Between Darkness and Light Trilogy

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Between Darkness and Light Trilogy Page 36

by Brianna Hawthorne

  “I suspected as much. Shi'ahn, I want you to know I am proud of you. You have done much today to improve relations with the older generations. Get some rest, now.”

  “But Cailli, you know I no longer sleep well.”

  “Ah yes. Here, try this.” She holds out an odd object, it's roundish and comprised of a single chord that wraps in and around itself unfathomably.

  “What is it?”

  “Some call it a SeshHaudian loop. Try to encompass its form in your mind, its complete shape… give your mind over to the task, but be sure to set some form of alarm first.”


  She shimmers away, but I'm not yet ready for rest, I want to dance under the stars, and do so, until they disappear! I focus on the nearby ground and see Fauna and the great stag, Cernunnos.

  “Please excuse us, Shi'ahn, but my father has questions for you.”

  I look to Cernunnos, but it is Fauna who speaks.

  “You said that you had been attacked by something from outside our universe – please explain further.”

  I provide roughly the same explanation I gave Varuna.

  “Shi'ahn, please tell us, as best you can, what it sounded like.”

  That question did not come from Fauna, I'm certain of it. I turn to Cernunnos and reply, including the harmony of the beast, even though I am certain he cannot hear it. “It was the most disharmonious, the most terrible thing I have ever heard. It was jagged, and about it was something like… shattering. It does not belong here, its very incursion into our realm is blasphemy. They are…”

  Fauna, turning back from her father, adds, “Abominations. That was you we heard.”

  “Yes, as I understand it, many heard that. That's when Cailli came and took me away.”

  “Where exactly did she take you, Shi'ahn?”

  “At first to the Staircase of Enlightenment, but then we traveled far beyond the singularity. We came to an ethereal forest – a place greater even than your own. There was a special tree there, a silvery oak that sang to me. It reached down and touched my brow… that is the last I remember.”

  Fauna reverently whispers, “The sacred Tree of Life.” She glances at her father, then addresses me once again. “Thank you, Shi'ahn, for your willingness to share this with us. You have our gratitude and our trust. I think, though, that it is time for you to rest. Oh, and one more thing.” She turns away, then turns back holding a large covered platter. “You also need nourishment, it could be dangerous to rely entirely upon your imbuement for sustenance.” As they back away I lift the lid and find an astoundingly wonderful collection of forest foods; I look up to call out my thanks, but they are already gone.

  I wonder, while enjoying my unexpected meal, why does everyone seem so interested in my nourishment? Not that I mind, but it seems odd. And now people want me to rest as well? Can't they see it is almost impossible for me? I suppose it's pointless to be concerned with such things, I settle down to contemplate the strange object Cailli gave me.


  My attention is diverted by a familiar voice speaking words never before addressed to me, “Good morning, sleepyhead!”


  “Hi Sis. What's that you're holding?”

  “Oh, this – it's something Cailli gave me to meditate upon, since I don't sleep properly anymore. She called it a SeshHaudian loop.”

  “It's strange, it changes when you aren't looking at it.”

  “Yes, it has an odd, shifty harmony; it reminds me of Chaos.”

  “That's a weird thing to give an Avatar of Order.”

  “Well, it did the trick, I've obviously been out for hours. So, tell me what's going on in the Citadel?”

  “For one thing, the Emperor is furious that you are out of his reach. I hear Lucian practically disobeyed a direct order to bring you back! I suppose it doesn't really count, though, since he is incapable of taking you from Cailliach. According to Lucian, everyone but me is banished from either your or Cailliach's sight. From both the tower and the Staircase! He said she's really pissed.”

  “You've been talking to that beast?!”

  William shakes his head, “Do you think the Emperor was going to tell me I could come visit you? From what I have heard, I believe he intended to execute you. Lucian, however, went out of his way to speak with me.”

  “Perhaps he means to use you to spy on us.” My anger, I realize, serves no purpose now, I sigh, letting it go. “I'm sorry, go on, what else is happening?”

  “We had another war council this morning – it's getting really bad. The Chaosians have attacked nearly all the outlying worlds – it's as though they intend to lay siege to Lumina. Their resources seem limitless. Novanus remains convinced that they are creating Passages, which is probably how they are getting so many forces nearby. It's really annoying. I have gathered hundreds of battle dragons, but now I have no where to keep them – we are getting shut off from almost everywhere.”

  “Have you asked to bring them here?”

  “Yes, but I was told there wasn't any place to keep them – resources being scarce as they are.”

  “Just a moment.” I concentrate on my image of Fauna, feel her respond.

  'Yes, Shi'ahn?'

  'News from the front, Chaos is attacking all outlying worlds, apparently they intend to lay siege. I was wondering… William has gathered a few hundred battle-dragons, but he is being told there is nowhere to keep them. Would you know of any place they could stay?”

  “Will me through, Shi'ahn.”

  Ah, well, it feels strange, but I do as she asks, I concentrate on her image and will her to pass through. Sparkles form in my mind - It works!

  “Thank you, Shi'ahn. William, we would have space, but we could not feed that many dragons for any length of time.”

  William smiles, “As it happens, they love fish and seaweed!”

  She smiles. “Is there anything else you need to tell me, Shi'ahn?”

  “Novanus believes that the Chaosians are creating passages into our realm. He does not believe they are capable of opening one into Lumina, but… I think now I had best advise Varuna of the current situation.”

  “Yes, that would be wise.” She turns to William, “Take my hand, I will take you to where you can keep your dragons.”

  He accepts her hand, but turns, concerned, back to me, “We need to talk soon, Shi'ahn.”

  I smile playfully, “I thought we just did.” They sink swiftly into the ground! I listen to the forest floor and hear brief movement, then a disturbance far away. What an interesting way to travel!

  Again I concentrate, 'Varuna?'

  My mind fills with golden light, 'Shi'ahn?'

  'Yes. I thought you should know Chaos appears to be laying siege to Lumina – they are attacking nearly all the outlying worlds; and the creation of Passages seems almost certain.'

  'It should not be possible for them to create a Passage into Lumina, but I will watch for disturbances.'

  'Much about this war does not seem possible.'

  'Indeed. Thank you, Shi'ahn.'

  I feel his presence begin to fade away, I quickly add, 'Oh, and if you notice some dragons fishing in your waters – they will be my brother's reinforcements.' Do I sense a smile? A thought whispers in my mind,

  'Magnificent creatures, dragons.'

  Even though I wasn't really using my eyes during our conversation, still they need to adjust to the 'normal' light levels around me; my stomach seems fully functional before my eyes are. Food, I need food again.

  “And food you shall have!” Cailli appears with a heavily laden platter and I set to without delay. “Communicating with beings of tremendous power can do that to a person. Unless, of course, the being knows how to mask the effect, and cares to do so.” Her smile is playful; I keep eating. The moment I finish the last morsel, the platter disappears. “Good! Now, I think my study would be the proper place to continue your education.” I find myself sitting in an exceedingly comfortable chair. Cailli walks
to a crowded shelf and lifts down…

  “A crystal ball?”

  She arches an eyebrow, “I happen to be exceedingly good with crystals, and this is a very special specimen. Look into it and think of a place you wish to see. A place nearby, to start.”

  I think of Caverna Cernunnos, such a beautiful place. Mists swirl within the ball, and then I see it!

  “Good – very good. Now explore the place, look for… food.”

  Food? Well, OK, I think of food. The image changes, as though I am walking through the place. Not far at all from where I spent the night is a clearing that somewhat resembles the island Cailli held me on, it teems with berries, seed baring flowers and edible greens. Within the surrounding tree line are plentiful nuts and mushrooms… forest foods.

  “Good, now look farther away, try to find Varuna.”

  I send my mind to the sea, searching for the golden god. I see him seeming to hold council with all kinds of exotic creatures. He looks up questioningly and Cailli waves her hand over the ball.

  “That's enough for there, now try to look out toward the nearby outer worlds.”

  I don't have the slightest idea how to do that.

  “Do you remember how you would seek with Llywelyn's ring? It is much the same with this; send your mind out through the crystal, looking for populated worlds.”

  Again the ball clouds, then I see visions. Fire, blood; screams in both light and darkness.

  “Enough! That wasn't a good example, but you see what is happening out there now. We must stop it, and your learning to use this tool is one step in that direction. Now I need you to stop relying on sight. Look away from the crystal, but touch it with your mind as you think of a place you wish to see. Someplace close again.”

  William, I wish to see William. My mind floods with a vision of him herding dragons into a large clearing within the great forest. Fauna stands next to him, smiling warmly.

  “Very good! Now let go, it is time for lunch.”

  Lunch? Where did the time go? My stomach growls, though, she must be right.

  “Ah, Lucian's food server, ready as it ever is to satisfy your needs.”

  “Lucian's food server? No, I'd rather starve!”

  “Don't be foolish, child. Lucian recognized your needs almost immediately – and he was right. You need extremely nutritious food on a very regular basis.”

  “He started haunting me with that server before I developed this new need.”

  “Which should serve to prove to you that he has cared about your well-being since before you became an Avatar – making his concern more…”

  “Unnecessary and down right irritating.”

  “I was thinking more along the line of true – one could almost say heartfelt. And since your needs have increased, he has modified the server to provide you the most nutritious foods he has access to. Quite the statement, really, considering our current situation.”

  “But he is a beast, evil incarnate!”

  “He is the tool of a misguided master.”

  “I don't care – I can't forgive him Celeste's murder!”

  “All right, leave it be for now. But do eat, please, your body needs it.”

  “Why? Why is everyone so interested in my rest and nutrition?”

  She sighs, “Because, child, the energies that suffuse you do not come without a price. If you fail to nourish yourself and rest sufficiently, your body will become wholly dependent upon those energies, and you will lose yourself to the Avatar. Do you want to forget William, and Shiral, and everything else that your heart holds dear? If you do not properly sustain yourself, that is what will happen. Lucian recognized that almost immediately, and acted to keep you from being lost.”

  “Why would he do that – he is a monster!”

  “His father has become the monster. At this time Lucian cares more for your welfare than any other descendant of the Emperor.”

  “I'm sorry, I just can't accept that.”

  “Then at least accept his server – he did an exceptional job judging your needs. Only I might do better, but I will likely be very busy in the future, too distracted to provide for your needs.”

  “Oh… very well.” I walk up, touch it and it opens, revealing a marvelous meal.

  After lunch we return to the crystal ball, but Cailli takes it up in her hand and it shrinks!

  “What are you doing?”

  “Making it practical.” She walks over to another shelf and picks up something small, places the now tiny crystal ball against it and there is a brilliant flash. “There! Now you can easily keep it with you.” She hands me a beautiful filigree band with the crystal mounted on it, without thought I place it where I had once worn Llywelyn's ring, on my right index finger.

  We work with it until she has me eat dinner, and then she sends me back to my private sanctuary. Rest seems far more important to me now that she has explained my situation better. I settle down early and meditate on the strange SeshHaudian loop.

  Chapter 26


  I awake hungry, and find myself again transported to Cailli's study; Lucian's damnable server provides another perfect meal. As we speak, I hear something really, really strange. We look up at each other, our eyes unfocused as we train our attention to listening. Strange beings, shifty things pour out onto the bottom of our sea not far from the city. Cailli doesn't look as surprised as I would expect.

  “That was the SeshHaud's work – he has created a passage into Lumina.”

  “The SeshHaud?”

  “Later, child. I recommend you alert Varuna.”

  I concentrate on his image.

  'Varuna!' I feel his mind focus on me and do not pause for his response. 'The Chaosians have created a passage into Lumina, it is underwater not far from the city!'

  He does not respond in words, but I feel certain he is already on his way to help. I'm surrounded with light, and find myself in the war council room, Cailli thankfully at my side.

  I do not wait to be addressed, this is too important. “The Chaosians have created a passage into the ocean not far from the city!”

  The Emperor looks livid, “And how exactly do you know that?”

  “I heard it – we both did!”

  Cailli calmly adds, “She speaks the truth – I suggest you prepare for battle.”

  I add, “I have notified Varuna, he is on his way to the breach.”

  “You what? You do not have the authority!”

  Cailli responds, “Don't be ridiculous, Augustus.” The Emperor isn't looking at us, though, he lifts away part of the arm of his chair, revealing controls I hadn't noticed before. A holographic display lights up, scanning the seashore. Creatures from nightmare come stalking out of the water.

  “Damn! Vespasian, initialize the lasers, destroy them!” We see creatures emerge behind the front line, carrying a large object. They place it down and press something.

  I scream as my mind is bombarded with discordant harmonies as well as the harmonies of magnetism and Chaos; the room goes dark.

  Someone casts a light spell, but I can't see properly. When sound resolves, I pick up on an argument.

  “The EMP shielding was working perfectly – I checked it just yesterday!”

  I almost stammer, “That wasn't just EMP, it was far, far more. It was created by a Harmony wielder.”

  Cailli doesn't sound particularly distressed, “Well, I seriously doubt you'll manage to fix this soon, it looks like you're going to have to fall back on the old ways!”

  Llywelyn gets up to leave, “I have troops that will be appropriate for this kind of battle, I need to retrieve them.”

  The Emperor appears nearly stunned. “Vespasian, gather the citadel guard and arm them with whatever weapons are operational. Everyone else – ready yourselves for the greatest battle Lumina has ever seen.”

  William almost jumps up and heads out the door, no doubt to his dragons.

  Cailli states to any interested in listening, “I have transport
ed the populace to the city within, they will be safe there.” It is as if no one hears her, or no one cares. Everyone else leaves.

  Alone or not, I speak to her quietly, “If you can do such a thing, can't you do something about the rest of this?”

  To my shock she laughs, “And ruin the fun?”

  “Cailli, people will die! Couldn't you have done something to counter that… whatever it was?”

  “Possibly, but one way or another, once they made it through, this is where the war will be decided. A war waged with swords and sorcery will cause far less damage than one of lasers and cannon. We can't afford that kind of war now. Not here. But it isn't as bad as you think – the tower is fine – my shielding is far superior to Augustus'. And in case you haven't noticed, your crystals still work, as do several other carefully placed items, we are not helpless.”

  “They are superior sorcerers, won't that be problematical?”

  “Not here. This place is the polar opposite of what they are accustomed to, only the most powerful will be capable of casting spells, and those won't be particularly successful.”

  “What if they bring in high tech weapons of their own?”

  “Then I will ensure they don't work. I have already assured that firearms will not function now. This is my realm, remember; what I say works or does not, as I see fit.”

  “You wanted them to do something like this!”

  “Sometimes bad things have to be allowed to happen, for the greater good. Think of it as a learning experience for all involved. Besides, would you want our primary line of defense to be in the hands of Vespasian?” She pauses as we share similar looks of distaste. “Come, it is time for you to join the Emperor.” We shimmer and appear on the observation balcony; he actually takes a step back.

  “What are you doing here? I understood that you didn't wish to see any of us.”

  Cailli shakes her head. “The time for recriminations is over, Augustus. War is literally at our doorstep, and it is time for Shi'ahn to take her place at the Emperor's side.”

  “I do not wish her to be at my side.”

  “You don't have a choice; Lumina needs her.”

  The Emperor's eyes narrow, then take on a resigned look. “Very well.” His eyes flash angrily as he turns my way, “Keep your distance from me. Stand over there where you can be seen by the people, and keep quiet. And above all else, DO NOT tamper with Croi'Solas!”


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