footsteps continue on to William’s door. I can almost see his face as he answers.

  “Wow. I mean… yes?”

  “May I come in and… entertain you, my lord?”

  “Ah… I’m terribly sorry - really, I am! But, no. I prefer to be alone tonight.” His door closes gently and I await the sounds of more footsteps, but instead of approaching, they recede. Rats! Why would they ignore me - it’s not as if my continued innocence means anything to them… and though Cailli doesn’t want Casanova to pursue me, she didn’t outright say that no one could. Unless that’s what she meant by not living too much. Why would she care? Sigh. Aside from those sounds that I try to ignore, all is quiet for a very long time, and then instead of a knock, I hear quiet breathing in the corner of my room.

  “Who is it - who is there?”

  A whisper, “Shh, it is I, Shi'ahn, Lydia. I wished to speak with you in private.”

  “And so you sneak into my room uninvited?”

  “I wished to avoid interruption. Casanova and William have been paying very close attention to your door since they declined their visitors. Yours may be the best-guarded room in this castle! But seriously, Shi'ahn, you and I need to speak, and we cannot do so around the others.” I say nothing, waiting for her to explain. “Shi'ahn, you and I have issues that we must discuss.”

  “Lydia, please understand, I bear you no ill will… I never have. Well… for a short time maybe… but not after the pain of your attack had passed and I came to realize how much I deserved it.”

  I see the first real smile I have ever seen on her face, “You are delightfully honest, Shi'ahn. Know that I no longer bear you ill will either. That is why we must speak. Shi'ahn, when I released you from my revenge, I lied as to why. You see, the last memory I tore from you was of your mother, and… she reminded me of someone I used to know.”

  “She did? How? She wasn’t…”

  “No, Shi'ahn, that would be impossible. Besides, the woman I knew is dead, your mother was just similar to her, like an echo. You don’t have experience with echoes of people yet, do you? It is not at all unusual for people, especially powerful people, to cast echoes of themselves throughout the universe. Those echoes can either be almost exactly like the original, or only superficially similar. In your last memory I saw your mother teaching you a dance that I had seen another woman teach, and it made me stop and think on what I was doing. I realized then how light your touch had been, how you had actually healed my mind as best you could. Much as the woman I had known would have done, she was a great healer. Shi'ahn, I am not your enemy. None of my Household is. Please forgive me for what I did to you.”

  “You are already forgiven, Lydia. I hadn’t understood the magnitude of what I was doing to you; your attack was completely justified. I would ask you to forgive me, if you will.”

  “Done. Shi'ahn, there is something else I must discuss with you – tomorrow’s trial. You must be careful – do not let anyone hear you projecting music; it would lead some to start asking dangerous questions. And Shi'ahn, you will be questioned in the trial, I am certain of it. You must not discuss your mother. I know she was only an echo, but the woman I knew was murdered because of what she was, and I do not know if the killer’s wrath would extend to echoes; it does sometimes. Be careful, and yet you must also be sure to tell only the truth. They will know if you speak any lies.”

  “That will not be a problem, for I know only that my people called her ‘Beautiful Lady’.”

  “Do not offer any information about her that is not asked for, the less is known, the better. And Shi'ahn, do not mention such information to your own people as well; your safety lies in anonymity.” A common theme in my life lately.

  “Will wearing my dragon-scale dress give away too much about me?” She pauses for a moment, thinking.

  “It will raise questions, certainly, but it will also serve as a distraction. I think, considering your rather unique condition – being of Lumina but not strengthened by ‘enlightenment’ as your kind call it, you may be wise to take advantage of its protective properties. I’m surprised that it is so low cut, though, considering that it was intended, I should think, as a way of protecting you physically.”

  “There is a scarf. I did not feel that I needed it tonight.”

  “That is flattering Shi'ahn, but you are far too trusting. It is true that we do not endanger you, but still it is not wise to put complete trust in others. You never know when something completely unexpected might happen. Terrible things often happen when you let your guard down.”

  Listening to her words, I realize she is giving me more advice for coping with this strange new life I’ve found myself thrust into than anyone else has freely offered. “Lydia, there is so much I wish I could do. I wish I could somehow go back and prevent your brother from being killed. I wish I could keep hate from ever blossoming in your heart toward those of Lumina. I wish… I wish none of this had happened.” Her eyes stare intently into mine as I speak, then she smiles.

  “You are different, Shi'ahn. You are, I think, unlike anything the Universe has seen before.” Her smile tells me that is a good thing. She nods to me then and fades away.

  This time when I try to sink into sleep, the night welcomes me.

  Chapter 16

  Trial and Chaos

  Breakfast is an entirely different affair than dinner last night, our hosts are all very quiet, and Lydia looks terribly pale. By contrast, Alma looks positively radiant, but also in contrast to last night, she displays the good sense to keep quiet about it. Nero, unfortunately, does not.

  “I must admit, you people really know how to party! The only thing that could possibly make this trip better is some more sleep.”

  Nothing a well-placed whack on the back of his head wouldn’t solve. He looks around, apparently expecting something other than what he receives – stony silence. I’d love to tell him a bit more than he may want to know about his companion last night, but that would probably only make his behavior worse. Instead, I try to quell his boisterous conduct.

  “Nero, there is a time for losing oneself in revelry, and a time for quiet reflection. Having enjoyed the former, it is now time to respect the latter.” William nods toward me, silently approving of my statement, but the rest of my relatives seem surprised that I would speak out. Nero replies angrily.

  “Who do you think you are to reprimand me? You who, even when harlots roam the hallways, remain the reluctant virgin? Remember your place, upstart.”

  Though his words sting like salt in a wound, I let them affect neither my response nor my music, which I have silenced as Lydia recommended last night. I merely stare into his eyes and as subtly as I can, surround him with harmonies of calmness. I don’t usually use my abilities in such a manner, as it is essentially cheating, but this is a special circumstance. His expression slowly eases from outrage to dislike, and his voice drops to a whisper.


  Breakfast remains quiet after his last word. I suspect, though, that I’ve just made a powerful enemy.

  After everyone is finished eating, we’re given a short time to dress, then we are taken to a room with an arch in the far wall. Dominar Ultor approaches it solemnly and touches an odd, shifty black thing embedded in its side. A scene suddenly appears within the archway, there is an unbelievably long line of creatures,
ranging from demonic to, well, decidedly non-human looking. Then Dominar Ultor begins to… change! He gets larger, harrier, his hands sprout long claws and his clothing fades away to nothing, revealing spines along his back and masses of black and gray fur. He looks kind of like a bear, and yet… he looks back our way - his eyes! They glow an unnatural green, he is certainly not like any bear I have ever heard of. Is that really the same man who greeted us so nicely when we first arrived? He raises a very dangerous looking claw, the same hand that ever so gently turned mine over for his kiss, and beckons us to follow. Then he turns and steps through the portal.

  I had realized the implications last night with the way those footsteps altered between rooms… these people shift form with the ease of, well, of walking – and yet it’s different, knowing what is going on with others and having a personal example. I’m glad I didn’t say anything about it to Nero. My mind comes back to the present; we’re all walking toward the portal, unconsciously falling into the order that has been imposed on us since we began this journey. Our remaining hosts flank us, and they too have transformed into beast-like creatures, Cas Darius alone remains unchanged. He stands to the side of the archway and directs us to approach. He gives me a small, encouraging smile as I step up to the archway, then moves to follow me – apparently he is our rear guard. As soon as we appear in the new place, we are shown to our place in the procession, which, unsurprisingly, is at the very back. We walk for a very long time, giving each of us plenty of time to become lost in our own thoughts. The procession does not follow a straight path, and so we often get a view of massive numbers of… beings. I can’t help but wonder at how many there are in this strange realm.

  Eventually we come up to an impossibly large, improbable looking castle. I guess the laws of physics, like sound, don’t work the same here. I cross the largest doorway I’ve ever seen into a huge amphitheater with an amazing vaulted ceiling. The acoustics are… not at all natural. It feels as though the very walls are… anxious… thirsty for sound… listening somehow, but on a level that I can’t quite grasp. It’s fascinating.


  As we are the last to arrive, we see and are seen by all those who arrived before us as we walk the full length of the hall to reach our seats. We are placed very near the front, though there is some kind of magical or otherwise powered boundary between us and the crown; it makes things not quite as distinct as they should be, on many levels. Magni Dominar Ra Ab Val Al Draconae sits on a raised dais with a few others; he is in the form of a well-built older man. He wears a crown with dragon ornamentation and a strange dark… thing held in the dragon’s grasp. It is disturbing; it seems as though it never stops moving. I sense tremendous, ominous power, tightly controlled by something I do not understand. I could swear the dark thing sings, but I have never heard the like of its song before. It’s difficult to tear my attention away from it, but my curiosity finally overpowers its song. Those closest to the Magni Dominar are also in human form, and from what I can see they are really quite impressive – one especially, a tremendously handsome man. He looks like a god of light, blond curly hair cascades to his shoulders, and his eyes, I can't be sure, but they may be amber? I wish I could see him better. I wonder if he is the Primus Dominar? Even without being able to see fine details, I can tell there is a tremendously noble air to his presence, so unlike the Lumina heir. I suspect I should be grateful for the strange barrier between us… otherwise I don’t know if I would have the strength of will to force my eyes away from him.

  A new group begins forming a large broken semi-circle behind the Magni Dominar. These individuals also seem very powerful, but not noble. One in particular gives me the impression that he is cruelty incarnate, I look away from him as soon as I can. None of the others are that bad, though many seem hostile. A woman also seems quite dangerous, as though she sees all around her as unworthy of her presence. Another reminds me of a hunter, constantly on the lookout for vulnerable prey. One in particular seems far more curious than judgmental, yet there is a strange tonality to his harmonies that seems at odds with his true nature. I don’t understand.

  Lydia and Alma are led to witness stands in front of the Magni Dominar, though Alma is still behind the odd shield that the rest of us ‘Luminarians’ sit behind.

  The Magni Dominar raises his voice; it is deep and sonorous. “This is the three thousand and seventy ninth year of my reign, as time is observed here in the Royal Court. The last High Court was held five hundred and twenty one of those years ago. Here in the Chamber of Revelation we will hear what has transpired. Then we will move to the Chamber of Answering to judge the crime, and finally to the Hall of Justice, where any punishment will be issued. The finding of this court will be absolute and unquestionable.”

  “Cas Lydia ni Uisnach is hereby charged with kidnapping a high lady of Lumina, of harming this same lady, of collusion in the kidnapping and torture of Prince Novanus, and of violating both the spirit and the letter of the treaty between the realms of Chaos and Order. She is finally charged with high treason against this crown and our entire realm.” The hall is filled with everything from mutterings of disbelief to cries for immediate punishment, but a single crack of something hitting the floor - it reminds me of the sound of… a breaking skull - brings the place to complete silence. The Magni Dominar asks, “Lady Alma, do you agree that the charges against Cas Lydia ni Uisnach are true and fair?”

  Her voice rings out boldly, “Yes, I do.”

  “Very well, please step down.”

  She bursts out, “What? I was told I would testify against the bitch!” The Magni Dominar looks down on her disapprovingly.

  “You will indeed give testimony, but not until a less biased account is heard.”

  “Less biased? Who in Hades could give that?” It’s easy to see that the Magni Dominar is learning to dislike Alma.

  “Her Lumina inquisitor, of course. Shi'ahn! Take your place in the witness stand.” What? This can’t be happening… guards approach and gesture for me to accompany them. I look to the Magni Dominar, he must realize this is a mistake, but I see only resolute expectation; I take the place I am led to. “State your full name and title for the record.”

  “I have no titles in Lumina…”

  “State your name and title on your homeworld.”

  “Shi'ahn, leader of the High Council of Shiral.”

  “Very well, Shi'ahn of Shiral; you have been brought before us as likely the least partial witness to this crime.”

  “I knew nothing of Alma’s abduction until I had been rescued from my imprisonment - the two matters were entirely unrelated.” Surely he must understand I don’t belong up here.

  “Were you not her inquisitor during her imprisonment in Lumina?”

  “I… I was brought in to assist, but…”

  “Did you not give final judgment on her ‘testimony’, so to speak?”

  I would almost rather die than admit it, but that isn’t an option. “Yes, I did.”

  He turns toward Lydia. “Cas Lydia, do you feel that Shi'ahn should be trusted to give true and fairly unbiased testimony to the facts of this case of which she is aware?”

  “I do, your Majesty.”

  He returns his gaze to me, “Shi'ahn of Shiral, your questioning will be in two parts. First, since you are a complete unknown, we will attempt to determine who and what you are in your heart. Then we will question you on the specifics of the case. Do you agree to these terms?”

  What can I say… it sounds reasonable. “Yes, I do.”

  His voice becomes harsh. “Shi'ahn of Shiral, you come before us gilt in dragon regalia… are these trophies you stole from dragons you or others have slain?”

  Words burst from me without thought, “Absolutely not! I would never raise my hand against dragons!” I stop myself just short of accusing him of blasphemhy, though my heart screams to lash out at him. I must submerge the Leader of the High Council and remember that I am now in a most foreign land, and I have just sp
oken disrespectfully to their greatest leader. He says nothing at first, but seems to wait for something. I hear… it’s odd; my words echo in the chamber and ring… unquestionably true.

  “Then how did you come by the fire diamonds and dragon-heart scale gown?”

  “Zah-Ha’Gor, my dragon friend, gave me the diamonds years ago. She likes me to wear them when we fly.” I can’t help my mind wandering to our moments flying together; to the joy they bring me. I pull myself back and continue, “The dress she gave me just before this trip – she was concerned for my safety. She said, ‘If they revere dragons at all, they will understand.’” Nothing is said in response at first, I have time to hear the quiet echoes of truth resound throughout the chamber.

  “Very well. Shi'ahn, we would know who your parents are.”

  “So would I! I was only five when Mathair was taken away, I would give anything to find her.”

  “What of your father, who was he?”

  I can’t help but look down, “I never knew him.” I raise my gaze and see disbelief in his eyes; for some reason it makes me angry. “Listen, I don't know who he was and I don't care! He was never there for us – why doesn't anyone understand?”

  The calmness of his reply is like a splash of cool water, “Who took your mother away?”

  “I don’t know… he was just some man… I didn’t pay much attention to him, my heart was drowning in tears.” My soul fills with the desolation I felt then… it’s hard to fight my way back from that memory. When I master myself and look up again, the Magni Dominar is conferring with those around him, then he returns his steely eyes to me.

  “Tell us how you made your way to Lumina.”

  “We didn’t, really. Zah-Ha’Gor had found something that she felt William and I should investigate, so she and Puff took us to it: a strange obelisk. It took us to another, and that one sent us to the Citadel. It seemed an impossible place, like the world set on its side, but almost immediately we were whisked inside, and then… well, that was that.”


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